November 1863

1 November 1863 • Sunday

Sunday, Nov. 1st/63. We met in Conference to-day and held three meetings. The usual business was attended to and the brethren spoke. I spoke in all three of the meetings.

2 November 1863 • Monday

Monday, Nov. 2/63. Very stormy day. Wrote a letter to my father-in-law, Bishop Hoagland. Took tea at Bro. Englefield’s. Then went to the Hall and spent the evening with the Elders and Saints; recitations, songs, and remarks from myself were the business of the evening. I had a serious talk with Bro. Nelson and warned him in plainness of his danger he was in.

3 November 1863 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Nov. 3/63. Arose early this morning. Sisr Stevens had breakfast early and started for the Station. Reached Liverpool in the evening, very tired.

4 November 1863 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Nov. 4th/63. Wrote to several of the Elders, And an Editorial, “A direful vengeance and an unlooked for Avenger.”

5 November 1863 • Thursday

Thursday, Nov. 5th/63. Wrote an article on “Statistical Reports — Branch & Conference Records” and another “The last apostate Device.” <Wrote some letters and> Commenced a letter to Bro. Chauncey W West.

6 November 1863 • Friday

Friday, Nov. 6th/63. Finished letter to Bro. West also wrote to President Young.

7 November 1863 • Saturday

Saturday, Nov. 7/1863. {Attending to Office business. Brother Thomas Taylor left for the Isle of Man.} Started to Hanley at 4 P.M. to attend Conference. Was met at the Station by Bro. <Chas. B.> Taylor and found Bro’s. Kay and F[inley] S Free at the house of Bro Poole, President of the Hanley Branch.

8 November 1863 • Sunday

Sunday, 8th/63. Very stormy. Very few at meeting; but I enjoyed the opportunity very much. In afternoon and evening we had excellent meetings.

9 November 1863 • Monday

Monday, Nov. 9/63. Sis. Poole made me a present of a China cup and saucer and a singular black drinking cup. Started to Burslem accompanied by Bro’s. Kay, Taylor and Free where I took train for L’pool, which place I reached about 3. P.M. Found all well. Attended meeting at Bro. Graham’s. We had a good meeting.

10 November 1863 • Tuesday

Tuesday, 10th/63. Wrote an Article entitled: “European complications — Congress or War” and wrote letters to <my wife> Elizabeth & Grandma [Goodfellow].

11 November 1863 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Nov. 11/63. Wrote an article “How the Branches can be kept healthy.

<Judicial> Pruning needed.[”] Received a letter from my wife Sarah Jane written on the 4th of Octr, East Weber. She was there on a visit to her Mother and her sister Olive, who with her husband, Wm Peck, are <is> residing there. Her health had not been good and she visited there by their invitation, hoping it would do her good. She had some idea of spending the winter <there>; but had not decided upon it. <Spent the evening at Bro. Graham’s.>

12 November 1863 • Thursday

Thursday, Nov. 12/63. Wrote several letters and attended Office business. {Elder Samuel, H. Hill, who had been traveling in the Newcastle-on-Tyne district, and had been appointed to labor in the Swiss & Italian mission, left this day per “Pelican,” for Rotterdam.}

13 November 1863 • Friday

Friday, Nov. 13/63. Wrote a letter to my wife, Sarah Jane. Reading proof of the Star and attending Office business.

14 November 1863 • Saturday

Saturday, 14/63. Started at 10. A.M. for Hull and reached there at 2.45 P.M. Met at the Station by Bro’s. Bull and Nicholson. Went to Bro. Hallett’s, and we were afterwards joined by Bro’s Pratt, Jas. Bullock and Geo. Swan. Took dinner there. Sister Wilkinson Pickering waited upon us. Spent the evening there. Went to Bro. Williams’ and slept there. <Received a letter from my wife Eliz>abeth, & Grandma (which see).

15 November 1863 • Sunday

Sunday, Nov. 15/63. Attended Conference morning, afternoon and evening. Had good meetings. All the Elders spoke in the morning and afternoon. I also spoke for a short time and occupied the evening in speaking. There were very many strangers with us in the evening.

16 November 1863 • Monday

Monday, Nov.d 16/63. Several folks called upon us. Took dinner at Bro. Salmon’s and in the evening repaired to the Hall where the Saints were having a Tea Party. Precisely at ½ past 6 p.m., the people being all seated, a blessing was asked and tea commenced. The arrangements were very perfect, the tea <meal> was excellent and everything went off in a creditable manner. Bro. Bull, had assisted by Bro Nicholson and others, had taken great pains to have the party prove a success and I think they succeeded admirably.

17 November 1863 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Nov. 17th/63. Started this morning for th L’pool being accompanied to the Station by Elders Bull, Pratt, Bullock and Nicholson and Bro Williams our host and President of the Branch. Reached L’pool in the afternoon and found all well. Wrote notices to the Elders respecting holding a General Council of the Elders on the Decr 31st.

Wrote other letters on business.

18 November 1863 • Wednesday

Wednesday, 18th Went with Bro. Romney to Turkish Bath. Bro. Robert Pixton arrived here having been visiting his brother. Commenced an editorial The Power and Providence of God — Faith in Him needed.” Wrote several letters.

19 November 1863 • Thursday

Thursday, 19th Finished editorial and in evening attended meeting in the Chapel; the Saints bore testimony and I spoke for a short time.

20 November 1863 • Friday

Friday, Nov. 20th Wrote a letter to Uncle and Aunt Taylor.

21 November 1863 • Saturday

Saturday, 21st. Started this morning for Cheltenham, and after traveling all day, reached there late in the afternoon and was met at the Station by Elders J G Holman and Henson Walker. It was storming terrifically and continued most of the evening. We took supper at Bro. Killpack’s where we were joined by Bro’s. Geo. W Grant and Franklin Merrill. Spent the evening there and then went to our lodgings. Bro Holman and I lodged at an inn.

22 November 1863 • Sunday

Sunday, Nov. 22/63. Held Conference and met with the Saints three times. I made some remarks in the forenoon, after the brethren had made their representation and in company with Bro. Geo. W Grant occupied the afternoon. In the evening the brethren expected a row, as they had had one every for the three past Sunday evenings. There were some slight symptoms of disturbance in the beginning of the meeting; after I h but when I commenced I reasoned with them on the folly of attempting to meet arguments with violence, as it was always an evidence of a weak cause; that we had assembled for the purpose of worshipping our God according to the dictates of our own conscience and we wished to enjoy that right unmolested. After I had spoken a few minutes the thumping upon the door by the crowd that which were was outside became very noisy and I told the doorkeeper to open the door and let every one come in who wished to stand. They swarmed in

Large numbers swarmed in and for a few minutes there was considerable confusion and many became apprehensive that we would have trouble and the doorkeeper came to the stand and told me that he thought it would be better to dismiss the meeting as we would be sure to be interrupted. After they began to settle I called them to order and told them that the first one who should attempt to create a disturbance would be arrested by the and given in charge of the police at the door, and if there were any who wished to raise the issue with us I was willing to meet them and we would test our right to worship our God in peace and quietness before the magistrates. I told them further that I had held meetings in almost every town in the country, and I had met not met with such a so much annoyance as I had experienced here. I had expected better things in Cheltenham from the character I had always heard given to the city and its inhabitants. The Lord greatly blessed me, and I spoke with freedom and power and they listened with great attention, as quietly and with as great apparent interest as I had ever seen manifested by any congregation similarly situated. When we dismissed they separated quietly. On the whole we all felt that we had had an excellent meeting. We took our meals all day to-day at Sister Hobbs’. Bro’s. O. Knight, and Geo. Taylor, the first from Zion and the latter President of the Worcester Conference were with us all day.

23 November 1863 • Monday

Monday, Nov. 23/63. Started this morning for L’pool. All the brethren accompanied me to the Station. I reached there about 3. P.M. Found all well. Received a letter from my wife, Sarah Jane, from which I learned that she was living still with her Mother at Coalville, East Weber, and that she thought of stopping there all winter unless I requested otherwise. She had been into the City to the Conference. I attended meeting at Bro. Graham’s in the evening.

24 November 1863 • Tuesday

Tuesday, 24th/63. Altered and finished article which I commenced on the 10th instant. Wrote some letters also.

25 November 1863 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Nov. 25/63. Wrote an Editorial: Tithing and Mission Fund — Evils to be guarded against. Bro. Shearman arrived in recruited health from Birmingham.

26 November 1863 • Thursday

Thursday, 26th/63. Writing journal and busy about Office.

27 November 1863 • Friday

Friday, 27th/63. Dictating letters to Bro’s. Heber C. Kimball, Wilford Woodruff, Chas. C Rich, Wm M Pyper and my brother David H. Cannon. In evening went to Sister Spencer’s in company with Bro’s. Shearman & Romney.

28 November 1863 • Saturday

Saturday, Sept. 28th. Wrote to Bro. Clayton and finished look writing letter to Elizabeth. At 3.50 P.M. started in company with Bro. Thos Taylor to Sheffield where we arrived at 6.30 P.M and were met at the Station by Bro’s. Bull, Benjn Stringham and Fowler. I found Bro. Stringham marked more with the small pox than I expected, from what I had heard he would be. We went to Bro. Cutler’s to supper where we were joined by Bro. Pratt, Bro’s Bull, Stringham and Fowler[;] stopped at Bro. Favel’s and I slept with Bro Bull.

29 November 1863 • Sunday

Sunday, Sept. <Novr> 29/63. Attended Conference and had three meetings. There was a very good spirit and the people felt well. I spoke in three meetings and felt very free. All the Elders spoke likewise.

30 November 1863 • Monday

Monday, Sept <Novr>30/63. Two persons — Mr. Allen and Mr. Burton — from Chesterfield called up on me this morning to talk about our principles. They were not in the Church; but inquiring. They seemed seem to be quite convinced, Mr. Allen particularly, of the truth of this work. Atten Went to Bro. Stevenson’s shop and viewed his workmanship on enemas. Then went to the Hall and partook of tea with the Saints. The meal was a very good one and the amusements afterwards were pretty fair.

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November 1863, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 21, 2024