January 1901

Events in George Q. Cannon’s journal for 1901

1 January ff.

Visits in Hawaii

5 January

“I had many calls from the brethern and sisters who are full of expressions of love for me at my departure.”

16 January

Spoke at the Live Stock Convention in Salt Lake City

13 March

Travelled to California

14 March ff.

Experienced debilitating sickness

1 April ff.

Family members gathered to be with Cannon

7 April

“During the afternoon when we were surrounding his bed he took us each by the hand . . . and bestowed upon us a blessing, . . . adding that these same blessings he felt to bestow upon all his family.” [This was the final entry in Cannon’s journal. He died five days later.]

1 January 1901 • Tuesday

Tuesday Jan. 1, 1901

This is New Years Day. Brother Fernandez took myself and folks for a ride. It took about four hours and a half. We visited Manoa Valley and Waikiki. After we dined with Brother Fernandez and Family at the Orpheum Café. Brother and Sister <Cluff> and Sister Clawson and son were also there. We had an excellent meal.

2 January 1901 • Wednesday

Wednsday Dec <Jan>. 2, 1900<1>.

Called today on Judge Estee and introduced Brothers Wooley and Cluff. I was desirous that Brother Wooley should know Judge Estee as I thought he might be of use to him sometime. Bought views of the islands to take home. Called with Brother Wooley upon Henry Waterhouse and secured staterooms on the Zealandia.

3 January 1901 • Thursday

Thursday. Dec. <Jan.> 3,1900<1>

Attended Relief Society meeting this morning at which I spoke. At 12.30 o’clock took lunch <with Mr Whitney>. Myself and wife her sister Emly her son Scott and our son Georgius took lunch with himself and two daughters, Mrs Kelley and Mrs Goodale. There were two or three others present. The lunch was very nicely nice and they appeared glad to see us, though there has been a time in the distant past when the members of this family were ashamed of their Mormon relatives. Mr. James Classby a resident of Salt Lake City who is here for his health has shown considerable interest in myself and our affairs. He has been desirous that we should dine with him before we left and wished me to invite our whole party to eat dinner with him at the Hawiian Hotel this evening at six o’clock. Myself and wife, my wife’s sister, Sister Clawson, Brother and Sister Cluff, my three sons and Sister Clawson’s son partook of the a most ellegant dinner of ten courses which Mister Classby had previded. He would have had wine also but I suggested when he mentioned it to me that I should prefer not having it especially for my children’s sake. The dinner was served in a private room and the table was brilliantly decorated.

4 January 1901 • Friday

Friday. Dec <Jan>. 4, 1900<1>

We went to the museum this morning a most interesting place after which we returned to Brother Fernandez and had a great many calls from the native saints. Sister Fernandez had been making preparation for a native luou to which all the white elders and wifes were invited and a large number of native saints. Among the rest Brother Katsunums and wife and little girl were invited. He is a member of the church. His wife arrived from Japan two weeks ago and knows nothing of the gospel. He brought a friend who is a photogapher with him and he took two views in groups of the white Brethern and sisters. At the father’s request Brother Cluff and I blessed and gave his little daughter a name. <I was mouth in blessing.> This is the record.1

January 4, 1901

Blessed. Girl

Kiyomi Katsunuma

Born Jan. 24, 1899

at Miharu



Father Tomizo Katsunums.

Mother Mine

This I believe is the first Japanese child ever blessed in this church. At his request we blessed Brother Katsunums. A number of the native saints desired to obtain a blessing from me and I complied with their request. The luou feast today was something extra fine. There was and [an] abundance of food of verious kinds. Fish, roast pig, chicken, and beef were cooked in the best native style which style in nearly every respect cannot be exceled. Beside meats there was poi, sweet potatoes, tender taro leaves made into luou, Hawaii pudding made out of cocoa-nut[s] and sweet potatoes, and fruit in abundance. All to gether it was a most enjoyable affair and did great credit to Sister Fernandez.

5 January 1901 • Saturday

Saturday Dec Jan 5, 1901

I rose early this morning and at Brother Fernandez request blessed him self and family consisting of himself and wife[,] Abraham and Minerva Fernandez, his wife’s sister Hatie Davis, and two daughters, Adeliade and Clara. I felt very free in blessing this family for they treated us with the greatest hospitality and kindness leaving nothing undone within their power to do to meet all our wishes. I had many calls from the brethern and sisters who are full of expressions of love for me at my departure. A large number desired me to bless them and all doubtless would have been pleased to have me bless them if they had thought that it could have been done. We left Brother Fernandez a little before 3 o’clock and called at the Mission House and bade it farwell. At the wharf the saints of the had assembled there by th hundreds. They loaded myself and wife and children with reaths [wreaths] and garlands of flowers. My entire person was almost covered. I was loaded down so with flowers, and garlands of maile. The manner in which I was decorated made me very conspicuas and embarressed me some what as I had to press my way through the dense throngs which covered the wharf and its approaches. The greatest interest and affection were shown by the people towards me. Many of them had left their employment to be present at the departure. It was a seine [scene] which I ought never to forget. We left the wharf shortly after 4 o’clock the sea being uncommonly smooth.

6 January 1901 • Sunday

Sunday Jan. 6, 1901

The sea continues smooth but the vessel rolls considerably, Some of the ladies were slitly [slightly] sea-sick.

7 January 1901 • Monday

Monday Jan. 7, 1901

Weather fine and sea smooth.

8 January 1901 • Tuesday

Tuesday Jan. 8, 1901

Same as yesterday.

9 January 1901 • Wednesday

Wednsday Jan. 9, 1901


10 January 1901 • Thursday

Thursday Jan. 10, 1901

The sea was rougher and the vessel rolled considerably.

11 January 1901 • Friday

Friday Jan. 11, 1901

This is the anivery [anniversary] of my birth. I am 74 years of age today. The weather and sea were about as yesterday.

12 January 1901 • Saturday

Saturday Jan. 12, 1901

The passengers were all lively to-day in anticipation of reaching land and entering the bay to-night, though probably to [too] late for the health officer to examine us and permit us to land. I cannot express my gratifacation at being so favored that I have made the trip to and from Honolulu with out being the least sea-sick. Both passages have been delightfull. Of our party Espy is the only one who has been sea sick and that a very little. I had prayed to the Lord to Make this visit a pleasant one, to save me from sea-sickness and from every other evil. This far my prayers have been answered.

13 January 1901 • Sunday

Sunday, Jan. 13, 1901

On arising this morning we found our vessel anchored in the bay awaiting the visit of the health officer of the boat2. By 11 o’clock we landed at the dock and took a carriage to the Palace Hotel. We walked around the city in the afternoon and at 7.45 p.m. went to the hall rented by the saints for meeting purposed [purposes]. Brother Nigh and a number of elders were at the hall and the room was well filled. I felt very much fatigued this evening and called upon Brother Nymphus Murdock to speak which he did for a short time, Brother Vernon Haliday who is here on bissiness [business] followed Brother Murdock and delivered an excellent discourse after which I spoke for about 40 minutes. The meeting was an excellent one and the Saints rejoiced.

14 January 1901 • Monday

Monday, Jan. 14, 1901

Col. I. Trumbo accompanyed me to the Southern Pacific offices where I got a letter to the conductor asking them to let my two boys who are over age pass on half fare tickets. At 6 o’clock we took train for home.

15 January 1901 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Jan. 1901

Pleasant traveling today.

16 January 1901 • Wednesday

Wednsday Jan. 16, 1901

We reached Salt Lake City at 8.30 o’clock. Brother Wilkin and some of my boys met us with carriage and wagon. I was informed that the Live Stock Covention [Convention] was in seccion [session]. It had opened yesterday. I was put down on the programn to deliver an address at 10 o’clock this morning. I found I could not be ready at that time and Mr. Springer the president of the covention sent me word that if I could be there at half past eleven the programn would be arranged accordingly. The convention was held in the assembly room which was beautifully decorated. I was recieved with much warmth of feeling and on being introduced by Mr. Springer to the crowded audience such flattering and eulogistic [remarks] were made concerning myself as to embaress me. I occupied about 35 minutes and felt very free. When I looked at my watch with the intention of sitting down cries from all parts of the house were heard “Go on,” “Go on” were heard. My remarks called forth considerable applase and when I sat down the whole audience heatily [heartily] applauded.

[Fifty-nine blank pages]



Clawson & Espy’s Hotel room


Bread & Magazine














Boy’s Cloths & Collars for G. Q. C. and ruff for Sister Fernandez all –


Hotel Bill










$30.60 for the Sund[ay] School Union from Brother Wooley

A copy of the Municipa[l] Charter of Salt Lake City to be sent to Abraham Fernandez.




Room Stuart [Steward]




Assistant Suartdess




Clawson & Espy


Carriage Hire












Car Fare


Car Fare






Boy’s Tickets

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January 1901, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 22, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1900s/1901/01-1901


  1. [1]This record comes from the second page of the journal.

  2. [2]The phrase “of the boat” is not in the typewritten transcription.