The Church Historian's Press

November 1905

12 November 1905 • Thursday

2.00 Mary Johnson Goshen

Belle’s birthday gave her Life of Joseph Smith2 {p. 48}

5 November 1905 • Sunday

At the Temple today Pres. Jos. F. Smith made a most telling address, in which he gave his views on the subject of charity. Every one present must have felt its power {p. 147}

3Wonderful manifestation of power of God by Jos. F. Smith in the Temple to day upon Charity {p. 49}

426 November 1905 • Sunday

<Mary L. [Lois Walker] Morris> stayed all day at Belle’s and rested and collected notes for Sketch of Bishop N. [Newel] K. Whitney Emma Ramsey Morris choir sung Count your many blessings– John McDonald Nett [S. Annette] Wells Culmer Birthday 1857 one whose father was born in Vermont one younger woman Hugh J. Cannon Bathsheba W. Smith {p. 50}

Ruth M. Fox strong

5E. [Edwin] D. Harrison Geo. M. Cannon spoke of Aunt Zina

30 November 1905 • Thursday

Had Thanksgiving dinner with Annie and children {p. 149}

6Thanksgiving with Annie & children {p. 51}

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November 1905, The Diaries of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed July 27, 2024