November 1874

1 November 1874 • Sunday

Sunday Nov. 1. Mellie went up to MacAllister’s Em. & Ort. to Belle’s I was at home all day Onie was quite sick, Annie & Louie went to the evening meeting– Will came and told us he had spoken to his uncle1 about marrying Mellie– everything [p. 76] {p. 78} is arranged now for Saturday if we get our furniture–

2 November 1874 • Monday

Mon. Nov. 2. This is Belle’s birthday she is twenty-six what a contrast to the day when she was born, then the weather was severely cold and the wind blew fiercely the snow hail and sleet drove against our poor wagon’s and tents the only homes we had; Mellie went up to help Belle with her dress, I was alone nearly all day, Louie went after school to stay all night with Lucy Smith we got a very nice new castor [cruet]– no company for the evening except Will– Richard Taylor called while Em. was gone to her German [p. 77] {p. 79}

3 November 1874 • Tuesday

Tues. Nov. 3 This is the day Mr. Hendrie spoke of as one on which he had made an engagement to be at home I was busy writing a note to my husband relative to Mellie’s marriage when aunt Zina came in and Mell was terribly annoyed in consequence and we had something of a scene, however I could not write afterwards and even now when almost a week has elapsed and many stirring incidents have since transpired I feel as if I could scarcely resume my pen May God help me to overcome every weakness and be complete master of myself. having in subjection every impulse and feeling guided and controlled by the Spirit of God, We got a dozen new glasses from the co-op [p. 78] {p. 80}

4 November 1874 • Wednesday

Wednes. Nov. 4. The association met up at Hannah’s Emmie went up to see her father and he came down with her, Will was here; we had a very good time he was more than usually demonstrative with me, manifesting great love for me and interest in my welfare, said he would get our furniture &c. we shall have to hurry up so little time to make our preparations it is fully decided that Mellie will be married on Saturday evening; Mr. [Josiah] Welch will perform the ceremony at his residence we shall go up in a carriage with Mell Em. & I. Ned & Lile in their own buggy. then return immediately and the reception will commence at eight

5 November 1874 • Thursday

Thurs. Nov. 5. Today is sister Ellen [Woodward Fuller]’s birthday she is 43, how anxious I feel to hear from her, how neglectful they are about writing to me, so many girl & [p. 79] {p. 81} none of them to pay any attention to even a family correspondence; today we got the cake from the globe and took it to Brown’s

6 November 1874 • Friday

Friday Nov. 6. We have been expecting all day to get our things [Soren P.] Neve came and measured for our blinds and carpets it is <was> pouring with rain and has turned to snow, this morning the trees were nearly broken down with the weight of it, they looked enchanting like fairy-work– weather is cold most unpleasant for a wedding, I have made three jelly cakes and frosted them. Sister [Myra Clayton] Winter & Sarah [M. Winter], Sister Sedon [Caroline Peckham Seddon] and Clara [Seddon] are all here helping, we had Colt [James Coult] to come and whitewash all the lower rooms today– we got today 1 doz. plates 1 doz. cups & saucers ½ doz. tea. spoons ½ doz knives & forks 2 gravy boats [p. 80] {p. 82} 1 glass water pitcher 1 coal scuttle 1 tin wash-basin.

7 November 1874 • Saturday

Sat. Nov. 7. The morning was fine overhead but the mud <was> fearful my sister Mrs. Earl came to help us, every thing is decided upon, the carpets are come I am pleased with them also the parlor furniture I never expected to have been so well off in my life I am pleased with all, nothing extravagant but all in exact keeping and conformity; at half-past seven we were at the residence of Mr. Welsh [Welch] and shortly after they were married; and we returned home, there were no arrivals in our absence everything was in complete readiness and we had a moment or two to think before any one came;2

The first ones were aunt Hannah’s folks and Dessie; then Martha Lydia Ann Susan Katie & May, Inez and Charlie & Mr. Tanner; next Joshua and Mary Jane then Jim Tibbetts, then about nine we [p. 81] {p. 83} went in to supper, while we were at supper, Ort. Rulie & Heber came then next came my husband, he came and partook of refreshments but took no wine; after we were through came all the help and last arrival was Budd; every one seemed pleased and gratified with the entertainment Ort played and sung Lou. sang several of her pieces; at ten minutes past ten the carriage came to take them home they bid us all good evening and left us, Ned & Lile went with them– and so carelessly and indifferently Mellie left her home to which she never expects again to return, as one of its inmates, to make a new home for herself– May she be able to make herself a sure place of rest and refuge in her husband’s bosom, and in poverty or sickness always feel secure in his love and protection [p. 82] {p. 84}

none but mothers know each other’s feelings when we give up our daughters whom we love and cherish so tenderly to the mercies of a man, and perhaps even a stranger; Will. seems in every way qualified to make a good husband and to be ever tender of women but time will tell the story truly–

O heaven grant it prove a happy union

Founded on true respect and sympathy

May they increase in goodness ever,

And more abound in unity.

May peace and contentment

Ever wait upon their happy lot

And richest blessings which the earth

Can give, be theirs in wisdom sought–

about twelve the last of the guests left, and we sat alone in the parlor enjoying the fire and talking over all the events of this most wonderful day–. [p. 83] {p. 85}

8 November 1874 • Sunday

Sun. Morn. Nov. 8. Stormy and dark Louie went down to show Mellie’s servant how to arrange breakfast, Annie took Daisie and Onie to Sunday School, it was prize day3 Lou. came home and went– Ort. Budd Hebe & Heber Grant called, Ort. staid and spent the day, Adeline & Inez were here to dinner, Will. & Mell called on their way up to Lile’s to dinner; Ort. has been playing and singing nearly all day; this evening Charlie [Earl] Addie [Earl] & May [Earl] called as they were going to church, Mr. Hendrie arrived today at eleven; it seemed lonely without Will & Mellie; Daisie fell and hurt her eye, [p. 84] {p. 86}

9 November 1874 • Monday

Mon. Nov. 9. This is a beautiful day, Will called for a piece of wedding-cake for Mr. Hendrie and said he was going to have some friends there to spend the evening, we were busy packing Mell’s things off Sister Winters came up to see me, and sewed some of my carpet–, in the evening Mr. Hendrie came to see us, we were delighted to see him he staid quite late, how nice it seemed to have him back again, so cordial, so animated so full of life, so buoyant with hope, it is invigorating to be in his company, how I hope he will continue to visit us; [p. 85] {p. 87}

10 November 1874 • Tuesday

Tues. Nov. 10. This is a rainy disagreeable day, at evening Katie May & I called on Mellie Katie made her a present of a pair of vases;

11 November 1874 • Wednesday

Wednes. Nov. 11. Mr. Hendrie called in the evening and asked me to go down to Mellie’s with him he took her a beautiful picture– Adam [Sharp] Patterson & Emily [Emma] Spencer called in the evening they were there very late; Em. went to Ort’s to the Association–

12 November 1874 • Thursday

Thurs. Nov. 12. I was writing all day and at evening the girls went up to the library the Esq. was here a few minutes [p. 86] {p. 88}

13 November 1874 • Friday

Friday Nov. 13. Rained all day Mrs. Larsen from San-Pete,4 came to live with us, but I do not like her at all;

The Sunday School party in the Thirteenth Ward; All our children went in the afternoon and Em. in the evening; I was all alone all the time how full of thought my mind is, and how much inclined I feel to write poetry of late; I have been getting up a lecture for Mellie this Emmie this week for the Association;

14 November 1874 • Saturday

Sat. Nov. 14. Leslie does not seem at all well today, I could not get to the meeting in the 14th. ward as I wished, Ort, Stan, and [p. 87] {p. 89} Briggie Young spent the evening here, we had considerable music: I was very lonely myself; and very low-spirited;

15 November 1874 • Sunday

Sun. Nov. 15. I went to meeting took Annie & Louie Emmie went to Lile’s to dinner, went again in the evening Mrs. Anna [Seegmiller] Musser and [Henry] Chariton Jacobs called on me, Ort. came and spent the evening; I was busy writing;

16 November 1874 • Monday

Mon. Nov. 16. I was very sick in the morning, scarcely could sit up, but got dressed and went out called on Mrs. W. [William] S. Godbe who urged me so to stay that I staid to dinner had a very pleasant time; [p. 88] {p. 90}

afterwards went down to Mellie’s a few minutes; Em. went to Kittie Heywood’s to a birthday party, Annie went to the theatre Louie to a meeting in the fourteenth ward; Mr. Hendrie came and spent the evening; we had a most excellent time; reading and in conversation;

17 November 1874 • Tuesday

Tues. Nov. 17. Justus [J.] Earl’s birthday he would have been 43. today Charlie came and had lunch here Inez & May to dinner, I was out looking after some things for the poor; called on Mrs. Grant Mrs. Musser Mrs. [Elizabeth Harrison] Goddard Aunt Zina; in the evening we were alone [p. 89] {p. 91}

18 November 1874 • Wednesday

Wednes. Nov. 18. My sister5 came and had lunch with us, the day was excessively windy; in the evening Louie had some company, little boys and girls; I was upstairs alone all the evening Em. read her lecture before the Association on Literature; I was very nervous; and full of thoughts;

19 November 1874 • Thursday

Thurs. Nov. 19. I went to call at the other house and on Maria Whitney [Hall]; was very glad to see me, received a letter from my sister Ellen [Woodward Fuller] containing news of her daughter’s6 marriage and that her infant daughter7 was fat and healthy but had the Whooping-cough; [p. 90] {p. 92}

Em. & Annie called on Mellie and Louie went to the Theatre;

20 November 1874 • Friday

Friday Nov. 20. I was busy cooking all day preparing to have a dinner-party tomorrow the first I have given in honor of Mell’s marriage; in the evening called at the other house afterwards on Miss Lydia Snow at Dr. [Morrill Lockwood] Davis’s Eliza and May were here and spent the evening Will and Mell went to the party at Heussy’s Hall; they called on their way, and Mr. Hendrie called– Em. went to the theatre I was up stairs writing all the evening after..

21 November 1874 • Saturday

Sat. Nov. 21. We were up very early, I was up town going to market– Belle came down, [p. 91] {p. 93} Em. went home with her, she bought a new hat Em. had a new one on Friday We had dinner about four Will & Mell Belle and Lile Sep. and Ned were both out of town; Mr. Hendrie Mr. Tanner & Junie, also Inez We were a very pleasant comfortable party; all dispersed early, I gave Gracie Groo a ticket to go to the Matinee Lou. took Leslie Gracie took Onie; I invited the Esq. but he did not come owing to some meeting in the evening I went to the theater to see Frank May and Miss Rosa Rand, Rulie sat by me and came home with me; [p. 92] {p. 94}

22 November 1874 • Sunday

Sun. Nov. 22. This is a very beautiful day for this time of year, the sun is shining gloriously and all nature seems glowing in the sunny atmosphere; I went to th Meeting and took the girls; Robert [F.] Neslen preached, in the evening George Teasdale and we went again, Ort. was here all the evening,

23 November 1874 • Monday

Mon. Nov. 23. Today has been rather unpleasant cold and windy Eliza came to stay with Annie and Lydia Snow, to spend the evening with them, Em. went to the Theatre,

24 November 1874 • Tuesday

Tues. Nov. 24 Hanmer’s birthday he is twenty-five, Louisa is getting up a surprise party for him, Em. Annie went and Louie went to the 14th. Ward [p. 93] {p. 95} Mr. Hendrie called here in the evening for a little while, we had a pleasant time;

25 November 1874 • Wednesday

Wednes. Nov. 25.

I made several calls in the morning, and <had> a tea party in the afternoon, Mother [Elizabeth Ann Smith] Whitney Eliza R. Snow Mirinda [Marinda Johnson] Hyde, Zina D Young, Elisabeth Hyde Mrs. Levi [Louisa Lulu Greene] Richards Jun. and baby8 [Woman’s] Exponent Miss Mary Cook Miss Cornelia [Cook] & Miss Ida [Cook], Lydia Ann Wells, Mrs. Goddard Mrs. Horn[e] Mrs Rachel Grant, and my husband, they staid all the evening; the rain was pouring we sent them all home in the carriage; my husband and I had a pleasant interview after all had left– Mother staid for a few days [p. 94] {p. 96} got my new Bible today,

26 November 1874 • Thursday

Thurs. Nov. 26. Thanksgiving Day Mrs. Hannah T [Tapfield] King, and Mrs Louise [Louisa King] Spencer called on me; had a very pleasant interview Kittie Heywood called Ort and one or two others,

in the evening Louie we were alone except Mother and Ort. [Erastus F.] Hall called for an hour;

27 November 1874 • Friday

Nov. 27. Friday Belle came down this morning, Mother and I went to dinner at Eber Case’s Br. Phineas [H.] Richards was buried today– Will & Mell called

28 November 1874 • Saturday

Sat. Nov. 22 <28>. Mother and I went to the 14th ward meeting and Mother went home with Sister Eliza R. and staid all night Em. went to the theatre it is Nettie Wells birthday [p. 95] {p. 97}

29 November 1874 • Sunday

Sun. Nov. 29 I was at home all day Em. & Ort went to meeting in the evening Em. & Annie went on Ensign Peak through the day in the evening Sister Eliza called and brought mother home she had been spending the day at [George and Sarah Jones] Dunford’s Elvira [Stevens Barney] called to see us;

30 November 1874 • Monday

Mon. Nov. 30 Mother and I went to the Endowment House, we had a pleasant time very my husband paid me great attention in the evening Em. went to the theatre Lou to the Association in the 14th. ward with David [O.] Miner

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November 1874, The Journal of Emmeline B. Wells, accessed February 15, 2025


  1. [1]Daniel H. Wells.

  2. [2]Guests attending the wedding reception fell into five groups: (1) the wives of Daniel H. Wells, including Hannah, Martha, Lydia Ann, and Susan, with daughters Dessie, Katie, and May and sons Rulon and Heber; (2) EBW’s sister Adeline Earl and children May, Inez, and Charlie; (3) children and grandchildren of Newel K. and Elizabeth Smith Whitney, including Joshua Whitney and Mary Jane Whitney Groo, Orson F. Whitney, and Horace G. “Budd” Whitney; (4) friends of the bride’s family; (5) those connected with the groom, including William Woods’s sister, Lile Woods Wallin, and her husband, C. E. (Ned), friend Jim Tibbitts, and Wallin’s business partner, Mr. L. O. Tanner.

  3. [3]Prizes were given in Latter-day Saint Sunday Schools, as in day schools, to encourage attendance and learning. (Jubilee History, 17, 43.)

  4. [4]Perhaps Mary H. Larsen. (See EBW, Diary, 25 Mar. 1875 and 18 May 1891.)

  5. [5]Adeline Woodward Earl.

  6. [6]Zilpha Fuller.

  7. [7]Edith Woodward Fuller.

  8. [8]Mary Greene Richards.