March 1903

1 March 1903 • Sunday

<Many tokens of love and esteem gifts of flowers and other presents–> This morning rose early and went off to the Temple– sat in my usual place Sister Horne in hers and Sister Woodruff and Sister Smith in front– Prest. Jos. F. Smith was present and Pres. J. R. Winder and Rudger Clawson– also Prest. A. M. Cannon and Adolph Madsen. the sisters who spoke were M. I. Horne Mary T. [Taylor] Smith, M. [Maria Banks] Francis, Ann M. Cannon, E. [Elizabeth Downes] Langton, Emily W. Grant, Zina [Lyon] Wilson, Mrs. [Emile Damke] Maeser, Br. Nuttall Br. Olsen, Br. Nelson singing We thank thee O, God for a prophet– [“]God moves in a mysterious way,” Br. Winder made some remarks and Prest. Smith closed– Bishop Sheets dismissed the meeting. Called on the Governor then at Hannah’s saw Junius [F. Wells], went to 18th. Ward meeting called at Rulon [S. Wells]’s then went to Sister Farnsworth’s and had dinner– meeting of Committee to get suitable memento emblem for Claire Clawson Benedicte day awfully cold– Belle caught severe cold. {p. 81}

2 March 1903 • Monday

The Reapers Club met here– we are all exercised over the death of Claire Clawson, had a good meeting at my rooms. Sister Thomas brought me a flannel jacket and lilies of the valley she is a dear good friend I wish I could do for my friends what I wish to[.] never have been able to– hope I may some time I dearly love Sister Thomas {p. 82}

6 March 1903 • Friday

Meeting at half past three I was not feeling well and could not scarcely bear the strain upon my nerves and head. We had the Lectures read and voted upon and the meeting was quite harmonious for a wonder {p. 86}

7 March 1903 • Saturday

Sister Rachel R. [Ivins] Grants birthday and she has invited 22 of her old frinds Ida Dusenberry has been here this morning and some sisters from Farmington and there was a kindergarten meeting and then Sister Susan Grant came from Bountiful and these sisters talked matters over and finally Sister Grant and myself went on over there, had a very pleasant time a fine dinner prepard by the Grant girls and a good visit with each other Sister Louie [Louisa King] Spencer was there whom we had not seen for some time {p. 87}

8 March 1903 • Sunday

This is Mr. Sears birthday and I brought him some carnations and I am sure he enjoyed them because he dearly loves flowers, but he always thinks of the expense I went to the Tabernacle and felt sorry Belle was not there to hear the sermon. Mr. Sears is 59 years old to day. Belle was going to give him a footstool but could not get up town to see about it. {p. 88}

19 March 1903 • Thursday

This morning I tried very hard to get on with my mailing and not do so many other things but I had to finish my report and then Sister B. W. Smith came whom I had sent for and also Clarissa S. Williams and we talked things over and read my letters just rec'd and so on. I read them the report of the year for the Council. Sister Smith approved it as a whole Ruth M. Fox came and we went to the President's office and were set apart for the Journey1 Jos. F. blest me. Br. Winder Clarissa, Br. Lund Ruth– Sister Smith was present– then Margaret A. Caine went up for our tickets and we separated to meet on the Morrow

Annie W. Cannon went up with us when we were blest, we also had certificates given to us to preach the Gospel {p. 90}

20 March 1903 • Friday

Sat up late until 3. A.M. rose at 7.30 had breakfast and went to see Belle then to the office and had important letter from Buffalo [New York] sent it off to Mell immediately. Left on the midday flyer for Chicago expecting to go to New Orleans, Sisters Williams and Fox with me Louise came down to the train. Br. [William N.] Williams and Br. [Jesse W.] Fox were delayed three hours in Ogden. We had on board Philo T. Farnsworth going to Denver we had a comfortable day not very bright. I have many nisgivings in leaving home I am very anxious to do things I know I can do so much better than to leave them to others to do. Have no reading matter that suits me {p. 91}

21 March 1903 • Saturday

Sent telegram to Asahel H. Woodruff Chicago and to Emmie S. [Emma Sears] Roberts in Evanston [Illinois]. Had breakfast with Clarissa in dining car talked with her through the day, passed many familiar places on the way crossed the Missouri river and made an impression upon me particularly at the Platte [River]. Sister Fox told us of her early life & remarkable adventures. left an orphan walked across the plains when a little girl and suffered many inconveniences and hardships– we sat up late {p. 92}

22 March 1903 • Sunday

We were still on the tra[i]n‒ crossed the Mississippi at Clinton [Iowa] Fulton [Illinois] on the other side Arrived in Chicago about 6 p.m. drove to the Victoria Hotel on Michigan Avenue and found a letter from Jack [John G.] Roberts felt awfully disappointed‒ we had a fine supper while at table Br. [Frederick] Abbott came and we went with him to the L.D.S. hall or meeting house. We saw R.S.2 Pres. Mrs. Danizon and met many of the brothers and sisters feel we did some good we all went to our room & Clarissa wrote one letter and I wrote five and slept alone went to bed between one and two had no bad dreams. {p. 93}

23 March 1903 • Monday

Rose early had breakfast over before 8 A.M. Br. Chamberlain came and went in our carriage to the Station. We presented the letter and were given permits to purchase Tickets and we got those and berths‒ and went on the train, he went with us into the car Cardigan bound for New Orleans had lunch on car with Clarissa, and spent a pleasant afternoon met Miss Bessie Shay of Chicago an interesting young woman going to New Orleans for her health; liked her her very much musical had graduated from Columbia conservatory of music. She was glad to be with us and have our company {p. 94}

24 March 1903 • Tuesday

had breakfast at Durant Miss. Park Hotel pretty scenery nice hot breakfast. The foliage begins to be very beautiful and interesting typical of the South; colored people3 and all. arrived in New Orleans late in the afternoon ten hours late took Room 209 {p. 95}

25 March 1903 • Wednesday

Have been in meetings in Mrs. [May Wright] Sewall’s room nearly all day, talked with Mrs. [Ellen M.] Richardson all afternoon‒ in her room. In the evening in Palm garden the ladies of the Local Council of New Orleans called and we went with them into the private parlor and talked over the colored question which had greatly agitated the public mind and they declared they would be ostracised from society if they were in any way mingled with the Council Women– therefore it only remained for the Council to do without the Southern hospitalities and be entirely independent.4 It was decided by most of the women however that they would have the public meeting <and reception in the Palm Garden> Mrs. Richardson left tonight for Los Angeles Cal. Westminster Hotel {p. 96}

26 March 1903 • Thursday

Council began at 9 A.M.

Reception in the evening in Palm garden {p. 97}

27 March 1903 • Friday

Meetings again

Public meeting in the evening at Tulane Hall {p. 98}

28 March 1903 • Saturday

Meeting forenoon and afternoon and finished what we could– admitted the Society Grand Army of the Republic– Council adjourned very informally and some financial matters were left to the officers to decide.

In the evening Mrs. Burns Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Quinlan Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Fox and myself all went to the theatre to see a play put on the Stage in the Tulane theatre. Theatre in the evening {p. 99}

29 March 1903 • Sunday

Morning talked with Miss White of Washington, Mrs. Bevins, Mrs. [Mary Wood] Swift. Went out with Ruth & Clarissa to the excursion on Trolly car saw shipping and many interesting things, the river and sort of bay– trees and flowers monkeys, conservatories, guide very attentive, and made some inquiries went back had dinner looked up our things bade some good bye {p. 100}

30 March 1903 • Monday

This morning found ourselves nearing Memphis [Tennessee] tho’ there was really no city to be seen only lumber & water {p. 101}

31 March 1903 • Tuesday

<Em. gave me flowers, sent her mother pine apple & meat axe> Arrived at the Victoria at midnight had the same room 134. very comfortable and went down late to breakfast then I left in a cab for Evanston to see Emily & Eugene [S. Sears] & Margaret [Roberts]– had some changes to make rather unpleasant but at last reached there found Em. had pleasant rooms on first floor and well Mrs. [Nancy Gillette] Roberts & Elizabeth were there visiting from Indianapolis, had lunch then went out with Em. to market and to other places. Eugene came about six and Jack [Roberts] a little after we had dinner Gene played on the banjo & sung and Margaret danced, had a few minutes together then came on with C. & N. W.5 Train and elevated R.R.6 wrote two letters bade them good bye Jack started for Minneapolis {p. 102}

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March 1903, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 13, 2025


  1. [1]Three women from Utah—EBW, Clarissa S. Williams, and Ruth May Fox—attended meetings of the National Council of Women on 26–28 March in New Orleans, Louisiana. (“Call for Executive Session,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Mar. 1903, 31:80.)

  2. [2]Relief Society.

  3. [3]The use of the term colored when referring to African Americans was considered standard neutral language for EBW’s time. (For additional information on usage in her era, see Historical Context.)

  4. [4]The leader of the National Council of Women (NCW), May Wright Sewall, reported that the NCW remained firm about accepting all women delegates, even when it meant offending white women in New Orleans, the host city. The council seated delegates from the National League of Colored Women because the NCW “permit[ted] no adverse discrimination, based on race.” (Sewall, ed., International Council of Women from 1899 to 1904, 37.) For additional information on beliefs and practices of EBW’s time, see Historical Context.

  5. [5]Chicago and North Western.

  6. [6]Railroad.