September 1852

1 September 1852 • Wednesday

Attended morning meeting and spoke in regard to the Fast &c. The Governor [Nahaolelua] desired to address the people convened in our Meeting House we gave way to him and afterwards held our meeting and enjoyed an excellent time.1 The Meeting House built by the brethren here is an excellent one and excels the Calvinistic Meeting House; it is the best of any we have built.2

2 September 1852 • Thursday

Baptised two men and one woman Bro. K. officiating.3

3 September 1852 • Friday

Went to Wailua and held meeting; I spoke and we had a good time. Returned to Keanae [Ke‘anae] and baptized three men Bro. Kaleohano officiated.

4 September 1852 • Saturday

Attended morning meeting. To day had been appointed as the day to dedicate the house—we met at 10½ <o’clock> A.M. and sang and afterwards I prayed & dedicated the house to the Lord and enjoyed the spirit much—afterwards sang and Bro. Hammond then arose and spoke and was followed by me; we enjoyed the spirit—we then closed by singing and prayer. We then went up to the place of baptism and baptised seven Bro. Hawkins officiating. Returned and sat down to dinner and enjoyed ourselves excellently—the victuals were cooked nicely and in abundance—I ate the best poi to-day I ever tasted. In afternoon opened the meeting by singing and prayer as usual and attended to the confirmation of those baptised and spoke and had a very good meeting.4

5 September 1852 • Sunday

We had a very good meeting this morning. I preached and afterwards I baptised thirteen.5 In afternoon attended to the Lord’s Supper and to the ordaining of two teachers and four deacons. The day was spent pleasantly by me.

6 September 1852 • Monday

Attended morning meeting this morning. While eating breakfast Bro. Hawkins made some remarks about the field that he had been appointed to preside over and said he felt it to be a large field <one> and he would like it if someone could take charge of Kula branch if they felt like it &c. &c. Bro. Hammond said that things had been going so too much so, and that there had not been regularity enough, that the way things had been going on was not calculated to do well, no one having a settled place, but first one preaching <at one time at a place> and then another following and preaching at that same place, & the first leaving things partly settled thinking that the one following would attend to it; and thus things had not went on as they ought to have done.—I asked how this could have been avoided under the circumstances up to the present time; and that <at> our last Council Meeting (the 13th ultimo) he knew that we had taken measures to prevent confusion of this kind in future by setting off to each one his field of labor. There were several remarks and replies made backward and forward and considerable feeling manifested; I thought that Bro. Hammond intended to cast reflections upon me as he alluded to me as having acted partially and, as I thought, insinuated that I wanted to help the others forward and to keep him back—and these feelings had caused him to make a remark some time <before> that “he was only a passenger in the ship.” As we were in the house we thought we had better put off our conversation until after breakfast and retire by ourselves lest they <(the people)> should think wrong and form incorrect conclusions. As it was raining heavily we went to the Meeting House; Bro. Hy. W. Bigler was chosen to preside, I then arose and told my feelings in regard to the remarks of Bro. Hammond and disclaimed all thought of doing as he said I <had> done in regard to favoring some to the prejudice of others &c. &c. And I wished him to state in what respect I had done this and what his reasons were for making the remarks he had.

Bro. H. [Hammond] said that his feelings had been hurt and he had borne and forborne and did not design to give vent to his feelings he had curbed them and had desired to get away without letting them escape, and this had caused him to think about returning to-day lest this should happen, but the remarks of Bro. Hawkins had brought it out. One thing, he said, was that their had been remarks made that he had no right to stay and act upon this island without the consent [of President Lewis], although he (Hammond) had received the Pres.’ counsel to that effect. (This remark had been made by Bro. K. some time ago and as6 I thought had been settled.) He [Hammond] also had desired [for me] to go into Lahaina [with him] to preach he had alluded to it to me several times to <try &> draw me out but he could not. I put him off with some slight remark and this would wound him, but yet he thought it was necessary that he should be humbled and he was determined to bear it—there was one time in particular that he asked me as he had a very strong desire to go in, but I was quite cool about it and said that I did not at present feel like it—and that at others times I had said that it needed wisdom and a good knowledge of the language to go to Lahaina. He had felt that he was treading on toes and therefore he had made the remark “that he was only a passenger on board the Ship.” These things had grieved <him> because he thought there was a disposition to keep him back especially when he thought that he had made sacrifices as well as his brethren [and] that he had done all he could do. I arose and attempted to speak but could not as my feelings were so much wrought up that I could not express my feelings <thoughts> I never, to my remembrance, in my life experienced such feelings they were exquisite and I felt cut down to think that Bro. H. [Hammond] & I had mingled together and I had unbosomed myself to him time and again and yet all this time he had these feelings against me and had hinted to me and I had been so dull that I did not understand—these thoughts oppressed me and it was in vain that I tryed to express them for awhile—Bro. Hawkins spoke justifying the course I had taken—I prayed to the Lord to calm my feelings by His Spirit and I did experience a calm and the spirit of peace rested upon <me> and I felt easy—the storm had passed and the gush of feeling had subsided and I felt that it would all come out right. I arose and spoke and was enabled to tell my feelings and I had the spirit—I reminded Bro. H. that the time he asked me, we were both <talking about> going into Lahaina and I merely told my feelings at that time without the least design to retard him in any particular and I called upon the Lord to witness that I had endeavored to act impartially at all times, between my brethren.

My situation had been a peculiar one from the time I landed until the present—there was a time not long ago when Bros. Keeler & Hawkins thought I favored Bro. Hammond and now Bro. H. [Hammond] thought I favored <them> and I felt that I had always paid to him, if to anyone, the most attention; but what was my favor, a puny man filled with failings going to benefit any man, independant of the Spirit; it was the Lord and the presence of His holy spirit that will exalt and favor us &c. &c. Bro. H. [Hammond] denied any design to hurt my feelings but or to throw reflections upon me or my course in general; that it was the remark of Bro. H’s [Hawkins] wishing to have somebody else take his place, and thus throw things again in confusion, instead of having us operate according to our last counsel, that had started his feelings & had caused him to speak—Bro. H. [Hammond] spoke at some length, as well as others of the brethren—there were old feelings elicited that had been between Bros. Hawkins and Keeler Hammond that had caused <sorrow> and all in consequence of misunderstanding, both had thought they had <had> cause for feeling—and I was glad that it had come it out as it accounted for many things and for feelings that had been shown—it was in regard to to precedence in the priesthood. Bro. Hammond had thought that as he had a special appointment to this Island from Bro. L. [Lewis] & Bro. Hawkins was a visitor and <had> said that he did not know the time when he would return to Hawaii [Hawai‘i], that his it was his right to preside <take the lead> in my absence until the other day Bro. Hawkins told him that he had been hurt at his (Hammond’s) non-observance of order in our blessing meeting; and yet Bro. Hawkins had been guilty of the very things since Bros. Hy. & Wm had been here, that he reproved him for, as they were his seniors by ordination.

Bro. Hawkins on the other hand had thought, that he was recognised as one upon this Island with the rest, as he had represented branches, and he had thought that it was so understood by all the brethren, and he had thought that it was his right to take the lead—in the case of Bro. Hy &c. he had done so knowingly as Bro. Hy. did not know the language sufficiently and he intended to have <had> an understanding with the brethren about it the first opportunity. We had a good deal of talk and laid our feelings open one to the other and settled it all satisfactorily to all parties. The irritability and feeling displayed by Bro. Hammond this morning I believe was caused by these things—I thought this worthy of note that I might be reminded to avoid ascertain at all times the feelings of the brethren and to cultivate at all times a spirit of candor that we might have no misunderstandings.7

In afternoon had a meeting of the officers and gave much good instruction.

7 September 1852 • Tuesday

We started this morning for Makawao and arrived in afternoon.8 Bro. B.’s [Burnham] eyes had improved.

8 September 1852 • Wednesday

We stopped all day and in afternoon had a candy frolic. In evening held meeting.

9 September 1852 • Thursday

Started very early this morning for Waiehu <all> with the <exception> of Bro. Hawkins who stayed at M.—Found all well at W. Bro. Farrer’s eyes have been quite sore for some days.

10 September 1852 • Friday

Bro. Keeler <&> I started to Wailuku.9

11 September 1852 • Saturday

My Sister Leonora’s birthday; this day completes her twelfth year. I will scarcely recognise her when we meet. Bro. Keeler left to day for Honuaula.

12 September 1852 • Sunday

Spoke this morning. In afternoon Bro. Hammond & I spoke, also some of the brethren.10

13 September 1852 • Monday

Writing Journal &c. In afternoon Bros. Hy. & Wm. and I went over to Waiehu.

14 September 1852 • Tuesday

Bro. Hy. & I returned to Wailuku and attended to Council Meeting; had a good meeting.

15 September 1852 • Wednesday

Bro. Farrer returned here to-day. In afternoon held meeting.

16 September 1852 • Thursday

Writing in Church Record &c.

17 September 1852 • Friday

do. do.11

18 September 1852 • Saturday

Writing &c. We Went to Waiehu this afternoon.

19 September 1852 • Sunday

Returned to Wailuku. Bro. Hammond arose and spoke and enjoyed the spirit I had felt my lean<n>ess and want of ideas &c.; but upon his finishing I stood up and was blest with a powerful share of the spirit. Met again after a short intermission and was blessed with a goodly share of the spirit as were all of us also. I enjoyed this day’s meeting exceedingly.12 Bros. Hy. & Wm. returned with Bro. Hammond to W. One young man was baptised to-day by Bro. N. [Napela]

20 September 1852 • Monday

I went over to Waiehu this morning to see about getting horses ready to go into Lahaina for Bro. Lewis &c. &c.

21 September 1852 • Tuesday

I started for Lahaina this morning in company with one of Bro. Napela’s boys to drive the animals; arrived in L. in the afternoon and found Bro. [William] & Sis. [Patty] Perkins and Bro. Kipp there and all well excepting Sis. P. who is weakly; they were waiting for a vessel for home as they had been counselled by Bro. Lewis (after stating their situation) to return to the Valley [Utah Territory]. Bro. L. had not arrived they were expecting him hourly. I forgot to mention that Bro. Hammond had been into Lahaina last week and had heard that Bro. L. had sent a letter requesting us to bring him in horses as he intended to have Conference on this side of the Island. The letter I never received but upon hearing this word, we thought best to send the animals.

22 September 1852 • Wednesday

Reading &c. Bro. L. did not arrive.

23 September 1852 • Thursday

About noon to-day Bro. & Sis. Lewis arrived; they were both well and in good spirits although they had been straitened at times, yet the Lord had opened their way and they had been able to get along; Sis. L. had been able to sew and support them. In evening we started Bro. & Sis. Kipp accompanying us Bro. & Sis. P. remaining to come by boat if opportunity afforded. We had a beautiful night the moon making it nearly as light as day. We arrived about midnight and found Bros. Keeler and Hawkins as well as the rest.

24 September 1852 • Friday

Engaged Variously.13

25 September 1852 • Saturday

We went up the Kanyon to have a Council Meeting among ourselves. We opened by prayer Bro. L. called upon us to express our feelings; I arose and said I would like to know Bro. L’s mind in regard to the course that had been taken by us upon this Island and whether it met his mind in all things. Bro. L. said that it was all right and he was suited. He said what feelings he formerly had were buried &c. &c. These feelings were against Bro. Hammond as he thought Bro. H. had disobeyed his Counsel. After considerable talk with good feeling it was amicably settled—Bro. L. thinking that Bro. H. had been blessed in doing what he done.14

26 September 1852 • Sunday

Went over to Wailuku and Bro. Hawkins preached I followed and was followed by Bro. Hammond.15 In afternoon I spoke and was blessed with a good flow of the spirit—Bros. Hawkins and Hammond followed. Got wet in returning to Waiehu.

27 September 1852 • Monday

Variously engaged.

28 September 1852 • Tuesday

Went to Wailuku and worked with Bros. Farrer and Keeler at the Meeting House.16

29 September 1852 • Wednesday

The brethren stayed at the house working and I went to the Kula as the bottom is called to pull grass [thatching]. Returned in evening and found Bros. Bigler and Hawkins here.

30 September 1852 • Thursday

Returned to Waiehu in evening Bros. John Winchester and Albion Burnham arrived from Makawao. also Bro. Kipp and wife. In evening held meeting and had a good one

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September 1852, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 22, 2024


  1. [1]The governor’s meeting was held “to settle some difficulties with the people in relation to thier Judges” (Hammond journal, Sept. 1, 1852).

  2. [2]The new meetinghouse was “51 ft long by 21 [wide] with 3 doors all nicely matted over” (Hammond journal, Sept. 4, 1852).

  3. [3]Keeler reported that the baptisms took place the previous day (Keeler journal, Sept. 1, 1852). Farrer noted that the missionaries spent part of the day “regulating the names of the members of the branch here” (Farrer diary, Sept. 2, 1852).

  4. [4]Farrer related additional details regarding the day’s events: “There was a large congregation of the brethren & some strangers present, Elder George C. . . . made some appropriate remarks for the occasion, & exhorted the brethren as the house had been dedicated to the Lord to observe to keep it holy & undefiled. . . . We all sat down to a sumptuous dinner prepared by the brethren & to which they invited all present to partake. the dinner was got up in native style & of the productions of the Islands consisting in part of Pork, Turkey, fowl, fish &c baked under ground, together with poi, Kalo, sweet potatoes, melons, & bananas” (Farrer diary, Sept. 4, 1852).

  5. [5]Cannon spoke on “the Spirits in prison &c” (Hammond journal, Sept. 5, 1852).

  6. [6]Written over I.

  7. [7]Hammond recorded his perspective on the meeting: “Had a little meeting among ourselves we talked over our feelings and thoughts pretty freely to each other. . . . There was a misunderstanding between Bro Hawkins and me but it was all settled without trouble, it was voted and carried that I should represent the branch at Keanae at the comeing conference and that the decision of our other council [that Hammond would labor around Waihe‘e] should hold good” (Hammond journal, Sept. 6, 1852).

  8. [8]Their journey was a difficult one. “Had a nasty mudy time through the woods. . . . It was agreed that we all stay here on the morrow and let our animals rest” (Hammond journal, Sept. 7, 1852).

  9. [9]Upon reaching Wailuku, the missionaries found that Kitty Napela was ill. “She wanted Bro Cannon to Lay hands on her he done soi [so] and she got beter soon” (Keeler journal, Sept. 10, 1852).

  10. [10]Hammond wrote that “Bro Cannon preached in the morning from the 29 Chap of 2 Chronicles & 17 of Luke upon the earths being the Lords and the fullness thereof. In the afternoon Bro Cannon gave up the meeting to me, when I preached from Heb 11: C[h]ap. on faith . . . followed by Bro Cannon on the Same Subject, Bro Napela on the same &c &c he told the Saints to assist the Searvents of the Lord if they wanted to be blessed he said he knew it by experience” (Hammond journal, Sept. 12, 1852).

  11. [11]Farrer spent the day reviewing Cannon’s translation of the Book of Mormon (Farrer diary, Sept. 17, 1852).

  12. [12]During the morning meeting Hammond spoke “from Luke 24:45, 46, 47 . . . Bro Cannon followed on the same subject and done well had lots of the spirit spoke and taught like one having authority” (Hammond journal, Sept. 19, 1852). During the afternoon meeting Cannon “read the 12 chap. of 1 corrinthians & spoke on the gifts & blessings of the church,” followed by Hammond and Farrer “on the same subject” (Farrer diary, Sept. 19, 1852).

  13. [13]The missionaries spent the day conversing “upon principle” and “the buisness of this Mission” (Hammond journal, Sept. 24, 1852). One topic that likely received attention is hinted at in a letter Bigler subsequently wrote to his cousin George A. Smith the following week: “Do you think these Saints will ever be gathered to California or in the Valley of the Mountains? or will they gather on these Islands, and have Temples built, &c?” (Bigler to Smith, Oct. 3, 1852, in “Foreign Correspondence,” Deseret News, Apr. 2, 1853).

  14. [14]Hammond described the difficulty that existed between Lewis and him:

    “The brethren was called upon to speak thire feeling or rather to know what businiss there was to council about. . . . I then told them that I would like to know what Bro Lewis’ feelings were towards me in relation to my leaving Lahaina as I did without asking his advice he said he had had feelings about it but he had buried them and did not wish to have them brought up again. But I had heard some things that he had said which grieved me and caused me to have feelings towards him. he told Bro Cannon to not let me come over on this side of the Island but to keep me in Lahaina, & Bro Bigler told me that he had heard Bro Lewis often speak in terms of disaproval of the course which I had taken & that if he had the power he would take the Keys of the Priesthood away from me. this and some other things has caused me to feel very much depressed in my mind for some 3 weeks past Bro Lewis did not remember having said what Bro Bigler said he had but inasmuch as Bro Bigler said he did say so, he would not contradict it but asked my pardon for it was a very hasty and unwise remark. Bro Lewis counciled me to stay in Lahaina & work at my trade. . . . I stoped in Lahaina until the way closed up so that I could not get any more work. . . . The brethren all expressed thire thoughts in relation to the matter they all commended the course that I had taken and believed that I had been led by the spirit of the Lord but had ought to have wrote to Bro Lewis before I left Lahaina. it was then moved & seconded that all these difficultys be buried and forgoten, it was carried unanimously” (Hammond journal, Sept. 25, 1852).

  15. [15]Hawkins “spoke to the saints on the personal reign of the Savior on the earth together with his saints. Bro. C. followed on the same subject” (Farrer diary, Sept. 26, 1852).

  16. [16]The missionaries were assisting the local members “in puting up the rafters & nailing on the aho [horizontal supports for a roof] &c” (Farrer diary, Sept. 28, 1852).