June 1883

1 June 1883 • Friday

Friday, June 1st 1883. Presidents Taylor, Smith and myself spent the entire day today at the Gardo House considering matters pertaining to Z.C.M.I. We had interviews with T. G. Webber, who is Secretary and Treasurer, and Horace S. Eldredge, and afterwards Prest. Taylor and myself had an interview with Bro. Wm Jennings.

Prest. Woodruff started this morning in the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad to hold conference at Price City and afterwards go to Mannassah. He was to have been accompanied by Prest. Joseph F. Smith, but in consequence of business pertaining to Z.C.M.I. the latter was requested by Prest. Taylor to remain until Tuesday next, when Bro. Brigham Young intended to go. My brother Angus and Thos E. Taylor, one the Vice President and the other the Superintendent of the Deseret News Co.[,] started with Bro. Woodruff intending to join him holding conference, and then proceed to the east for the purpose of purchasing machinery for the paper mill.

2 June 1883 • Saturday

Saturday, June 2, 1883. At the Office in the forenoon and at 2 p.m. attended meeting of the Directors of Z.C.M.I. A full board was present. A painful scene occurred today in this meeting and much feeling was exhibited. It arose in consequence of my nominating Horace S. Eldredge as Superintendent of the Institution, brother Jennings having resigned. President Taylor and myself and others had done everything in our power to have him retain his position. He felt however that his other business and the claims of his family and the condition of his health all demanded that he should cease to act as Superintendent of the Institution. Last evening in our conversation with him he had been asked how he thought Bro. Eldredge would do for Superintendent. He replied he would do very well if he would accept. It was therefore with great surprise that I listened to his objection to Bro. Eldredge after I had made the nomination. He said he could not vote for him, and notwithstanding considerable talk backward and forward he refused to vote for him, and Bro. Eldredge’s nomination was carried against his vote. His feelings are very rancorous towards Bro. Eldredge, and I took occasion to speak very plainly about the issue there was in this board. I thought there was more danger from that than anything else and that as brethren we should act together as Latter-day-Saints and put an end to these feelings, for while these existed they could not consistently with their profession partake of the sacrament. I remained in town all night.

3 June 1883 • Sunday

Sunday, June 3, 1883. I took the train to Provo this morning for the purpose of attending Conference there. Was met at the Station by Bro. Smoot’s carriage and taken to his house. I found Sister Smoot who had had a paralytic shock much better than she had been. She was recovering her speech and looked quite bright and cheerful considering the severity of the attack. I spoke twice today, morning and afternoon and had considerable freedom in talking to the Saints who listened with great attention to my instructions. I dined at Bro. Smoots and after meeting returned to the city where I remained all night.

4 June 1883 • Monday

Monday, June 4, 1883. Was driven home this morning by my son Abraham. Found my son David sick from fever and inclination to vomit. Returned to town and at 12 oclock attended a meeting of the Board of Regents at the Deseret Bank and transacted considerable business.

At 2 p.m. I met with members of the Sunday School Union, and nominated Bro. John Morgan as one of my assistants in the superintendency.

I brought my wife Sarah Jane to town this morning, and left her at the house of my sister Mary Alice, where I went and took supper, and then attended meeting at the Assembly Hall of the Sunday School Union. The house was crowded. We had an interesting meeting. I made some few remarks. Drove home after the meeting. Though mild it was dark, and not very pleasant with my uneasy colt.

5 June 1883 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 5, 1883. At the Office all day. Dictated my Journal to Bro. Irvine.

Bros. Joseph F. Smith, Brigham Young and John Morgan – the two former accompanied by their wives – left this morning for Colorado to hold Conference with the Saints at Mannasseh. I went down to the train and saw them start.

6 June 1883 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June, 6, 1883. Hon J. E. Pierrepont, who was the Attorney General of President Grant’s cabinet, accompanied by his son, called at the Office this morning to see me before I reached town, and said they would call again at 11 oclock, which they did. I introduced them to Prest. Taylor and a number of the brethren with whom they had a very pleasant conversation. I then accompanied them to the Temple Block and ascended to the top of the Temple. I found him when he was Attorney General a fair man, easily approached, and anxious always to converse upon the situation of affairs here. He expresses the same desire now, and wishes to know all about our doctrines &c. I furnished him with a lot of books. At 2 p.m. attended meeting of the Council at the Endowment House. While we were there a dispatch was brought addressed to Elder John Morgan from M. W. Haws at Chattanooga conveying the information that Elder John T. Alexander had been mobbed in Georgia and two bullets had penetrated his clothing and he had been kicked and injured internally. My son David was attacked by fever on Monday, and is suffering from it. My wife Sarah Jane is also quite sick.

7 June 1883 • Thursday

Thursday June 7, 1883. I spent the day from 1/2 past 9 oclock this morning in taking Mr Pierrepont and his son around the city and to various places of interest. I induced Bro. John T. Caine to accompany us. I first took them to Prospect Point as it is called in the 20th Ward to give them a view of the City and the Valley which they admired very much. We then drove to camp, and left our cards at the house of the Commandant General McCook who was absent. We afterwards called upon the second in command, Col. Osborne. We then returned and drove through the City. Called at the Theatre and at one oclock dined with President Taylor at the Gardo House. In the afternoon I drove him to the Warm and the Hot Springs. Afterwards called upon Mayor Jennings at his residence. By this time it was 1/2 past 6 oclock.

8 June 1883 • Friday

Friday June 8, 1883. Spent most of the day at the Office. Bro. L. J. Nuttall returned last evening from his visit to Tintic.

Engaged with President Taylor in conversing about and arranging business matters with Bro. John Beck. This has occupied most of the day.

9 June 1883 • Saturday

Saturday June 9, 1883. I brought my son David to town with me this morning as his aunt Emily wished him to come that she might nurse him. I think he is somewhat better.

Spent most of the day with President Taylor arranging about the Beck business

10 June 1883 • Sunday

Sunday, June 10, 1883. I remained in town last night and started this morning to meet with the Saints in Conference at Centerville, it being their Quarterly Conference. President Taylor, Horace S. Eldredge, W. W. Taylor, my son, Abraham, and Dr S. B. Young of the Seventies were also there, also Bros. George Reynolds and C W. Penrose. We were met at the Depôt by Prest. W. R. Smith, Prest. of the stake who took us to his house where we remained until time for meeting. We met in the new meeting house, and after singing I offered the Dedicatory prayer. An adjournment was then taken for fifteen minutes so that the seats could be removed from the meeting house to the Bowery, there not being sufficient room to accommodate all who were present. The day has been a most interesting one. Prest. Taylor occupied the remainder of the forenoon and in the afternoon an affidavit of Bro. Thomas Grover by Bro. Arthur Stayner in which he swore to the fact that in 1843 – nearly a year before the Prophet Joseph’s martyrdom – Hyrum Smith the Patriarch read to the High Council by request of the Prophet the revelation which is now published in the Book of Doctrine and Covenants, & that upon a vote being called respecting its acceptance, nine of the Council voted to receive it, and three did not. The three were: Wm Marks, Austin Coles, and Lorin Soby. Of the nine High Councillors who were then present, Bro. Grover and Bro Chas. C. Rich, are the sole survivors. After the reading of the affidavit Bro. Grover bore a testimony to the statements made in the affidavit. Prest. Taylor then followed with a statement of the manner in which the revelation had been communicated to him. The Prophet Joseph had called President Young, H. C. Kimball, N. K. Whitney, Orson Hyde, and himself into his office in the part of the building known as Joseph’s Store in Nauvoo, and there communicated to them that God had revealed to him the doctrine of celestial marriage and reasoned at some length respecting it. They all received it though to use his words, “it was a bitter pill.” He did not obey it quickly, and he afterwards met the Prophet as he was riding out of Nauvoo and the Prophet was riding in on the road passing through the old grave yard, when the Prophet stopped him and told him that these things must be obeyed or the keys would be turned

Prest. Taylor was followed by Bro. Joseph B. Noble who testified to the conference that Joseph communicated to him this doctrine and told him that God had revealed it to him in Kirkland while engaged in the translation of the Bible, but had informed him that the time had not yet come for it to be put into practice, but that an angel of the Lord had commanded him to now enter upon its practice, and to those brethren in whom he could confide he communicated the doctrine, and that at Joseph’s request he married his wife’s sister Louisa Beman to him he repeating (in a whisper) the ceremony of marriage as Joseph gave it to him. He spoke also about the irreproachable and pure character of his wife’s sister. After he sat down Bro. Penrose spoke a short time. I was anxious to hear Bro. George Reynolds speak, and Prest. Taylor called upon him, and he occupied a short time, and then I spoke for about 40 minutes with considerable freedom. We took dinner and supper at Bro. Smith’s, who arranged for us to be carried to the train.

11 June 1883 • Monday

Monday, June 11, 1883. I spent last night in town. My son Abraham drove me down home this morning. I think David has improved somewhat.

Busy all day with Prest. Taylor attending to private matters connected with the Beck business.

I brought my daughter Emily and son Sylvester to town this morning as he was desirous of getting his portrait taken. He was six years old yesterday. During his mothers life time she had taken him to the gallery with the intention of having his portrait taken, but he got frightened, and she had to bring him away without it. He has been desirous himself lately to have his likeness taken, and said he would not be frightened now.

12 June 1883 • Tuesday

Tuesday June 12, 1883. Brought my daughter Emily to town this morning to attend to some purchases for her mother. I found David asleep when I came up and free from fever, though he told me that he had been sick at the stomack this morning, and had not felt very well.

Met with the Directors of Z.C.M.I. at 11 oclock. After transacting business, Bro. Calder proceeded to state that reports were common in the street respecting Bro. S.W. Sears gambling, and these had been repeated notwithstanding what I had said to the Board upon this subject. I had had a conversation with Bro. Sears in which I told him there were rumors about his gambling, and that he had lost a pair of horses by it. He told me that he had not, that he had parted with them for money, and that he had not gambled except dealing in stocks as other men had done. This I communicated to the Board, but Bro. Calder today thought, notwithstanding what I had stated, it was still certain that he had been gambling, and he made a motion that a committee with the Board investigate these charges. Bro. Sears said that if the motion was made he would not make any statement but leave them to investigate. Bro. Eldredge thought it was scarcely the province of the Board to investigate charges against members characters, and if they went into these they would have nothing else to do. Bro. Calder’s motion was not seconded. I stated I could not second it, because I did not see how a committee could do any more than already has been done. I had endeavored to investigate this matter, but I could get no evidence, and I did not see that a committee could do anything towards getting evidence. Besides I felt as Bro. Eldredge did it was scarcely the province of the Board to investigate things of this character, especially while Bro. Sears himself was present to make any statement that might be asked for. Bro. Eldredge made a motion that Bro. Sears make a statement. This Bro. Calder seconded, and Bro. Sears then stated what he supposed was the reason for these charges. He explained it all in a humble manner, and said he was conscious of having been very unwise in what he had done, but he was exceedingly sorry for it. He was in the hands of his brethren. If they thought it better for him to resign he would do so. But he wished to be with them, and his feelings were to do all in his power for the Church and Kingdom of God. He was bitterly affected while speaking. And in reply to my direct enquiry as to whether he was in the habit of playing cards and gambling, he said he was not. I told him for one I heartily forgave him, and Prest. Taylor afterwards made a motion that we extend our confidence and forgiveness to Bro. Sears, and that we sustain him as the Assistant Superintendent of Bro. Eldredge, which was carried by the other brethren present, there being present: President Taylor, H. S. Eldredge, S. W. Sears, David O. Calder, and myself of the Board, and Bro. Webber, the Secretary and Treasurer. Bro. Sears after the meeting took me aside and told me that what I had said in the meeting about him was true, that he had been inclined to draw off, and that he had sometimes acted almost defiantly; but he had been humbled by this transaction, and had fasted and prayed and repented of it very sincerely, and he meant to do all in his power to magnify his calling as an Elder, to be a Latter-day-Saint, and to do any duty that might be required of him. He could not contract his feelings while he talked and was very much affected. I expressed my pleasure at this, because he is a young man I have always liked. He labored in the ministry when quite a boy under my presidency in England, and I was greatly pleased with him then and have looked upon him as a man of talent whose abilities would be of great use if properly directed.

13 June 1883 • Wednesday

Wednesday June 13, 1883. At the Gardo House this morning with President Taylor. Afterwards at the office. Met with Bishop C. [blank] of [blank] and Elders Miller & Ward of the same place to counsel in regard to the arrest of the latter on a charge of polygamy.

At 2 p.m. met with the Presidency and Twelve at the Endowment House. After meeting we returned to the office, where we were joined by Presidents Smith & Woodruff and Bro. Brigham Young who had been absent on a visit to the Saints in Colorado, from which they had just returned. The case of Mrs Carswell v. H.C. Pender was brought before us on appeal. A letter was written to President Shurtcliffe and counsel giving our views respecting the matter.

14 June 1883 • Thursday

Thursday, June 14, 1883. At the Office. Busy all day on various matters.

President Taylor accompanied by Elders George Reynolds, as his private Secretary, and John Irvine as Reporter, expect to leave here on Sunday morning by special train, Bro. John Sharp having kindly tendered the use of the Directors Car and Engine to the party, and with his wife will accompany us as far as the end of the track. We have arranged to hold meeting at Nephi at 11 oclock on Sunday. After dinner we shall then proceed to Deseret where meeting is arranged at 7 oclock in the evening. We shall hold meeting there also on Monday morning, after which we shall proceed to Milford, which is the end of the track, where we shall be met with carriages to carry us to Minersville. We shall hold meeting at Minersville on the morning of Tuesday, and then proceed in the evening to Beaver, where we shall spend Wednesday and Thursday, and on Friday drive over to Parowan and hold conference with them on Saturday and Sunday. On Monday it is our design to return to the end of the track and reach home at 9.25 Tuesday morning.

The Theodore Thomas concerts attract a good deal of attention. They give their first performance tomorrow evening and in the middle of day on Saturday and Saturday evening. I have eight tickets for each of these concerts given me, and have so arranged that all my family shall go.

15 June 1883 • Friday

Friday, June 15, 1883. At the Office. A meeting of the Directors of Zions Saving Bank was held at the Presidents Office, and it was decided to purchase a piece of the lot formerly owned by Bro. D. H. Wells, which is now owned by the Trustee-in-Trust – about 28 ft. x 110 ft for $7500.

16 June 1883 • Saturday

Saturday, June 16, 1883. At the Office all day. In the evening attended the Theodore Thomas Concert and enjoyed the music and singing very much. The hallelujah chorus was sung by a quoir of our own people. The instrumental part of this ochestra is something exceedingly admirable, it being the most perfect of anything I have ever witnessed. It was a little too advanced for the majority of our people who were not generally pleased with it; but so far as this evening’s concert is concerned I was very much gratified and I may say delighted with it. I remained in town all night.

Thomas Taylor wrote a letter to President Taylor making certain propositions connected with the Iron Works and other property (see copy of his letter). At President Taylor’s request I had an interview with Bishop Taylor upon the subject. In order to save time I sent a ticket for the concert to him and we conversed at intervals on the subject. I am desirous to come to some arrangement about this property as my position has been a very embarrassing one in consequence of Bishop Taylor’s disinclination to adopt the plan suggested by President Taylor respecting this property. I think probably that now some arrangement will be reached.

17 June 1883 • Sunday

Sunday, June 17th 1883. We started this morning on a special at 6.55. Our party consisted of President Taylor and wife, Maggie, and daughter, Ida, Supt. John Sharp, and wife, George Reynolds, and wife, Apostle Lyman, and John Irvine. Elders Cox and Fotheringham, of Beaver, were also along and myself. Sisters Taylor and Reynolds concluded to stop at Nephi. We reached Nephi at 10.30, and after resting at Sister Pitchfork<th>s we proceeded to meeting. We spoke in the following order, myself, Apostle Lyman, Bishop Sharp and President Taylor. We dined at Sister Pitchforths, and at 2.30 took rail for Deseret. A three hours ride brought us there, and we were met at the station, which is a mile from the town, by a large number of the population in wagons, a display of military, banners, and with them were escorted to the town. President Taylor and myself were entertained by Bishop Black. At 7 oclock we held meeting in the Bowery. President Taylor and myself and Bro. Lyman spoke. We were also met here by Prest. Hinckley and Counsellors, J. B. Robinson and D. Thomson of this stake, and Bishop A. A. Kimball

18 June 1883 • Monday

Monday, June 18, 1883. After breakfast this morning we were driven in carriages through the farming land, and after several miles ride – for this is a very extensive country – we look at the dam which has been built across the Sevier to take out the water. It forms quite a series of cascades as the river is very high. The land is very extensive and exceedingly fertile, but care has to be taken because of the mineral. It has been ascertained, however, that after the mineral appears and spoils the crops, that by leaving the land for a while it will disappear. They have discovered that by flooding the land and irrigating the mineral can be kept from rising, and this is the method now generally adopted.

We met with the Saints at 10 oclock, and myself, Bishop Sharp and President Taylor addressed them. We dwelt on the necessity of their concentrating together and not live scattered over large distances as they are at the present time, and pointed out advantages for culture and self improvement as well as social enjoyment in living close together. This is the first time this place has been visited by any of the Presidency.

At 3 p.m. we left Deseret Station for Milford. Arrived there at 5.30. President John R. Murdock of the Beaver Stake and Elders Teasdale and Riddle were there with carriages awaiting our arrival. We had a pleasant drive of 14 miles to Minersville, where we reached about 8 oclock. Bro. Lyman and myself put up at Bro. Dotson’s.

19 June 1883 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 19th 1883. We held two meetings at Minersville today, one at 10 a.m. and the other at 1.30 p.m. At the morning meeting Elders Lyman, Reynolds and myself spoke; in the after, Prest J R. Hinckley and Prest. Taylor. At 4 oclock we started for Beaver. I rode in Bro. Dotson’s carriage. We reached Beaver at 6.30 p.m. I was invited by Prest. Murdock to stop with President Taylor at his residence. He gave us a very hospitable welcome.

20 June 1883 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 20, 1883. Carriages being provided for us we drove to Camp Cameron and inspected quarters of that post. These buildings have been purchased by Bro. Murdock for school purposes, the Church having contributed a part of the means. They are admirably situated, and are much more extensive than I expected to find them. It is a beautiful location and if we can secure the land and devote the buildings to school purposes, it will make an admirable location for an industrial or agricultural college. On our return we visited the Beaver Woollen factory, which is a very creditable establishment, is well managed, and pays good dividends. At 2 p.m. a meeting was held with the Saints. Elder Lyman and myself occupied the time. In the evening at 7 oclock a meeting of the Young folks was held which was addressed by a number of speakers. I made a few closing remarks. Prest. Taylor was not present. In my discourse this afternoon I had most excellent freedom

21 June 1883 • Thursday

Thursday, June 21, 1883. We were pained this morning by receiving the news of the destruction of the Council House and the adjacent buildings and property owned by H. B. Clawson, Charles R. Savage, Elias Morris, Jos H. Parry, and a few others. It seemed that the fire broke out at the back of Bro. Clawson’s establishment about midnight and was doubtless the work of an incendiary. Some little while after the fire started a wagon containing some kegs of powder exploded, and broke all the plate glass in the upper part of Main Street, and did great damage to the glass of private residences in the vicinity. Probably this explosion spread the fire as burning brands were hurled as far as the large Tabernacle, the roof of which took fire, and also the Tithing Office, but were extinguished by the efforts of active men. It is estimated that the loss will be about $100,000. It is the most serious conflagration that has ever happened in the City.

We also heard of the death of Bishop L. E. Harrington of American Fork, a most worthy man and a faithful Legislator whose skill in this direction had secured the confidence and esteem of his brethren as well as by the discharge of his duty as Bishop. He died from pneumonia.

We held meetings today at 10 oclock and 2 oclock. President Taylor occupied the entire morning, and in the afternoon Elders George Reynolds, myself, F. M. Lyman, and Prest. Taylor spoke.

22 June 1883 • Friday

Friday June 22, 1883. Last evening Prest. Taylor and myself made calls upon Brother James Farrer and family, Daniel Tyler, & Jon. C. Crosby. I have enjoyed my stay at Beaver very much. Bro. Murdock has made us very welcome.

At 9 oclock this morning we left for Parowan. Stopped for a short time at Buckhorn Springs. When we reached Paragoona Brother Lyman and Brother Irvine were requested by President Taylor to stop and hold meeting with the Saints there in the evening. At Parowan I stayed at the house of Bro. Thomas Durham, who is leader of the choir, where Bro. Irvine also stayed. Bro. Erastus Snow came here this evening. We were met at Paragoona by the brass band under the leadership of Bro. Thos. Durham, who accompanied us to Parowan, and on our entrance to town we found the Sunday School children on the road side with banners to bid us welcome. Spent the evening with Prest. Taylor at Bro. W. C. Mitchells.

23 June 1883 • Saturday

Saturday, June 23, 1883. Elders J. Gates, J. T. D. McAllister and J. D. Blake, arrived from St. George. I felt very unwell all day today. I think I must have taken cold last evening. Conference meetings were held at 10 and 2 oclock, and Priesthood meeting at 7.30, all of which I attended. Prest. Taylor, Bro. Lyman, various Bishops, and Prest John R. Murdock occupied the forenoon. Several reports were read in the afternoon, and the remainder of the time was occupied by Elders Reynolds, Gates, McAllister, & Prest. Taylor. In the evening reports of quorums were had, & Elders Blake, Erastus Snow and myself occupied the time. We had a short meeting. There was a proposition made by President Taylor in the afternoon that the Trustee-in-Trust contribute $300 towards the liquidation of $1000 indebtedness resting upon the house. I took the liberty of suggesting as one of the conditions of the payment of this that they take the doors off the meeting House and change them so that instead of opening inwards they should open outwards, so that if any accident should occur by which a panic would be created that the pressure of the people upon the doors instead of fastening them as in a trap would open and let them out. The preposition seemed to please everybody, and by the evening meeting one pair of doors was changed

24 June 1883 • Sunday

Sunday, June 24, 1883. I felt somewhat better this morning, though still far from well. I found they had changed both doors during the night, so that they now open outwards. We held meetings at 10 o’c and 2 oclock. Prest. Taylor occupied the entire forenoon. Bro. George Reynolds read for him Christ sermon on the mount. In the afternoon the authorities were presented, and myself and Bro. Snow occupied the time.

25 June 1883 • Monday

Monday, June 25, 1883. I have been kindly treated by Bro. Durham and his family, they having done everything in their power to make me comfortable in my sickness. They are a very pleasant and hospitable family, and I cherish pleasant recollections of their kindness, not only on this visit, but on my last visit to Parowan.

We started at 6.25 this morning, I having a seat in Bro. Mortensens carriage. We crossed to the West Valley and passed Little Salt Lake, where there is no water, and went through the gap over the Rush Lake desert to Minersville. We occupied about 6 hours on the journey. At Minersville I took dinner at Bro. [blank] who drove Prest. Taylor and his daughter and myself in his carriage to Milford. This day’s journey is said to be upwards of 50 miles. Here we found Bro. Sharps car, in which we were made very comfortable. Partook of supper on board and passed a tolerably comfortable night in the berths provided for us.

26 June 1883 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 26th 1883. Breakfasted in the car. Brothers Lyman and Gates got off at Provo, and the train was stopped to let me off near my place. I found my family in usually good health, my son David having recovered from his fever and is able to work, for all of which I was very thankful. Drove to town in the afternoon, and was at the office. Dennis Kearney the noted agitator of San Francisco, known as the Sand lot orator of California, called two or three times to see me. I finally had an interview with him. He was accompanied by Stephen A Maybel. He was desirous when he returned if agreeable to address the people. I told him if he would write me from the east I would communicate with him what the prospects would be.

The weather is very hot today.

27 June 1883 • Wednesday

Wednesday June 27, 1883. This is the Anniversary of the death of our beloved Prophet and Patriarch, which occurred 39 years ago today.

At the Office. At 2 p.m. met at the Social Hall in Council.

28 June 1883 • Thursday

Thursday, June 28, 1883. Attended meeting in the Social Hall at 10. A.M. and 2 P.M.

29 June 1883 • Friday

Friday, June 29, 1883. Met again at the Social Hall at 10 A.M. and 3 P.M.. Remainder of the time was at the Office. Had interviews with Thomas Taylor.

30 June 1883 • Saturday

Saturday, June 30, 1883. Had an appointment at 9 oclock this morning with Bishop Thomas Taylor at the Gardo House. President Taylor and myself agreed to his proposition respecting the iron mines and other property and we have agreed to incorporate and form a company for the manufacture of iron. This is a great relief to me because of the embarrassing circumstances which surrounded me in consequence of the refusal of Bishop Taylor to accede to the propositions of President Taylor upon the subject of the organization of the Company (Insert here copy of agreement). I had an interview today with Wm H. Sherman at his own request. He was formerly a member of the Church and an intimate friend of mine. When Godby and associates left the Church he was one of them. I had a long conversation with him previous to his coming out openly and casting his fortunes with them, in which I used all the persuasion of which I was capable to induce him to refrain from the step that he was about to take and represented to him what the result would be. My words have been fully verified. He wished to know at that time when he found he was in error if he could not retrace his steps. I told him it would be exceedingly difficult. I brought up the figure of two persons starting together from a given point and one diverging from that path. If he pursued the course he had taken every step that each took would make the distance between them greater. In his interview today he described his feelings, said he had been a fool and could see and had been able to see it for sometime, but when he took the course he did he had no idea that it would lead him out of the Church. He said he would rather have gone out and been shot than to have left the Church. (I scarcely think that he is correct in this, though I do not question his sincereity in making this remark; but I cannot see he could possibly expect to retain his standing and do as he did, especially in the face of the warning which I gave him.) He related to me confidentially a conversation which he had had with Bishop Tuttle on the subject of religion. Tuttle was anxious to have him join their church and had made several overtures to him for that purpose. He told him frankly, however, that he could not do so; that he believed Joseph Smith to be a Prophet and that all the revelations he had received were from God. He said to me that some people found riches a barrier to joining the Church, but in his case it was his poverty that prevented him renewing his covenants. He was not in a position financially to do so. I do not know what his object was in seeking this interview with me except to relieve his feelings. He had heard that it had been stated that he gave evidence against me at the time of my indictment before the Grand Jury. He informed me that he had gone before that body upon their summons and that he gave as little as he possibly could, and was so reticent as to excite their displeasure. How hard it is for a man who has once partaken of the good word of God and tasted of the powers of the world to come to have renewed within him that spirit which he forfeits by the abandonment of the work of God and the violation of the covenants of the Priesthood.

Dictated Journal to Bro. John Irvine.

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June 1883, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 22, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1880s/1883/06-1883