June 1875

1 June 1875 • Tuesday

Tues. June 2. [1]<d.> This is Katie Fuller’s <Junie Wells> twenty-third <first> birthday and she is still unmarried, he invited some company in the evening, Em. & Annie were invited but Annie could not go; Lou went to a party at Dighton Wm. [Dunford] came here drunk, so did John Whitney; I had a fearful time with him, went after Alma [Bailey Dunford],

2 June 1875 • Wednesday

Wednes. June 2d. One of the most beautiful days I ever saw, everything is prospering, we did our mailing today; Miss Cornelia is very good to me; I respect her highly; in the evening Em. went to the Wasatch [Literary Association], with Harry Emery, I was alone all the evening: my mind was a very great deal interested in one of my friends so much so that I was scarcely conscious of being alone;

3 June 1875 • Thursday

Thurs. June 3d. In the morning I was busy seeing after some business matters pertaining to the office, and in the afternoon we had an excellent meeting, Sister Snow was present my husband seemed proud of my literary acquirements for once in his life1 [p. 8]

called to me as I was passing and spoke to Br. Cannon of my being a journalist, invited me to go to Lake Point with an Excursion Party tomorrow– something indeed very wonderful for him.

4 June 1875 • Friday

Friday June 4th, The morning dawned brightly and pleasantly my husband and some other gentlemen went to visit meet Gen. [James A.] Garfield2 in Ogden: I was employed at the office getting copy ready all the morning, after noon went down town and bought myself a dress trimmed my hat etc. Em. was invited too by her father and we walked to the depot Louisa [Free Wells] and myself, were in a cozy little car with a very select company, Gen. Garfield came and sat beside me, on the same sofa, and I had an excellent opportunity to converse with this distinguished statesman; he is most genial in manner, courteous and attentive to ladies, he gave me his arm to escort me on board the steamer, while out the boat was re-named for Gen. Garfield; and cheers given in favor of Mayor Wells and Gov,. Axtell. refreshments were elaborately served on board, we returned to the city about eight o’clock;

5 June 1875 • Saturday

Sat. June 5th, Daisie’s seventh birthday. Mell invited Belle, Lile, Emma, and myself to dinner, we had a pleasant dinner but a distressingly unpleasant scene after dinner; never-to-be-forgotten. in the evening I was feeling very unpleasant, more so than is usual for me. Em. [Emma] Spencer was married today to Adam [S.] Patterson; Our Em. was <at the reception in the evening>

6 June 1875 • Sunday

Sun. June 6th, Belle went to Lake Point, and left Dot here, I went to meeting, Orson Pratt preached, I spoke to Gen. Garfield and Gov. Axtell after meeting was over I went to see a sick woman, to Sister Grant’s and to the drug store; in the evening I sent a bouquet of flowers and a bundle of papers3 to Gen. Garfield at the Townsend House, [p. 9]

Mr. Hendrie came and spent the evening with us we had a pleasant home-like time upon the upper porch in the moonlight which reminded me very much of times past never to be forgotten::

7 June 1875 • Monday

Mon. June 7th, One of these glowing sunny bright days so common in June, when the air is fragrant with the breath of roses and all around blooms with beauty and profusion; I went to the office and spent the whole day on my way I saw a very particular friend and his cordial greeting was most cheering to me; returning at evening I again encountered him he walked home with me and conversed freely;; Em. was feeling badly about her book-keeping Rulie came to assist her, Mary Ann Naylor and Marcellus [S.] Woolley were married today. Gen. Garfield left this morning;

8 June 1875 • Tuesday

Tues. June 8th, Again at the office busy writing letters etc, went with Miss Horne to the bank with thirty dollars, in the evening Em. went to German I had some friends everything is prosperous at the office. George A Smith is better a rain storm which was much needed

9 June 1875 • Wednesday

Wednes. June 9th, A very sultry day yet less dust on account of the rain; Em. went to the Association with Harry;

10 June 1875 • Thursday

Thurs. June 10th, This is a very beautiful day we had some calls at the office which were very pleasant Mrs. Richards and I went down town together to the picture gallery etc. in the evening we had callers as usual, Mr. Tanner spent the evening with us.

11 June 1875 • Friday

Friday Eve. June 11th, This morning Miss Cook announced that President Young had told her to go East to recruit,4 Mrs. Richards and I were out nearly all day, and she did some writing [p. 10] in the evening as I was on my way from the office Mr. Hendrie overtook me and came home with me, Em. and the gentleman went and spent the evening with Mellie, Miss Cook was here when I came and had brought me a beautiful mess of strawberries; Mr. Hendrie took Em. to have strawberries and cream. Miss <Cook> staid until after ten.

12 June 1875 • Saturday

Sat. June 12th, Mr. [Levi Willard] Richards was thirty years old to-day and Mrs Richards got him up a nice dinner and had his parents and friends. Em. was taken very ill, we had a fearful time Louisa and Junius came down, she was numb and cramped all over, no circulation at all. it was most exciting indeed. I was very busy reading proofs and running about, I went to the bank and deposited thirty dollars; saw my friend and shook hands with him. Carrie [Granger] and her husband Mr. [George E.] Snider arrived from the East

13 June 1875 • Sunday

Sun. June 13th. Em. is a little better, Mellie and the children and Will came down, Mell’s eye is fearful, Belle Dot and Sep came with the buggy, we got dinner for them all, had a very nice dinner and pleasant time. Frank [Franklin D. Kimball] Katie [Lucretia Heywood] and Junie called several others.

It is decided that Governor Axtell is removed to New Mexico and Emory is to come to Utah.5

14 June 1875 • Monday

Mon. June 14. Went to the office as usual, no girl, everything at six’s and seven’s at home, the Esquire6 is going South and take Hannah, Junie is going with them. It makes me feel unpleasant to think of his leaving so soon on Saturday they will start, Mrs. Oates Troupe have arrived. Mr. Hendrie came and met me at the corner as I was coming from the office; he brought 6 tickets to us. he staid a short time, we talked a little on almost every subject. it was a beautiful evening, afterwards I went to visit a sick woman, and did two or three errands. [p. 11]

15 June 1875 • Tuesday

Tues. June 15. I have been almost all day alone, tomorrow, Cornelia has gone on an excursion to the Lake. The papers are not out today as we anticipated. Tues. Em. & Lou. <Annie> went to the opera to night, I was very much fatigued

16 June 1875 • Wednesday

Wednes. 16. Today I have been helping to mail papers, and we did not get through, Charlotte Cobb [Godbe] came and talked us nearly to death,7 we had lots of other callers. Em. went to the association.

17 June 1875 • Thursday

Thurs. June 17, It is nearly the time for him to start, and after all his promises he has not come, I saw him for a moment. went over to supper at Louisa’s. Lou went with Em. to the Opera, I came home from the office so ill I could scarcely exist.

18 June 1875 • Friday

Friday June 18. This has been an excitable day everything seemed to conspire against my seeing my husband to have any conversation with him, I went over ever so many times. but he came down <just> before evening. Em. and I went to the Opera. Stan [Stanley H. Clawson] came home with us. Mother was at the office President Young called with Lorenzo Snow

19 June 1875 • Saturday

Sat. June 19th, <Annie went to Battle Creek8 today> I have been in the office all day bought tickets for Louie Daisie and Onie to go to the matinee. Em. went for a ride with Mr. Hendrie this evening. Lou. went to sleep with Jolt [Josephine] Spencer I was all alone all the evening.

The Presidency and twelve9 with several others started South this morning. it seems very lonely Carrie and her husband were here. it was the first time we had met him. bought Matinee tickets for Lou. Daisie and Onie went to Mellie’s to dinner [p. 12]

20 June 1875 • Sunday

Sunday June 20th, I was writing letters nearly all day, wrote eleven, in the evening there were several young people here–

21 June 1875 • Monday

Mon. June 21. This is the longest day in the year, and sister Pallas [Woodward Smith] birthday it has been very warm, it is the opening of the circus Em. Annie & Lou. went Mr. Hendrie called afterwards and staid sometime. Em and he went for ice cream–

22 June 1875 • Tuesday

<Tues.> June 22d, Office work as usual Mrs. Richards and Cornelia were both at the office all day in the evening we had callers,

23 June 1875 • Wednesday

Wednes. June 23d, Went down to Mellie’s and up to Belle’s took theatre circus tickets for Mary and Onie. Selina [Clayton Winter] went and took Daisie and Leslie to the circus in the afternoon, Lou. went with Dave [L. David] Hilstead in the evening Em. went with Harry to the Association. I was alone all the evening.

24 June 1875 • Thursday

Thurs. June 24th, I had a very busy day we went to Louisa’s to supper had lots of strawberries, Em and myself went to the Opera to see Il Trovatore10 it was the first real opera I ever attended, I was more than delighted Mr. Hendrie came home with us.

25 June 1875 • Friday

Friday June 25th, Emma had charge of an exhibition at Miss Cook’s school,11 crowds of people attended it, it was very successful, Miss Cook made presents to all her teachers, of books of poems Em.’s pupils clubbed together and bought her a nice silver card basket, To night is the opera of Martha Belle and Mr. Sears went, I had supper at President Young’s. Miss Cook went up with Belle to look at one of their places. [p. 13]

26 June 1875 • Saturday

Sat. June 26. Matinee of the Opera “Il Trovatore” not very largely attended, busy all day did some shopping at evening, and went Emmie Annie and I all to the Opera to see “Ernani.” It stormed considerably but we had a nice time.

27 June 1875 • Sunday

Sunday June 27. Anniversary of Joseph & Hyrum [Smith]’s death, and birthday of little Mary Mrs. Richards daughter, she is one year old. I went to meeting heard Orson Pratt preach, in the evening we had a crowd of young folks my sister12 and Carrie called, Ort & May,

28 June 1875 • Monday

Mon. <June 28> Rule started up the canyon, May and sone of the folks making preparations to go to Manti Amy [C.] Calkin is going with her,

29 June 1875 • Tuesday

Tues. <June 29.> Em. & Annie went to York to meet their father, and accompany May on her journey, All the party who went South returned well and in good spirits, in the evening Emmie Louie and I all went to see Faust. Will and Mell went. we had a nice time,

30 June 1875 • Wednesday

Wednes. June 30. Saw my husband this morning and invited him to go to the Opera, he was engaged for the earlier part of the evening Em Annie Lou. and myself all went to see Mignon and we were highly pleased, Stan & Hebe Grant came home with us.

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June 1875, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 2, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/emmeline-b-wells/1870s/1875/1875-06


  1. [1]Like many people who work hard to develop their talents, EBW appreciated the attention her busy husband paid to her achievements, even if she poked a little fun at his late notice of her writing efforts. (Madsen, Intimate History, 137.)

  2. [2]When General James A. Garfield visited Utah, he was one of the leading Republican congressmen in the House of Representatives. He was elected president of the United States in 1880 but died 19 September 1881 from a bullet wound received on 2 July 1881. (“James Garfield”; “Visit of Gen. Garfield,” Woman’s Exponent, 15 June 1875, 4:11.)

  3. [3]“Papers” refers to back issues of the Woman’s Exponent.

  4. [4]The aim in recruiting was to bring qualified teachers to Utah. Miss Cook went east to visit friends also. (“Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 July 1875, 4:21.)

  5. [5]Editorialists in the Salt Lake Tribune posited that Governor Axtell had been too favorable to the Mormons; thus, his replacement, George W. Emery, was sent as one “who enjoys the personal friendship of the President [Ulysses S. Grant]” and is “in accord” with his policies to deal with the Mormons strictly. (“Governor Emery,” Salt Lake Tribune, 23 June 1875, 4.)

  6. [6]EBW frequently referred to her husband, Daniel H. Wells, by this title.

  7. [7]EBW and Charlotte Cobb Godbe had a long-standing rivalry over who would represent Utah in the national suffrage movement. (See Madsen, “Emmeline B. Wells in Washington,” 149–152.)

  8. [8]Now known as Pleasant Grove, Battle Creek was the site of a battle between Native Americans and Utah pioneers. (“Battle Creek,” Utah Historical Markers.)

  9. [9]The First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints consists of a president and two counselors. The “twelve” refers to members of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles, second-highest governing body of the church.

  10. [10]The English Opera Company from the New York Academy of Music performed Il Trovatore, Martha, Ernani, Fra Diavolo, Faust, and Mignon. (Advertisement, Salt Lake Tribune, 23 June 1875, 1.) EBW reported seeing most of these operas.

  11. [11]Children from Miss Cook’s Graded School took examinations at the end of the year, gave recitations, and received prizes at the closing exercises. Emma Wells was an assistant teacher. (“Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent, 1 July 1875, 4:21.)

  12. [12]Lucy Woodward Hewlings.