October 1896

3 October 1896 • Saturday

Relief Society meeting in the Assmbly hall {p. 254}

14 October 1896 • Wednesday

[EBW has attached to this page a newspaper clipping regarding the conflict between Dervishes and British at Dongola on the Nile, in present-day Sudan.] {p. 256}

15 October 1896 • Thursday

[EBW has attached to this page a newspaper clipping regarding “bimetallism,” or the use of silver in coinage.] {p. 257}

31 October 1896 • Saturday

This morning was very cold met Mr. Livingston from Boston– Mrs. Dickinson & myself called at Epraim Enterprise and sent telegram to John Q. Mrs. [Ellen Rolfson] Dorius sent out notice of meeting of R.S. we called at Apostle Lund’s and at Sophia D. Johnson’s then went to the meeting where I spoke to the sisters for more than an hour and half, then went to Ladies’ Republican <club> meeting and spoke forty minutes average good attendance at both places and very good attention. Went on to Manti by train met Vermell Rapp; we had the meeting in hand, there were no other speakers. Mr. Rapp is a brilliant fellow, slept at the Bench House, did not rest well, found things very comfortable however and met Mr. [Mack F.] Murray editor of the Manti Messenger– {p. 258}

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October 1896, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 3, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1896/1896-10