July 1862

1 July 1862 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 1st. Called upon Senator Clark of New Hampshire but did not find him at home. Then called upon Garrett Davis, Senator from Kentucky. We introduced ourselves. His first words were that he was opposed to ever making a State with the institution of polygamy. We replied that he was candid; but we had called upon him as a public man, a Senator, to speak to him in relation to the admission of our State. “Well,” he said, “as a public man he answered that he would rather see the solid earth rent in twain than he would ever vote for our admission as a State.” This he repeated once or twice. We said something more to him about feeling it to be our duty and due to our constituents to call upon him &c He cut us short and said there was no use saying anything more, that was his answer. I replied that I thought there would scarcely be an necessity for such a catastrophe as that to happen to secure his vote. We took our leave of him politely and without any display of any other feeling than one of contempt for his ungentlemanly and boorish behaviour. He is the most contemptible, ill-natured little wasp that we have met in our intercourse with pubblic men here. He will doubtless have his wish to see the solid earth rent in twain gratified, and at a time, too, when his vote will be of as little worth as any other worthless thing. We feel to leave him in the hands of God, and I feel to say in the name of the Lord Jesus that from this very morning his influence and power will begin to wane, and he will eventually, and that before long, be stripped of both and go down until he will be despised by all who know him. Amen. Visited Senator A. Kennedy of Maryland and had a pleasant interview with him. Was at the House while it was in Session. In [the] evening called upon Senators Anthony and Simmons of Rhode Island, Morrill of Maine, Dixon of Conn. and did not find them at home. Called upon Judge Beaman of Michigan who went with us to Senator Howard’s rooms and introduced us to him. Had a pleasant and lengthy interview. Mr. Howard impressed us favorably with his ability. He thought we should have endless quarrels and litigation after a while about the division of property among children born in polygamy. How little men know, and how widely they are likely to stray, when they undertake to measure the system of the Almighty and His people who are governed by the principles of truth which he reveals unto them by their knowledge and experience! Visited Senator Rice of Minnesota who kindly gave us some items from his own experience and read us some of his letters to Senators written while he was here a Senator-elect from his State seeking for her admission. We had a lengthy and pleasant interview with him. He almost despairs for the prospects before us.

2 July 1862 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 2nd. Wrote letters to Bro’s Amasa M. Lyman and Charles C. Rich at Florence, Nebraska. Called upon Senator J. P. Hale of New Hampshire, who excused himself this morning as he had a Committee to attend. Also upon Senator P. King who received us kindly and talked pleasantly and fairly but who said that when it should be reported by the Committee he would look into it. Quite non-committal. Went to Committee Room. Senators J. Lane of Kansas and B. F. Wade of Ohio were there and afterwards Senator Browning dropped in. We conversed freely with them. The two former are evidently in favor of our admission. Senator Lane said the only question with him was “would our admission fix any stigma upon the Republican Party? If it would not, he was ready to vote for our admission. He said he was willing to risk it with his constituents. Party consideration seems to rise superior with most men in Congress to every thing else. It is not “Is the measure right?” “Is it constitutional?” but “how will it affect me with my constituents?” or “how will it affect my party?” Lane pointedly pressed the matter upon Browning, but he could get no admission from him in favor or against the measure. This led us to fear that B. would be opposed to our admission. Lane said that the people of Illinois and us had had trouble about which he knew but little; but in Missouri we had been wronged. He said there was plenty of lands there now of which we were the actual owners that was only held by the tax title and he said the present possessors are damned traitors and it will be confiscated by the government. Senator Wade said he was under the impression that we had been wronged in Illinois. Senator Browning said but little more than he had not read our Constitution and there was not any use discussing the matter as there was not a quorum present. He looked glum and the color went and came in his cheeks. We hope that his heart will be softened and he be led to advocate or acquiesce in our admission. At the House while it was in Session. Rained dreadfully all day and therefore did not go out in the evening. The city has been full of rumors to-day of the defeat of McClellan before Richmond; but they are not authenticated.

3 July 1862 • Thursday

Thursday, 3rd. Wrote to Bro’s Eldredge & Shearman and a Mr. J. Poulsen Chandler on business. Visited Senator T. O. Howe of Wisconsin. He said if he could not vote for our admission, which he could not decide at present not having examined the question, he would let us know the reasons. Called upon Owen Lovejoy, Member for Illinois. We excused ourselves as he was busy with visitors. Attended House of Representatives. While there my attention was attracted to some remarks made by John S. Phelps of Missouri. I did not hear the beginning of his remarks; but in those which I did hear he accused the citizens of Utah of manifesting their anger at the passage of the recent polygamy bill by cutting the telegraph wires &c. He said they incited Indians to commit depredations and attacked Emigrant trains themselves and charged it to the Indians. I felt very angry at his remarks, which I knew to be base, malignant and utterly without foundation and I would have been pleased to have had the privilege of replying to him on the floor. In the evening had very pleasant interviews with Mr. John N. Goodwin of Maine, and Senator Lot. M. Morrill of Maine, the former gentleman introduced us to the latter. We also met Judge Hays at their Rooms. The interview was very agreeable and they manifested a kind, liberal spirit and urged us to call on them again.

4 July 1862 • Friday

Friday, July 4th. The news from Gen. Mc.Clellan’s army in front of Richmond is very disheartening in some respects, but in others is not so bad. He has changed his position and is much better situated now than he was before; but he has lost in killed and wounded from 15,000 to 20,000 men. They have been fighting six days, commencing on Thursday last, June 26, and continuing until late on Tuesday night, the 1st. instant. On this last day the fighting was all in favor of the Northern army; the previous days’ was in favor of the Southern army so far as the compelling of McClellan to fall back was concerned; but otherwise it was not in their favor, for they lost immense numbers of men. The carnage during these battles has been terrific and it is fearful to contemplate the misery and sorrow that will be felt throughout the land by families for their relatives who have fallen. The ambulances have been passing our rooms today (as they have many times previously) loaded with sick and wounded[.] Hundreds have been brought in of those who have been slightly wounded; but even the sight of these as they have been carried past by hundreds with their heads, arms and legs bandaged has made me sick at heart and I have thought, can it be possible that this people who have been so enlightened and blessed, are determined to close their eyes and harden their hearts to all the Lord has spoken concerning his judgements and thus rush on to destruction. They seem to be determined to re-enact the scenes which have been witnessed twice already on this Continent in the case of the Jaredites and also in that of the Nephites.

“Mans inhumanity to man

Makes countless thousands mourn.”

Spent the day at our rooms.

5 July 1862 • Saturday

Saturday, July 5th. Called at the Patent Office building and saw the Secretary of the Interior, Caleb B. Smith, and had a conversation respecting our admission as a State which he seemed to favor and also relative to the appointment of an Incorporator for our Territory on the Pacific Railroad. Attended the House of Representatives.

6 July 1862 • Sunday

Sunday, 6th. Several visitors called. Called upon Dr. Bernhisel in the evening. An oppressively sultry day.

7 July 1862 • Monday

Monday, 7th. A very hot, sultry day. In the evening we had a thunder storm during which it rained in torrents. Cooler in consequence. Expected a meeting of the House Committee on Territories but they did not get together. Cradlebaugh, now Delegate from Nevada, but formerly Associate U. S. Justice of our Territory, is operating against us as much as he can with this Committee. Attended House of Representatives. Writing Journal. Wrote to Elizabeth.

8 July 1862 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 8th. 1862. Called upon Senator Lane of Kansas to see if he was going to attend the meeting of the Senate Committee on Territories this morning which we understood was appointed. He was sick and said that he did not intend to go up to-day; but now he would, and immediately threw off his dressing gown and started. He feels much interested in our admission and is very friendly. Called upon Senator Pomeroy but he was out of town. There was no meeting of the Committee, the Clerk had not served the notices. Attended House of Representatives. Very hot again to day. Called upon Senator Ira Harris in the evening. Upon stating the object of our call he said that as we did not expect any definite action in admitting us this Session and he was very much crowded with business he would be pleased if we would defer our explanations and statements until next Session when he would be very happy to see us.

9 July 1862 • Wednesday

Wednesday, 9th. Called at Senator Hale’s but he was absent. At the House of Representatives. Writing &c. Brigham started this afternoon for Philadelphia.

10 July 1862 • Thursday

Thursday, 10th. Called upon Senator Wade this morning respecting meeting of the Committee on Territories; he is sick, but had told the Members to go-ahead without him. We went immediately to the Capitol, calling for Dr. Bernhisel by the way. There were not a sufficient number for a Quorum and nothing definite was done. Much cooler to day. We begin to fear that we will not be able to obtain a report from the Committee this session. They are crowded with business which they think of more importance than ours, and, as it is near the close of the Session and nothing definite can be done in the matter they think, they feel to not take that interest in settling the matter which we think they should.

11 July 1862 • Friday

Friday, 11th. Bro. W. H. Shearman arrived from the Valley. I was very glad to see him. Called at the White House for the purpose of making President Lincoln our farewell visit and bidding him adieu. He was closed <closeted> with some Members of the Cabinet and his rooms were soon crowded with Senators and Members from the Border States. He had a proposition to lay before them respecting the gradual emancipation of the slaves in their several States. We had considerable conversation with several of these gentlemen. Senator Wilson of Missouri said he knew of no earthly reason why we should not be admitted into the Union. It was to Missouri’s interest, he said, to have us obtain a State Government. As the President would be busily engaged for some hours we thought it best not to wait then, and retired. On our return from the White House we met Senator Lane of Kansas in the street. He stopped and conversed with us. We told him we thought of taking our departure from Washington; it was so near the end of the session that we found we need not hope to accomplish anything farther, besides, Senator Wade was sick, and the Committee on Territories would not hold any more meetings. He acquiesced in our views respecting the uselessness of waiting here any longer with the expectation of accomplishing anything this present session; but, said he, shaking us warmly by the hand, “tell your Constituents not to be discouraged. Kansas is with you for your admission. We want you in the Union. I intend to use my influence with the Legislature of my State to instruct us to vote for the admission of Utah next Session, and if a Radical Republican State, such as Kansas is, should advocate your admission it will have a great effect upon others.” Called upon many of the Members and Senators and bade them good bye. They manifested a good feeling generally.

12 July 1862 • Saturday

Saturday1 afternoon took passage the cars <in company with Bro &> to Phila, which place we reached at 11.30 p.m. It being late we put up at the Continental Hotel.{<Saturday, July 12th, 1862. Making preparations for our departure.> We called upon Dr. Bernhisel on our way to the Station and parted with him. He hoped to see us back next winter, he said. Left in the afternoon about 4 p.m. for Philadelphia. Had a pleasant journey in the cars, several acquaintances being in company. Among the rest we had Gen. Van Vliet, of Gen. McClellan’s Staff, his chief quartermaster. He was very glad to see us, and had many inquiries to make about Pres’t Young, our people and matters at home. Reached Philadelphia about 11 p.m and put up at the Continental Hotel.}

13 July 1862 • Sunday

Sunday, July 13th/62. After breakfast visited Mr. Fenton & family <where Brigham was stopping>. We remained there till afternoon. Returned to Hotel and wrote a joint letter to President Y. also a private one for myself to him. Writing until late. Mr. Reed from Rock Island and son & Mr. Hyde called upon us in the evening.

14 July 1862 • Monday

Monday Bro. Hooper and Brigham started this morning for New York[.] I remained for the purpose of seeing Col. Kane. Went out to his place, Gray’s Lane, where he was stopping with his Aunt, Mrs. Thomas. I found him improving though still very weak. By the aid of a crutch and cane he was able to hobble about a little. His wound was in the leg below the knee and he had suffered much from loss of blood. Our conversation was very free and unreserved. I freely expressed my feelings respecting his step in connecting himself with the Army. I said I was sorry when I heard he had done so, as I felt that Providence had marke intended him to pursue a different path to that which he had adopted. That his efforts could not save the nation unless they turned round and forsook their corruptions and evil practices; they were sure to go down and the nation was doomed to destruction. He said that if his country he had no wish to outlive his country. His fathers had led him to anticipate glorious hopes respecting the future of his country and he had no wish to outlive it. I told him that I could see a future looming grandly and gloriously up in the distance for this country that <would> equal the most sanguine anticipations of his fathers or any of the revolutionary fathers respecting it, and he should live for it and help to bring it about that his children and all who desired virtue and justice might dwell in peace under its protection. The country would be the same, the form of government would be such that, if they could view it, they would be satisfied with it and the institutions which they established would be preserved and transmitted purified and improved; the only change would con from the present condition of things would consist of the removal of those wicked men who had been acting as stewards. He said in the course of his remarks, which I cannot repeat <here> they were so many, that there should be no reserve between us and that he would say what he had not said before, that he viewed this war with horror — that butchering men was debasing. I told him I did not wish him any evil to befall him; but I did hope and pray that circumstances would be controlled that he might be kept out of the strife. He listened attentively and kindly to what I had to say, and appeared delighted to have me with him, expressing his regrets that I had to go so soon. Indeed, I stayed so long that it was only by hurrying very much that I succeeded in reaching the Station in time for the train to New York, disappointing2 Sister Fenton and family she having prepared dinner for me with a few friends. When I first entered his room he requested me to open the shutters, the room being darkened, that he might see my face, saying it did him good to look at me. He descended to dinner and returned to his room again leaning upon my shoulder, having insisted upon my dining with him. I was much pleased with my visit, for I love Colonel Kane for the past; I find his feelings are still unchanged. He was very anxious to have Brigham, Jun., stop and enter his staff with the commission of Captain, if he should receive his commission as Brigadier General, which he expected. He said he did not want him to engage in fighting; he would prevent that; but he wished him to act as his aide-de-camp and get some experience which might be useful to him someday. I had almost to tear myself away from <him>. I reached New York about 11 p.m. I put up at the Metropolitan Hotel, Capt. Hooper and Brigham, Junr. was there, but they had gone to bed.

15 July 1862 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July, 15th3. We saw by the papers this morning that the adjournment of Congress has been postponed for a few days and that the Bill to admit Western Virginia had been presented by the Committee; it <not> being quite certain that our departure from Washington had not been premature, we telegraphed to Senator Wade as follows: —

Senator B. F. Wade

Washington City. D.C.

Your illness and the expected adjournment caused us to leave to make our preparations for return home. We now see that Congress may sit beyond Wednesday, if so, can we hope for any action upon our matters if we return to Washington.”

His reply was to the effect that “any longer stay would be useless.”

15 July 1862 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 15th. 1862. Intensely hot today. Attending to business to-day preparatory to starting in the morning by steamer to England. Called upon Mr. Nicholas D. Herder, my wife Elizabeth’s cousin. He was glad to see me and sympathized much with us, being desirous to see us admitted as a State. Up all night settling accounts, writing, &c.

16 July 1862 • Wednesday

Wednesday, 16th. Brigham and myself embarked this morning on the splendid steamer Scotia for Liverpool taking leave of Bro’s Hooper and Eldredge. There was nothing of any particular moment occurred during the voyage. I was sea-sick for some days; but not as bad as usual. I had an attack of diarrhea after starting and considerable inward fever. I ate nothing but ice for two or three days, having it broke up in small pieces and eating it out of a saucer with a spoon. During the voyage Brigham and myself were the “observed of all observers” -- everybody on board soon knowing who were [we] were, the papers in New York having noticed our intended departure to Europe on the Scotia and some of the passengers having stopped at the same hotel with us and being acquainted with our persons. We were treated with great respect by all on board, many gentlemen taking pains to make themselves acquainted with us. I had many interesting conversations on board with various gentlemen.

26 July 1862 • Saturday

Saturday, 26th. We entered the Mersey this morning early and landed about 10 a.m. We took a cab to carry ourselves and trunks up to the Office. We took the folks by surprise, as Elizabeth scarcely looked for us, from the manner in which I had last written, by this Steamer. She looked in better health than when I left. Georgiana also looked well, and though I had been absent upwards of ten weeks, and she was not quite a year old when I left, she recognized me, and for a day or two after my return, cried for me to take her every time she saw me, and when I did take her would cry if any body, her mother not excepted, attempted to take her out of my arms. I telegraphed to Bro. West, who was in Scotland, informing him of my arrival and he reached [here] in the night. Bro. Jacob G. Bigler, also, to whom I wrote as soon as I knew his exact whereabouts, came to Liverpool to see me. After my return I was kept very very busy obtaining an insight into the office affairs, corresponding &c. I wrote the following articles for the Star: — “Faithfulness of the Elders — Its bearing upon the Work.” “The fulfilment of Prophecy.” “Callings and Positions — How they should be viewed.” [“]Remarkable Phenomena, which are not observed by the wise ones of this generation.” In company with my wife I visited London to see the Great Exhibition &c. I left L’pool on the 20th of August and returned on the 28th of the same month. We had a very agreeable time there, Bro. Staines doing all in his power to make our visit a pleasant and instructive one. A good many of the Valley Elders were there: Bro. and Sister Kay, Bro’s Sherman, Shipp, West, Peacock, John, Joseph F. & Sam’l H. B. Smith. Brigham, Jun’r. and Tho’s O. King were there also, London being their field of labor.

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July 1862, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 21, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1860s/1862/07-1862


  1. [1]Here the daybook begins again.

  2. [2]The daybook entries end here.

  3. [3]This entry is an inserted sheet in another hand.