July 1861

Events in George Q. Cannon’s journal for 1861

16 July ff.

Problems with sinful actions of missionaries

17 July

Visit to Crystal Palace, London

20 July

Lamented: “How much misery and trouble one wicked man can make!”

21 July ff.

Stated the need for more confidence in the living oracles than in the written word

22 July

Visited Edinburgh, Scotland

23 July

“A kinder man did not breathe the breath of heaven” than Brigham Young

3 August

Manchester, England; visit to Zoological Gardens

11 August

Talk on “confidence on the part of the saints in the living Priesthood”

17 August

Extract from letter to Brigham Young

19 August ff.

Visit with mother’s Quayle family

23 August

Visit to steamship the Great Eastern—“the greatest ship in the world”

30 August

Letter to Joseph F. Smith regarding the Bradford Branch in West Yorkshire, England

1 September

Conference in the Assembly Rooms in Nottingham; “led by the Spirit”

18 September ff.

Visit to the Isle of Man; family connections

6 October

Semiannual conference in the Temperance Hall in Merthyr Tydfil, Wales; improved public relations

12 October

Visit to Leicester, “Babylon exemplified”

21 October

Talk on the example of Nephi; have faith to “escape from Babylon”

22 October

Copy of letter “from President [Brigham] Young dated Sept. 18th”

3 November

Principle of tithing; urged faithfulness; “this Church has a Credit with the world”

8 November

Letter to Elders Van der Woude and Schettler in Holland

19 November

Response to an intemperate letter sent by “Bro. Adams” to newspaper editor

23 November

Arranging emigration; “war risks on all vessels bearing the American flag”

7 December

“Excitement throughout England” regarding the Mason and Slidell affair

24 December

Quilt burned in the Cannon apartment

30 December

Genealogical notes

12–13 July 1861 • Friday to Saturday1

Friday, July 12, 1861. Left Liverpool this afternoon for Birmingham on my way to London for the purpose of joining Bros. Lyman & Rich in holding Conference there. I stopped with Brother Mills at Birmingham and was very hospitably received and entertained by himself and Sister Mills: next evening Saturday, I left Birmingham at eight o’clock and reached London at about 2 p.m. When I got out at the Station I met Bro’s Bull and Bramall, they having got into the same train at a way Station. We were glad to meet, and we went together to 30 Florence Street, where we found Bros Rich, Lyman, and sons, Bro’s John Brown, J. S. Brown, Geo. J. Taylor, S. L. Adams, and Bro. Staines, who is the President of the London Conference. Bro. Amasa’s health was not so good as usual, his late labors had been very arduous and he needed rest. Talked over various matters of business and among things talked over the case of Elder [first and last names redacted] who was living in adultery and made a motion which was carried to cut him off from the Church.

14 July 1861 • Sunday

Sunday, July 14, 1861. Attended Priesthood meeting in forenoon Bros. Lyman, Rich and myself talked to the Officers; a good spirit prevailed. Was taken to dinner <& afterward to tea> at Coffee House by Bro. [blank]

In afternoon the Conference was represented by Bro. Staines, Bro. Rich followed by motioning to sustain the authorities after which I preached and had pretty good liberty. Bro. Amasa followed. In evening Bro. Amasa preached a very good discourse. The hall was exceedingly crowded throughout the day.

15 July 1861 • Monday

Monday, July 15, 1861. Engaged during forenoon in business. Appointed Bro. Edwin Scott, who has been acting as President of the Essex Conference; but for the improper and unwise course he has taken had been released as travelling Elder in that Conference, and appointed Bro. Geo. J. Taylor to preside over the Conference. In afternoon went to Dr. Kahn’s museum and attended a lecture. The lecture was instructive and set forth in plainness the great wrongs that the young inflict upon themselves by the practice contracted in youth at a time when they were ignorant of the dire consequences that followed. In evening listened to a lengthy chapter in the experience of Elder W. C. Staines; the subject commenced by referring to the corrupt practices of many men who held the priesthood <in this Country,> – their defiling themselves with women &c, then referred to the fearful amount brought to light by catechising the saints in Zion, at which point the relation of his experience began.

16 July 1861 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 16, 1861. In the house all day. Letters from Scotland inform us of the citing of Bro. John Tobin to trial before the priesthood of the Glasgow Branch for improper conduct towards females – attempting to gratify his passions by inducing them to let him lie with them and partial triumph over Bro. David M. Stuart in the Council meeting in his endeavor to call him to an account for it. Also a letter from Bro. Tobin to me appealing to the Presidency here for an investigation into the case. These letters were received on Wednesday morning and not Tuesday as stated above. On Tuesday afternoon and evening engaged in writing an editorial for the “Star” entitled “The past and present of the church.”

Wrote letters also to Liverpool to Bros. Perkes and Whittall giving instructions to them relative to matters there; also to Elizabeth, my wife.

17 July 1861 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 17/61. Visited Crystal Palace to-day and spent the day the most agreeable of any that I ever remember spending in a similar employment. It is at Sydenham, about 8 or 10 miles from London. We went by rail from the city. The grounds around the palace are very extensive and most beautifully arranged, <statues,> ponds and beautiful fountains and delightful walks abounding. The lower portion of the grounds we did not get time to visit. But the Palace itself is a most magnificent affair. As you approach it from the front it seems more like the creation of the fairies and genie of whom we read when children than the product of man’s skill and labor. The building above the level of the floor is entirely of iron and glass, with the exception of a portion at the West front, which is pannelled with wood. The whole length of the main building is 1,608 feet, and the wings 574 feet each, making a length of 2,756 feet, which with the 720 feet in colonnade, leading from the railway station to the wings, gives a total length of 3,476 feet, or nearly three-quarters of a mile of ground covered with a transparent roof of glass. Its greatest width is 384 feet, general width 312 feet. Height of nave from ground floor is 110 feet 3 inches; height of central transept from ground floor 174 feet 3 inches. The total length of columns employed in the construction of the main buildings and wings would extend, if laid in a straight line, to a distance of sixteen miles and a quarter. The total weight of iron used in the main building and wings amounts to 9,641 tons, 17 cwt., 1 quarter. The superficial quantity of glass used is 25 acres; and weighs 500 tons; if the panes were laid side by side, they would extend to a distance of 48 miles; if end to end,to the almost incredible extent length of 242 miles. The glass employed in the roof is 1/13 of an inch in thickness. The quantity of bolts and rivets distributed over the main structure and wings weighs 175 tons, 1 cwt., 1 quarter; the nails hammered into the palace increase its weight by 103 tons, 6 cwt., and the amount of brickwork in the main building and wings (peirs, brick tunnel or shaft and basement under the Palace) is 15,391 cubic yards. The atmosphere of in the Palace is heated by means of hot weather water pipes, the water flowing and returning by means of the propulsions of heat from the boilers. The pipes for the conveyance of the hot water, laid under the floor of the main building, and around the wings, would, if placed in a straight line, and taken at an average circumference of 12 inches, stretch to a distance of more than 50 miles, and that the water in flowing from and returning to the boilers, travels one mile and three quarters. The general arrangment of the Heating Apparatus is as follows: <The boiler houses are placed at certain intervals> are nearly twenty-four feet below the surface of the flooring of the main building <and are placed at certain intervals, boiler houses>, <and> each containing contain two boilers capable of holding 11,000 gallons of water.2

18 July 1861 • Thursday

Thursday, July 18th, 1861 Writing Journal all forenoon. In afternoon went out with Brothers Staines, John Brown and James S. Brown in the city. Went first to the Joint Stock Bank to see them in relation to the payment of money by Bro. Staines and the giving of him some evidence as to its payment. Then visited various noted places in the city. The fire tower, Billingsgate, Royal Exchange, St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Tower (only through the yard and not inside the building)[,] Newgate, the Post Office &c all of which places I shall have to omit the particulars respecting until a future visit as my visits were hasty to each. After supper this evening I was attacked by cholic, slightly at first but the pain increased until it became very violent. I was administered to by Bro’s Amasa and Charles and took some remedies. The brethren (A. M. L. & C. C. R) were very kind to me and did all in their power for me, washing my feet in warm water and rubbing my bowels with brandy &c. I slept well through the night but had pain.

19 July 1861 • Friday

Friday, July 19th, 1861. Bro’s Amasa M. Lyman and Wm C. Staines started this morning for Glasgow, Bro. . to attend the trial of Bro. Tobin and Bro. L. to visit his relatives; Bro. Rich stopped with me, I being unable to undertake the journey. I was in pain all day, and still unable to go to Glasgow in the evening as was expected.

20 July 1861 • Saturday

Saturday, 20th. Bro. Rich and myself started this morning. I do not remember ever having to take a trip in my ministerial labours that I disliked as much as I did this. It was expensive and I was still quite unwell and I could see nothing agreeable in the handling of the case when we reached. I felt that it would be disagreeable in its inception, in its progress and in its termination. How much misery and trouble one wicked man can make! How much affliction is produced by wicked actions! If the consequences could be realized, as they always follow wrong doing, before the commission of the wrong they would appear so appalling that the wrong doer would recoil from their commission. During the journey we had a disagreeable scene on the carriages. The air of the carriage was very close <stifling> when the window was closed, and as it was a warm, pleasant day Bro. R. and myself opened the window of the carriage next which we sat. This was found fault with by one of the passengers, a Scotchman, who sat nearer the other side of the carriage than he did ours. He insisted upon our shutting it. We represented that I was unwell and felt faint for want of air; but this was of no avail; “he knew his rights and was determined to have them.” We proposed shutting our window in part and shutting the other window in part, which he had not said a word about shutting; but, no, he would not compromise, ours must be shut entirely and he arose and closed it. I opened it again, and there seemed likely to be a contest upon the matter for I felt determined that we should not be imposed upon by a rude fellow, who seemed to determined to domineer and carry out his wishes regardless of every other person’s feelings or rights. When he saw we were determined he ceased left us to regulate our window as we pleased. We were met at the Station at Glasgow by Bro. Tobin and two or three other brethren &were conducted by him in a cab to Bro. Sands’, the President of the Conference.

21 July 1861 • Sunday3

Sunday 21st. At 11 o’clock this morning we attended meeting in the Irongate Hall Irongate Street; a hall in a hotel rented by the Saints for public meetings. It is a pleasant place for meeting and was crowded by the congregation. I was called upon to speak by Bro. Lyman. I was still quite unwell and therefore did not think it wisdom on that account, as well as on the account of the other brethren being present, to speak at very great length. I had the spirit in what I said and prepared the way for Bro Amasa to talk at greater length. My remarks were on the subject of placing more confidence in the written word than upon the living oracles and ministers – showing that God had placed the Priesthood in the Church for its guidance and that books were not intended to take the precedence of it. Tobin, in his trial before the Church had quoted the Book of Doctrine and Covenants and demanded that the trial should be conducted precisely according to it, insinuating very broadly that we had done wrong in counseling Bro. Stuart to take the course he had. One of the Council (Priest Thomas Crawford) had also said that Bro. Lyman was just as likely to do wrong as anybody else. Br. Amasa took up this remark without mentioning names, speaking upon it in general terms, and showed that if he was as likely to do wrong as anybody else, his twenty-eight or thirty years experience in the Church, his constant struggles during that period to overcome his weaknesses and to arrive at a knowledge of truth and to increase in power, had been spent without profit; for, during that period, he had been diligently striving to learn wisdom that he might not be as likely to do wrong as those who did not thus strive. If he was as likely to do wrong as those anybody else, then the Lord had made a mistake in placing him in his Church as an Apostle to teach and counsel the people. He pronounced such an assertion a lie and he wanted them to understand that we were not as likely to do wrong as anybody else. A very good spirit prevailed in the meeting and the people listened with considerable interest and attention. The talk was very plain and many remarks would apply directly to John Tobin; he was present; but whether he took any of them to himself or not I do not know; he has so much brazen impudence that it is difficult to tell by his manner how any remarks would affect him. Bro. Rich advised him when together alone to confess freely everything that he had been guilty of – that it would be better for him to do so. He asserted his innocence, however, again. In afternoon Bro. Staines spoke a short time followed by Bro. Rich, after which I spoke for three quarters of an hour and had a good degree of the spirit. After meeting ate at Bro. McFarlane’s in company with Bro. Rich and Bro. Tobin. In the evening held a preliminary meeting at which Bro’s Stuart, Tobin, Sands (President of the Conference) and Partrick (President of Branch) were present. Bro. Stuart briefly stated the evidence the charges against Tobin were based upon. Tobin then stated his side. He went at it as a lawyer would do, endeavoring to prove by discrepancies in dates and cross questioning Bro. Stuart that he was not nor could not be guilty as stated; he had a copy of the minutes read and said he had asked to have his accusers brought face to face with him, but they were not, and finally, wound up by declaring that he was innocent of the sins he had been accused of. After he got through I proposed that as Bro. Tobin denied the commission of the acts of which he had been accused, we should have Sister [first and last names redacted], one of the sisters whose virtue he attempted, brought down from Edinburgh and with Sister [first and last names redacted] who was here, and who testified that he had made attempts upon her virtue, brought to the council and we enter upon the investigation of the matter. This was agreed to and as Bro. Staines was going to Edinburgh in the morning it was proposed by the brethren that I should accompany him and when we returned Sister [last name redacted] could accompany us. The meeting was appointed to be held on Tuesday evening, the 23rd. I noticed that after this proposition to have the witnesses brought forward and have the matter investigated was made, and he saw that we were not disposed to swallow his story and cover the matter up, his demeanour changed; he dropped his feathers and had less of the bully and boaster in his manner and seemed quite meek.

22 July 1861 • Monday

Monday July 22nd Bro. Staines and myself started by Rail to Edinburgh this morning; we passed through an interesting and picturesque country on our journey. Upon entering into Edinburgh we passed close under the Castle which looked frowningly down upon the line of railroad and surrounding places. We enquired our way to Bro Wm Reid’s, Dunbar Close, in the Canongate. His wife was at home; he was at work. She is a sister of John and Henry McEwan. She went and brought him. He is an intelligent agreeable man, is President of the Branch and acting President of the Conference. He got excused from his work and accompanied us in our visit to various parts of the city. Edinburgh is as interesting a city as I have visited, containing many objects of interest and replete with historical associations; it is an ancient place and beautifully situated surrounded by romantic scenery. Dunbar’s Close where we stopped was occupied by Cromwell when he was here. The Canongate was formerly the Street in which the Nobles and principal people dwelt, it is now occupied by the lower people. In passing thro’ it during the evening it presented a curious spectacle such a one as I had <to> come to Edinburgh to see. The houses are very high and very substantially built indeed this appears to be characteristic of both Glasgow and Edinburgh. Every landing has its occupants sometimes several families on a floor. The stairways are built of solid stone and are wide, built for the purpose of admitting of the constant travel and traffic of the people. Besides the houses on the streets there are the “Closes” as they are called, or Courts, in which the houses are of the same character and capacity. When the people turn out of these human hives they throng the narrow streets so densely that it is difficult to wedge one’s way through. Women with their children standing in groups, “auld wives” sitting on the Kerbstone “cracking” with each other, men and boys in the centre of the street talking and laughing in some instances, and in others arguing and quarrelling. The Canongate is in what is known as the “old town” and leads directly from the palace of Holyrood, which lies at its foot, towards the Castle. The “old town” is very different in appearance to the new; the streets are very narrow and the houses very high. Water Closets and conveniences of that kind are not known in the houses themselves or contiguous to them. The want of these must be an inconvenience that can <be> readily realized by any one acquainted with large and crowded cities. The have public houses to which the people resorts when pressed by the calls of nature. In passing through the streets of a morning one’s nostrils are assailed by the noisome smells which ascend from the filth that accumulates during the night and which is thrown out from the houses every morning and lies in the gutters to offend the sight and sense of cleanliness of the passerby, scavengers clean this up and wheel it off during the forenoon.

Bro. Reid accompanied us to the Palace of Holyrood. We paid a shilling as an entrance fee and for another obtained a guide book to the Palace. It is an interesting building and valued very highly by the Scottish people. See Guide.

From this we went up the Canongate passing John Knox’s house as we entered into High Street. This is said to be the oldest house in Edinburgh dating as far back as [blank] It is an antiquated looking building and interesting as being the residence of the sturdy reformer who boldly reproved Mary, Queen of Scotts, and her Courtiers, in her own palace. Passing up High Street we came to St. Giles’ Church a very large, and, the original portions, very ancient building dating back to A.D. [blank] Many portions of it are quite modern. It is <a> very fine building. This was John Knox’s Church. King James VI of Scotland and 1st of England here listened to the sermon preached by the minister (not Knox) expressly on the occasion of his leaving Scotland to take possession of the English throne. He preached some very unpalatable things to the King respecting pride &c which his Majesty was not pleased with; he retorted on the minister in the midst of his remarks and they bandied words for some time both stoutly maintaining their respective positions. We went on to Castle Hill and passed through it; but as it was too late to see the Regalia of Scotland we made calculations on visiting tomorrow. We afterwards visited Sir Walter Scott’s monument – the finest work of the kind I ever saw, and then strolled through the new town. The buildings are very substantial and elegant and are built with very singular outward uniformity. The streets are wide and there are many Squares containing trees and gardens. The situation of the new town is very beautiful. Visited Bro. Jack’s; he was not at home; one of his children who had been some time unwell had died this afternoon. We took supper at Bro. Reid’s and slept very comfortably at Bro Sim’s. During the evening, while at the house of Bro. Jack, Bro’s Reid, Staines and myself had an interview with the girl, [first and last names redacted], upon whom Tobin had made his attempt. He had said that she was a prostitute and therefore not to be believed, and that he had never been out with her only once and then in company with her sister. This latter statement on the testimony of herself and sister I proved to be false, and as to the former charge it needed only to converse with her to feel satisfied that she was not a loose character; besides the testimony of President Reid and the saints was that she was exemplary and the last person in the Branch that would be suspected of such a thing. She made a very clear statement of Bro. Tobin’s conduct. It was disgusting and I felt indignant in listening to it. He had proferred to accompany her from Bro. Teasdale’s where she had been for dirty clothes to wash, to Bro. Harrison’s, whither she was going. After starting, he had commenced speaking to her about being his wife when she got through to the Valley, offering to furnish her money and clothes here and to take her with him next spring when he returned home. They were passing through the Queen’s Park, when they reached a seat he invited her to sit down. He said his wife in the Valley had a girl by him; but she should have a boy. He [14 words redacted]. She remonstrated with him, and said what would his wife think of such things; he said that she knew that he knew he would have to take more wives and he would not be confined to her alone and it would make no difference what she thought. He [16 words redacted], which she resisted. She tried to get away from him, as she realized that he wished to seduce her. He [15 words redacted]. She seemed reluctant to make these statements, and it was only by questioning her that they could be obtained. She is a modest girl and it taxed her modesty to relate what occurred, and we were confident that his conduct was even worse than she represented as she was ashamed to have been subjected to such treatment.

23 July 1861 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 23/61. We visit took breakfast with Bro & Sis Sim. We then made our way to the Antiquarian Museum where we spent several hours. At twelve noon we repaired to the Castle to see the Regalia of Scotland, consisting of the Crown and two Sceptre and Lord Chancellor’s Sceptre and sword of State. They were lying upon a table inside of an iron cage composed of upright bars of half an inch in diameter. To the sides of this cage, upon the inside, hung two lamps whose light reflected brilliantly upon the Crown &c, causing the jewels in to sparkle <very> brightly. The room Jewel room as it is called is fire proof and has no window or other aperture but the door. The interior is covered with wainscoting. From this room we passed into apartments known as Queen Mary’s. The first was a large one, with <room containing> one window; in the walls were hung around with some prints for sale by the person who acted as guide and by a portrait of Queen Mary (Mary, Queen of Scots as she is called) and her son James VI of Scotland and First of England. My habit of noticing likenesses between individuals caused me to think there was a resemblance between the portrait of Mary and Sister Charlotte Cobb of Great Salt Lake City and between that of her son James and Bro. Hiram B. Clawson. We were shown by the guide into a small room adjoining in which Mary was delivered of James; rather a small apartment for royalty to be delivered of a prince and heir to two powerful thrones. There was a prayer said to have been uttered by Mary painted on the wall of the room and the ceiling had her cipher and James’ painted upon it and the date of James’ birth. From the window of this room, tradition says James was lowered when he was but eight days old. It is a fearful height from the ground[,] said to be 200 feet. Leaving the Castle we hastened to the Station and took cars for Glasgow, where we arrived about 7. p.m. Upon our arrival I explained to the brethren the result of my conversation with and enquiries of Sister [last name redacted]. They told me also that they had had the fact revealed to them during my absence that John Tobin had been guilty of adultery and that he had confessed that he had fallen &c. They had likewise seen Sister [first and last names redacted] who had told them of his attempt on her, varying very little in the particulars from that described by Sister [last name redacted]. He had told her that if she should becoming become pregnant by him that he would have her placed in a respectable family and cared for. She resisted his offers and attempts. The revelation of his criminality came from an unsuspected and unlooked for quarter. A sister by the name of [last name redacted], an old, gray haired, unattractive woman, the mother of grown up children came to Bro. Sands’ in the morning of Tuesday to see Bro. Stuart. He was not up at the time, and upon being asked what she wanted of him refused to say any more than she had a confession to make to him or something to that effect. When Bro. Stuart was told that she had been there he blamed them for not telling him. and Directly afterwards Tobin came in and they (Bro’s Stuart and Sands) started out to go to Sister [redacted last name]’s, leaving Tobin in the house, and without intimating to him where they were going. When they reached her room they found him already there ahead of them. He had taken cut offs and had beat them. How he had got the idea that they were going there is a mystery. But there he was when they arrived. He had been trying to deter her <by threats> from telling them anything by threats and had tried to persuade her to let him secrete himself under the bed while they remained. She was alarmed by his talk and quite nervous. He assumed a hectoring tone and manner to the brethren, told them that they had come were in a conspiracy against him, threatening them with the law &c. He said “if Sister [last name redacted] has anything against me let her tell it now” &c. Bro. Stuart replied that they had not come there expecting to hear anything against him; but had come because Sister [redacted first letter matching the last name of redacted name above]. had desired to see him. He understood she had some confession to make, if she had, he wished her not to make it there; but to come down to Bros. Lyman & Rich and tell them what she had to confess. Tobin replied to them and finally said he would go himself to Bro’s Lyman and Rich and see whether they would countenance such attempts against his character as Stuart and Sands were guilty of. He came down to them and said that he expected this would be his last day in the Church or that he would hold the priesthood. Said he had fallen &c. Cried to his father-in-law <Bro. Rich> and acted very hypocritically to move upon his sympathies. Told Bro. Rich in another communication with him that he had only done wrong once, that on one occasion while in Edinburgh he had fallen in with a common woman, [2 words redacted], <who had invited him to go with her; he did so> and had <while going with her> [45 words redacted]. While he was in the house talking to Bro’s. Lyman & Rich, the brethren with Sister [last name redacted] arrived from her house and Tobin had to leave the room to give her the chance to talk to them. She proceeded to confess that Tobin and she had committed adultery together [125 words redacted]. A beastly transaction throughout as described by her. This the brethren told me when I returned from Edinburgh and before we went to the meeting. After relating it Bro. Amasa asked what should be done with <them> and the feeling of the brethren present, including ourselves, Bros. Stuart, Staines and Sands, was that they should be cut off from the Church. The brethren thought that he would not be likely to be at the meeting; but we found him there, surrounded by his sympathizers. Bro. Amasa arose and spoke upon the subject before us, stating that it was the intention to have had an investigation but the necessity for this was removed by the confession of the wrong by the parties guilty. At this point Tobin spoke up and said, yes a confession that he had <got> drunk. The moment he made this remark I saw that he had come to the meeting with the intention of denying that he was guilty of anything worse than drinking, with the hope to deceive the people. He found that we were not likely to hush the matter up and settle it, as I firmly believed he hoped we would when he made his confession, and now he was determined to make the best fight he could. He had come to the meeting with his witnesses, (so we <afterwards> understood) to prove that he was a good man and that <Bro.> Stuart was the opposite, and to prove that the witnesses against <him> were all bad characters. He had the papers and <the> minutes of the last council meeting, and with these and his friends to assist, he hoped to make a good case, and lawyer fashion, make a good plea, his friends and himself thinking doubtless that we would try the case after the fashion <manner> that Bro. Stuart adopted and the council be the tribunal that would decide by vote upon the merits of the matter. But in this they were disappointed by Bro. Amasa informing them in the course of his remarks, which he proceeded with without noticing in the least Tobin’s remark, that we had cut Elder John Tobin off from the Church. And then continued in a strain of instruction expressing his sorrow and regret that we were under the painful necessity of taking such a course with our brethren, but we owed a duty to our God and his cause that we had to discharge. Bro. Lyman’s sympathies were alive and prevented him I think from speaking with that freedom which is customary with him. I followed and had the Spirit; and then Bro. Rich made a few remarks. Bro. Amasa again spoke, and after he finished, Tobin requested the privilege of making some remarks, which was granted him. He made an artful speech, accusing <us> of cruelty to him – that he had confessed to us with bitter tears having partaken of drink and being overtaken with drunkenness but that we had spurned his repentance and now the edict had gone forth that made his wife a widow and his lovely child fatherless – that he had suffered anguish &c, endeavoring by talking in this strain to move upon their feelings and excite their sympathies in his behalf; he then appealed to them as his peers for that an expression of their feelings, if they had any against him, and asking them for that mercy which, he said, we had denied them him. I followed, and asked if there had been a remark made during the evening that could be termed cruel or unmerciful, on the contrary, we had spoken kindly and mercifully, pointing Bro. Tobin to the course which he should take to regain his standing in the Church and to secure salvation. I then asked if his feelings were what he said what must be the feelings of his father-in-law, and then proceeded to depict them and contrast them with his – if his wife would be widowed and his child made fatherless by this action what must <be> the feelings of the father of his wife and the grandfather of his child that such misery should be brought upon them, and brought upon them, too, by his (Tobin’s) wicked actions, Then went on to point out <explain> to the Saints the causes of our action in cutting him off, <his wrong doing &c> that we had that right, that they did not have the right to cut off an Elder from Zion from the Church; they could disfellowship him but no more, – that this was the mistake Bro. Stuart had made. In sending to him to try Bro. Tobin’s case we did not mean to have him act as prosecutor in the matter and they as the tribunal or judges; but for him to sit and decide upon the case, and, if he wished to get their concurrence in his decision, he could ask it. Spoke also about appealing to them; they were not the parties for him to appeal to; but he could appeal to President Young, than whom, as he (Tobin) well knew, a kinder man did not breathe the breath of heaven. I had the Spirit and felt free and spoke to my own edification and satisfaction. Bro. Amasa also followed in a powerful strain, <and> before closing called upon the brethren for an expression of their feelings in relation to the action we had taken; they [their] vote of concurrence was unanimous with one exception – [first and last names redacted], Priest – the same man who before alluded to who had said that Bro. Lyman was just as likely to do wrong as any body else. He is considered by those who know him to be a corrupt man.

24 July 1861 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 24/61 Tobin was round this morning as unconcerned <and free> as though nothing had happened. He appears to feel better out of the Church, if anything, than in it. He is not under the necessity <now> of assuming a virtue that he has not. He wants me to get him a passage to New York. I was in the house writing an article for the “Star,” entitled [blank]

In evening walked through the town; but it rained and I did not have much pleasure.

I omitted to mention that on Monday morning, July 22, I received a letter from the President Young enclosing another long letter <for Bros S & R> descriptive of his tour thro’ the southern settlements. He referred me in his <letter to me> to it for the news. It was an excellent letter.

25 July 1861 • Thursday

Thursday, 25th. Started this morning at ¼ to 10 A. M. in company with Bro’s. Lyman & Rich by rail for Liverpool. We arrived at ¼ past 5 p. m. Ten missionaries had arrived this day from Zion. They were awaiting my arrival before they could get ashore, as they had only paid a portion of their passage money in leaving New York and they had to pay the balance before they could get ashore with their things. They ha I advanced them $140[.] Their names are,- Jacob G. Bigler, Warren S. Snow, Geo. Peacock, John D. Chase, Parley P. Pratt and Geo. W. Grant for this mission and Wm Fotheringham and John Talbot for South Africa and Paul A. Schettler and A. Van der Woude for Holland. They were also accompanied by a family named Bell from the Valley and a sister named Cook. The brethren all felt well and seemed in good spirits excepting Bro. Chase who had suffered much on the voyage and was still ailing. I did the best I could with Elizabeth to make them all comfortable. We made beds on the floor of the drawing room for them to sleep on.

26 July 1861 • Friday

Friday, July 26th 1861. Writing a letter to the President Young giving a statement of Tobin’s case and our action in the matter.4

27 July 1861 • Saturday

Saturday 27th I am indebted to the journal of Bro. Lyman for the items from this date to the 13th Augt. in consequence of which I shall be unable to record accurately the my doings during the time.

Passed much of the day in conversation with Bros Lyman & Rich and the Missionaries

28 July 1861 • Sunday

Sunday 28th. This morning Elder Edward Pugh, the last of the Missionaries arrived in L’pool and reported himself. Bro. Rich and myself and the Missionaries attended meeting at the Royal Assembly Rooms, and had a very interesting time listening to the Elders’ remarks. In the evening Bro. Lyman accompanied us to meeting in the same place and addressed a very attentive and intelligent audience. On our return home some of the Elders complained of illness, no doubt the result of change of diet, and want of exercise in the air. This evening Elder John M. Kay came in; he was well, and reported his District and the progress of the work therein.

29 July 1861 • Monday

Monday 29th July. This morning the brethren are improved in health. We held a meeting of the Missionaries, and gave them their final instructions preparatory to assuming the duties of their respective appointments and Missions. They were selected as follows:– Bro. Bigler to preside over the Irish mission; Bro. Peacock to travel in the Scottish District; Warren S. Snow, to the South District; Bros Pugh and Grant to Cheltenham; Bro. P. P. Pratt to the Sheffield District; Bro. Chase to the Nottingham District. They all appeared to be pleased with their appointments and were busy in getting ready to repair to their several fields of labour.

30 July 1861 • Thursday

Thursday 30th July. This morning Elders Chase and Pugh left for their respective fields of labour. Others of the missionaries are also preparing to leave for their various destinations at the earliest practicable moment.

31 July 1861 • Wednesday

Wednesday 31st. This morning Elders Fotheringham and Talbot left for London where they will make arrangements for passages to South Africa; Elder Grant also left for Cheltenham. In the afternoon Elder P. P. Pratt left for Leeds. Gave

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July 1861, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 21, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1860s/1861/07-1861


  1. [1]The daybook labeled Ms d 5504 fd 1 v. 1. was used by copyists for entries beginning 12 July 1861 and continuing to 17 November 1861. Daybook v. 1 serves as copy-text for this segment. At the beginning of the daybook, in pencil, is written:

    G G Geo.

    Thos Gibbons, Collhern near Bath

    Bristo, <sailed from>

    Sailed on the Petro

  2. [2]After this entry, there are two blank pages.

  3. [3]There were no daybook entries for 21 and 22 July.

  4. [4]After this entry, the daybook entries end and begin again on 18 September 1861.