May 1897

23 May 1897 • Sunday

Today has been very full, I slept rather late and dressed to go to the Tabernacle– we had arranged yesterday that we would go to meeting with Mrs. Clinton Smith [Eva Munson Smith] and the Madame and also Ruby Lamonte or Mrs. M. M. [Maria Miller] Johnson. I called at the Walker House for Mrs. Smith then went on to Dr. Pratt’s and found Madame [Eugenie Bloch] Cleophas–1 left them and went up to Mrs. [Julia Murdock] Farnsworth’s for Mrs. Johnson– we all went together to the Tabernacle. Prof. Doane [Willard Done] was the first speaker then Nephi [L.] Morris both excellent sermons. We all went to dine at a restaurant and then Mrs. Smith and Madame Cleophas came home with me. We had a most enjoyable visit together, went over to Belle’s a little while, and afterwards I went up to Annie’s to see her and the children. My visitors did not meet my sister I have no idea where she was gone. [p. 175] {p. 66}

24 May 1897 • Monday

Today was the Reaper’s Club and Sister Rachel [Ivins] Grant was to give a sketch of Br. J. [Jedediah] M. Grant’s life and Sister Susan Grant came down from Bountiful to help her with it. We had a tolerably fair attendance and Sister Grant succeeded very well and all were interested– We had a fine paper from Mrs. Clara [Horne] James. and at the close Madame Cleophas came in and was introduced to the Ladies of the Club.

It is a sad anniversary to me but I must not dwell upon it it is just ten years today since we laid our darling Louie [Louisa Wells Cannon] in the cold grave– and my heart was wrung almost beyond the power of endurance– but I must not recall those terrible scenes or I could not be useful in life. I must leave all with Him, who knows the secrets of all hearts and is our only help and refuge in time of need [p. 176] {p. 67}

25 May 1897 • Tuesday

I have been trying to do some of my work today in order to be ready for tomorrow– Madame Cleophas went with me here and there we went to the Presidents office, had some conversation with Joseph F. Smith– he gave me permission to get her some Church books at the Des. News Office I went with her in Savage’s Art Gallery and she bought me a transparency a ship in full sail. It was a very pretty thing. It was very lovely of her. I am so used to doing kindnesses for strangers who never think of making any return that it quite surprised me. I came home fairly early and scribbled down my address of Welcome for I felt perhaps as we were to have strangers it might be the best way. I hope I shall be able to do well as much depends upon me, and I have no one to sympathize with me in these things among my many friends. [p. 177] {p. 68}

26 May 1897 • Wednesday

This morning was the opening of the Federation2 in the Congregational Church Corner 1st. South and 4th. East Sts. The Church was handsomely decorated and the President Mrs. M. B. [Martha Burgess] Jennings looked very attractive. Mrs. [Ellen Martin] Henrotin came early and we had a good opportunity to speak to her before the meeting begun. After prayer and minutes of last annual and some preliminaries I made the Address of Welcome responded to by the Vice President Mrs. Graham of Ogden. Then came Mrs. Jennings address which was very taking and so on. I was invited to lunch at Mrs. [Rebecca Mantle] Little’s with Mrs. P. J. [Priscilla Jennings] Riter, Mrs. M. C. [Margaret Curtis] Roberts, Mrs. R. B. Pratt, Mrs. Hattie [Harriet Bennion] Harker Mrs. A. K. [Annie Kay] Hardy and one other lady. The afternoon was speeches & reports and the evening speeches Mrs. Henrotin Mrs. [Ada Jordan] Thatcher, Mrs. [Margaret Morris] Gale Mrs. Platt [Sarah Chase Platt-Decker] the California Colorado women. [p. 178] {p. 69}

27 May 1897 • Thursday

The morning session was occupied with business and was mostly by the revision of Constitution and By-Laws, and Reports of Committees and Unfinished Business. The afternoon was given for Reports of Clubs and speeches. A Plea for Poetry was the best thing given according to my idea it was by Mrs. [Mary Munsell] Ritchie of the Ladies Literary– altogether the Convention has been a most pronounced success. In the evening a reception was given by the Clubs at the residence of Mrs. [Sarah Stem] Nelden– it was a long way out and it took some time to go on the cars. The affair however was a very successful one and all seemed satisfied I had a long lonely walk home as there was no cars for some distance nearly to Main Street– Came home very much exhausted. [p. 179] {p. 70}

28 May 1897 • Friday

<Mrs. Clinton Smith left this A.M.> Today Mrs. Henrotin and party go to the Tabernacle to hear the great organ and also to the Lake in the afternoon– I was too busy to attend with them to either place. I felt my work needed me very much indeed and therefore I tried to persevere with it and Lucile was helping me all the time she could be spared. Lucile had to go to the dentist with her mother and little Eugene today– Mrs. [Teresa Clawson] Wells, the Govenor’s wife is very seriously ill– she suffers very much The Hall of Relics to be erected on the Council House Corner has begun to show itself. It is to be a Grecian pattern and will contain all relics of the pioneers and pioneertimes that can be collected. It seems too bad to put so much money into a building to be pulled down so soon.3 [p. 180] {p. 71}

29 May 1897 • Saturday

This morning the sad news came that H. [Heber] J. Grant had been taken seriously ill and had developed appendicitis and must be taken to the Hospital to be operated upon, which was done later and proved a very critical case. This afternoon I attended the meeting in the 14th. Ward and spoke nearly half an hour, urged the sisters to sustain home products, the Exponent the Woman’s Store.4 The Press Club met at my office this evening and as had been arranged the discussion <of war> between Greece and Turkey Mrs. Dickinson opened, Mrs. [Lydia Dunford] Alder followed after Mrs. [Ruth May] Fox had defended Turkey though her heart was not in it. The meeting was a very successful one. Came home at half-past eleven or twelve and found my sister had left during my absence– without making known where or how. [p. 181] {p. 72}

30 May 1897 • Sunday

I feel it a duty to go to meeting on the Sabbath day, but this time I am so over worked and so over wrought I cannot. I am in the midst of composing two poems, both on the same subject but in different style of verse. I am weary too very and my sister having left the house in a very mysterious way has upset me more than I like to admit even to myself. However as I do not feel equal to entertaining any one I must submit as well as I can– I have written all day almost incessantly & at evening I went to the office with Elise to do some work there– and came home late & tried even then to do something more. I know very few if any appreciate what mental strain I am under all the time. My poems have been a year’s work alone without anything else and yet I am doing many others things. [p. 182] {p. 73}

31 May 1897 • Monday

Decoration Day and exercises–

I have worked very hard all day at the poem I am preparing. The day has been very sweet & I could have enjoyed it most thoroughly if I had not been anxious to complete this poem which will at least be a satisfaction to me if nothing more. I was over at Belle’s to dinner Belle & Dot went up to the graveyard this morning and took a great basket of roses and other flowers, they had a number of callers, I had not one– and was very glad because I must necessarily write or give the idea up. The house was quiet and I could do as I liked walking up and down which always helps one’s thoughts I think At evening I went to Annies & showed her some of my work also to John Q. and then came home to finish off sat up just as long as I could hold out and then tried to compose myself [p. 183] {p. 74}

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May 1897, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed January 26, 2025


  1. [1]Eugenie Bloch Cleophas, originally of Paris, France, lived with her husband on a ranch near Big Piney, Wyoming, where she served as the vice president of the Women’s National Press Association for the state of Wyoming. (Sommers, “A Remarkable Woman,”

  2. [2]Utah Federation of Women’s Clubs.

  3. [3]In celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the arrival of the Latter-day Saint pioneers in the Salt Lake Valley, a temporary museum was erected in downtown Salt Lake City to house relics of the early colony. Many of the objects displayed were preserved afterward by the Daughters of Utah Pioneers. (“Pioneer Jubilee Hall of Relics,” International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers; “A Pioneer Hall of Relics,” Deseret Evening News, 15 May 1897, 1.)

  4. [4]The Woman’s Cooperative Mercantile & Manufacturing Institution was organized in Salt Lake City in December 1890. For a summary of its history, see EBW, Diary, 19 December 1890.