July 1890

1 July 1890 • Tuesday

This is Bishop O. F. Whitneys birthday born in 1855. 35 years old– he looks much older however and his experience has made him wise as a much older man. The Carnival party arrive in Ogden this morning. A great crowd assembled at the depot to see the royal guests of the City. they made a grand showing but the crowd was dreadful and a horse became frightened ran away and caused great commotion seriously and perhaps fatally injuring a young lady The streets were thronged with people all day long and the pavilion was simply packed. Annie had her carriage at the depot and Daisie Verona and the children were in it and they got along without any difficulty down here we heard all sorts of rumors [p. 206] {p. 208}

2 July 1890 • Wednesday

The grand Tournament was held today– the knights riding and carrying the lady’s colors. It was the day of days the King and Queen sat in the chairs of state clad in their robes of royalty but still wearing their masks. The pavilion and the galleries where the knights rode were most profusely decorated and crowds of people were assembled to witness the proceedings Annie, Daisie and Verona were there with Annie’s children and baby Helen. At evening there was a grand ball in the pavilion where the dancing was kept up until a late hour at night. The Queen is entertained at Mayor [Fred J. Keisel’s and the King at Mr. [Alfred H.] Nelson’s. Ogden has indeed put on her gay attire. [p. 207] {p. 209}

3 July 1890 • Thursday

Today is the regular fast day and I intended to go to the meeting in the 18th Ward but fixing copy to leave for the girls while I go to Ogden hindered me from going there. However I managed to catch the 1/2 past one train and tired out with the heat and the hurry of getting ready I found myself trying to be comfortable on the train and compose my mind and brain so as to be able to take in the situation on my arrival. Dr. Pratt was on the same train going to see her boy Roy [B. Pratt] at the Reform School, she came and sat by me, but did not mention where she was going, and she never has hinted it to me. When I arrived I found Verona all alone with baby all the others had gone to see the proceedings. [p. 208] {p. 210}

4 July 1890 • Friday

After awhile they returned and we had quite a nice time together. It proved to be an eventful day, we were so tired of the heat and dust we went for a ride & passed where the King and also where the Queen were staying, We saw the carriages in waiting and the gay liveries and paraphernalia and the magnificent horses. We went home and had dinner and made ready to go and see the fireworks, and get a good place which we did. A thunder storm came up in the meantime the lightning and thunder and cannonading was terrific. The wind and dust were unpleasant and we concluded to go home. After reaching home we urged Annie to go to the Ball but she did not feel inclined and later on a telephone from John Q. announced the fact that there [p. 209] {p. 211} had been a split in the ranks and he had decided not to go to the ball and unmask and some other man had gone in his place. So Annie was guided aright & we all felt very thankful that she had been impressed to stay at home. John Q. had been very anxious about her and upon learning she was at home came right away himself. The girls went to bed & we sat up and talked late on into the morning.

5 July 1890 • Saturday

Today the Carnival came to Salt Lake and made a great spludge [splurge] and went out to Garfield and created some fictitious dukes and Barons etc. We left on the afternoon train and reached home almost exhausted but glad to be at home again especially with baby and all well. [p. 210] {p. 212}

6 July 1890 • Sunday

Such a tiresome day, the 4th had been celebrated with great eclat in Salt Lake and one could easily see the effects of it all around. We were busy however trying to get things straight after our being away from home and the girls had letters to write, our girls Kate & May came in and Zine and Ort called in the evening. The weather is oppressive and tiresome, and there is little one can do outside as we have no horses or carriage to drive about. Baby is our principle amusement and she does not seem to be very well & has quite a bad cough. She is a beautiful child and very attractive, such remarkable eyes, brilliant yet mellow and sweet. Her mother is very attentive to her and proud of her too [p. 211] {p. 213}

7 July 1890 • Monday

Preparations are being made for the Lawn Fete1 at Mrs. [Caroline Woods] Dye’s gardens and as I am on two committees, I have extra work to do. Today I walked down to Viola Pratt’s to take her the song Mrs. [Emily Hill] Woodmansee had written2 and found she was going off to the Yellowstone Park with her father3 and quite a company of young men & women. She suggested Mrs. [Nellie Druce] Pugsley for which I felt very grateful as I had wanted her from the first, and she also offered to arrange with her and save any further inconvenience or worry on my part. Mrs. Agnes Olsen Thomas having received my note called on me and I gave her the song written by Mrs. Crocheron4 which she was willing to sing, then I engaged [Magnus] Olsen’s band & we had to fix for a practise with the ladies. [p. 212] {p. 214}

8 July 1890 • Tuesday

Today we went on with the preliminaries, we had to distribute tickets personally and by mail. Our tickets did not seem to hold out so we issued some verbal invitations. Verona’s baby is quite miserable she will not be able to go to the Lawn Fete I am quite sure for which I am very sorry. I have worked on the music and programme committees and had some difficulty in getting things in shape to suit me. Pres. Geo. Q. Cannon has promised to speak towards the last of the exercises. The place is looking very handsome. and I believe the entertainment will be a success, socially if not financially. Baby seems very bad tonight and we have called Dr. Pratt she has prescribed and gone home again. [p. 213] {p. 215}

9 July 1890 • Wednesday

Today baby has been lots worse and we have called a Homopathic physician and as the girls believe in that kind of treatment it may be more satisfactory than the other. She certainly is inclined to croup and needs specific treatment and that immediately. Dr. Bascom has been shot in the arm and is not able to attend any cases at all. His wife is in the East and is in delicate health it will be quite a shock for her. I feel very uneasy about baby yet believe she will come out all right, Verona is such a helpless mother and yet will not let other take charge. We have been up now two or three nights with her and we are almost fagged out. hired a nurse girl to day Eliza Christenson of Richfield– [p. 214] {p. 216}

10 July 1890 • Thursday

Today I have been so occupied but Miss [Kate E.] Bridewell and her friend Mrs. Riddle called. Mrs. [C. Louise] Boyden promised to give a discourse elocutionary is the thing and she was to come to the gardens. Daisie was on the Reception Committee with a number of other young girls, the gardens were brilliantly illuminated with head lights and Chinese lanterns in every available place and the stand for the speakers draped and hung with pictures of noted people. The exercises were all of a character calculated to inspire the assembly with the theme of woman suffrage. the music was charming and the supper tables handsomely ornamented and loaded with a variety of delicacies and the refreshment committee served them in the very best manner there was some dancing at the last toward midnight5 [p. 215] {p. 217}

11 July 1890 • Friday

The next day after a party is always dull– and today I am weary and Daisie sick from having damp feet. Baby not very well and O, such lots of work. Verona is very miserable in health and the weather is not agreeable. I feel I would like to have more time to spare for baby and the girls but find it quite impossible to do more this hot weather. baby’s cough is very bad and it worries us all very much indeed. [p. 216] {p. 218}

12 July 1890 • Saturday

Saturday is always a busy day and now more especially since Verona & baby are here in this poor old house– [p. 217] {p. 219}

13 July 1890 • Sunday

Today the girls had been invited to take dinner with Kate and May at Lydia Ann’s & Susan’s Verona was very nervous and baby was without condensed milk and I had such a time trying to get it. Verona did not seem well and almost gave up going but we urged her to make the effort, and finally they started taking Eliza with them to wheel the baby carriage. After they had gone I went to the depot and took the train for Ogden. the day was very hot and I was late in arriving but had a short ride with Annie in the carriage, all the little ones & John Q. We sat up late talking over the carnival affair, and its peculiar circumstances & associations. [p. 218] {p. 220}

14 July 1890 • Monday

This morning John Q. brought me to the train and I had an agreeable ride down to the city, but when I came home found everything upset. Verona had been very ill and no one here to help Daisie, Mrs. Lambert too was away and she had been in a dreadful fright with Verona in a nervous chill– teeth chattering and cold as stone. Ort had come in and administered to her, and after a while they succeeded in getting Dr. [Charles T.] Douglas, who had been sent for before to attend the baby. She was still very ill when I arrived, but not in so much pain. I had my own newspaper work which hindered me from helping very much with either Verona or the baby but of course we all did our very best. [p. 219] {p. 221}

15 July 1890 • Tuesday

Today Verona was better, several of the folks have been in to see her and she is looking a little more like herself it is very hard to get an opportunity to do my writing with so much sickness and other things going on in the house, but I have tried to be as calm and collected as possible otherwise I should not be able to get on with my work which really requires some retirement. Daisie has given up her music and everything else of the kind to help. Verona and the weather is so hot, that one can accomplish very little any way. One does not feel equal to much work of any sort in this languid summer weather. Many people are out in the mountains and cañons where the nights are cool. [p. 220] {p. 222}

16 July 1890 • Wednesday

Another hot sultry day and no rain, so little air except hot air– and here behind the wall we are almost smothered. Q. came down to go and see the folks at the farm, went off with the school children, and seemed so delighted tho’ he found Sylvester [Q. Cannon] had gone over Jordan to the big farm over there. Everything is in confusion here Verona is not enjoying her visit although I have done all in my power to help her have a good time, It is hot weather and our house is small and so much going on all the time too much for me even and not at all interesting to her. They have both gone to the Lake a luxury I have not indulged in all this summer– and feel that I cannot [p. 221] {p. 223}

19 July 1890 • Saturday

These are very hot days and so full of worriment for me that I scarcely know how to endure it all in meekness and patience and humility. I know I ought and that it is all good for me to be disciplined thus and I wish I could be more submissive than I am. Somehow I feel that I need a change and yet I do not know just what it ought to be. If I had the means I would soon decide on some good plan but I am so embarrassed so far as means goes that I scarcely can do one thing or another [p. 224] {p. 224}

20 July 1890 • Sunday

<Little Geo. Q. is at the Farm today.> This is one of the Sundays I stayed at home and devoted myself to the girls especially Verona as I knew she was not to be here very long. The girls went to Alma [Bailey Dunford]’s to let William [Dunford] see Baby– it may be a foolish thing but could hardly be avoided– they were late in starting and I was helping up to the last minute. Of course he came home with them and spent the evening in the parlor while I had to take to the bedroom and do my writing in there. He had just as much pomposity about him as ever, and filled the house with smoke. The girls felt very much annoyed but could not help it. Such an unpleasant thing for them. Baby is much better and improves in every way. Verona too I really think [p. 225] {p. 225}

21 July 1890 • Monday

Came down on the train from Ogden with John Q. Abram [Cannon] Ben [E.] Rich F. M. Lyman & others arrived about 1/2 past 12. M. found Verona Very ill, had had a nervous chill the night before and Daisie all alone with her such an experience Ort came and administered to her and afterwards sent for Dr. Douglas. Homopathist. When I came she was some better, how strange it seemed that my house should be so filled with confusion. Had to commence on copy immediately and had callers too Mrs. Boyden of Denver and found Miiss Bridewell of New Orleans had been here in my absence she came with Geo. D. Pyper & he gave her a letter of introduction for the evening. Miss Warling accompanied her. Miss Bridewell sang in Italian and played the piano. [p. 226] {p. 226}

22 July 1890 • Tuesday

<Mrs. John T. [Margaret Nightingale] Caine called in the morning> Today Verona is a little better, she is partly dressed and sitting up some of the time We have had so many callers today, Nett, Abbie, Lyde and others John Q. came down from Ogden. Victor Wells is very ill, we are much alarmed about him. Baby Helen has the whooping cough certainly but will get along with it I think. Verona worries a great deal about her but I think she is pretty well considering I have been trying to write today on my story Hephzibah under such discouraging circumstances. To night Eliza the nurse girl, was ill and upset us very much. Verona had a letter from Barry today and I had business letters only. My husband came and wanted to stay with me tonight but there was no such thing, he wished me to come to June’s and I prom<ised but could not go. Geo. Q. was baptized and confirmed to day by his grandfather Geo. Q. Cannon> [p. 227] {p. 227}

23 July 1890 • Wednesday

<W.S.A. celebrated Wyoming’s admission to statehood in Liberty Park>6 Today my husband has been in and we had a kind of tete a tete and I promised to go up to June’s tonight without fail having disappointed him so last night. Everything seemed all right Eliza was better and the day had been fairly comfortable a trifle hot but not to the extreme– and I had all preparations made; towards evening went out on some errands & after some interesting conversation with the girls they concluded to retire early as their sleep had been broken so much with the illness of the baby etc. As soon as the house was quiet I went out– how dreadful it seems not to be able to go openly to see [p. 228] {p. 228} one’s own husband the children’s father.

24 July 1890 • Thursday

When I returned in the early morning I found the girls had been terribly alarmed by some suspicious character lurking around and then the night-watchman 2 of them and four policemen in pursuit. They had locked the gate and I was obliged to come by the opening in the wall that had been made recently. I had the key to the front door so I could let myself in. The day was somewhat unpleasant Victor is very ill, Abbie has been in thinks he has typhoid fever he is utterly prostrate– Kate & May have been in through the day. The political contest has begun in good earnest & the working-men have made up a ticket [p. 229] {p. 229}

25 July 1890 • Friday

Yesterday was celebrated almost everywhere except in this city– the liberal element here are so furious that under the circumstances our folks think discretion the better part of valor.

Pres. Geo. Q. Cannon had all his family gathered at the new farm over Jordan and Annie came down from Ogden and celebrated with them brought Margaret & the Esquire (Daniel) and John Q. came in time for the dinner. She left Geo. Q. Jr. and little Louise at home. Pres. Woodruff and wife Emma Joseph F. Smith and two daughters and Brigham Young were there– Br. Cannon’s five wives7 were present and Abram’s Sarah [Ann Jenkins Cannon] & Mamie [Mary Croxall Cannon] It is a beautiful place by what Annie says. This is Horace Whitney’s birthday [p. 230] {p. 230}

26 July 1890 • Saturday

Verona & Daisie took baby over to have a picture taken. Succeeded admirably such a nice picture of her in her long dress and one in a shell. She is such a perfect specimen of magnificent babyhood. Her dark eyes are lustrous and her red lips & perfect mouth are exquisite. I have generally gone to Annie’s on Saturdays but today I am occupied at home, had the proofs to read and so many errands to do making ready for tomorrow, the girls will have dinner at mid-day before going out and so shall I. It was very nice of Annie [Anna Sears Wells] to invite us all up there to have dinner, it is more than any other son’s wife has ever done even June’s. They have a new house all furnished all their own very commendable and a sweet little daughter Alice [Wells]. [p. 231] {p. 231}

27 July 1890 • Sunday

I went to the Tabernacle today and though I was late felt it a duty to attend service and partake of the sacrament. I have longed for Verona to have her baby blest since she came but she seems unwilling unless Barry were here too– I do not know how things are to come about but I do feel as though all would come out right yet in good time. Mell is in San Francisco and both her daughters are with me. Yet I have little influence with them now, though the time may come, when all will be different. I do not know how the best effect can be produced and only pray for wisdom to guide me in the right direction to do good to my kindred. [p. 232] {p. 232}

28 July 1890 • Monday

Another day of anxiety. This is an anniversary of mine that will not bear thinking of scarcely. Jim [James Harvey Harris] came for me to the Peace farm and tried to get me away in the night, but I would not go, not even to please my mother.8 Those were days of trial too in one sense and yet I scarcely realized it enough to make it so terrible as it really was. I was being persuaded to renounce my ambitious aspirations & to go to Nauvoo, where I would see Joseph the Prophet and learn more than in the highest schools of the day. I yielded at last after much persuasion and cast my lot with the saints in the centre Stake of Zion. [p. 233] {p. 233}

29 July 1890 • Tuesday

This was my wedding day 47 years ago how strange it seems and tonight I have written a letter to my husband telling him some of my strange experiences he knows so little of my life and what I have had to endure men scarcely realize when a young girl marries what a sacrifice she makes. It is indeed a new and trying ordeal. I hoped to have seen my husband today, but as that did not seem practicable in fact he came not at all, the next best thing to do under the circumstances <was to write> I hope it will amuse and interest him to say the least. He likes to have me talk of these topics how he will relish it in manuscript. How peculiar my sensations were in that great home on the Connecticutt river [Connecticut River], and how my heart longed for something entirely different. [p. 234] {p. 234}

30 July 1890 • Wednesday

Hurried all day to get work done so we could all leave Daisie Verona nurse girl & baby all went to the Lake this afternoon, Nett & Harry and May went along, quite a party of them.

I went to Ogden to the birthday of little Louise she is six years old today and is having a lawn fete– children’s garden party. I took her a silver spoon with L. engraved upon it. Verona sent her a pretty white apron. John Q. Annie, Louise and Margaret were at the depot to meet me. The party was fine, Chinese lanterns hung all round in the lovely lawn and the little ones in white pink and blue were a picture for an artist, games and conversation interspersed with refreshments of the daintiest kinds were indulged in until the little folks were tired. [p. 235] {p. 235}

31 July 1890 • Thursday

Came home on one o’clock train, Annie took me to see Sister Richards and I waited there until train time– came home at 3 p.m. and found lots of things waiting. The girls were going out and every thing was confused as usual when the mother and home-keeper is out. However I must try to make everything agreeable what[e]ver may be the after consequences. My nerves are unstrung & I am no longer young but that makes no difference whatever I must keep up under any and all circumstances however grievous they may be & preserve my composure and help others; and so I will if such a thing is possible. and for this I will ever pray. [p. 236] {p. 236}

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July 1890, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed October 16, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1890s/1890/1890-07


  1. [1]The Lawn Fete celebrated “the very day President Harrison placed his signature to the bill to admit Wyoming into the Union with Woman Suffrage in her platform.” (“Lawn Fete,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 July 1890, 19:28–30.)

  2. [2]“Equal Rights,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 July 1890, 19:30.

  3. [3]Milando M. Pratt.

  4. [4]“A Song,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 July 1890, 19:28.

  5. [5]“An Enjoyable Entertainment,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 Dec. 1890, 19:92; “Lawn Fete,” Salt Lake Times, 11 July 1890, 1.

  6. [6]“W. S. A. Celebration,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 Aug. 1890, 19:36–37.

  7. [7]George Q. Cannon described the event and listed those who attended. His wives were Emily Hoagland Cannon, Eliza Tenney Cannon, Martha Telle Cannon, Sarah Jane Jenne Cannon, and Caroline Young Cannon. (George Q. Cannon, Journal, 24 July 1890.)

  8. [8]Diadama Hare Woodward.