April 1896

1 April 1896 • Wednesday

Wednesday, April 1, 1896.

I had quite a long conversation with Judge Le Grand Young and Brother Robert S. Campbell respecting the manner in which the Pioneer Electric Power Company should keep our books.

At 1 o’clock there was a meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank & Trust Co.

At 5 o’clock I went up to the house of Brother John Beck, in response to an invitation which was sent to me by a committe of ladies, asking myself and wife to partake of a hygienic dinner at that place. There were about [a] hundred people there. As I had no wife with me, I was seated at the head of the table with Sister Zina D. Young. The menu consisted of whole wheat crackers[,] tomato soup (also bean soup), potatoes, parsnips, peas and cauliflower; also unleavened gems and brown bread, two kinds of salad, some jelly, some cake made out of whole wheat flour, some bananas and oranges, and nuts. There was neither butter nor cheese, nor anything in the shape of animal food. Butter and eggs are excluded from their dietary, and no fluids were served either, though some could scarcely finish their meal without getting something to drink. An address was read by Mrs. Gunn on the principles of hygiene.

I remained in the company till nearly 8 o’clock, and then returned home.

2 April 1896 • Thursday

Thursday, April 2, 1896.

At 9:30 this morning I, in company with a number of brethren, members of the Deseret Sunday School Union Board, met at Brother C. R. Savage’s photograph gallery, and we had our pictures taken in a group.

I brought up from home some securities today (15,000 shares of Bullion-Beck stock and 134 shares of Brigham Young Trust Co.) for the purpose of depositing them with Mr. Dooly, at Wells, Fargo & Co’s, for an overdraft of $11,580, which I drew a check for today. Brother T. G. Webber and my son Abraham have had the affairs of Cannon, Grant & Co. in hand looking to a settlement, and they have proposed a plan by which a number of the notes could be taken up. Abraham said that if I would let my name be used, we could take up (he and I) $100,000 worth of paper. This I finally agreed to, with the understanding that he would take one-fourth and I take three-fourths. He designated the notes that we could take up, which was agreeable to the brethren of the Company. We have a large margin of stocks as security for this $100,000 in various hands, which we will have to pay for, and this money that I raised today from Mr. Dooly is for the purpose of paying this margin. Geo. Q. Cannon & Sons Co. and Abraham H. Cannon are owing me a little over $15,000. This with the amount that I have drawn from the bank will make about $27,000, which is my share of the margin. Abraham is in hopes that he can borrow $100,000 at St. Louis, and authorized Mr. Allen, who has just returned there, to see if he could get it for us. When this is received we shall take up these notes. I make this explanation, as it may be convenient for future reference.

We had a most interesting meeting in the Temple today. There were present, the First Presidency and ten of the Twelve – all excepting Brothers Moses Thatcher and A. H. Lund.

The subjects that I had spoken to Presidents Woodruff and Smith upon last Friday, as recorded in my journal of that day, viz. the transferring of the functions of the Trustee-in-Trust to the Presiding Bishop, and the salaries of Church officials, were brought to the attention of the Council at this meeting. President Woodruff requested me to give my views upon them. Brother Gibbs took down my remarks, and the following is a copy of them:

President Cannon said that the First Presidency regarded the subjects to be brought before the Council to be very important, and they felt that some action should be taken upon them while the men now in authority were living in the flesh; as, if action should be delayed and the more experienced of the brethren should pass away without anything being done, future generations might be led to think that an example had been set to the Church having the sanction of the present authorities.

The first subject to be considered was the transfer of the functions of the Trustee-in-Trust to the Presiding Bishop, which change had been effected since the death of President Taylor. Up to the death of President Taylor the Trustee-in-Trust handled and was responsible for all the funds of the Church. I need not rehearse to you the causes which brought about the change. I want to say, however, that before the change was made, much of the business that used to be done by the President’s Office was transferred to the Bishop’s Office. Today if the Trustee-in Trust has use for funds, instead of having the funds under his control he has to send to the Presiding Bishop for what he needs. He cannot use a dollar of the tithing unless it is given to him we think is wrong. We think it wrong for the Lesser Priesthood to have control of the funds of the Church, and thus render it necessary for the Melchisedek Priesthood to be subject to it. There is nothing in the office of Trustee-in-Trust to show what is done with the funds, only as they are reported from time to time by the Presiding Bishop, as all of the funds are in his hands. This is a complete change from the rule which heretofore obtained. I may be permitted to speak my feelings freely on this subject, and then I would like to hear the brethren express themselves. I think this all wrong, and if anything were to happen to President Woodruff or President Smith or myself, or the First Presidency should be broken up and a new Presidency organized, this precedent would plague you who may succeed us, for you who are here today are the men who will have this responsibility to bear. There are young men here today who will probably outlive the older brethren; and if they outlive us, they will have the force of this precedent to meet, – and you all know what the force of precedent means. We quote what the Prophet Joseph did; we quote what President Young did, and President Woodruff will be quoted by and by in the same manner. It will be argued, if this thing is not right, why was it not corrected by the men who lived in the days of the Prophet Joseph Smith and President Brigham Young. For one, I feel that I do not want to leave such a thing without action. This subject is one of very great importance, requiring the serious consideration of this body of men. You all know what occurred after the death of President Taylor. Some of us were comparatively silent. Several things were done which were not agreeable to the leading men. The reason for doing these things some men know better than others. I would have protested at the time if I had thought my protest would have had any weight; but there were things operating then which prevented any protest on my part. But in the light of the experience we have had, and in the light of the union which now prevails among us, this should now receive our serious consideration and attention. I would like each one of the brethren present to place himself in the place of President Woodruff, and ask himself, if he were President of the Church and the Trustee-in-Trust, whether he would like to have the duties and responsibilities which belonged to him fettered and limited as they are today, or whether the rule which prevailed in the days of the Prophet Joseph, President Young and President Taylor should still be carried out. Or, is this new way the right way? For one, I say it is a violation of the proprieties, contrary also to the mind and will of God, and contrary to the rule which has always prevailed in the Church. I have felt very deeply on this subject. The First Presidency are united in regard to it, and we feel that the present condition is a wrong condition, and that it ought to be corrected. It is for the Twelve who were in power after the death of President Taylor to say what is right in this matter.

Another question in connection with this which we think ought to be considered is the question of salaries of the officers of the Church. It has been a matter of exceedingly great pleasure to me ever since my youth to be able to say that we had no salaried ministry in the Church – that no man had a salary attached to his office. President Taylor felt led to set a certain figure that Church officials should draw. He felt the necessity for doing this, because some of the brethren had been in the habit of drawing in excess, and because he himself had not been in the habit of drawing anything at all. He came into office determined to stop expensive drawing, and he went at this thing with the zeal of a reformer, and the result was that the Apostles were allowed $1500 a year, and this amount was afterwards raised to $2000. After the death of President Taylor this question was re-considered by the Apostles, and the amount was raised to $3000, and the same amount of salary was allowed to the Presiding Bishop and his Counselors. At that time there was an attempt made to make a distinction according to seniority – all the brethren from the President down to and including Brother Thatcher were to receive $3000, and the rest of the Twelve $2000 each. The idea is now generally understood that the Apostles draw $3000 a year as a salary, and I believe that the impression upon the minds of the people is having a bad effect. It is having the effect to remove the Apostles from the people, and it creates the impression that the Twelve are well provided for. President Cannon then read a statement showing that nearly a $100,000 a year of the tithing is consumed in salaries, which does not include the Presidents of Seventies, Presiding Bishops, Presidents of Stakes. Then again, President Cannon said, salaries had been allowed to men such as Presidents of Stakes and their Counselors, regardless of their circumstances, and this was illustrated recently by Brother James W. Paxman asking that his salary be discontinued, as he could not conscientiously receive it, for the reason that he did not earn it, and for the further reason that there were men who receive nothing at all who devote more of their time to the interests of the Church than he did. The First Presidency felt this to be wrong, and it must in time lead to bad effects. It will lead to the impression that certain officers are entitled to fixed salaries, and that feeling is already crystallizing. We would not say that the brethren should not draw what they actually need, but on the contrary we would say, yes, the brethren who labor in the ministry are entitled to their support; but if some need $3000 to support their families, that is no reason why others with smaller families should draw a like amount. President Cannon, reading from a list of Presidents of Stakes and Counselors, singled out certain brethren whose circumstances were so well known to be first class, and, referring to such brethren, he said that they would actually feel better without salaries.

All the brethren gave their views upon these subjects; after which I moved “that there be no credits hereafter placed on the books to any Church official for services rendered in the Church; and that no man in the Church holding official position shall hereafter consider himself entitled to any remuneration as a salary for his services as a Church official, – I mean all who act in a Church capacity, including Presidents of Stakes and others.” This was seconded by Brother Grant and others and was carried unanimously.

I then moved “that the brethren who have been heretofore in the habit of drawing funds from the Church, or to whom allowances have been made for the sustenance of their families, be entitled hereafter to draw to the same extent as before; and that in the event of their needing anything more at any time – their necessities compelling them to ask for more – that it be done by application to the Trustee-in-Trust.” This was seconded by Brother Lyman and others and carried unanimously.

3 April 1896 • Friday

Friday, April 3, 1896

I had an interview this morning with W. H. Culmer concerning Trans-Mississippi matters.

The First Presidency attended a railroad meeting at 10 o’clock.

The First Presidency had a meeting with Orson Smith and Jerry Langford. My son Abraham was present also.

4 April 1896 • Saturday

Saturday, April 4, 1896

The General Conference convened this morning, at 10 o’clock, in the Tabernacle.

At President Woodruff’s request, I took charge of the meetings.

We had a very good attendance this morning – unusually good for the first day.

President Woodruff made a few introductory remarks, and he was followed by President Jos. F. Smith and John W. Taylor.

An excellent spirit prevailed.

In the afternoon, President Lorenzo Snow, Heber J. Grant and Geo. Teasdale occupied the time in addressing the saints. It was a very good meeting.

I was not in very good health today, but enjoyed the meetings.

In the evening we held the Sunday School Union meeting. There was a poor attendance. It is clear that Saturday evening is not a good evening for Sunday school meetings.

5 April 1896 • Sunday

Sunday, April 5, 1896

President Woodruff spoke this morning to the Conference, and did so with a good deal of clearness of voice and had a goodly flow of the Spirit. He spoke 40 mins., and was listened to with rapt attention. He was followed by Brother Franklin D. Richards and Brother F. M. Lyman.

In the afternoon statistical reports were read by Brother Grant and I addressed the congregation about 40 mins. I did not feel well, and I did not enjoy my own remarks as much as I sometimes do, though there were several expressed themselves as being very much interested in what I said. My son Abraham spoke next, and he was followed by Brother M. W. Merrill.

In the evening we had a Priesthood meeting, to which the sisters had been invited. The time was occupied by Brothers Seymour B. Young, Wm. B. Preston and J. G. Kimball. There was quite a large attendance and a good spirit prevailed.

My son John Q. came to my house this morning at my request, as I was desirous to frame something such as had been suggested at a recent Council meeting, to convey to the public our views concerning the discipline and order of the Church. I have been so busy that I have not had time to devote a single thought to this, and the brethren have been depending upon me – at least, President Woodruff has mentioned it to me once or twice. I felt last night and this morning that something should be done, as the time is fast going, and in order to have this properly done, it should be accepted by all the authorities of the Church, and then be submitted to the Conference. I dictated to John until breakfast was ready, and left him to write it out. At noon, while I was at the office, he brought to me that which he had transcribed, and I dictated the conclusion to him.

I told President Woodruff and the brethren that there was a document that I had prepared which I would like them to listen to; so it was arranged that we should meet together at 6:30 this evening. Ten of the Twelve were present with the First Presidency, and I read the document to them, and it was read a second time by Brother Grant. The only alteration made by them was to change the word “officer” to “leading officials”, and I added a few words myself explanatory of one sentence. I was very much gratified to think that it met the feelings of the brethren as well as it did; for it was a very hastily dictated document.

It was decided that we should meet together in the morning, and that we would then decide whether we would accept the document or not.

6 April 1896 • Monday

Monday, April 6, 1896

The Seven Presidents of Seventies and the Presiding Bishops had been requested to meet with us this morning. We met half an hour before and decided to accept the document, and all of us signed it, leaving a place for Brother Moses Thatcher to sign in the regular order. The Seven Presidents of Seventies and the Presiding Bishops heard it read, and they all signed it.

Brothers Lorenzo Snow and Brigham Young were appointed to wait upon Brother Thatcher and secure his signature.

We were very glad to have Brother Roberts sign it as he did, with a great deal of cordiality; and we hoped that Brother Thatcher, seeing the names of his fellow servants, would sign it without any question; but the brethren returned and informed us between the meetings that he had declined to sign it and had promised to send a letter to them. The letter was received at about 1:30, and the following is a copy:

Salt Lake City, Utah, April 6, 1896.

President Lorenzo Snow and Apostle Brigham Young,

Dear Brethren:-

Having carefully read the document left with me for perusal, I herewith return it as per your request. There is much of its contents that I could conscientiously endorse by signing, but there are other portions which I cannot endorse without stultification.

If I was well I might view this most serious matter in another light; or I might do so had I more time to consider it. But as it is, it seems that I must determine now, though I fully realize how sadly long illness has weakened me in every way. In the future the Lord may enable me to define my views and acts as running along those of honor, integrity and truth. Now I can only humbly ask that you act according to the Holy Spirit’s dictation as prompted by justice and brotherly love towards your

Fellow Laborer in the Cause of Jesus our Brother,

(Signed) Moses Thatcher.

The brethren reported that he seemed to be very clear in his mind. He had read the document himself with a great deal of care, he having declined their offer to read it to him. This letter is evidence that he possesses his faculties fully; for it is very adroitly written, and shows that he is acting understandingly. We all felt grieved and disappointed, as we had hoped that he might see the propriety of doing this and obviating the necessity of any further action on our part, especially in his present condition.

The morning meeting of the Conference was occupied by Elders John Henry Smith, John Nicholson and B. H. Roberts.

In the afternoon the document that had been prepared was read to the Conference by Brother Heber J. Grant, and on motion of Angus M. Cannon, seconded by Jos. E. Taylor, a vote was taken and carried unanimously. I then presented the authorities of the Church. It had been decided at an informal meeting of the First Presidency and Twelve held in the basement of the Tabernacle, that Brother Moses Thatcher’s name should not be presented. President Woodruff made the motion, and Brother Snow seconded it. The non-presentation of his name and the omission of his name from the document was noticed and created something of a sensation. After the authorities were presented, I felt impressed to speak to the congregation before we separated, and I spoke with a great deal of power, and said a good many things that I had not thought of saying; but the main theme that I had in my mind before I arose was to call upon the people to have confidence in us, and not to indulge in suspicions and doubt concerning us and our conduct; that we were honest, true men, and that our lives were before them in proof of this; that no one could put a finger on anything in the life of President Woodruff, or President Smith, or even myself, that would justify the entertaining of suspicions concerning our truthfulness, our honesty and our uprightness in all matters. I dwelt on the evils that resulted from the indulgence in distrust, jealousy and suspicion.

7 April 1896 • Tuesday

Tuesday, April 7, 1896.

We held a Priesthood meeting in the Assembly Hall, at which there was a pretty full attendance. At President Woodruff’s request, I took charge of the meeting, and I called upon the different brethren of the Twelve to express themselves upon any subject that might be upon their minds. Brothers Lorenzo Snow and Franklin D. Richards did speak, also President Jos. F. Smith, and I spoke at some length afterwards, dwelling upon the salary question, and read to them the resolution that we had adopted concerning the payment of salaries to the officers of the Church, and called upon them, if they felt to adopt it, to make a motion. Brother Geo. L. Farrell moved that the resolution be adopted, David H. Cannon seconded it, and it was carried unanimously. I believe it will give great satisfaction to the people.

The First Presidency had a long talk with Brother Simpson Molen, of Cache Valley, concerning his conduct. He has acted, as we have thought, very indiscreetly. President Jos. F. Smith talked with great plainness to Brother Molen, as I did also.

Brother B. H. Roberts called to see us concerning the treatment that should be given to the Declaration that we had made yesterday, he being the editor of the Herald. We had a very interesting interview of over an hour’s length, at which I was very much pleased, and he expressed the great pleasure it had given him to hear me talk as I did.

The First Presidency had a long talk over Mexican affairs with the brethren of the Twelve and Brother A. W. Ivins.

8–10 April 1896 • Wednesday–Friday

Wednesday, April 8, 1896

Rather unexpectedly this morning I received an invitation to accompany Mr. Dickinson in his private car to Omaha. Mr. Bancroft, the Superintendent here, had learned that I wanted to see Mr. Clark, and he thought this a good opportunity for me to go, as Mr. Dickinson was accompanying Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt, Mr. Depew and party. I could not see how I could leave, but Abraham, my son, came up to the office and told me he would do anything he could for me while I was gone, if I would only go, as he and Brother N. W. Clayton thought it would be a good opportunity to talk railroad matters with these people. I had but a few minutes to decide, for it was then ten o’clock, and their train was billed to start at eleven. I jumped into a carriage, and drove home, a distance of three miles, and with my wife’s help was ready in a few minutes for the journey. I reached the train just in time. Was welcomed by Mr. Bancroft and Mr. Dickinson, and met Mr. Depew, whom I was already acquainted with, and by him was introduced to Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt, Colonel Fearing and Mr. Home.

The journey that day was exceedingly pleasant, as Mr. Vanderbilt did everything he could to make me feel at home, and during that day and the next, April 9th, I spent most of the time with them. Mr. Dickinson and myself ate at their table, Mr. Vanderbilt gave me the seat of honor at his right, and they did everything they could to make our journey a pleasant one. Some of the time we traveled at the rate of 55 and close on to 60 miles an hour, as registered by the indicator in the car. The cars of the Vanderbilt party are very luxuriant; they have the finest and largest sleeping cars I have ever seen. The sleeping accommodations are in state rooms, one half of the car for ladies and one half for gentlemen; besides this, they have another car in which they do their business and partake of their meals. We did not travel very rapidly during the night; Mr. Dickinson had given orders that they must not keep up their rapid speed; had it not been for this we could have reached Omaha at least two hours earlier; as it was, we made the journey four hours and forty-five minutes faster than the Limited Mail.

I think the acquaintanceship made on this journey will be perhaps of some future advantage in conducting business in the East, and I feel deeply obliged to Mr. Dickinson for his kindness in offering me passage on this train. When we separated it was with mutual expressions of good will, and they expressed the pleasure they had had in making my acquaintance, and would be pleased to see me again if I should go East.

I insert here a copy of a report I made of my labors in Omaha upon my return, as it will show what I did while there:

“Omaha, Neb., April 10th, 1896

Upon my arrival at Omaha, at five o’clock, on Thursday, the 9th inst., at the Millard Hotel, I met Mr. Clark at dinner. His health is very poor, and as I was fatigued with travel, and he was not feeling well, we agreed to meet the next day, the 10th, to talk over our business affairs. This morning, the 10th inst., I went to his room, and had a somewhat lengthy conversation with him upon the subject of my visit. The Receivers are not in a position to entertain any proposition concerning the Utah & Nevada Line. Matters are in such a condition at present that nothing definite is known, or can be done concerning the proposition which I made to Mr. Clark. However, he had sent for Judge Kelly to meet with us and talk over the affair, so that he might know what the legal difficulties were in the way. Judge Kelly agreed with Mr. Clark, that at the present time it would be useless for the Receivers of the Union Pacific to do anything in regard to the proposition that I presented to them, because whatever they might do would have to be confirmed by the Courts, and this would take a long time to accomplish. Judge Kelly had heard that the Committee on the Re-organization would attempt the organization on the 15th of this present month. I inquired what their power would be in the premises. Judge Kelly said that they would have power to make such an arrangement, if they chose to do so, as I asked for, as they would hold in their hands all the interests of the bonds and stock, and could act promptly, and with but little loss of time. They might think it necessary to submit their decision to the Receivers, but their power would be much greater than the power of the Receivers, and, therefore, their action would be much more prompt. Mr. Clark said that he intended to go to Boston between the 20th and the 25th inst. He read me a letter from Mr. Carr (a confidential letter) which he had sent to him, in which Mr. Carr intimated that he would like to see Mr. Clark as early as possible, to talk over the affairs of the Oregon Short Line organization. This is the first intimation, Mr. Clark says, that he has heard from them concerning the Oregon Short Line business since they have taken it in hand. He frankly said that he could not favor the proposition of cutting the Utah & Nevada Line in two, and giving us the right of way over the portion that we have asked for, or selling that portion to us, but he would favor the disposal of the whole line to us on terms that would be mutually satisfactory. He thinks all the property should be in the hands of one Company; this would prevent rivalry and ill-feeling, and, therefore, he thinks it would be well for us to buy out the Utah & Nevada interests, as if we do not, there is a probability that they would parallel our line, as they could not afford to lose this property without making an effort to preserve or increase its value. In this view Judge Kelly coincided. He added that a proposition of this character, he would suggest, had better be made before they got too far in their arrangements for the completion of the Re-organization, as if a proposition were made to them of the character I have mentioned, they might arrange their plans with reference to the probability of disposing of that part of the property. It is evident that Mr. Clark feels kindly disposed to the consolidation, that is, to our securing this property, as he perceives from experience the necessity of these interests, instead of being rival interests, being combined. He informed me that he had received a letter from Mayor Glendinning, offering to buy the Utah & Nevada; the name of Penrose was also mentioned, and he inquired of me who this Penrose was. The name of Wilkes was not mentioned in the letter, and he did not know of his connection with the proposition till I mentioned it to him. He said that he had had a great many propositions at different times from Mr. Wilkes, and it was evident from his manner that he thought if he were connected with the enterprise it might not be very reliable.

Both Mr. Clark and Judge Kelly think it is useless to make any attempt to arrange this affair by going East at the present time. It will be better to await the Re-organization.”

11 April 1896 • Saturday

Saturday, April 11, 1896

I left Omaha at 8:20 and had a very pleasant day’s travel.

12 April 1896 • Sunday

Sunday, April, 12, 1896

I reached the city at 3:30 this afternoon and was met at the station by Brothers John and James Sharp, who had some information to give me concerning stock in the Oregon Short Line. They have a large quantity of this stock, and I have 400 shares.

I went home and found my family in usually good health. Georgius has had the measles, but is recovering. My health is not very good today, and I was pleased to reach home.

13 April 1896 • Monday

Monday, April 13, 1896

The city is all agog with talk about a committee which it is said the Church authorities appointed to promote such legislation as was wanted and to retard other legislation. A letter appeared in yesterday’s Tribune, from E. B. Critchlow, an attorney of this city, and on the strength of this the Tribune has written an editorial appealing to “young Utah”. The whole thing is a bubble, so far as an real foundation is concerned; but the public mind is just now in a state of tension, and some people are ready to believe anything that may be said concerning the Mormons. We were called upon by representatives of the Tribune and Herald concerning this affair, and John Q. was up also with an editorial that he had written upon the subject, to submit to us. This joined with the non-presentation of Moses Thatcher’s name at Conference has created considerable excitement, and a good many are expressing their sympathy with Brother Thatcher. They think that he has been treated cruelly, because of the suddenness with which he was asked to sign the Declaration and his very sickly condition. His letter was published, with comments which he made to some interviewer, and the papers have taken it up as though he was a very badly treated man. The public do not know how long Moses Thatcher has been borne with by his colleagues. No man in this Church has ever been treated with the leniency that he has received – that is, no man in so high a position. For years he has not been in fellowship with the brethren of his own quorum; but there has been a feeling of delicacy in treating his case, especially since he has been afflicted with this sickness. Sympathy has been felt for him, and hopes have been continually entertained that he would change and see his errors. It was a very doubtful thing at the time of the dedication of the Temple whether he could be admitted or not. The authorities of the Church are suffering at the present time in reputation, even among the Latter-day Saints, because they have kept quiet concerning the spirit that Brother Thatcher has manifested in the past. They have not wished to injure him, nor to throw any obstacles in his way; and many people now, only being able to judge by what has appeared on the surface and reading his letter, think that there has been harshness and haste and unnecessary severity in his case; whereas, if they knew the situation they would see that this is merely the outgrowth of conditions which have been growing for many years past. President Woodruff said today that something ought to be done about this, to let the people know the true condition of affairs; but the difficulty is, how to do it without appearing to be making further attacks upon him.

14 April 1896 • Tuesday

Tuesday, April 14, 1896

This day is a stormy one – hail, rain, snow, sleet, thunder and lightning, with a gleam of sunshine now and again.

There was a meeting of the Utah & Pacific Improvement Company held at the Company’s office, at which all the members, excepting Frank, were present. It is deemed wise for the members of this company who are connected with the railroad company to resign, as they cannot legally act in both capacities. President Woodruff’s resignation as well as that of Theodore F. Meyer’s were accepted today. Brothers John R. Winder and James Jack were elected in their places. I have resigned, but my resignation will take effect at the next meeting.

We had a meeting with Professor Kerr, of Logan, who spent considerable time trying to explain to us his action in regard to the education bill about which he had seen us before the Legislature adjourned, and which is the cause of the rumpus that has been created by Mr. Critchlow’s letter. Professor Kerr appears to have communicated things concerning his interviews with the brethren who had been advising legislators concerning certain legislative matters, which has furnished Mr. Critchlow with his ground for the charges he has made. Brother Kerr declares that he was not the one that communicated anything to Mr. Critchlow; but Mr. Critchlow himself had told him that he knew about such and such things and taxed him with it, and he had to acknowledge it or tell a falsehood.

I have received a circular, signed by a number of distinguished gentlemen, inviting me to attend the International Arbitration Conference to be held in Washington City on the 26th <22nd> & 27th <23rd> of the present month. I submitted it to Presidents Woodruff and Smith today, and they both think that I ought to go and attend the Convention, as it is a very important gathering and there will be a great many leading men present. I had no wish to go personally, but as this is their feeling I shall endeavor to be ready to leave then.

I dictated my journal to Brother Arthur Winter.

15 April 1896 • Wednesday

Wednesday, April 15, 1896

There was a meeting of the Pioneer Electric Power Company this morning. Mr. Bannister drew up a resolution to the effect that as President and Treasurer I should receive a salary of $5000. This he did without consultation with me and without my having mentioned to him or to anyone else anything concerning salary. He broached this subject once before when the executive committee were at Ogden, and took the ground that I had done so much for the Company that it was a very small remuneration. He said that Mr. Banigan had suggested that I ought to receive that amount, considering the responsibility of my position. Mr. Bannister made the motion, and President Woodruff seconded it. Mr. Bannister put the motion and all voted for it excepting Brother Jos. F. Smith, who voted No. When he voted No, I remarked that I could not possibly accept this under the circumstances. Well, he said, it had been carried and it was all right. I said it would not be right with me to accept it if he had feelings that it ought not to be. He then arose and stated that he thought before a salary of this kind was paid we ought to learn whether the enterprise would pay or not. He was an honest man, he said, and he believed in telling his feelings. He thought that the chief engineer and others received too high salaries for the services they rendered in connection with this business. His remarks created some feeling. After he had finished I rose and said that never in my life had I asked for any remuneration for anything I ever did. I had worked all my life without asking any questions or making any stipulations about what I ought to be paid for my services. It was the first time I had anything to do with such a thing. But the facts were, my situation was such at the present that I was actually in a condition where I needed remuneration for services; and while I have always worked for the Church without asking questions and given my services freely, I thought in enterprises of this kind men who worked should be paid and not wait till the enterprise was successful, as many things might happen between now and then to cause no payment to be made. I would consider my services cheap at that price, with my age and experience and the work that I had done already. I had on a number of occasions stepped in the gap and strained my credit to the utmost extent to carry this enterprise. I had gone and come whenever called upon, without hesitation and without saying anything.

President Woodruff also made some remarks, and thought that I ought to be paid. His remarks were very gratifying to me.

I felt more hurt at President Smith’s remarks because I thought what I had done had not been appreciated. I turned to him, after he had spoken, and asked him if he would accept the position of President and Treasurer. If he would, I said, I would be very glad indeed to be relieved from the duties, and I should vote with the greatest readiness for him to receive a salary and to be properly paid. He said, No, he would not accept it; he did not feel that he was capable of filling the position.

I have no feeling upon this subject further than I expected that my labor in the past would at least call forth some expression from him, but nothing was said by him. Brother F. D. Richards came up to me afterwards and said he had voted for it with the greatest freedom, as he thought it was nothing but right. President Smith and myself differ on this point; he is not in favor as much as I am of giving men salaries. Perhaps I err in one direction, and perhaps he errs in the other. I would not like this occurrence to have any effect upon my feeling<s;> but I can appreciate, from the feeling I have, how some men do feel, and that if an idea were to get into a person’s mind that he was not appreciated, it would slacken his efforts. I do not want any such a feeling to enter into my mind, and I sincerely trust that nothing of the kind will ever occur to President Smith; for I know him to be a man of God and a pure man.

There was a meeting of the directors of Z.C.M.I.

Brother Grant and my son Abraham and Presidents Woodruff and Smith had a long conversation on the affairs of Cannon, Grant & Co.

At 4:30 I went home, and had for company Mr. & Mrs. Meyer, of St. Louis, Elder Brigham Young and his wife Lizzie, Brother and Sister Webber, and Mr. J. M. Allen, of St. Louis, whom my wife Caroline and myself had invited to dine with us. My son Abraham and his wives Mina and Mamie were also there. We had a very excellent meal and a delightful evening. It stormed very heavily and made it unpleasant for them to go from the house to the car.

16 April 1896 • Thursday

Thursday, April 16, 1896

There was a meeting of the Sugar Company this morning at 9 o’clock.

At 11 o’clock we went to the Temple and met with President Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, B. Young, F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, H. J. Grant, J. W. Taylor and A. H. Cannon. The question of a successor to Brother Lund in the Presidency of the European Mission was talked over. President Smith suggested that Brother M. W. Merrill go there; but some of the brethren felt that he ought to be consulted as to whether his health would admit of his going, and no action, therefore, was taken till that decision was reached.

We adjourned at 12 o’clock to go up to the office to meet Judge Adams, a federal judge who has come from St. Louis to attend to some cases here. Judge Adams is a very pleasant, intelligent gentleman, and was brought up by Mr. Meyer and Mr. Allen. They say he holds a very high position in St. Louis in the estimation of the people. He is a connection of the Massachusetts Adams family.

Afterwards we resumed our council at the office. It was decided that the Church should buy a lot of the stocks now held by Cannon, Grant & Co., and in this way reimburse themselves for $60,000 for which they were security. These stocks go at a very low price to the Church, and we lose much on them; but as I am connected with Cannon, Grant & Co, I declined to take any action officially with President Woodruff in relation to their purchase. I therefore suggested that instead of the First Presidency taking action upon it, this matter should be submitted to the Twelve Apostles, and that those who were not interested in Cannon, Grant & Co. take action, which was done.

17 April 1896 • Friday

Friday, April 17, 1896

There was a meeting of the Grass Creek Terminal Railway Co, also one of the Salt Lake Literary & Scientific Association, and one of the Pioneer Electric Power Co.

As I am going away tomorrow, I have been very busy trying to get my affairs into shape. Brother Arthur Winter assisted me in taking notes for articles to appear in the Juvenile Instructor and my correspondence.

18 April 1896 • Saturday

Saturday, April 18, 1896.

We started this morning at 7 o’clock (my wife Carlie, my daughter-in-law Mamie and daughter Ann, and myself) for Washington.

Mr. J. M. Allen rode with me to Ogden for the purpose of explaining the railroad situation. He fears that the Denver and Rio Grande people are merely using us as a mask to conceal their real purposes from Mr. Huntington, of the California Southern Railroad. Their relations with that road are such that if it were to transpire that they had a design to build through to California, it would be very injurious to them, and Mr. Allen’s suspicions have been aroused by hearing that Engineers are cross-sectioning the line beyond a point in Iron County that had been agreed upon as the point of junction for us and them. This fact, coupled with the statement that General Palmer, Manager of the road, is now in California looking for a harbor, has alarmed Mr. Allen, and he thinks that there is danger of their using us to accomplish their own ends.

It snowed most of the day. The weather was quite cold.

19 April 1896 • Sunday

Sunday, April 19, 1896

The weather is considerably moderated.

We reached Omaha a little late, and I did not find my transportation as I expected I would for myself and wife from this point to Chicago. I paid our fare and took a receipt.

The night was warm, being a striking contrast with yesterday’s weather.

20 April 1896 • Monday

Monday, April 20, 1896

We reached Chicago at 7:45 this morning and proceeded to the Baltimore and Ohio station. I secured a pass upon the requisition of General Manager Dickinson of the Union Pacific, for myself and wife and daughter-in-law to Washington; but I wanted to go to Philadelphia, and I used Mr. Hoyt Sherman’s letters of introduction to Mr. Allen, the Assistant Passenger Agent, to procure the passes that I needed. He was not in his office; but his Chief Clerk said that he would attend to it. I requested passes for us three from Washington to Philadelphia, and then a pass for my daughter-in-law from Philadelphia to Chicago.

We left Chicago at 10:45, after remaining there two hours and a half.

21 April 1896 • Tuesday

Tuesday, April 21, 1896

We reached Washington at 12 o’clock to-day, and were met at the station by Mattie and my granddaughter Rosannah, and Mr. George G. Graves, who took charge of our baggage. We concluded to stop at the same place with Frank and Mattie, as we could be very comfortable there, and the hotels were very crowded.

This is the quickest trip that I ever made to Washington. Counting the time by my watch we were just 75 hours from the time we left Salt Lake until we reached here, after deducting two and one-half hours for detention in Chicago, which made the time just three days and half an hour occupied in actual travel.

There were two young men who traveled with us from home to this point – Alonzo E. Hyde, Jr., a grandson of President John Taylor, and Jesse Badger, who is also a grandson of President Taylor. Brother Hyde is on his way to Germany, and Brother Badger to England.

Without stopping to brush the dust of travel off, we started to the Capitol, as we understood Frank was going to make a speech on a bill that he had introduced for the construction of a “ground map of the United States”, – a project which he has had in mind for a number of years. I was quite interested in his remarks, as the project is one that I am very much in favor of, and I think that if it is adopted very good results will follow.

I met a great number of Senators, old acquaintances, who seemed very pleased to see me.

In the evening I had a long conversation with Frank over our affairs.

22 April 1896 • Wednesday

Wednesday, April 22, 1896

Judge Bartch, who also came down as a delegate to this National Arbitration Conference, and myself went to the Metzerott Hall, where the Conference is convened. Committees were appointed on organization. Ex-Senator Edmunds was made permanent chairman, and a Vice President from each State was appointed. I was appointed from Utah. The afternoon and evening was spent, after the organization, in listening to addresses by different prominent men.

I was up at the Capitol to-day, and met with a number of old acquaintances in the Senate and in the House. In passing, in company with Frank, the room of the Vice President, Mr. Stevenson saw me and hailed me. I entered the room, where there [were] quite a number of gentlemen, and he came forward and grasped my hand in both of his, and shook me very warmly, and expressed the pleasure he had in seeing me. He told the company how we had served together in the House, and how intimate we were. After the other gentlemen withdrew, Frank and I and his Secretary being present, he spoke to me in the warmest manner about Frank and the respect with which he was held by all who knew him. He referred to his ability and how well he represented the State and that it was a pleasure to him when he was in the Chair to recognize him when he had anything to present. I was much gratified at hearing what he said. On parting he pressed me to come to his room freely, and to make use of it, if I needed a room at any time. It was very gratifying to me to hear similar remarks made by a good many prominent men concerning Frank and his efficiency and influence, and I received many congratulations at having so able a son to represent me.

Mrs. Senator Brown had desired myself and wife and my daughter in-law Mamie to dine with her and the Senator at their quarters, the Ebbitt House, at 6:30 this evening. Frank and Mattie were also there. We spent a very pleasant time together.

23 April 1896 • Thursday

Thursday, April 23, 1896

To-day has been as yesterday. The last session was held in the evening in the Grand Opera House, and there was a large audience to listen to the speakers. They were John Randolph Tucker; Professor Eliot, of Harvard College; Bishop Keane, Rector of the Catholic University at Washington; President Patton, of Princeton. Hon. J. O. Broadhead, of St. Louis, was to have spoken, but he was not present. The conference adjourned at about 10 o’clock.

I had the privilege of telling Dr. Leander T. Chamberlain, who is one of the moving spirits of the Conference, that it seemed to me that the West had not received proper recognition. A permanent committee of twenty-five had been appointed, and only one man west of the Mississippi was put on that committee – Horace Davis, of California. It is very evident that all of this had been arranged beforehand, and clergymen and college professors are the men who have been requested to take the active part in the proceedings, and they, in almost every instance, are men who live in the Atlantic States. I remarked to Dr. Chamberlain that we in Utah had had a great deal of experience in testing the virtues of arbitration; that we had occupied Utah now nearly five-twelfths of the time that the Republic has been in existence, and we have had a good deal of experience in arbitration. He requested me to speak under the “five minute rule”; but I felt somewhat delicate, because several of the speakers were announced, and I thought if there was any desire to hear me they could announce me. Mr. John Doniphan, of Missouri, brother of General Doniphan, was determined that I should speak, and went up to the platform for the purpose of having me called upon; but just at that moment Ex-Senator Edmunds, the Chairman, had arisen to make an amendment to the resolution, and the discussion on that amendment consumed all the time until adjournment.

At 5:30 an appointment had been made for the members of the Conference to attend a reception at the residence of Hon. John W. Foster, ex-Secretary of State. Judge Bartch and myself went over and had a very interesting time. I met a great many old acquaintances, and viewed with a great deal of interest the fine collection of curios that Mr. & Mrs. Foster had collected during their residence in the East. He has been very prominent in Chinese affairs, and has been as I understand, in the employ of that government. I viewed with a great deal of interest a brick which he had brought from the Chinese wall. He has a great many elegant things, and numerous evidences of wealth on every hand in his house. They treated their guests very graciously, and served very fine refreshments.

24 April 1896 • Friday

Friday, April 24, 1896

I dictated my journal to Mr. George G. Graves, and also some correspondence yesterday.

After breakfast I went to the State Department, at Frank’s request, to use my influence for the appointment of J. M. Langsdorf, of Ogden, as U.S. Consul at Managua, Nicaragua. The Secretary of State, Mr. Richard Olney, received me very graciously and asked if I had endorsed Mr. Langsdorf in writing. At his request, I wrote a strong letter to be left among his papers.

We took train on the Baltimore & Ohio R.R. at 12 noon. Mr. George Graves, my son Frank’s secretary, took charge of our baggage and had it carried to the station for us.

We were met at the station at Philadelphia by my son William who took us to his residence, where we took dinner.

I was a little startled at William’s appearance. He was hollow-cheeked and pale. He has not fully recovered from his sickness. His wife Adah is in good health, as also the baby, Helen. She is a beautiful and healthy looking child.

My wife and I remained there till 8 p.m., then went to the Continental Hotel to stop. My daughter-in-law Mamie and my daughter Anne stopped with their sister and brother.

25 April 1896 • Saturday

Saturday, April 25, 1896

We spent the day at William’s. I expected to go to New York this morning to join Frank there, and have an interview with Mr. Clark; but he telegraphed me that we could not see him till to-morrow, and afterward we would meet Mr. Samuel Carr and the Oregon Short Line people at Boston on Monday morning.

I had a long conversation with William this afternoon, and was greatly pleased at the spirit he manifested. He bears testimony that the Lord has heard and answered his prayers, and he related several instances of this kind. He does not believe, neither do I, that he would have been admitted if the Lord had not signally helped him. I am surprised at the manner in which he has got through his examinations, for I knew his education was very defective. There was a class of one hundred and twenty-five, of which he was one, that entered when he did. But at this examination only ninety-five came forward for examination; of these all but three had degrees from other colleges or had failed in last year’s examination and had gone through this year. Of these three, William was one, and he was the only one that succeeded in passing the examination. The Dean of the Faculty told him that he was one of thirty-five who got through without conditions. He urged him, however, to pay more attention to orthography, in which he is quite deficient. He intends to devote the time – five months till the commencement of the next term – to the study of Latin, penmanship, and orthography. He did think of studying Algebra, but one of the professors – Dr. Pettibone – proposed to give him lessons in Mathematics, in which he could teach him, he said, more in one evening than he would be taught in one week in the place where he expected to go. One of the professors – Dr. Bolton – also offered to teach him German. but he thanked him, thinking he would not have time.

26 April 1896 • Sunday

Sunday, April 26, 1896

My wife Carlie went to William’s this morning to stop with her children till I returned from Boston. I took the train to New York, reached there about 10:30, and was met by Frank. We lunched at the Plaza. Dr. Graves lunched with us.

Afterwards had a somewhat lengthy and interesting interview with Mr. S. H. H. Clark at the Windsor Hotel. We had a full and free conversation about our railway projects, and he gave us his views, which, as he is an experienced railroad man, were valued. He said he hoped I would stay in Boston until Wednesday, as there would be a meeting of the stockholders of the Union Pacific Railroad on that day, and, as it is the intention to elect me as one of the directors of that road, I would be wanted at the meeting after the election by the stockholders.

I took train for Boston at 4 o’clock, and was met at the station by my three sons, Lewis, Sylvester and Willard. Frank will follow me to-night. I put up at the Hotel Brunswick.

27 April 1896 • Monday

Monday, April 27, 1896

The three boys breakfasted with Frank and myself this morning. This was delightful association. The boys are doing well at their school. Lewis will graduate in June. I am thankful that I have been able to give these of my children the advantages which they are now enjoying. I have a great desire to do everything I can to qualify my sons and daughters for careers of usefulness in helping to build up Zion, to which labor my life has been devoted and from which I have derived the highest happiness and pleasure.

At 10:30 Frank and I went to the Ames Building and met Mr. Samuel Carr and Messrs. Ames, Abbott, Coolidge and Lane (all Oregon Short Line people),and Mr. Nichols, their attorney. We made our proposals to them to buy their Utah and Nevada property, and to either buy or make a trackage arrangement with them for the line from Salt Lake to Milford. We spent upwards of two hours and went over the situation pretty thoroughly. The conversation was very agreeable and everything passed off in an encouraging manner. We parted with the understanding that we should meet again on Wednesday.

Frank returned to New York, and I moved from the hotel into a room in the house where my sons have their quarters.

In the evening the three boys and myself enjoyed ourselves in witnessing the performance of the “Sporting Duchess”. My old friend J. H. Stoddart and Mrs. Agnes Booth were the leading actors. In some places the play was very exciting, the costumes were superb, and horses were brought on the stage and races were run.

28 April 1896 • Tuesday

Tuesday, April 28, 1896

I dictated an article for the Juvenile Instructor to a stenographer, and afterwards dictated my journal to my son Sylvester.

I received the following dispatch:

“Phila. Pa.

Geo. Q. Cannon:-

Tonsils out. Doing nicely. Operation in nose when you return.

Carlie Y. Cannon.”

This refers to my daughter Ann, who suffers very much from deafness, which we have thought is due to enlarged tonsils.

In the evening the boys and myself attended the Tremont St. Theatre to witness the opera, “Robin Hood” performed by the Bostonians.

29 April 1896 • Wednesday

Wednesday, April 29, 1896

Lewis accompanied me to show me the way to Young’s Hotel, where we found Frank, he having arrived from New York this morning.

There was a stockholders’ meeting of the Union Pacific Co. at the Ames Building, at which I was elected a director of the Union Pacific R.R. Co. The following named gentlemen comprise the Board: Oliver Ames, of Boston; Edwin F. Atkins, Boston; George Q. Cannon, Salt Lake City; S. H. H. Clark, Omaha; Gordon Dexter, Boston; Grenville M. Dodge, New York; George J. Gould, New York; Marvin Hughitt, Chicago; Henry B. Hyde, New York; Alexander Millar, Boston; Joseph H. Millard, Omaha; Oliver W. Mink, Boston; Alexander E. Orr, New York; Sidney Dillon Ripley, New York; Russell Sage, New York. With the exception of Messrs. Atkins, Hughitt, Hyde, Millard, Mink and Sage, all were present at the meeting of the Board, which met subsequently to organize. Messrs. Anderson, Coombs and Patrick, government directors, were also present. Mr. S. H. H. Clark was chosen as President, and Mr. Alex, Miller as Secretary. Committees were also chosen. This organization is kept up, but as the road is in the hands of Receivers, there is very little for the Board of Directors to do. I was paid $5 for attendance at the meeting, and $25 for expenses from New York, which Mr. Harris, the asst. treasurer, paid me, and for which I signed a voucher. All to whom I was introduced expressed pleasure at my election as one of the Board. Gen. Grenville J. Dodge is an old acquaintance.

After this meeting, Frank, Mr. Clark and myself met with Mr. Samuel Carr and talked over our propositions to the Oregon Short Line.

The following is a copy of a report of the conversations we have had with these railroad people, made by Frank to Abraham, at my request:

“Washington, May 3, 1896.

Dear Brother:

From present indications it appears certain that by the concentration of forces at our command, the Deep Creek Railroad can be built this year, and I take pleasure in presenting the matter as it stands at this end, and in offering certain suggestions arising from negotiations had here.

In conversation with Mr. S. H. H. Clark, the President of the Syndicate[,] Hon Geo. Q. Cannon and myself stated that it was our intention to build to Deep Creek, and that such building would practically destroy the value of the Utah and Nevada property, or force the Oregon Short Line to broaden the guage of the Utah and Nevada and extend that line further west to compete with us. Mr. Clark admitted all this, acquiesced in our proposition that such competition would be unwise and unnecessary, suggested that the Oregon Short Line people would doubtless be willing to sell the Utah and Nevada with the Garfield Beach, and their attendant properties at once and on favorable terms; and further, that if they did not sell to us it might be necessary for them to protect their present interests by building further west into our prospective field. As this was the end to which we have been aiming for some time, viz., to secure the Utah and Nevada line, we took advantage of Mr. Clark’s hint and visited the Oregon Short Line Reorganization Committee at Boston – in pursuance of appointment made by me before the President’s arrival – and obtained from that Committee the preliminary plans of the following propositions:

First, they will sell to us the Utah and Nevada with all its attendant properties.

Second, they will take first mortgage gold bonds on the line for payment.

Third, they will sell to us for bonds the steel which they are now taking up on the Oregon Short Line main road, amounting to probably 50 miles.

Fourth, the Committee, with Mr. Clark, will visit Salt Lake City and confer with our syndicate as to the details of the foregoing propositions.

In case of carrying out the arrangement it will be necessary for us to broaden the guage of the present Utah and Nevada line from Salt Lake City to terminus, and also to insure an extension beyond that point. Perhaps the Committee would consent to accept bonds on the Utah and Nevada line, not only for the full purchase price, but for the amount paid to them for second-hand steel with which to re-iron the broadguage road. To accommodate our business it would be necessary to extend the present Salt Lake and Los Angeles line to Garfield Beach, doing our passenger traffic over one line and freight traffic over the other. It would not be safe to carry freight over the Salt Lake and Los Angeles with its heavy passenger traffic. In fact a disaster would almost be assured to do this, and one wreck of a passenger train would ruin the company and ruin its business. A spur could be built from our salt fields along the Salt Lake and Los Angeles to the Utah and Nevada line, so that the salt freight could be carried on a freight line.

One difficulty is presented of a financial character by this plan: we would have to give to the Oregon Short Line people first mortgage gold bonds on the Utah and Nevada Line with its terminals in Salt Lake City, and extending to its present terminus. This would be cream security; and bonds on the extension from the present terminus west to Deep Creek would necessarily have a questionable value to investors, unless we could add another factor of safety to them. This I think would be found in the fact that in building from Saltair to Garfield, we would have left only a gap of 14 miles, or thereabouts, from Garfield to the beginning of our western extension, and as we would own the property through which to extend, we could hold out to investors in the extension bonds the certainty that we could and would protect them, even if we had to make the connection of 14 miles, thus having two parallel roads for a distance of 37 miles, or thereabouts. Of course this latter is only a dernier ressort.

By the foregoing means it seems to me that we can find the money with which to build. Let us assume first, that we are compelled to give all the bonds issued on the Utah and Nevada, and its attendant properties, for the purchase price. Extension of the road west from present terminus west could be bonded for $12,000.00 per mile, first mortgage, and $8000.00 per mile second mortgage bonds. The second mortgage bonds could be utilized for grading, and could be marketed locally. The first mortgage bonds could be sold for a fair figure to raise money for iron and equipment. But in addition we would have the $300,000.00 of bonds on the Salt Lake and Los Angeles now built, plus about $100,000.00 for the extension of that line from Saltair to Garfield; also $200,000.00 of Saltair Beach bonds – making a total of $600,000.00 with which to raise money to build a section of the extension on which to issue bonds. It is true that these bonds are already in hock for $160,000.00; and we would have to deduct and pay this amount from any proceeds derived from the sale of such bonds.

The question may arise, what do we get from the Utah and Nevada for the bonds which we would issue and the considerable interest charge which we would impose upon ourselves? It must be borne in mind that the proposition to buy the Utah and Nevada has come from us, as has also come from us the present competition with the Utah and Nevada and the threatened further injury to its property. You build built the Saltair Beach and Salt Lake and Los Angeles roads. We threaten a further invasion on the Utah and Nevada Company. Under the circumstances they have been very considerate with us, not even uttering one word of upbraiding because of our present invasion and our threat for the future. It is absolutely necessary that we shall protect the interests of our friends, the beach interests, and the Salt Lake and Los Angeles road, even as they at present exist. This can only be done by some kind of a purchase of the Utah and Nevada property interests, or consolidation therewith. I am very much afraid of consolidations with Union Pacific interests. Some members of the committee have had experiences of a costly character. But the great question is this: Do we want to build to Deep Creek? If we do, the purchase by us of the Utah and Nevada is an absolute necessity. On this point I think there can be no difference of opinion. We have already made their Beach property valueless, and if we build from the west we will destroy their freight traffic. They will not endure this long, but will parallel us, in fact take the field away from us, as they could build more quickly than we could.

Let us suppose that to buy the Utah and Nevada, to broaden its guage and equip it would cost us altogether, including Garfield Beach, $800,000.00. At 5% this would make a fixed charge of $40,000.00 per annum. I regard the saving to Saltair and the Salt Lake and Los Angeles to be not less than $20,000.00 per annum, if we control the whole Beach traffic. If the present freight business of the Utah and Nevada aggregates $20,000.00 a year above running expenses, we can thus see that the whole $40,000.00 is producible from these two sources. This is to say nothing of the value to the extension, which exceeds all other considerations. It is only by this means that you can at present insure the fulfillment of conditions by which we are to secure the old Fort Block. I have implicit faith in other propositions which are being undertaken by us under another name; but I fear that they can not be carried out in the short time allowed to us as a condition to our obtaining the old Fort Block and other concessions.

The Deep Creek proposition is the one from which we originally started. It is very dear to the people of Utah. It is very important to all of us. It has one more value not yet recited; in case of any future difficulties with other lines now in Utah: it furnishes the beginning of a line to Southern California, which some people prefer to any other proposed route.

In view of all the foregoing, I trust that the negotiations with the Oregon Short Line Reorganization Committee for the Utah and Nevada Line may be carried through to completion.

Respectfully submitted,

Frank J. Cannon.

To Mr. Abraham H. Cannon,

Secretary and Treasurer of the Deseret Syndicate,

Salt Lake City, Utah.”

I sent a messenger boy with a note to my sons to meet Frank and me at the railroad station as we were going to New York at 2 p.m.; but they did not get my note in time. We had as fellow passengers to New York Mr. Clark and General Dodge.

We put up at the Plaza Hotel.

30 April 1896 • Thursday

Thursday, April 30, 1896

Mr. J. M. Allen was at the Plaza awaiting us, he having come east for the purpose of rendering any assistance in his power in interviews with Mr. Clark and the Oregon Short Line people; but after hearing our report he saw this was unnecessary. He decided to see Captain Delamar and Mr. John Claflin and get them interested, if possible, in our Southern railroad enterprise.

Frank and I called on New York Security & Trust Co. to whom Cannon, Grant & Co. owe $65,000, and which my son Abraham and I have assumed. According to an arrangement made with them by Frank, the Company was to have been paid $10,000 to-morrow. We saw Mr. Hoagland, one of the Vice Presidents, and Mr. Hyatt, the Secretary, and obtained a week’s extension. We met Mr. Lamson, who told me he was there for two or three days arranging his affairs preparatory to going to Europe. It appeared plain that he is not an authority there as he was formerly.

We called upon Mr. L. C. Hopkins, and at the Union Pacific offices.

At 4 p.m. we met Mr. Banigan at the Plaza, and had an hour’s conversation with him. He leaves us at liberty to employ Mr. Pegram as consulting engineer, and have nothing more to do with Mr. Allen or not. He gave me a letter addressed to Mr. Bannister (but which he says properly belongs to me as President of the Company) by the Industrial Trust Co. of Providence, concerning legal points connected with the bonds. In order to meet the case, Mr. Banigan suggested we wait till the date selected for the bonds and then make out a contract on that date, and he would continue to advance money on our certificates as he has been doing.

At 5 p.m. I left the hotel for the train, Mr. Allen accompanying me.

I signed a letter to Mr. Claflin, endorsing him as having authority to speak for myself and associates.

At Philadelphia called at William’s and had my wife accompany me to the Continental Hotel.

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April 1896, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed February 5, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1890s/1896/04-1896