July 1889

1 July 1889 • Monday

This morning went off by the early train, Mr. & Miss. Rout of New Zealand were on the train had conversation with them all the way. Went direct to Annie’s & rested until time to go to the meeting, then Annie drove the carriage over. Had an attentive audience and succeeded well. We had a short ride afterwards. [p. 91] {p. 118}

2 July 1889 • Tuesday

Came down on the morning train. Sister Jane Richards with me– we enjoyed the time Hospital meeting today & such hurry to make my preparations and then to walk down. After coming home with Bishop Clawson and getting some of my work on the paper done. Dr. Pratt came and took me to the House to dine with her mother1 and herself–

3 July 1889 • Wednesday

Today have just done my very best to get the paper on the press. Had very hard work to do it but accomplished it at last. Tired and in fact exhausted. Worked more than usual and at night wrote some postals on business and a letter to Mrs. Sarah G. [Griffith] Richards which I had long contemplated went to bed at two A.M. Cannons firing all around me. [p. 92] {p. 119}

4 July 1889 • Thursday

This is the 113th anniversary and just the same enthusiasm. Went off on the train to Ogden– had a quiet day with Annie and the children. We had a ride towards evening, and bought ice cream and a pleasant evening together John Q. Annie & myself– Went to bed about and slept comfortably.

5 July 1889 • Friday

This morning came down on the Denver & Rio Grande got into the city early. went to work preparing copy– Had a busy day. Letter from Daisie, picture from Dot. Went with Br. [Charles R.] Savage2 to get a view of my dear old home O what recollections it does awaken in memory. Went down to the 12th Ward house tonight to see Hannah and Frankie [Frances Wells] before going to Manti [p. 93] {p. 120}

6 July 1889 • Saturday

Today has been such a busy one tho’ Emeline came to help me, but papers must be sent out and things move on slowly. Wanted O so very much to go to the 14th Ward meeting but it was quite impossible. Minnie went home today for good and I shall be left alone again. I cannot endure living alone patiently. I went on 1/2 past seven train to Ogden, took the folks by surprise

7 July 1889 • Sunday

<Rule’s [Rulon S. Wells] birthday> This morning rose very late, & spent the day with Annie. Br. Cannon came to dinner & I went with him to the depot Abram was along too. Had some conversation with him on the train and Abram took me up home with Grey Prince dear old horse. We have driven so many times with him, the last ride Louie ever had was with him from the farm. [p. 94] {p. 121}

8 July 1889 • Monday

Stayed here alone almost frightened to death. No one knows what I suffer being alone at night. If I only had one of my grand children it would be company for me. I was ill in the night with my heart, as I was other night before at Annie’s only I did not tell her. Mailing is all to be done yet nothing accomplished. Etta [Cannon Lambert] came to stay with me at night

9 July 1889 • Tuesday

<Had some friends in the parlor> More work and heat so oppressive. Toiled on– had a letter from my husband in which he spoke of the fruit and wine I had sent him. Went to a meeting of the Y.L. in the 8th, Ward in the evening and enjoyed it very much, so pleasant to meet friends and exchange greetings. Sister Howard came home with me to stay all night. [p. 95] {p. 122}

10 July 1889 • Wednesday

Finished the mailing. Dr. Pratt came and we went out together to invite some of the ladies to attend an informal meeting of the W.S.A. at my place on the 12th. called at Webbers, Caine’s. Alder’s Dougall’s, Dwyer’s3 and had a nice time talking with each other upon matters of importance. Afterwards I called upon Sister Zina Bathsheba & Sister Horne. Was very much fatigued. Went to bed at 12.

11 July 1889 • Thursday

Aunt Zina came early and I rose and went off by the morning train to Granite with Sister Horne. We had a good meeting many of the local sisters spoke, also the Bishop Sister Horne & myself. Since coming home went over my mail found letter from Verona, and then went to see Lula who is sick up at Clints. Lovely night– [p. 96] {p. 123}

12 July 1889 • Friday

<Had a Suffrage meeting in my parlor> Went out on some errands and went to look at my old home took a dress to Miss [Diantha] Morris in Franklin Avenue to be made. Called at Claudius Spencer’s and talked with him a few minutes. He has partly sold his place, agreed to it for 35,000. Came home & felt very forlorn. I have been trying to write a poem upon the sea which was begun in San Francisco “Memory Of The Sea”

13 July 1889 • Saturday

Today have been busy with copy, feel anxious to have a good paper and get it out quick. Intended to go to Ogden by the afternoon train but could not get away until evening Then was very much exhausted scarcely able to go at all but nearly ran all the way to the depot & drove up to the house unexpectedly. [p. 97] {p. 124}

14 July 1889 • Sunday

Slept late, Rosie [Rosina Matthews Lambert] was at Annie’s we had a pleasant chat about the Cannons past & present– went out in the carriage towards evening and I called on Sister Jane Richards, found her comfortable, stayed about an hour. We went home had ice cream, etc. Annie took Rosie up town to start up Ogden Cañon.

15 July 1889 • Monday

Came down on the D. and R. G. train arrived early have tried to have the paper out on time so hard but no matter how hard I work it seems impossible to have any leisure. Sarah [McMurrin] was sick and stayed away. I was quite lonely but busy too with my poem, it is a pleasure but a sad one too– [p. 98] {p. 125}

16 July 1889 • Tuesday

This morning word came for us to go to Corneels [Cornelia Horne Clayton] and we had promised the 21st wards. However I could not go at all, as the proof reading etc came on. I went to Corrneeel’s late Sister Smith & Horne were there had dinner blest Corneel for her confinement. Went to the 19th Ward annual Y.L.M.I.A.

17 July 1889 • Wednesday

Nothing new but I have been thinking over all that has happened of late years. I am trying to get another poem finished. I feel these are the children of my brain for each one is a part of my thoughts and fancies and bears a4 to me or visible impress of myself. I wrestle with them as the mother does in labor, for her [p. 99] {p. 126} offspring.

18 July 1889 • Thursday

These hot summer days and nights are almost insupportable & what little one can accomplish seems not worth the effort. My husband is coming shall I see him is the question? Will he venture in view of the rigid enforcement of the law and the severe decisions of Judge [Charles S.] Zane– we shall see5

19 July 1889 • Friday

Temple at Manti closed today. Pres. Wells had a serenade and concert in his honor by the band and choir of Manti at the Temple Hotel– He is not so very well. 230 people were endowed for his relatives in the Temple today go as a tribute of love to him & so it was. [p. 100] {p. 127}

20 July 1889 • Saturday

Hurried as much as possible and went off in a great rush to the train for Ogden Met the folks on the way coming up as I was going saw my husband who <recognized me> Stayed all night and day in Ogden, went to see Mrs. Richards Pres. Woodruff and Cannon were there, Annie came to fetch me

21 July 1889 • Sunday

Stayed all day with Annie it is the Conference here had a very <nice> evening with John Q. and Annie in the parlor, Sweetie just longing for her birthday having her silk dress made <to surprise her> went down town with the folks in the evening [p. 101] {p. 128}

22 July 1889 • Monday

Went home on early train but arrived late. My husband came to see me, wondered why I had not answered his last letter, proposed coming to visit at night. Came early while I was out and waited at the parlor door by the lilac bush–

23 July 1889 • Tuesday

This morning I rose early and we had breakfast together alone as in the former days– such a pleasant time tho’ full of bitter memories I kept them down– tears were near but I prevented their overflow– [p. 102] {p. 129}

24 July 1889 • Wednesday

Busy O so busy– the Esquire comes every day and sits in the parlor with his friends I am glad he has this place to come to, it is much nearer than any of the others, and he needs rest and comfort in his old age– everything has changed a great deal for us.

25 July 1889 • Thursday

<Mamie [Mary Alice Cannon] went up to Ogden> My husband spent the afternoon here we had the parlor to ourselves tho I had much to do I laid my work aside and spent the time with him talking and reading showing him some of the letters and things that had interested me. [p. 103] {p. 130}

26 July 1889 • Friday

<Had an interview with Jos. F. [Smith] today> Went up on 1/2 past seven train to Ogden saw Mrs. Richards about the visit to Beaver she seems uncomfortable about it– Annie is not very well– baby is growing beautifully came down at evening

27 July 1889 • Saturday

Wanted to go to the 14th Ward meeting but could not arrange for it. So many hindrances and annoyances with people coming in. Some of the ladies never have any confusion of this kind and do every thing like clock work & go everywhere at the right time. this evening I spent in writing– [p. 104] {p. 131}

28 July 1889 • Sunday

Today went to the Tabernacle John Morgan preached– went to Ward meeting called on some friends on the way home Aunt Zina and I were together. Ort & Zine are up the Cañon City Creek weather excessively hot. Air quite oppressive Annie came from Farmington tonight.

29 July 1889 • Monday

So glad Annie C. [Christensen] is here such a relief– I am going to Ogden but my husband will stay here tonight, the young woman will wait upon him to what he wants went up all right Annie & Mamie [p. 106] {p. 132} both came to meet me with the children.

30 July 1889 • Tuesday

This morning Sweetie is five years old. She is very happy, has her silk dress on and looks sweet– I gave her a gold ring so did her papa, Annie the silk dress, Belle a silver thimble Mamie a work basket

31 July 1889 • Wednesday

I came home yesterday afternoon as I was anxious about paper– found all right Emeline had not been here but is at home sick. Paper out not very satisfactory however– busy both typers gone away elaborating the story of Hephzibah6 [p. 106] {p. 133} once condensed– It is a new phase in my work and I scarcely know if I shall like it– or not as I have really not time to devote to it. Published in this issue “A memory of the Sea”.7 My husband praised it– but when I spoke of The Dear Old Garden he was very silent and of course felt that I blamed him tho’ I never have said so.

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July 1889, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 14, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1880s/1889/1889-07


  1. [1]Esther Mendenhall Bunnell.

  2. [2]C. R. Savage was a noted Salt Lake City photographer.

  3. [3]EBW probably talked with Sarah Hammer Dwyer or her daughter Maggie. (1880 U.S. Census, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, 122C, accessed 11 Dec. 2020, https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33SQ-GYBG-9M49?i=10&wc=XC2W-2NL%3A1589415070%2C1589415390%2C1589415389%2C1589395190&cc=1417683.)

  4. [4]text: One or more words were omitted here.

  5. [5]Charles S. Zane of Illinois served as a judge in Utah Territory from 1884 to 1893. He was seen as rigid but generally fair as he enforced the provisions of the Edmunds Act and other federal legislation against cohabitation. (Alexander, “Charles S. Zane,” 306–310.)

  6. [6]EBW’s semiautobiographical story covers her girlhood in Massachusetts, conversion to the church, youthful marriage, move to Nauvoo, desertion by her husband, betrayal by her parents-in-law, and decision to go west with the Latter-day Saints. “Hephzibah” was serialized in the Woman’s Exponent in twenty-eight chapters, running in almost every issue from 1 June 1889 to 15 September 1890.

  7. [7]This was a poem published in Woman’s Exponent, 15 July 1889, 18:25.