October 1870

Events in George Q. Cannon’s journal for 1870

30 October ff.

Sorrow over the death of “lovely little angel” Lillian Ann Hoagland Cannon

4 November

Leak in newly built dam

5 November ff.

Summary of remarks by church leaders at a conference in Tooele, Utah Territory

30 October 1870 • Sunday1

Sunday, Oct. 30th, 1870. My daughter, Lillian Ann Hoagland, youngest child of my wife Elizabeth was taken sick on Wednesday last while I was absent on business with Presidents B. Young & Geo. A. Smith and O. Pratt, J. Taylor, W. Woodruff of the Twelve to attend a trial of Bishop A. Johnson of Springville before the High Council & First Presidency at Provo; we also had a two days’ meetings. I returned on Thursday afternoon. As soon as she heard I was coming she became lively & appeared delighted to see me. She has always been fond of me. On Friday she was no better; on Saturday the same, Her teeth troubled her. She was over one year old & had not cut a tooth, Her gums were very much swelled and she suffered from them, was feverish but could not, or did not care about eating. On Sunday morning she became worse. We administered to her, as I had done before, & Bro. Woodruff called in; afterwards Bishop Hoagland; afterwards Bro. Jesse C. Little, who all administered to her. She seemed better after they had administered; but death had settled upon her, & there was not faith enough to rebuke him. She died precisely at noon. Her mother grieved terribly – it was the fifth child with which she had been called to part. And oh, how lovely a little angel Lilly had been. A sweet-tempered, patient, loving & intelligent little girl whom no one who loved purity & innocence could be with long without becoming attached to her. Our house was a sorrowful one this day, and we all felt chastened & humble. My prayer is that we may all live so as to be thought worthy to meet our little one once more in that world of purity whither she has gone, and dwell eternally in the presence of God.

Attended meeting at Tabernacle in afternoon, and quorum meeting in circle afterwards.

31 October 1870 • Monday

Monday, Oct. 31/70 Attended Bee & Stock Convention at the Tabernacle, organized a Society, was chosen Vice President, Bro. Woodruff being President.

At 1 p.m. met at my house to attend funeral of Lillian Ann, who yesterday was one year & 14 days old. Pres. G. A. Smith[,] Elders Woodruff & Taylor addressed the friends assembled. A large number of carriages (15) filled with people followed her remains to the grave. It was a sad office, the first time that I had ever performed it for any of my children. The house seems desolate after the departure of our little pet. I deeply empathize with my wife in this bereavement. I have business and cares to occupy my thoughts and attention; I am not under the necessity of staying around the house to see the many things to remind me of the absence of our daughter; but not so with her. There are objects constantly in sight, incidents recurring to remind her of the great loss of her little loved one’s society and to sadden her. My wife Martha’s little twins are also sick, Hester especially and her symptoms are similar to those which Lillian had. I am alarmed. Sickness among children is very common in the city just now; there are many deaths. I have resolved to get a carriage and send Martha & her children out to her Aunt’s at Weber, and also to request my wife Sarah Jane’s mother, Sister Sarah S. Richards to nurse or doctor them.

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October 1870, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 12, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1870s/1870/10-1870


  1. [1]Continuation of daybook v. 8.