October 1882

1 October 1882 • Sunday

Sunday Octr 1 1882. Attended meeting at the Tabernacle. Brother Erastus Snow spoke, and I followed occupying about 10 or 15 minutes of the time. Bros Woodruff, Snow, Wells and myself met in the Endowment House and had prayer without changing our clothes.

When I got home after this meeting, I found that my two daughters, Mary Alice and Hester had been thrown violently out of the carriage, the seat falling out with them. My son William was driving, and driving very rapidly across a ditch they were flung out. I found them both suffering from the shock, both having vomited. I administered to them, and afterwards, having an appointment to preach in the 14th Ward, I drove to the City. After meeting I called at my sister-in-laws and told her of the accident. She accompanied me home to wait upon her niece, Mary Alice. When we got into her bedroom, we found her quite delirious. There was no one in the room with her but her two little brothers and her sister, and they were very much frightened at her actions and her delirium and felt greatly relieved when we got in. I administered to her again. She was troubled with nervous twitchings all over, and I was very much afraid of concussion of the brain. She was struck in the back of the head. I sent a man in the buggy immediately for my son Abraham, who reached there shortly before midnight. I had administered a number of times to her, and when he came he joined in administering. About two oclock she became calm, and slept for about three hours. Abraham stayed up with her all night. I retired about two 2 oclock. Hester was also delirious, though not so bad as Mary Alice, and she slept better. We administered to her also.

2 October 1882 • Monday

Monday Octr 2 1882. A very cold morning. I received today a letter from Theo. W. Curtis (son of Elder Theo. Curtis, whom I baptized in San Francisco). He has become infidel, or a liberal free thinker, as I think the people with whom he associates are called. He had written an article on Mormonism, which was published in the “Index,” a Boston free-thinking journal. Bro. Reynolds read the article to Presidents Taylor & Smith, a number of the Twelve and myself. It was a very favorable article, and was a reply to one which had appeared in the same paper from the pen of a Prof. Gunning.

The Directors of the Deseret News Co met and re-elected the old officers.

An appointment was made for the Twelve to meet at 3 oclock tomorrow, and Prest. Woodruff was requested to notify the members of his quorum who were not here to be present. My daughters were a little better today.

3 October 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday Octr 3 1882. At the Office. Took dinner at Prest Taylor’s with Mr C. J. Barnes, of Chicago, the publisher, who is here on business connected with school books in the territory.

At three oclock met at the Endowment House, the First Presidency and eight of the Twelve, namely, Prest. Woodruff, Lorenz Snow, Erastus Snow, F. D. Richards, Brigham Young, Moses Thatcher, F. M. Lyman & John Henry Smith. Bros L. John Nuttall and George Reynolds were present as Secretaries. After transacting various items of business, Prest. Taylor spoke at some length to the Twelve upon subjects that he had conversed with his Counsellors upon, and brought to the attention of the Quorum many things which were out of order. He did not design to cast any reflections upon them, for he believed they were men who desired to do their duty, but to warn them of tendencies which were wrong. Among other things he called attention to the growing want of regard throughout the Church – and which was more or less apparent among leading men – for constituted authority, and gave a number of instances where there had not been that attention paid to counsel from him as President that there should have been. He caused a paper to be read (Bro. Reynolds read it) showing the manner in which members of the Quorum of the Twelve had been nominated from the beginning. The reading of this paper through [threw] much light upon this subject in the minds of many of the Twelve, as it was clearly shown that it was the province of the President of the Church to nominate, and in every instance he had done so. I bore testimony to his remarks and said that I knew they were dictated by the Spirit of the Lord, and they were necessary for us as servants of God to carry out strictly in our lives. So far as the vacancies in the Quorum of the Twelve were concerned, I had held myself free for or against any man, and was waiting the Spirit of the Lord to be made manifest to me that I could know for myself the will of the Lord whenever it should be brought to me, either by the spirit itself or by the appointment of the President. The meeting was a very satisfactory one and was held very late. I am confident that this meeting cannot fail to be productive of good. I drove home after night, and found my daughters a little better.

4 October 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday Oct. 4, 1882. My daughter Mary Alice was worse this morning, but Hester was better. I drove to town and obtained some liniment and other things, and suggested to my sister-in-law (Aunt Emily) that she go down as I thought Mary Alice was low spirited, and I feared in consequence of her illness she was brooding over her mother’s loss. Abraham’s wife, Sarah, has been very kind in waiting upon her and has been with her constantly except a short time that she runs home to look after her milk.

At two p.m. met with the Council in the Endowment House. An informal meeting was held to decide who should be the Directors and Officers for Z.C.M.I. for the ensuring year. On motion it was decided that the present officers be again put in nomination.

5 October 1882 • Thursday

Thursday Octr 5 1882. Very stormy morning; and as the meeting was held in the large Tabernacle Prest. Taylor decided to have a brief meeting. After singing and prayer, Prest. Taylor stated that in consequence of the inclemency of the weather he thought it advisable to have the exercises very brief this morning, and that the meeting this afternoon be held in the Assembly Hall, which could be heated for the occasion. He blessed the people, and an adjournment was had until 2 o’clock. Bro. Joseph F. Smith pronounced the benediction. In the afternoon I was requested by Prest. Taylor, after we had met in the Assembly Hall, to attend a meeting of the stockholders of Z.C.M.I. and vote for the Trustee-in-Trust stock. The reports of the Secretary and Treasurer, President and Superintendent, were read, and a 5% dividend of the capital stock declared, and the old board of officers was re-elected.

President Woodruff and Apostle Lorenzo Snow spoke to the people and both had considerable liberty. I came in at the close of the remarks of the latter, and was greatly pleased with them.

Bro. C. C. Rich had been brought by rail from Bear Lake, and reached the City today at noon.

After the meeting I went with Prest. Taylor and Prest. Smith and called upon Bro. Rich, who was very pleased to see us. After meeting we met with the Twelve.

6 October 1882 • Friday

Friday Octr 6 1882. The weather still continuing cold, we again met in the Assembly Hall. The congregation was addressed by Elders F. M. Lyman and Daniel H. Wells. The financial reports of the Logan and Manti Temples were submitted to the Conference, Bro. L. John Nuttall reading the reports. In the afternoon Elders Brigham Young and Moses Thatcher addressed the congregation. The discourses of the brethren today were full of matter, very spirited and very interesting.

In the evening attended Priesthood Meeting in the Assembly Hall. Prest. Taylor occupied most of the time, but desired me to make some remarks. I occupied about twenty minutes and had considerable liberty in speaking upon the Priesthood and the necessity of yielding obedience to the head

7 October 1882 • Saturday

Saturday Octr 7 1882. We met today in the large Tabernacle and had crowded congregations morning and evening. The morning meeting was occupied by Apostles John Henry Smith and Erastus Snow. I read the statistical reports of the members of the Church, and in the afternoon the stake Relief Society Report. Prest. Joseph F. Smith addressed the Congregation the remainder of the time, speaking with great force and clearness; in fact the speaking today has been excellent, Bro. Erastus Snow rarely speaking to better advantage than he did today.

Prest. Taylor desired Bro. Joseph F. Smith and myself to accompany him home to his house, as he wished to talk over matters with us. The names of men who had been suggested to fill vacancies in the Presidency of the Seventies were submitted and we glanced through them.

Bro. F. M. Lyman was called in to relate a conversation which he had had with Bro. Seymour B. Young upon the subject of plural marriage, in which Bro. Young had conveyed the idea to Bro. Lyman that he was not in favor of practically entering upon that principle, and spoke as though he would take his chance as a monogamist. Bro. E. Snow also dropped in and conversation was had in relation to the various men whose names had been suggested for the vacancies in the Presidency of the Seventies.

I told the brethren the idea that I had about the man to send to Washington. I would much prefer, so far as my feelings were concerned, a man of faith, and if we could not get a man of faith and talent combined, I would much prefer sending some faithful Elder who would not reject the principle of plural marriage, than to select a man however talented he may be who did reject that principle or refused to obey it, because I felt in the one case we could exercise faith in his behalf and he would enjoy the favor of the Lord, while in the other we might not be able to pray for him as we should. Bro. Joseph F. Smith said that he knew a man that he thought would comply with all these conditions, and that was talented also. He was young, but he had had considerable experience in Washington, was a talented writer; was the son of a polygamist, and was everything that could be desired. I supposed while he was speaking that he had Bro. B. F. Cummings in his mind as he had been in Washington with me; but to my surprise he said it was John Q. Cannon. Prest. Taylor remarked that he was too young and that we needed a man of more experience. The matter then dropped and we separated.

8 October 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, Octr 8 1882. At meeting in the Tabernacle at 10 A.M. Bro. Penrose was called to read the missionary list. As I was expected to speak, President Taylor desired him to read the list. After the list was read I asked the Conference if it was willing to sustain the missionaries by their faith and prayers. The vote was unanimous. I then occupied the remainder of the time, and enjoyed myself excellently. It is seldom in my life that I ever felt better that [than] I did this morning in addressing the congregation, and earnest attention was paid to my remarks. Bro. Woodruff and Bro. Erastus Snow occupied a few minutes afterwards. Bro. Chas. C. Rich was brought to the meeting this afternoon, being carried in on a chair. He remained till the meeting was half ended, when he felt so badly that he had to be carried home. President Taylor, in the afternoon, after the Authorities were presented to the Conference, occupied the whole of the time, speaking until about twenty minutes to 5 oclock. The Twelve met today at noon and decided to fill the vacancies in the Seven Presidents of the Seventies, occasioned by the deaths of Prest. Joseph Young and Levi Hancock, by selecting my son Abraham H. Cannon, and Bro. Theo. B. Lewis, and they handed the names in to President Taylor at the commencement of the afternoon meeting. I was a little surprised at my son’s name being thus presented, though I found yesterday evening that it had been suggested by the Presidents of the Seventies themselves and by the Twelve. When Bro. E. Snow and Bro. F. M. Lyman left us yesterday afternoon I told them that I wished them to convey to the Twelve that which they heard me say to Prest. Taylor and Prest Joseph F. Smith upon this point. I felt that my son was young to wait and I did not wish him put forward in such a responsible position unless it was clearly the mind of the Lord that he should be called. I certainly did not want him to be called to fill any position because he was my son and bore my name. In conversation with some of the members of the Twelve afterwards I learned that the feeling in his favor was clear and unmistakable. There were reasons in my mind which operated against his appointment. One was his youth, and that the Office he held was sufficient to give ample opportunity for the exercise of all his ability. The second reason was that I feared that some persons might think that he was put forward because he was my son, and that I was disposed to give my children positions. And the third reason was being younger than my son John Q. I had no wish to see him put ahead of his brother; but of course I had nothing to say against his worth nor against his selection if it was clearly the mind of the Lord that he should be called to that position. A most inexcusable blunder was committed in the case of Bro. Lewis. The Seventies submitted several names to the Twelve, his name being among the number. It was naturally supposed by the Twelve that the Presidents of Seventies would not submit the name of a man who did not belong to their body. There were three of the Twelve, however, who were in doubt respecting him and queried when the vote was cast about him, and naturally voted because Bro. Woodruff, President of the Quorum, assured them that it was all right; they were Bros Brigham Young, Lorenzo Snow, and F. M. Lyman. It now transpires that Bro. Lewis is a High Priest and is not elegible for the position. I felt chagrined in my feelings because of this blunder, as we had presented his name to the Conference and had a vote upon it. They were asked in the presence of the Congregation whether they would accept the appointment and they said they would.

The weather was very stormy. I rode up from my place in a drenching rain. It cleared off during the afternoon. The tabernacle was quite full in the morning; in the afternoon it was crowded.

We called a meeting of the Presidents of Stakes and their counselors to have them suggest to the delegates from the various counties the propriety of adjourning the Territorial Convention for the nomination of delegate from tomorrow till Thursday. I spoke very plainly to them respecting combinations that were being formed in favor of certain parties with the hope of carrying their names through the convention. I thought it would be most destructive to us to fall into such ways and have factions among ourselves; that if there ever was a time when union and concert of action was needed it was now, and whoever went to Washington should go by the vote of a united people and without rivals who would envy his success and be ready to hail with pleasure non-success that he might meet with.

9 October 1882 • Monday

Monday Octr 9 1882. At the Office engaged variously.

I dined with Brigham Young Jr. today in company with Bro. George Thatcher and his wife, Fanny, Brother Preston & wife, Bro. Hatch and wife. Had a very interesting time. Had a long conversation this afternoon with Bros Lorenzo Snow, F. M. Lyman, John Henry Smith, and F. D. Richards, in which various topics of interest were discussed, among others the relationship of the Seventies and the High Priests to each other.

10 October 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Octr 10 1882. — Met with the Council at the Social Hall in the morning and afternoon.

11 October 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Octr 11 1882. Met at 10 oclock with the First Presidency and the Twelve at the Endowment House. Our meeting continued in session until after 2 oclock, and was interesting and in some points exciting. Drove directly to the Social Hall in President Taylor’s carriage and met with the Council of Fifty. Bro. John F. Caine was nominated for Delegate to Congress.

12 October 1882 • Thursday

Thursday Octr. 12 1882. At the Office. Engaged variously.

13 October 1882 • Friday

Friday Octr. 13 1882. Prest. Taylor had Bro. Geo. Reynolds read to Bro. Jos F. Smith and myself the revelation which he had received that morning concerning the filling of the vacancies in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and the Presidency of the Seventies. The Lord designated Bros George Teasdale and Heber J. Grant to be Apostles, and Bro. Seymour B. Young to be ordained to fill the vacancy in the Presidency of the Seventies if he would receive the law of celestial marriage. About noon we came over to the office and the revelation was read to the Twelve. There were present: President Wilford Woodruff, Erastus Snow, Brigham Young, Moses Thatcher, F. M. Lyman, and John Henry Smith.

Territorial Convention met today and nominated John T. Caine, Delegate to Congress.

14 October 1882 • Saturday

Saturday Octr 14 1882. Meeting of the Presidents of Stakes was appointed for this morning at 10 oclock. Eight of the Twelve were present, including Bros. Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, who were not with us yesterday. After singing and prayer, President Taylor made a few remarks, and called upon Bro. George Reynolds to read the revelation to which I alluded yesterday. He then desired me to speak, which I did. The following are my remarks as stenographically reported by Bro. John Irvine: “If the brethren feel as I do about these matters, no doubt they having have a feeling of great satisfaction in their minds respecting the word of the Lord that we have received. I think myself that it is a precious privilege to live in a day and a time when God’s will can be made known unto us, His people, as it always has been. There never has been a moment since this church was organized up to the present time that we have not had the mind and will of God made accessible to us; we had only to ask and receive. There never has been a moment — that is so far as my knowledge extends — since the organization of this church, when if a man needed counsel from the Lord upon any point he could receive it, and in this respect our position is different from that of any other people upon the face of the earth, and it ought to be a cause of constant thanksgiving to us that this is the case. Now, respecting these matters that have been laid before us, respecting the appointments to the Quorum of the Twelve and Presidency of the Seventies, there has [been] a difference of views among us. We have not had our minds settled. I suppose it is an open secret that this has been the case. The spirit has not made itself manifest in such a manner that we could be satisfied, and therefore no steps have been taken up to the present time to fill these vacancies, except in the filling of the vacancies in the Presidency of the Seventies. By an inexcusable blunder on the part of the Seventies themselves, we were led to appoint a man, and present a man, who is a High Priest. Some of the Twelve themselves were not clear in respect to that appointment; but they felt satisfied that the Seventies would not select a man that was not of their own body to fill that vacancy. But when the word of the Lord comes respecting matters of this kind, there is no difference of opinion, there is no room for difference of opinion. We know that God controls this work and presides over it. We know that He has controlled it from the beginning, and that He will control it as long as the earth stands. He will appoint and call His servants as He thinks fit. He directs this work. It is not the work of man, and man cannot have his wishes carried out in these matters — that is, when his wishes conflict with the will of the Almighty. We should all learn this lesson, and I suppose if we have not already learned it, we will have to learn it every one of us, that we must bring our minds and our will in complete submission to the mind and will of God. Now, there are some very important principles alluded to in this revelation, principles that I think — I was going to say of overpowering importance; I do not think there is anything of that character more than in any other revelation; but there are some points brought forth in this revelation which to me are of exceedingly great importance, and that is respecting our obedience to the mind and will of God. If you notice in the revelation reference is made to Bro. Seymour B. Young. It is said that he shall be placed as one of the Presidents of Seventies if he will submit and receive the law of God and carry it out. What is meant by that? It means the law of celestial marriage which Brother Seymour B. Young has not up to the present time obeyed. I know there is a difference of opinion among the brethren in regard to this law. Some of the brethren think that when a man has taken one wife that is all that is required of him, unless it comes round without any effort on his part to take another wife. But that law is laid down in this revelation with great plainness that Bro. Seymour B. Young cannot be ordained to fill that vacancy unless he expresses a willingness — not only his belief in, but his willingness to obey that law which God has revealed and which is binding upon the Priesthood in this church. It is not binding alone upon Joseph Smith; it is not binding alone upon the Twelve to whom he revealed the law; but it is binding upon the entire body of the Priesthood in this church, and more especially upon those who occupy the position which we do today. Every man in this room, I suppose — there may be one or two exceptions, but the great bulk of the men who are present in this room today are High Priests in the Church of Christ, after the order of the Son of God, after the order of Melchesedec, and that law is binding upon all. That law is binding upon every one of you, and upon me, and upon every one who occupies positions such as we do occupy — not merely to say we believe in this law, not merely to do that, but to practically, as we can, as opportunity is given unto us by the Lord, carry that principle out in our lives, for it is the law of God unto this people, binding upon this people. Now that law is given unto us; and as I understand this revelation Bro. Seymour B. Young cannot be ordained to that position until he has expressed to the Presiding Authority, the First Presidency, and the Twelve Apostles, his willingness to carry into practical effect that law. So it is with every one of you. God requires it at your hands, and if you have never had a revelation to that effect before, now you have it. It is the mind and will of God to me individually, to you Presidents of Stakes, to you as Counsellors — to your men who are hear [here] in this room today in whose hearing this revelation has been read. I know this myself by the revelations of the Lord Jesus Christ, and can bear testimony of it. Now, it is the duty of the Presidents of Stakes to set themselves in order. As we have been told during the Conference, it is the duty of the First Presidency to set themselves in order, and having done that, then for the First Presidency to set the Twelve in order, and then to set in order you who are the next most important men in this kingdom, having the welfare and the care of the souls of the children of men entrusted to you as shepherds of the flock of Christ. God has chosen you from among this people, called you by revelation — you Presidents of Stakes — called you through His servants unto whom He makes known His mind and will — to stand at the head of the people in the various stakes of Zion in this territory and in the adjacent territories. You are called as the Twelve are called to act in your various positions. You may not have been called by written revelation; but there have been thousands of revelations given which have never been written, thousands and thousands of them; and as I have said this Church has never been a moment without revelation. The mind and will of God has been communicated respecting every movement and every appointment, and everything that has been done connected with this work. Not a settlement has been settled without the mind and will of God having been sought for; not a step has been taken at any time in the history of our people without the mind and will of the Lord having been sought for to know whether it was the right thing to do. Men clothe themselves in holy places, according to the holy order, and then go before the Lord in that manner and then decide upon matters that are brought before them. Now in this manner you have been called, in this manner your Counsellors have been called, in this manner the stakes have been organized, in this manner the High Councils have been called, and in this manner the whole machinery of the Kingdom of God has been organized throughout these mountains — called by the voice of God manifested through His living Priesthood and His living oracles unto you and unto this people. God has called them and ordained them and endowed them with that power which has been necessary to enable them to fill their positions. God has also blessed you in this respect. The power of God has rested upon you whereby you have been enabled to teach the people, to counsel them, to reprove them when necessary, to warn them, and to sit as judges in their midst and preside with dignity over them. God has done this to you, and He expects, let me say to you, that you will go forward and obey His law. He having been thus kind to you; He having given you this Authority; He having endowed you with this power, and filled you with the Holy Ghost and magnified you in the eyes of the people; as He has done this, He now expects that you will stand forward valiant in the defence of that law which He revealed through His servant Joseph Smith, and which is made binding upon us as the Servants of God, and unless we obey that law we will be damned just as sure as God has spoken it; we will be damned unless we receive it and carry it out in our lives. He has borne witness that He has sustained the men that have obeyed this law. He has given unto them wisdom, multiplied them on the right hand and on the left; and He expects that you His servants will go forward valiantly in defence of Him and His cause, and show your faith in these glorious principles by taking upon you the cross — if it can be called a cross — that He has imposed upon us. And then when the Presidents of Stakes are in order, when the High Councils are set in order, then the Bishops and their Counselors can be set in order, and the whole priesthood of God can be set in order. But how can I talk as a servant of God to you, or to any of this people over whom the Lord may call me to preside; how can President Taylor, as the President of the Church; how can Bro. Joseph F. Smith, or the Twelve Apostles talk if they themselves did not obey the law, if they themselves did not stand forward and carry out in their lives all that God has commanded us to carry out as a people? We cannot do it; our mouths are closed; we feel weak; we fail to <come> up to the stature of men in Christ Jesus; and there are some points that we shrink from speaking upon. We dare not refer to them because we ourselves have not had the faith to carry them out. And on this account the people over whom we are called to preside do not come up to the standard they should, because we do not set them the example that it is our duty to set them. Thus we see how necessary it is that we, chosen as leaders of the people, should be perfect in our lives and be ever ready to defend and obey all the commandments of God.”

Bro. Joseph F. Smith followed. After which, President Taylor had George Reynolds read several extracts from the Revelation on Celestial Marriage, and then addressed the meeting. A number of the brethren also spoke, namely, B. Young, Erastus Snow, President Woodruff, J. R. Murdock, Moses Thatcher & Lorenzo Snow. A most solemn feeling prevailed. Plain and pointed instructions were given to all present, and the Presidents of Stakes especially who had not entered into the practice of Celestial Marriage were left in a position that it seems to me they must either obey this law or resign their position or lose the spirit of their office.

After that meeting was ended, the First Presidency & Twelve met and listened to the report of the Committee – consisting of B. Young, F. M. Lyman & John Vancott – who had waited upon Seymour B. Young to learn respecting his willingness to obey the law of celestial marriage. Bro. B. Young reported the conversation which had taken place. They had had a very plain talk with him, and he (Bro. Seymour B.) had said all that could be said by a man in his position, and the Comtee were satisfied. Upon motion of Bro. Lorenzo Snow, seconded by Bro. Brigham Young, it was decided to ordain Bro. Seymour B. Young to the vacancy in the Presidency of the Seventies, and a meeting was appointed for the ordination of Bro. Teasdale[,] Bro. H. J. Grant and himself at 3.30 p.m. Monday next.

I had arranged for my wives Sarah Jane and Eliza, and my children Mary Alice, David, Emily & Sylvester to go to my brother Angus’, tomorrow being the Anniversary of my son Abraham’s wedding to his daughter, Whelimina [Wilhemina]. There was a family gathering on the occasion. We enjoyed ourselves very much, my sister Mary Alice and her husband and a number of their children being present. My son John Q’s wife was also present.

15 October 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, Octr 15 1882. My self and children lodged with their Aunt Emily. My wives stayed at my brother Angus’. I arose early and spent sometime in the Juvenile office looking over the list of stock and accounts in company with my nephew, George C. Lambert, and my son Abraham.

Bro. John Irvine and myself spent two or three hours together, he taking notes at my dictation for letters and for my journal.

I drove down home and had a further interview with my nephew, my son Abraham being present. We talked over the terms of settlement. He is very desirous to have an interest in the business, and has several times made propositions to me to that effect in the past. For some reason I have had an aversion to transferring any share of this to any person. Some years ago John W. Young proposed to me to take a share in the Juvenile. I declined and my nephew George has known my feelings upon this point from that time to the present. I recognise his faithfulness and his diligence and am willing to make him any compensation that he may ask short of that, and as I remarked to him I would — rather than have feelings about it — prefer that he took the whole property (except the Juvenile and material that is necessary to print it, which is my property) and I would start business anew. I know this is a disappointment to George, still he has had no reason to expect anything else, for I have invariably told him that was my feeing. When this conversation first commenced, I felt inclined to yield to him on this point, but the more I reflected upon it, the more satisfied I am that it will lead to complications that might be embarrassing in the future. I am quite willing to give the whole property up to the church, or to any one whom it might designate, and have made that offer at least twice before this, so that it is not from any feeling of selfishness in regard to business that I have this feeling, but that I may have, while in my hands, the absolute control of it, as my name is connected with and I am responsible for it. Another feeling is that if I should give George an interest, my son Abraham, or some other son who may work in the Office for some time, may think that as he has been diligent to business I ought to do to him as much as I have done for my nephew and give him an interest and then I would lose entire control, because it is out of my power, owing to the position I occupy, to devote the necessary time to carry the business on without agents. We did not come to any conclusion, though I pressed him to state his feelings.

Attended meeting in the afternoon, and at the request of Prest. Taylor followed Bro. Teasdale who spoke for forty minutes. Our meeting, owing to the cold weather, was in the Assembly Hall. Took my daughter, Mary Alice, down to my nephew’s, Charles John Lamberts, and ate supper with them, there being a family gathering in honor of his father and mother, who are starting on Tuesday on a visit to England.

16 October 1882 • Monday

Monday, Octr 16 1882. At the Office variously engaged. At 3.30 p.m. met at the Presidents Office with the Apostles and the Presidents of Seventies. Considerable instruction was given. The revelation was read and Elders George Teasdale, Heber J. Grant, and Seymour B. Young agreed to take upon them the callings to which they had been appointed, the latter expressing his willingness to conform to the law of God as required by the Revelation. President Taylor was mouth in ordaining Bro. Teasdale, and I was mouth in ordaining Bro. Heber J. Grant. There were present of the Twelve Prest. W. Woodruff, Lorenzo Snow, Erastus Snow, F. D. Richards, Brigham Young, Jr., F. M. Lyman & John Henry Smith; and of the Seven Presidents, H. S. Elderidge, John Vancott, W. W. Taylor & Abraham H. Cannon. After we had ordained the Apostles we sat down, and the Twelve, with the Presidents of the Seventies, ordained Seymour B. Young, Bro. Lorenzo Snow being mouth.

In the evening I called at my sister Mary Alice’s and found a large family gathering, being the farewell meeting, as Bro. Lambert and herself and her son, George, intended to start the next morning. I took supper with the party. George and myself entered into conversation respecting the business of the Office. He accepted the proposition, which I had made to him early in the day, to take $5000 for all his interest in the business, $1000 of which I am to pay as he designated, which he endorsed on the note. I gave him my note for $4000, at 8% per annum payable monthly. I urged him to state his feelings. He expressed his satisfaction with this under the circumstances, though it is evident that he would have preferred retaining <an interest> in the business. I told him not to have any feeling about the matter; I desired him to take an interest in the business as one of my sons would, that his claims would be the same as one of my own sons, and when he came back no doubt it would be agreeable to us both for him to renew his connection with the Office. He appeared after this conversation to be quite satisfied. I feel that I have acted liberally in this matter; for what I have allowed him is in addition to what he has drawn in the business. I have not for years had but very little benefit from the means I have put in the Juvenile Office, and of late years have had nothing, not even rent. He has had entire control of the business and I have not chequed him in any way, though he has been very economical and careful.

17 October 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday Octr 17th 1882. Spent the night in the City as I was detained so late last evening that I did not like to drive down in the dark over the muddy roads. I therefore hired a boy to ride home on horseback and inform my family I would not be down. I accompanied my sister and husband and son to the station this morning. There were a large number of missionaries going by the same train, some 52 in number who were on their way to the States and to Europe. My newphew [nephew] was in charge of the company.

18 October 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday Octr 18 1882. A beautiful morning.

At 2 P.M. met with the Council of the Apostles. The subject of assigning Presidents and Officers to the various Indian Missions in the various stakes was brought up, the Twelve having acted upon the matter before the First Presidency, and President Taylor approved of what had been done. After prayer we separated to go and anoint. Bro. Chas. C. Rich. He had called in the morning at the Office in a carriage, his daughter having succeeded in getting him to ride out and requested me to accompany the Twelve to his house. Bro. Woodruff’s health did not permit of his taking any part, and I requested Bro. Jos. F. Smith to anoint Bro. Rich and Bro. F. M. Lyman to assist; after which we all gathered round his bed and bowed ourselves in prayer, laying hands upon him, I being mouth. The spirit of God rested down powerfully upon me in blessing him.

Beautiful moonlight night, and pleasant driving home though very late.

19 October 1882 • Thursday

Thursday Octr 19 1882. Another beautiful day. Have been engaged busily today in getting out the revelation in print for the use of the Twelve and Presidents of Stakes. Bro. D. H. Peery, President of the Weber Stake of Zion, tendered his resignation in writing to President Taylor today. He felt that others were better qualified to hold that position than he, as he had not obeyed the revelation on Celestial Marriage, and did not like, he said, in conversing with me to take a wife in order that he might hold an Office. I regretted this step because it left his action open to the inference that he did not intend to obey the revelation.

I attended a wedding dinner at the Gardo House, the young couple being John W. Taylor, son of President Taylor, and Sophia, his wife, and Mary L. Rich, a daughter of John T. Rich, of Grantsville. Besides President Taylor’s family there were the President of the Stake, my brother, and his wife, J. F. Wells, & Jos. Felt, Officers of the Young men’s Mutual Improvement Associations, and Bro. George A. Taylor of the Bishopric of the Ward. Forty two persons sat down to dinner at the first table. I had my wife Martha with me. We drove home afterwards, and got to bed about one oclock.

20 October 1882 • Friday

Friday Octr 20/82 Was at the Office today attending to business.

21 October 1882 • Saturday

Saturday Octr 21 1882 At the Office. In the afternoon Bro. Jos. F. Smith and myself went to Ogden. Bro. John T. Caine, Judge Dussenberry, Bro. Thurman, James Sharp, and C. W. Penrose also went for the purpose of holding a political meeting in the Tabernacle. We were met at the station by Bro. F. S. Richards who insisted on the party going to his house for supper, after which two bands and the firemen came to the house in uniform and carrying torches and escorted the party to the Tabernacle. The affair was a very grand one. Each musician had a lamp fastened to his helmet; and the appearance was very brilliant and the music well played. The Tabernacle was cramed with people. Speeches were made by all those whose names I have mentioned, and I was called out by the audience for a speech, and I addrest them for about ten minutes. I stopped at Bro. F. S. Richard’s for the night. Sister Josephine Richards West, Bro. F. D. Richard’s daughter, and the wife of Jos. A. West, was safely delivered of a boy this afternoon.

22 October 1882 • Sunday

Sunday Octr 22nd 1882. Attended meeting at the Tabernacle, for which was well filled. Bro. Joseph F. Smith’s lungs were so sore that he dare not address the audience, as he felt it would be an injury to him. I spoke for an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon and had most excellent freedom and a goodly portion of the Spirit of the Lord. It is seldom that I have enjoyed myself better than I did today in these meetings.

My son, Frank, was with me today and accompanied us to the Station. Bro. F. D. Richards was with us through our meetings and was kind and hospitable as usual. Bro. Peery’s letter of resignation was read to the conference and I made some few remarks respecting it, and suggested that Bro. Horrick (Bro. Peery’s first counselor) and in his absence Bro. Middleton (Second Counsellor) take charge of affairs until a new President be selected.

23 October 1882 • Monday

Monday Oct 23 1882. At the Office. Wm M. Palmer, returned missionary, called. He has been very faithful in his labors in the North Western States

24 October 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday Oct 24 1882. At the Office. Bros Doxford and Miller, who have been laboring in the missionary field in Kansas, just returned, called at the Office and had considerable conversation today.

Bro. Nuttall complains of sickness and was compelled to go home today.

25 October 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday Octr 25 1882. We set Bro. John Henry Smith apart for his mission to England today, Prest. Taylor being mouth.

At 2 oclock we met at the Endowment House. Full attendance of the Council.

26 October 1882 • Thursday

Thursday Oct 26 1882. Bro. Seymour B. Young enquired of me my views this evening respecting his taking another wife — whether under the present circumstances he ought to go on and risk the consequences of discovery &c. I talked very plainly to him, gave him my experience, and said that under the circumstances I knew very well that I should feel it was an imperative duty to obey that command, putting my trust in the Lord who had given the command. He compared himself to the young man to whom the Savior made the reply about giving his goods to the poor. “He went away sorrowful.”

27 October 1882 • Friday

Friday Oct 27 1882. At the Office.

28 October 1882 • Saturday

Saturday Oct 28 1882. I arose early. Was driven to the station by my son Angus. Called on the way at my sister-in-laws.

Prest. Taylor and daughter, Ida, J. W.[,] Heber J. Grant, George F. Gibbs and myself took train for Tooele, Bro. W. W. Riter having furnished a special car. It was a beautiful morning. Reached there at 10.30. Were met by Bros Tait and Lee, who drove us to the meeting. The Bishops were giving their reports when we arrived. After they were finished, Bro. J. W. Taylor was called upon to speak and did so with considerable freedom.

We put up at F. M. Lyman’s. In the afternoon reports from Bishops again heard. Bro. M. T. Cowley spoke for some time and did so with great clearness and force. Afterwards I occupied three quarters of an hour. In the evening the Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Association met. President Taylor spoke, as also several young men belonging to the society.

29 October 1882 • Sunday

Sunday Oct 29 1882. Meetings well attended yesterday and today. Prest. Taylor occupied the forenoon, and I the afternoon. It is seldom that I have had a greater flow of the spirit than I had this afternoon. Many of the congregation wept. Bro. F. M. Lyman said it was seldom he cried, but he had to cry this afternoon at my remarks. I told him I hoped his tears were not those of sorrow. <He said no, they were tears of gladness.>

After I had finished we set apart Bro. Hugh S. Gowens, as President of the Tooele Stake, and appointed Bro. Anderson as his first Counsellor and T W. Lee as his second counsellor. Prest. Taylor was mouth in setting apart Bro. Gowens, I in setting apart Bro. Lee; Bro. Anderson was absent.

We met again at 1 p.m. and dismissed at 3 p.m. the congregation rising and singing “The Spirit of God like a fire is burning.” Bro. Tate drove Prest. Taylor, his daughter, and myself to Grantsville. We took supper at Prest. Taylor’s nephews, J. T. Rich. The evening meeting was addressed by myself first, President Taylor following. A goodly degree of the spirit was poured out. Prest. Taylor spoke with great ease and I had good freedom. I put up at Bro. W. C. Rydalch’s, in company with Bros. Lyman & Grant.

30 October 1882 • Monday

Monday Oct 30 1882. After breakfast drove over to Bishop Edward Hunter’s Jr., where Prest. Taylor stopped. We set apart Bros Ratcliff & Hale as Counsellors to Bro. Jeffrey, Superintendent of the Sunday Schools for Tooele Stake. Prest. Taylor and myself were driven to the Tooele Station by Bro. Lee and reached the City at 3.30.

Attended to some estate business. Bro. John W. Young is anxious to have a partial settlement of his share coming to him in connection with his mother’s share and urges us to see our legal advisers and learn what can be done. I appointed a meeting tomorrow at 9.30 at Sheeks & Rawlings’ and also addressed a letter to Judge Harkness informing him of Bro. Young’s request and asking him to examine the question and we, (Brigham Young and myself) will call upon him tomorrow at 10 oclock.

Dictated my journal to Bro. John Irvine.

I stayed up in town tonight and slept at my brother Angus’ with my son Frank. Abraham he and I talked over a plan of [blank] I wish to see [blank] carry out.

31 October 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday Oct 31 1882. My son Angus’ birthday. He is 15 years old today. Abraham drove me down home before breakfast. I found my family in good health. Returned to the city and had an interview with Sheeks & Rawlings and Judge Harkness in company with Brigham Young respecting the matter which had been broached to us by Bro. John W. Young. Sheeks & Rawlings promised to give us a written opinion.

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October 1882, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 22, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1880s/1882/10-1882