October 1892

1 October 1892 • Saturday

This morning Annie & the children went off again & I grew very nervous and finally got dressed expecting Mr. Russell and the young Baron to go with me to the Tabernacle however when they came at eleven– Mr. Russell had to go and the Baron stayed and we went over– the musician was not there, but we saw the Tabernacle– and he was quite delighted– made an arrangement for 3 p.m. We had a carriage and called at the Knutsford but only the Baron could come– [Evan] Stephens came and Daines [Joseph J. Daynes] failed– the Baron tried the organ I called on Mrs. Caine and was here alone during the evening wrote to Verona and sent for the Arena1 and the Soul of Lilluth– It is 25 years today since Mell was married–2 [p. 275] {p. 293}

2 October 1892 • Sunday

This is the Sunday before Conference went to the Tabernacle and to Belle’s to dinner– down to Annie’s to see how things were progressing and found the house quite a comfortable one with spacious garret & folding doors from sitting room to dining room and also the parlor– a handsome house outside and on a corner They will be near me, and I shall feel so much better. there are so many things on hand just now– preparations for the World’s Fair in Chicago and thi[s] New Relief Society organization or incorporation. It does bother Aunt Zina so much she fears it will take from its spiritual character and make it only temporal– she cannot see that it is a progressive movement [p. 276] {p. 294}

3 October 1892 • Monday

I had sent for some of the sisters to come and talk over the matter of a Literary Club with me. Drs. Shipp Ellis & Maggie were both there Mary & Lillie Freeze, Ruth Fox, Sister Phebe Young, and Margaret [Mitchell] Caine and Sister [May] Talmage, we talked over the subject and I gave my plan we decided upon two weeks later for the organization, preparations are being made for the Conference and as it almost invariably is my paper is late. Wagonloads of people and cars etc. are beginning to come in. It will be an interesting time I am sure– the Relief Society incorporation will be accomplished, although there is an under current against its being done. [p. 277] {p. 295}

6 October 1892 • Thursday

This morning the Conference opened I was not able to go both on account of work and the meeting of the County Board [Woman Suffrage Association] over which I have to preside, and as I do not wish to leave the meeting with the Vice Presidents I try to be there always myself– it is good discipline to give me confidence & ease in position, [p. 280] {p. 296}

9 October 1892 • Sunday

This is the closing day of Conference and the city is densely crowded with visitors. Emma is staying here and she has several girls in and out. Sep has been sleeping here in the front room of late. Josie is soon to be married to Albert Wilkes and will leave off work on the paper– with one thing and another my hands and heart are very full, and my brain is sometimes nearly on fire– if I only had money with which to hire help on the paper I should find it a great relief and my mind would be much freer to do the things that please me most. I went down to Annie’s and also up to Belle’s in the house 80. third street [p. 283] {p. 297}

10 October 1892 • Monday

Last night was a big meeting and today the priesthood of the Church meet in the big tabernacle and the womens Conference in the Assembly Hall. In the afternoon we had the Incorporation3 I had already asked Hebe [Heber M. Wells] to go on my bonds & he had consented– F. [Franklin] S. Richards and L. [Leonard] John Nuttall were present and when we were ready to sign the articles and have the bonds signed Hebe Tom4 and others came in– Aunt Zina hardly seems to be satisfied and especially with the name–

Forty years ago today since I was married to Gen. D. H. Wells in this old house– [p. 284] {p. 298}

11 October 1892 • Tuesday

Today the Committee appointed to go before the Judge attended to the matter in Court– the Committee were Sarah M. Kimball, Elizabeth Howard & Romania B. Pratt. With this the work is somewhat complete. [p. 285] {p. 299}

17 October 1892 • Monday

organized the Reaper’s Club with about 25 members and I was chosen President and May Talmage Secretary– the order will be to preside in turn also to take the secretary ship in turn the Treasurer is permanent and is elected for one year Carrie S. Thomas is Treasurer. The Pres. presides and calls the next meeting acting until the minutes have been read by the previous secretary who also calls the roll. The President chooses her successor also the Secretary hers and the topic is decided upon by the members. Phebe Young had the first topic given by me Queen Isabella topic twenty minutes discussion [p. 291] {p. 300} on topic 40 minutes and current topics 30– there was a good attendance and we had a nice meeting– I presided and expect to at the next– [p. 292] {p. 301}

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October 1892, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed January 18, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1892/1892-10


  1. [1]Arena was a monthly political magazine published in Boston from 1889 to 1909. (Smith and Dawson, American 1890s, 273; “Journalistic Notes,” 65; “Special Notice,” [609], [611].)

  2. [2]EBW’s daughter Melvina Whitney (1850–1940) married William Dunford on 1 October 1867; they were later divorced. (Madsen, Intimate History, 124.)

  3. [3]The National Woman’s Relief Society, officially incorporated on 10 October 1892, retained that name until 27 June 1945. Hesitancies over incorporation are summarized in Derr et al., Women of Covenant, 144–146, 307; and Cannon, Journal, 21 Sept. 1892.

  4. [4]Perhaps Thomas Sloan (1868–1918), who married Edna Wells, the sister of Heber M. Wells, on 3 November 1892. (“Utah, County Marriages, 1887–1940,” FamilySearch, accessed 11 Feb. 2020, https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:VRLL-8G6?from=lynx1UIV8&treeref=LBHT-X4G.)