April 1896

1 April 1896 • Wednesday

This has been an extremely busy day and I feel very much exercised about my work for the Conference. I have my report to get ready and look over my minutes of business and regular meetings and to get on with my paper as well, then I have also Club meetings and so on and helping others, with their work. I am reading the 6th number of the Century containing Mrs. Humphrey Ward’s story of Sir Geo[r]ge Tressady. it is very well written and strikes me favorably. I have no letters that are helpful today. It is Frank [Franklin D.] Kimball’s and Lutie Fuller [Davies]’s birthday– I am not very well and I am very low-spirited indeed. My heart is heavy for my loved ones, who are not walking in the light– My prayers are continuous in their be half and yet I must not by word or look betray what I feel so deeply {p. 128}

2 April 1896 • Thursday

I remember this was the birthday of little Isadore [Pallas Clark] my Sister Pallas’s little girl her first born who died on her birthday at five years old. 1|It is Fast day and I wanted very much to go but had to read my revise so I could get my paper out before Conference– I have had many callers this afternoon– Some sisters have come into the Relief Society Conference early. I wish I did not dread the meetings tomorrow as I do. Aunt Zina has been to see me and we have talked about a great many things that ought to be done, but I do not think can be accomplished Sister [Jane Snyder] Richards read me the sketch that had been written for her. I sent off the package of sketches today to New York City twenty six with photographs.2 I do hope they will be satisfactory– {p. 129}

3 April 1896 • Friday

<Lorenzo Snow 82 years old today> This is the morning of the Relief Society Conference I was in good time, there were not so very many present– it was rather disappointing but we had a good spirit– Sister [Mary Ann Price] Hyde of Sanpete told me suddenly of the death of Sister Minerva W. [White] Snow and it almost overcame me– Sister Hyde spoke eloquently in the gift of tongues towards the close of the morning session. In the afternoon we had a well-filled house– it is Margaret’s birthday and she has a party of children about forty. I went down for an hour or two took her a silver spoon engraved her name & date– came back to the evening meeting we had a 4 o’clock meeting of officers as well. Brothers F. [Franklin] D. Richards, H. [Heber] J. Grant and C. [Charles] W. Penrose spoke in the evening came home just worn out {p. 130}

4 April 1896 • Saturday

This morning Conference opened and I was late coming up Aunt Zina and Sister [Jane Snyder] Richards had been in to see me– I went to the Assembly Hall at noon to a meeting of Presidents of the Relief Society It was very tiresome indeed and I could scarcely get through it. The weather is pretty fair today President Woodruff spoke this morning and also Geo. Q. Cannon and Joseph F. Smith– there seems to be a kind of feeling of depression Br. [B. H.] Roberts has humbled himself and is in favor again but Moses Thatcher is still in disfavor and has made no reparation.3 Big Concert in the Tabernacle tonight, also plays at the several theatres. The Conference is very well attended for the first day. Legislature not yet adjourned– {p. 131}

5 April 1896 • Sunday

wea. sunshine but cool

This morning I was very low spirited but forced myself to get up and do what seemed necessary– went to Sister [Sarah Granger] Kimball’s and talked with her– had the report signed by her and then ordered flowers, roses calla-lilies and carnations for Mrs. Snow– tied with white ribbon, car[d] attached simply Relief Society April 5, 1896 written on it– also ordered conveyance for six ladies for the procession, my heart was sad– found everything ready– Sister Jane S. Richards, W. Isabella Horne & some other dear friends sat together. Sister Snow was in a handsome white casket– and exquisitely dressed. I sincerely mourned for her she was such a dear friend and so true so faithful and confiding– my heart goes out in sympathy to her daughter Susie [Susan Snow Young] {p. 132}

6 April 1896 • Monday

wea. dismal day wind dust and sprinkle

I went to meeting in the morning Heber Grant was reading the reports– I feel proud of the Relief Society report and of the Young Ladies. After he finished President Woodruff spoke then Br. Cannon. The fact that Moses Thatcher is to be left out of the Quorum is causing much excitement. I went to dinner at Annie Hyde’s Sister Horne also went Br. M. [Marriner] W. Merrill was there, we talked on various matters. Sister [Jane Ballantyne] Taylor widow of President John Taylor and mother of Sister [Annie Taylor] Hyde also her brother Richard Ballantyne of Ogden and the Hyde family. Went back to Conference– heard the Manifesto read by Heber J. Grant– who has an excellent voice, voted upon and carried unanimously. Attended a meeting of the Rep. Committee in the new office was not very well satisfied. {p. 133}

7 April 1896 • Tuesday

wea. fine but not warm rather cold

This morning I prepared copy and got ready for the meeting of the Board of Directors. We had quite a full meeting and the subject of office rent came up also some compensation for the Secretary and it was finally decided that five dollars per month be paid on the rent of the office– and that the Secretary apportion it to the Stakes nearest the City; and so it was settled. A very tiresome day for me in fact it seemed almost too much with the excitement of the morning in the State Convention and the expectation that the afternoon would be very exciting and knowing women were present and so on. Mrs. Bradley Mrs. Hiller, Mrs. Stewart Mrs. Boyer and others called & stated that no woman’s name came up at all for nomination to St. Louis– {p. 134}

8 April 1896 • Wednesday

wea. windy and dreary & rainy

This is one of my saddest anniversaries4 and I am really pained that I cannot go up to the cemetery– but I dare not with my other obligations. I have a heavy heart and my thoughts are all of the past. Would I could dream of my loved ones and realize something of their wishes. The Governor has signed the silk bill and appointed the Commissioners all women. Mrs. Stewart is to speak tonight at the Suffrage meeting in the 14th. Ward– I have had so many people here today and feel so nervous that I scarcely know how to keep up. On memorable days like this I would like quiet. I was early Miss Eliott [Sarah J. Elliott] too was in time, but some were very late indeed, yet we had a good meeting, Miss Eliott spoke very interestingly and altogether it was a good meeting. {p. 135}

9 April 1896 • Thursday

wea. dusty and cold and threatening

Today I have heard that Mrs. Salisbury is at home and I am very glad the Lord has spared her life and that we can enjoy her society again– We are getting ready for the silk meeting the notices are sent out urging the ladies to come. Sister Daniels of Provo has been in to see me twice or three times to talk of her Mother [Polly Kelsey Johnson]’s death and what to write of it for the articles Mrs. M. A. [Mary Ann Stearns] Winters is getting ready to print. I went to Mrs. [Syntitha] Dickinson’s Kensington tea, and had quite a nice time for a couple of hours. I was much attracted to Mrs. Lakin and Miss Truax, an actress; then went up to Mrs. Salisbury’s found her on the sofa but she went out with us to dinner in the dining room I felt sad to see her so changed {p. 136}

10 April 1896 • Friday

wea. dismal and dusty

Today we held the Silk meeting though there were not enough members of the Association to have a quorum and even Mrs. Bennett and Mrs. Amelia F. Young did not put in an appearance but as Sister [Ann Cannon] Woodbury5 and Sister [Adelaide Schofield] Cazier were to go home that evening, the ladies appointed as Commissioners by the Governor, organized so as to be able to conduct the business– Zina D. H. Young was elected Chairman & Mrs. Bennett Vice Chairman and Mrs. M. A. [Margaret A. Mitchell] Caine Secretary and Treasurer. Some definite arrangements were made as to methods and the reporter from the Herald came and took notes. The kindergarten meeting followed and there was the usual discussion as to ways and means of raising money to keep the schools going– {p. 137}

11 April 1896 • Saturday

wea. rain hail and wind

This is Belle’s wedding day and Mr. Sears has presented her with half a dozen cups & saucers of rare China small dainty things and beautiful– she gave him a salt & pepper individual use. Elise gave her a bureau scarf of her own work, and Dot a pretty cream jug– Lucile and Em. gave her a dress waist– Mr. Sears also brought home a bouquet of carnations (scarlet, I gave them a book new by [R. D.] Blackmore, Perlycross. I dined with Dr. Pratt Miss Eliott and Mrs. Caine were also her guests. Then Dr. Pratt and myself went to the meeting of the Local Committee of the Federation. at the Executive Building I reached Annie’s in time for dinner and went to the theatre with George Q. to see The [Milk-]White Flag. [Charles H.] Hoyts Troop slept at Annie’s. {p. 138}

12 April 1896 • Sunday

wea. cold dusty dreary and dark

This morning had a late breakfast and visited with Annie and the children from there went to the Tabernacle service– then to the office and looked up on some copying etc. and came down to Belle’s and had dinner. Came home and after making a fire for the house was very cold sat down to read awhile and then to write– wrote a letter to my brother Hiram [W. Clark] also to Daisie and to my sister Lucy. I was very weary almost too much so to read except in bed– the night was not very pleasant sort of dismal and dark– there have been many dark days of late, but when one considers the terrible things that happen elsewhere one must be reconciled. Alex. [S.] Campbell, Hugh [W.] Dougall & Heber J. Grant were the <speakers at the Tabernacle–> {p. 139}

13 April 1896 • Monday

wea. very disagreeable– rain & wind

I was very late this morning– did not keep the appointment made with Dr. Curtis, Mrs. [Frances Young] Williamson who is the daughter of Phinehas [H.] Young and grand-daughter <niece> of Oliver Cowdery came to see me from Park City, she is trying to secure a pardon for Jerry Richardson who is in prison for six years and has only served one. I went with her to see the Governor but did not find him, nor Judge [William H.] King whom we also tried to see. Several came in and I feared we could not get ready for the Club but we did and had a large meeting about forty ladies. Miss Elliott occupied the time in telling us of the Red Cross & Clara Barton– it was most entertaining and instructive. I succeeded in sending off over 200 names to Frank Cannon today. Ida [Wright] Whittaker’s baby died today– came home late {p. 140}

14 April 1896 • Tuesday

wea. awful morning hail & wind thunder and lightning– dismal–

I went direct to the City and County Building to introduce Mrs. Willianson [Williamson] of Park City to the Governor– found he had gone into new quarters on the first floor South East corner of the house. Very pleasant offices. Called on George M. Cannon and talked over some political matters. Went up to the Governor’s house later but did not find him or his wife– rain pouring, wet and cold. Had a very good letter from Mrs. Allen in Washington D.C. and from Mrs. McVicker who is visiting in Denver. Miss Elliott came and dined with me and we spent several hours talking over womens’ affairs, Clara Bartons work and so on. Towards night it began to snow as well as rain and darkness reigned in the City electric lights not on. some dispute preventing. Came home with a severe headache and very wet– wrote to Sisters Morghan & Marshall {p. 141}

15 April 1896 • Wednesday

wea. <wind and storm> awful dull and rainy– dismal

This morning I went up rather late Belle called and told me it was a holiday and then I remembered it was Arbor day– however I felt I must go to work and went on, Aunt Zina came and we talked of Society work. Sister [Elmina Shepard] Taylor came too and several others and finally Apostle F. D. Richards, and read me the sketch prepared for the Magazine and I must confess my astonishment that any one could be so egotistic, but I said nothing– Miss Eliott came in and Nellie [Rebecca Ellen Mantle] Little and the Press Club met and adjourned and then I went up to see Mrs. Salisbury and took her some red roses. We had a pleasant time and I left there to go to Sister Stevenson [Stevensen]’s, found most of the people had gone only a few left in the parlors, had supper and spent an hour or two and came home wind very high– {p. 142}

16 April 1896 • Thursday

wea. rain & cold–,

<Elise’s birthday, 24.> I was late going to the office this morning. Sister Stvenson [Stevensen] was waiting, Belle came up to me as I was going up– there was a letter for her from Sep. [Septimus Whitney Sears] he has been to Victoria and is back in San Francisco Belle is very sad over the <news in the> letter– his clothes were not warm enough for the Alaskan climate, and he had no tools or money to buy them. I wish he could be made to see the error of his ways and the sorrow he is causing his mother. My heart aches very much indeed. I sympathize deeply with Belle and also because of my love for my own grandson. Republican Club meeting today– Committee in the new building on Richards St. Mrs. Daniels of Provo Mrs. Hammond and Mrs. [Mary Hammond] Halls of San Juan have been in to see me also Miss Elliot Mrs. Caine and others. Letter from Mrs. Davis Kansas in regard to suffrage– {p. 143}

17 April 1896 • Friday

wea. snow wind and damp–

My limbs ached so I could not sleep much last night and I was restless and anxious, and got up many times to see what sort of night it was. Morning dawned but snow was falling. I made a fire and dressed preparing for the journey to Centreville. Em. came over but I was ready & the wind was blowing. I got the car and went to the U.P. depot. Sister Smith came along and we went on the train together Br. [Charles O.] Card was on going home to Logan and to Canada– We were met by Br. [Melvin H.] Randall and went to his mother’s. Conference was at ten A.M. Presidents [John W.] Hess and Grant and the Bishop and Counselors were there. Susan Grant & Mary S. [Stevenson] Clark. The meeting was good Sister Smith spoke first, I followed. We went to dinner at Sister [Margaret Harley] Randall’s with several sisters and in the afternoon we spoke again. I read Joseph’s teaching to the Relief Society in Nauvoo came home on evening train {p. 144}

18 April 1896 • Saturday

wea. partly fine morning snow in midday

This morning went up rather late and worked diligent with proofs. Several came in but I could not take much time for talking with them. Annie Louise & Brent came in to see me. Sister [Mary Price] Hyde from Sanpete, we talked of Sister Minerva W. Snow, she has written an article about her. I am very glad of it. heard of the death of Sister East in Arizona,6 also Sister [Matilda Cochran] Killian. I went to the meeting in the Executive Building of the Local Committee, was there until it was too late and I was too weary to see Mrs. Bennett or Mrs. Salisbury either, went out and bought flowers <red> roses for John Q’s birthday. Wrote Mrs. Avery Philadelphia tonight– in regard to Correspondence as a Letter-writer for the National Association. Have been reading some in Barabbas one of Marie Correlli’s stories– It has many beautiful passages but altogether too horrible {p. 145}

19 April 1896 • Sunday

wea. windy and cold

This is John Q’s birthday, the day is unpleasant and windy and I feel low spirited & lay in bed late– went over to see Belle and stayed a few minutes, then came home and dressed and went up to Annie’s found them all in good spirits– we had a fine dinner and talked afterwards, looked over the daily papers. Geo. Q. who had been made a Deacon not long since, assisted in administering the sacrament this morning in the Sunday School– quite an event for him. Louise has written a piece of poetry about Arbor-Day which is fairly good & in fact extra good for a child of her age. I stayed the evening and we sat up late going over this and that of the past. I cannot help feeling sad over the report of Sister East’s death. {p. 146}

20 April 1896 • Monday

wea. bright and clear much warmer

Stayed all night at Annie’s came up town found two letters one from Rexburg Idaho and one from Fort Townsend. Miss Elliott came to see me and told me many interesting things of George Eliotts life and of Mrs. George Henry Lewes the wife and her family. I went up to see Mrs. Salisbury and talk over the work of the Republican party– I think her advice very excellent and was very well satisfied– she looked very ill and feels low spirited about her condition. In the evening went up to Br. [Philo T.] Farnsworths7 had a talk with Julia and had tea in the parlor or library, saw the new baby called Athene [H. Farnsworth] came home on car with Annie & John Q. they had dined at Abram’s with parties from St. Louis {p. 147}

21 April 1896 • Tuesday

wea. clear and sunny

I remembered this morning that it was my brother Manson [J. Woodward]’s birthday he is 75 today I do believe. I think he was born in 1821. He is very feeble in health and not able to work at all. The day has been particularly fine, I read the revise and then made ready to go <to> the Cannon Party a surprise on Martha8 gotten up by Sister Caroline [Rogers] Daniels. We took the half-past three car at the Hoagland corner– and when we arrived the house was full of sisters. There were about fifty. Some of them may never meet again, indeed it is more than likely that they will not some were quite aged, and in all probability it will be their last visit. A fine dinner and afterwards some speaking Sister Horne Dr. Barney & myself Sisters Stevenson M. L. Cannon S. J. Cannon C. Daniels, Sister Reese, Lambert Murphy & Caine–9 {p. 148}

22 April 1896 • Wednesday

wea. wind high & atmosphere cold

This is Emily [Wells Grant]’s birthday, she is 39 today, I remember so well when they were born Emeline [Young Wells] and Emily– and the events which transpired about that time and the year later on and the following year. I was off in good time, and worked hard all day have kept letters up tolerably well. Had lots of callers and talked a great deal. Miss Elliott took me to the lecture on Japan by Frank G. Carpenter it was very interesting indeed and illustrated beautifully. The pictures I can never forget, they were fine: The audience was attractive too. John Q. & Annie were present, Margaret and Dr. Cannon were with us. We made quite a party. I shall dream of Japan and its wonderful beauties temples and gardens, and colors. I went to see President Angus M. Cannon today to talk of the Republican party and the work to be done among the women {p. 149}

23 April 1896 • Thursday

wea. rather a fine day

Percival [Woods]’s birthday, our own little man, so quiet and manly and so sweet mannered– passed away so abruptly, one could scarcely feel that he was gone beyond our reach– so many years ago– how hard it seemed to bear– well life is full of surprises and we know not what may be transpiring now that may have its bearing upon us for good or ill. Today I have been really suffering with my head– it is better tonight– I have written much today and prepared copy. The death of Samuel Russell was sad leaving so many young children: I came home earlier than usual, went over to Belle’s she seemed so low-spirited, it made me still more drooping than before, it is a starry moonlit night. I am here alone inclined to melancholy. I have been reading and thinking. The choir came home today. {p. 150}

24 April 1896 • Friday

wea. fair but cloudy

<Kindergarten Ball tonight.>

Went up town in good time found letter from Mrs. Catt saying Mrs. Johns would be here the 6th of May to rest for a week, and so on– by the two o’clock mail a letter from Mrs. [Laura M.] John’s herself saying the first week in May, and asking several questions about Idaho etc. I scarcely know just what to say but must make some arrangement. Miss Elliott came and Mrs. Caine and lots of other ladies and I made ready to go to Dr. Shipp’s, wore my black velvet and pink tulle– was nearly five when I left the office, all the other ladies had gone, met Mrs. Pardee who was just coming to see me, and she walked with me, and we talked over matters some At Mrs. Shipp’s we had a pleasant party– Miss Elliott Mrs. Caine Mrs. Freeze, Mrs. Taylor Mrs. Hyde, Mrs. Fox Mrs. Wilcox, Lizzie Wilcox Mrs. Stevenson Dr. Pratt & myself–10 {p. 151}

25 April 1896 • Saturday

wea. wind very high but clear

This morning’s mail had a letter from Mrs. [Isabel Cameron] Brown in Washington and one to the Press Club– went to the Federation Committee Meeting and discussed many matters we did all we possibly could and made everything as easy as circumstances would admit.

I went to see Aunt Zina in her new office, we had some conversation on various matters, she went over to see Sister Stringam [Susan Ashby Stringham] who is very low. We sent off one sack of mail. I still hear nothing from the Sketches and photographs. Came home moderately early, and called at Belle’s– all well but very tired– wind is still high– I am dreary and more than usually depressed. Dr. Shipp came in– I have many letters to answer. Hester Cannon is very low with some complaint of the bowels. {p. 152}

26 April 1896 • Sunday

I slept very late and after breakfast set to writing letters, wrote a long letter to Mell and sent it to Wallace not knowing whether she had gone home or not but thinking she must have done, as she had not written of late. Then I wrote to Mrs. Catt and to Mrs. John’s of Kansas about the visit of Mrs. John’s to our City. The day was most disagreeable the wind blew furiously and I was very nervous. I did a little reading in several books and looked up on the article I was to write about Sappho. I had one of [William Dean] Howells book “An Imperative Duty–” and I read condsiderable of that. {p. 153}

27 April 1896 • Monday

wea. wet and dismal

Today is dismal and stormy and rainy and wet. I was late going up and while getting ready for the Reaper’s Club Annie came and she helped me sweep and dust– etc. Emma was not well enough to stay and help– We had a pretty good attendance and a good subject and business was done satisfactorily. With regard to the Federation we succeeded admirably– and everything went off pleasantly. Letters from the East and one from Mrs. Brown in Washington I have been busy trying to finish mailing, the weather is simply terrible. {p. 154}

28 April 1896 • Tuesday

wea. wind and snow

A very severe wind and some snow winter seems to have come again in earnest, worked vigorously at the mailing and wrote some letters to the sisters in various localities– trying to get lists of officers ready to mail print. Reading An Imperative Duty by Howell’s treats upon the race question– very odd book and objectionable question. Things generally seem stirred up and much disturbance in political matters. I went up to see Mrs. Salisbury, she is not feeling well far from it Mrs. Walker came after me, we had lunch together and talked a great deal. Mrs. Salisbury is very anxious to have a salary for me, she does not want to resign her position until she feels it will be assured. {p. 155}

29 April 1896 • Wednesday

wea. fine day and warm

Today is the Rep. meeting in the Headquarters and we have been over the debts and find our party much embarrassed Mr. Dooley does not collect money as George M. Cannon did, he does not contrive any ways & means to get money either. Miss Elliott spent a good part of the day in the office we have talked on all subjects, she does not lack for material a woman of wonderful information and of tact and adaptability. I have very much enjoyed her conversation and especially her reminiscences of Miss Barton

Letter from Will [William W. Woods] saying how ill Mell had been– with pneumonia– dangerous and we never knew it– it does seem very sad– and so far away Went to the reception of the Jewish Relief Society at the house of Mr. Kaighn on South Temple very good– {p. 156}

30 April 1896 • Thursday

Little Lestie’s [Leslie A. Dunford] birthday twenty four years and seems but yesterday in some ways, but in others very different. He was a very bright boy and suffered so dreadfully after he was hurt. It pains one beyond expression to think of it. Aunt Zina came and Emily Richards– We talked of Mrs. Johns who is coming here to rest and recruit Aunt Zina spoke of her going to Canada was not quite sure– however my idea is she will go. I went to Mrs. Salisbury’s and spent a good part of the day and then wrote some letters and sent off, went through my mail and sorted things out, papers as well as letters. Went to Mrs. Dickinson’s to Press Club Miss Elliott the guest paper on ceramics Miss Monroe– {p. 157}

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April 1896, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 16, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1896/1896-04


  1. [1]text: Here EBW used an L-shaped mark that was perhaps intended to indicate the start of a new paragraph or a new line.

  2. [2]For Peterson’s Magazine, see EBW, Diary, 25 Feb. 1896.

  3. [3]In a general conference session of priesthood leaders held on 7 October 1895, Joseph F. Smith of the First Presidency rebuked two general authorities for accepting nominations to prominent political offices before consulting with the First Presidency. Although President Smith apparently did not identify these men by name, he clearly was referring to B. H. Roberts, one of the Seven Presidents of the Seventy, and Moses Thatcher of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Later that same month, President Wilford Woodruff released a statement to the press confirming that individuals holding high positions in the church needed to consult with their leaders before accepting political nominations or new duties. Hard feelings persisted with both Roberts and Thatcher, and the First Presidency and members of the Quorum of the Twelve tried to assuage those feelings before the next general conference in April 1896. B. H. Roberts eventually agreed to consult with leaders before accepting future nominations; Moses Thatcher did not. (EBW, Diary, 17 Oct. 1895, footnote; Cannon, Journal, 7 Oct. 1895; 5, 13, 19, and 26 Mar. 1896; Alexander, Things in Heaven and Earth, 312–315; Godfrey, “Moses Thatcher in the Dock,” 54–88.)

  4. [4]EBW’s daughter Emeline (Emma or Em) W. Wells died 8 April 1878. (EBW, Diary, 8 Apr. 1878.)

  5. [5]Perhaps Ann Cannon Woodbury (1832–1921) of St. George, Utah.

  6. [6]If EBW was referring to Wilmirth Mathilda Greer East (1824–1902), her friend and the president of the St. Joseph Stake Relief Society in 1882–1898, in Pima, Graham, Arizona, she had misinformation because East lived until 31 March 1902; her obituary was published in the Woman’s Exponent. (“Biography and Resolutions,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 May 1902, 30:111.)

  7. [7]EBW’s friend Philo T. Farnsworth (1849–1920), son of Philo T. Farnsworth (1826–1877), was a half uncle of the Philo T. Farnsworth (1906–1971) noted for inventing television. (“Philo T. Farnsworth,” FamilySearch, accessed 17 June 2020, https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/KWVP-2JL; “Philo T. Farnsworth,” FamilySearch, accessed 17 June 2020, https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/LZPM-WT1; “Philo T. Farnsworth,” FamilySearch, accessed 17 June 2020, https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/KWCQ-PFY; Arrington “Philo T. Farnsworth,” 33–48.)

  8. [8]Likely Martha Telle Cannon (1846–1928), married to George Q. Cannon.

  9. [9]EBW was probably referring to these and others: Mary Isabella Hales Horne, Dr. Elvira Stevens Barney, Elizabeth Jane Du Fresne Stevenson, Miriam Hawkins Cannon, Sarah Jane Jenne Cannon, Caroline Rogers Daniels, Mary Alice Cannon Lambert, and Margaret Nightingale Caine.

  10. [10]The women referred to are likely Lillie Moore Pardee, Dr. Ellis Reynolds Shipp, Sarah J. Elliott, Margaret Mitchell Caine, Lillie Tuckett Freeze or Mary Ann Burnham Freeze, Elmina Shepard Taylor, Annie Taylor Hyde, Ruth May Fox, Maria Richards Wilcox, Elizabeth Stevenson Wilcox, Elizabeth Jane DuFresne Stevenson, and Dr. Romania Bunnell Pratt.