The Church Historian's Press

November 1877

9 November 1877 • Friday

1In the afternoor after exercises, Mrs Presendia [Huntington] Kimball the honor we enjoyed as women mothers to children, teach th[e]m kindness to tell truth, your reports are splendid, assisting in laying up wheat no knowledge comes assistance little by little [p. 129] {p. 66}

we would be subject to you are are blest with a good president young lady’s societies are improv[in]g young men’s mutual improvement are giving them something to say the prayers of the faithful mothers and sisters [p. 130] {p. 67} go on and

Mrs. E. B. Wells

Mrs. S. M. Kimball, referred to the organization the work done by the sisters in my parlor2 the constitution3 Emma Smith the queens of the earth Sister [Eliza R.] Snow [p. 131] {p. 68} prophesy on Sister [Jane Snyder] Richards head4 Sister Snow arose and said Sister Richards request by uniting together our faith our prayers, and the blessing of God upon [p. 132] {p. 69} our efforts upon our means, but we have bone and sinew and father Smith Joseph Smith father said fait[h] was energy and energy was fait[h]5 and call all our faculties be very humble so that the spirit of God may be in [p. 133] {p. 70} our hearts when we do this we live above the beggarly elements of the world. I was thinking what great events will grow out of this meeting, Sister Richards came up to visit this meting, then president Young gave a key to the whole [p. 134] {p. 71} of the Rilief Societies in Zion–6 we shall be more intent in carrying out his couns[el] in their future lives, a counselor is not a heal [head] or dictator. no time to find fault, one sister not to tell her all her ache’s. they multiply [p. 135] {p. 72} when we speak by the spirit of God let us be as luminaries to those that are round about us. such sympathies such feelings as shall tend to good works. if it will something else but when we acknowledge [p. 136] {p. 73} the hand of God in all things theres happines joy life and be noble what the sisters have accomplished morelly and spiritually

between 90 and 100,000 dollars7 we had to go to the butchers and got cows hair [p. 137] {p. 74}

8E. [Eli] H. Peirce9

1505 Ridge Ave.


Pa. [p. 138] {p. 75}

and made into wearing apparel laimg [laying] up grain plant out mulberry trees, I do not know as president laying a founder the strike10 is a proof of the things that are about to come to pas[s] plural marriage they can’s [can’t] see it [p. 139] {p. 76}

silk dresses and silk clothing

Sister H. [Harriet] Snow

Silk wheat interest in Societties in the interest of the Gospel. Questons of What the Lo[r]d will dictate to us to save our grain [p. 140] {p. 77}

the poor give to the wheat and other purposes Some get out to meeting

Lula [Louisa Lula Greene Richards], an advocate for the principles are so nicely combined and linked into each other Love of the Gospel Br. [David] Peery’s remarks faith to heal and [p. 141] {p. 78} heal others– perhaps one reason fasting as Alma understand the commandmnts of God Editing the Exponnt– plural marriage [p. 142] {p. 79}

Sister [Jane Snyder] Richards was chosen President and referring to of Weber County Mormon Literature [p. 143] {p. 80}

Sister Zina [D. Huntington] Young made some remarks upon faith, and to treasure up what has been said, it is the lot of all to the crown of glory upon thy head, Zion arise and put on her beautiful garmnts, [p. 145] {p. 81} and Pres, Young death, and I hope he will in the name of Jesus. Franklin D. Richards In their meetings the silk mulberry districts [p. 146] {p. 82}11

memorialize the President of this stake of Zion & and the Bishops of the Wards

meeting adjourned until the 31. Jan. [p. 147] {p. 83}

John E. L. [Argyle] Taylor son of Grandma [Elizabeth Pummell] Taylor of Hooper

Alice [Neibaur] Rosenbaum

Three numbers

Sept. 1–Oct. 1, 15 [p. 151] {p. 84}

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November 1877, 9 November 1877 • Friday, The Diaries of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed July 27, 2024