November 1872

Events in George Q. Cannon’s journal for 1872

26 November

Travel to Washington DC; meeting with Thomas L. Kane

25 November 1872 • Monday

Monday, Nov. 25/72.1 This was the day on which we intended to start – Capt. W. H. Hooper, his family and self – for Washington; but Pres. Young had received a telegraphic dispatch from Gen. Thos L. Kane, from which it was expected he would reach Salt Lake City to-day. To see him we decided to stop. A dispatch to Bro. John Sharp from Green River conveyed the impression that the General and wife and children had stopped there to rest. The President proposed that Brigham, Jr., John W. Young and myself should take train to-morrow morning and go out to meet him.

26 November 1872 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Nov. 26/72. We started at 5 o’clock a.m. At Ogden found the General and family, in a sleeping car. The dispatch had been sent by the conductor and he meant to say they would lay over in his car instead of at Green River. He and Mrs. K. and the children were very glad to see us. They (Gen. K. and wife) were in feeble health. When he learned I was about to go East, he requested me to sit beside him and we conversed intimately till we reached the city. Having telegraphed the President he had carriages there at the depot. We escorted General Kane and family to the American House, kept by Col. Little. He was very tired. In the evening Capt. Hooper and myself were set apart – the President pronouncing the blessing. Mine was very comforting and encouraging. We then called on Gen. Kane and had over an hour’s conversation with him. President Young sent two policemen to guard me through the night and to escort me to the cars in the morning. He did the same for Bro. Hooper. He had heard something that caused him to suspect evil designs on the part of our enemies. I had the policemen – Bro’s. Phillips and Alex. Burt go to bed. <Bro.> Angus and I sat up very late at work. He left; [29 Hawaiian words redacted because they address deeply personal matters between Cannon and his family.]

27 November 1872 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Nov. 27/72. [40 Hawaiian words redacted because they address deeply personal matters between Cannon and his family.] My sons John Q. and Abraham H. and the policemen accompanied me to the cars; also my brother in law John Hoagland. The Central Pacific train was behind time and we had to wait at Ogden for it. We met Bishop W. B. Preston and wife and child here and I went and breakfasted with them at Bro. F. D. Richards’. He was at the city. My son Franklin J. is here and working for Bro. F. S. Richards in the county clerk’s office. We left Ogden about 10 a.m. Bro. Bull and two missionaries were on the cars. We had a very pleasant and agreeable trip to Omaha, at which place we arrived about 2 p.m. on Friday, the 29th. We secured our passages on the Chicago and Rock Island R.R. and received many favors from the agent, Mr. S. S. Stevens.

30 November 1872 • Saturday

Saturday, Nov. 30/72 At Davenport where we ate breakfast, Capt. Hooper family took passage for Galena. We continued to Chicago. We reached about 4 p.m. and went to the Clifton House, Mr. Jenkins, proprietor who treated us very kindly and expressed a desire to have his house patronized by our people.

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November 1872, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed February 15, 2025


  1. [1]Journal entries for 1872 are in the journal labeled No. 6.