December 1883

1 December 1883 • Saturday

Saturday, December 1, 1883. Reached Ogden this morning at 1/2 past 6 oclock local time. Was met at the Station by my son Frank and his wife and two children. I breakfasted at the Station, and my daughter-in-law and her children accompanied me to the City. I called upon Prest. Taylor first thing. Afterwards proceeded home. Returned at 12 oclock and met Bro. F. S. Richards and made our report to Prest. Taylor. I stayed in town until about 4 oclock and returned home.

2 December 1883 • Sunday

Sunday Dec 2, 1883. I had a very interesting meeting with my family this morning, my son Frank and his wife from Ogden being also present, as well as Abraham. I gave them much instruction, dwelling particularly on the necessity of economy and retrenchment. Described my situation – what I had done by the counsel of Prest. Taylor without making explanations to them of its character, and showed them that it amounted to practical consecration, and I wished on this account to reduce my expenses and try and live so as to keep out of debt. There was a most excellent spirit and all felt exceedingly well. I had spoken among other things to the children about being unselfish and trying to promote each others benefit and have happiness in contributing to the happiness of others. There was an amusing instance of the effect of this teaching occurred this evening. My little son Sylvester who is just turned six years of age at supper time asked his sister Mary Alice which was the smallest piece of cake as he wanted to take the smallest piece and leave the larger to the others. Another good illustration of the good effect was my son David had driven me to town and it was about dark when we returned. Angus and Hugh, my sons, knowing him to be absent had attended to the milking of his cows and had all his chores done so that, to his delight, when he came back, he found that there was nothing for him to do but to eat his supper.

My son Abraham spent the evening with me talking over various matters.

3 December 1883 • Monday

Monday Dec 3, 1883. Had an appointment with Prest. Taylor this morning. Abraham drove me up. A proposition has been made by some parties in Nevada respecting the purchase of a mine and other property, which he had under consideration, thinking that something might be done in London with it without our advancing any means whatever. He submitted the matter to me. I am afraid there is some crookedness connected with it, and so expressed myself to him, because of the low price at which the property is offered in view of the representations concerning the income. Of course nothing would be done in this matter unless a thorough investigation were first made. But I have no inclination whatever to have anything to do with mining property. I naturally recoil from it, in this respect differing from Prest. Taylor, he having had for years an inclination in that direction, believing that the Lord intends in that way to bring wealth to his people. Some other matters of business were also submitted.

In the afternoon I met with Presidents Taylor & Smith, Bishop Sharp, & F. S. Richards, and reported to Bishop Sharp as the Chairman of the Territorial Committee the result of our business trip to the east in securing Senator Vest, and it was decided to say as little as possible about his employment, and when we had to allude to it to mention only that he was employed as counsel in the cases now pending before the U. S. Supreme Court. Senator Vest had suggested that we get up a new case to carry up to the Supreme Court as he had fears about the result of the case of Richard V. Kimball. Bolliver Roberts is an appointee of the Governor and has taken all the steps necessary to secure office. The office is unquestionably worth more than one thousand dollars. This we think is a good case to carry up if Roberts can be induced to allow it to be done. Bro. Sharp and Richards, it was decided, should see him and make such exertions as are necessary to get him to consent.

In the evening I assisted Prest. Taylor to draft a letter to a party in London respecting the mine before mentioned. In listening to him, and having a better understanding concerning the character of the affair, I feel that he is proceeding very judiciously and in a way to preserve himself in security.

In the evening attended meeting at the Assembly Hall of the Sunday School Union. Had a very excellent time. The speaking and singing were very inspiring.

4 December 1883 • Tuesday

Tuesday Dec 4, 1883. I called on my sister Mary Alice this morning and had a very interesting visit with her. Her health has been very poor.

At 11 oclock had a meeting with the Iron Co. Supt. Thomas Taylor made a report of his labors and among other things reported a proposition which had been made to him as the Superintendent of the Company for the sale of a railroad of 21 miles in length – switches and side tracks given in – about 25 miles in all – one passenger and one freight locomotive and tenders, 19 dump cars, one way car, one round house, two turntables, a Fairbanks Weighing Scale, with the ties of the road, spikes &c – and three dwelling houses were mentioned, but he was not certain whether they were included in the Offer. These are offered for $15,000 and the time allowed for acceptance or refusal is till Friday next. The matter was discussed, but the closeness of the money market made it a very serious question as to whether the company should incur the responsibility of making the purchase. Bros Winder & Taylor were appointed a committee to ascertain at what terms money could be obtained and the security that would be asked.

In the afternoon a meeting of Z. Savings Bank was held at which I presided in the absence of Prest. Taylor. Reports were read which were very satisfactory.

I devoted some-time to reading my discourse delivered last Sunday.

5 December 1883 • Wednesday

Wednesday Dec 5, 1883. At 11 oclock the Iron Manufacturing Co. met, and after considerable conversation and discussion it was finally decided to send a dispatch to the agent having the railroad for sale that in consequence of the absence of the President of the company and his recent return more time was asked for consideration, the 15th being named which would give one week to the Company.

At 2 p.m. the First Presidency and Twelve met in the Endowment House.

6 December 1883 • Thursday

Thursday Dec 6, 1883. I met with Prest. Taylor at 9 oclock this morning at the Gardo House, and we talked over the Iron Co’s affairs. It is evident that unless something is done our operations will all come to a stand still. The question arose – What shall we do, and in what manner shall we extricate ourselves from our present dilemma? After considerable conversation, Prest. Taylor arrived at the conclusion that if I would consent to a transfer of one-third of my stock he would transfer one-third of his, and if Bishop Taylor would do the same and the company would sell 20,000 shares at 50 per cent below par, as Trustee-in-Trust he would feel authorized with the consent of the council to buy that quantity – that is, $20,000 in cash and $10000 in stock, produce and labor. I saw Bishop Taylor and he consented to part with 20,000 shares of his stock, but object[ed] to the company selling out of the 75,000 shares 20,000 at a cent below par, as he thought it was not a good movement, but consented to be governed by the Board of Directors who alone had the right to do this. Prest. Taylor called a meeting of the Twelve in the afternoon at 3 oclock and explained to them the position of affairs and asked whether they would sustain his proposition. I said in explanation that the people of the South were looking to the Church either to give them counsel or to devise some means by which the people of the southern country might be enabled to maintain their hold of that region. Business now was languishing; the settlements were gradually decaying; the young and enterprising were pushing ahead into other regions, leaving the aged and infirm there, and affairs were in a very bad condition. If we did not take hold of some enterprise by which the country could be sustained, and the Gentiles should do so, it would not be long until we would lose the control of that region. This was the first feeling I had in taking hold of this matter and it was the feeling I still had. I thought that this was a good opportunity for the church to do something of a practical character that would commend itself to all business men and be of advantage to the people – encourage them in furnishing them employment. This railroad would have to be moved 65 miles and then it would have to be laid on reaching that point 25 miles further. The brethren all felt that it was a good movement, and the following resolution was adopted: – Prest. Joseph F. Smith moved “that the Trustee-in-Trust be authorized to purchase 60,000 shares of stock of the Iron Manufacturing Co. of Utah at 50 per cent of its par value and pay therefor $20,000 in cash and $10,000 in stock, produce and labor.” This was seconded by Elder F. D. Richards and carried unanimously.

I suggested the organization of Oneida County into a separate stake, it now being divided between Box Elder, Cache and Bear Lake Stakes. The county is terribly in debt and is embarrased in political matters. If there was one head there – that is a President of Stake and his counselors – the people could be better handled and measures could be taken to check the growth of debt and to manage their political affairs in a more satisfactory manner. Prest. Taylor and Bro. Thatcher agreed with me, and the subject was postponed for further consideration.

In the evening I took supper with Bro. W. W. Taylor, son of Prest. Taylor, whose wife is a sister of my first wife Elizabeth, daughter of Bishop Hoagland. Had a very enjoyable evening.

7 December 1883 • Friday

Friday Dec 7, 1883. Had a meeting at 9 oclock with F. S. Richards, and Presidents Taylor & Smith. Bro. F. S. reported the condition of his brothers business and his own: He wished Z.C.M.I. to buy their stock to help them meet their engagements and save their honor.

Afterwards Prest. Taylor and myself had an interview with Bro. John Beck. I talked to him very plainly about his affairs and said that I was not in a position to meet any more demands; that if I could have a guarantee that there would not be any more demands I would willingly surrender my stock to the Church, and talked in that strain.

At 11 oclock had a meeting of the Iron Co. and transacted considerable business. It was thought better not to sell any of the company’s stock at less than par, Bishop Taylor agreeing to give 5000 more shares rather than do so. Bro. Cuttler gave 2000 more, and Prest. Taylor and myself 1125 each more, (making 11,125 each that we have given) and then Bro. Winder agreed to give 50 of his, and Bishop Taylor said he would give other 500 and Bro. Cuttler other 200, which made 50,000 in all that has been given by the Company to sell to the Church, and the remaining 10,000 will now be sold at par to the Church. I sent the following telegram to the agent at Pioche – “J. V. Keeley, Agent Lazard Frères, Pioche: The Iron Manufacturing Co of Utah contemplating favorably the acceptance of your proposition before closing are desirous to know the exact property covered in the offer of sale. We understand it to consist of 21 miles of railroad track and road bed, with all the switches and side tracks to the various mines and mills and all the loose railroad iron with the ties, bolts, frogs and spikes, one passenger and one freight locomotive and tenders, 19 dump cars, one way car, one round house and tools, two turn tables, one Fairbanks ore scale, and three dwelling houses. We await your answer. (Signed George Q. Cannon, President Iron Manufacturing Co. of Utah). Also the following telegram to Lazard Frères, San Francisco, Cal.: “Is Mr. J. V. Keeley of Pioche your authorized agent to dispose of railroad property between Pioche and Bullionville. Please answer” (Signed George Q. Cannon, President &c).

In order to save paying interest at the Bank – which with my other expenses is more than I could carry – I have succeeded today in obtaining $5600 for which I have given my notes with security making – in addition to what I have already borrowed – from Bro. Jack $5000, from Bro. Gibbs $2000, and $600 from Bro. Wm Rossitter. I still lack $1200 of the sum I want. I hope I can succeed in borrowing that on good security without having to pay any interest. I am in a close position now – closer than I have been in for years and I must economize and retrench in every possible way.

Dictated journal to Bro. John Irvine.

8 December 1883 • Saturday

Saturday Dec 8, 1883. At 7 oclock this morning I started for Logan (having my daughter Mary Alice with me) in company with Bro. George Goddard and John Morgan to attend Sunday School Conference there. Myself and daughter were entertained by Bro. Moses Thatcher, who after dinner drove us and Bro. Goddard to the Temple. We passed through the building admiring it. It is very nearly completed. Spent the evening at Bro. Thatcher’s in conversation with family and Bro. Goddard

9 December 1883 • Sunday

Sunday Dec 9, 1883. We had three meetings today – at 10, 2 and 1/2 past 6 oclock in the evening. Besides listening to several Superintendents in the forenoon, Bros Morgan & Goddard spoke. In the afternoon three Superintendents occupied a portion of the time. Bro. Goddard spoke and I closed speaking about 45 minutes. In the evening Bro. Morgan met with the Saints in one of the wards, and Bro. Goddard and myself spoke to the people in the basement of the large meeting house, which was crowded. There was a very good spirit.

10 December 1883 • Monday

Monday Dec 10, 1883. Myself and daughter breakfasted with Bro. Preston and family. The thermometer stood on their porch 5° above zero. I visited the translating room, where Bro Trajo and other brethren are engaged in translating the Book of Mormon into Spanish. Afterwards visited the college under the direction of Miss Ida Cooke. At 12.55 we took train for Salt Lake. Bro. Thatcher accompanied us to Mendon. We reached the city at 6.45. My son Angus was there to meet us and took us in the carriage down home.

Twenty-nine years ago this day my wife Elizabeth and myself were united in wedlock by Prest. Brigham Young.

In reference to the purchase of the railroad &c by the Iron Manufacturing Company of Utah the following telegram came to hand today: – “Your telegram of seventh received only today. Property embraced in proposition to you consists of 21 miles of railroad track with all the switches and side tracks to the various mines and mills, all railroad tools belonging thereto and railroad iron with the ties, bolts, frogs and spikes, one passenger and one freight locomotive with tenders, 19 dump cars, one caboose, three flat or gravel cars, one round house, two turn tables, one Fairbanks ore scales. Dwelling houses have no connection with the railroad. Nevertheless if you so desire shall include the three dwelling houses. Everything connected with operating said road is included” (signed J. V. Keeley). Whereupon the following telegram was sent to Mr Keeley: “Our company accepts your proposition to sell railroad and other property mentioned in your telegram of December 10th[.] Mr Taylor will wait upon you prior to the 15th to consummate the purchase” (Signed George Q Cannon).

11 December 1883 • Tuesday

Tuesday Dec 11, 1883. Attended meeting of the Directors of Z.C.M.I. at 11 oclock, and at 3 oclock meeting of the Deseret News Co. The old officers were re-elected.

Afterwards had a meeting with <Prest. Taylor> Bros Sharp & F. S. Richards concerning cases that we hope to have carried up to the United States Supreme Court to test the appointment of the Hoar Amendment.

I took supper at my Sister Mary Alice Lambert’s with my wife Sarah Jane.

12 December 1883 • Wednesday

Wednesday Dec 12, 1883. At the Office during the forenoon attending to various matters of business, and at 2 p.m. met with the Council of the Apostles at the Endowment House.

In the evening, by invitation of Sister Margaret Clawson, who has charged [charge] of the Fair which has been got up for the benefit of the Hospital, I went to the Social Hall to examine before it would be opened to the general public tomorrow. I was called upon to dedicate the fair. Remarks were made by Prest. Joseph F. Smith, Mayor Jennings, Angus M. Cannon, & D. H. Wells, and myself. We were called on for subscriptions, and though I felt myself somewhat embarrassed in a financial position, I subscribed $50.

I remained in town all night.

13 December 1883 • Thursday

Thursday Dec 13, 1883. A letter from Bro. John Beck on the subject of money called forth some remarks from me to Prest. Taylor respecting that transaction, with which he heartily concurred, and we both feel like taking steps to secure ourselves against loss which seems under the present management to be very imminent. I feel that I cannot meet demands of the character which have been made upon us within a day or two.

I disposed of 850 lbs of cheese today to the Tithing Office to pay off some debts. As I did not have the money without borrowing and paying interest on it, I arranged with the ladies of the Fair to take $50 worth of books for the subscription which I gave last night.

Mr. J. N. Neels, of New York, called at the Office and spent some time in conversation with Prest. Taylor and myself.

In the evening I took my wife Martha to the wedding reception of Bro. Henry James and Sister Clara Horne, the son of Bro. David James & daughter of Bro. Jos. Horne.

14 December 1883 • Friday

Friday Dec 14, 1883. In company with Bros John Sharp and Robert T. Burton, I went to the Court house today to see the Clerk of the County Court and members of the County Court respecting that Office. Bro. D. Bockholt, who is the clerk, seems averse to giving the office up to Bro. John C. Cuttler who has been elected, and he has kept putting it off from time to time until the present. We had an interview with him this morning and found him still opposed apparently determined to continue to act as clerk and not to yield up the Office. We had some very plain talk with him; but he acted to me as though he was not sound in his mind. We then called on the Judge and the three Selectmen and Bro. Sharp stated the object of our visit, and Bro. John C. Cuttler demanded the Office. We were there several hours. The Court evidently thought that Bro. Cuttler ought to have the Office, but did not wish to take sides in the matter if it could be avoided, and hoped the clerks would be able to settle it among them. Bro. Sharp asked me what counsel I had to give, and I said that the Judge ought to acknowledge and receive Bro. Cuttler, and I further said that if Bro. Bockholt would not yield up the Office, if I were in Bro. Cuttler’s place I would camp in the office, send for my victuals and my bedding and hold possession of the office. This Bro. Cuttler decided to do. About 6 oclock he came to the Office and told Prest. Taylor and myself that Bro. Bockholt had finally surrendered and agreed in open Court to turn the Office over to him tomorrow.

15 December 1883 • Saturday

Saturday Dec 15, 1883. Prest. Taylor and myself (Prest. Taylor being mouth) set apart Bishop F. A. Hammond to go to the South to see if he could find a location for himself and family. It is the intention to make him counselor to Prest. C. Layton should he be suited with the country.

We afterwards went to the Ladies Fair.

In the evening a letter was received from Bro. Woodruff with a list of names for the School of the Prophets which we examined. The majority of them were quite acceptable, but there was some question about some, and I wrote the following letter at the request of Prest. Taylor which we all signed:– “Prest. Wilford Woodruff, St. George. Dear Brother: We have received the list of names which you have forwarded as members of the School of the Prophets. The most of them are known to us and are acceptable; but there are some concerning whom we are not so clear. They are Richard Bentley, Stephen R. Wells, Ephraim Wilson, Wm H. Thompson, M. F. Farnsworth and Joseph Orton. We do not think it admissible, at least at present, to admit men into the School who have openly neglected through long years of opportunity to obey the law of Celestial Marriage. At least one of the above named brethren is, as we understand, in this condition. There may be more. Again, while not wishing to be too strenuous respecting the Word of Wisdom, we think there should at least be an earnest disposition on the part of Members of the School to live in accordance with its requirements. Because men may be working in or about the Temple should not of itself be considered a sufficient qualification for membership in the School. There may be others, not so close to the prominent men in the Temple who may be more worthy of a place in the school. We need scarcely repeat to you, that it is desirable that the average of the members should be kept as high as possible. In mentioning these names to which we call your attention we do not mean to positively object to them; but to have you consider them carefully. Yourself and the brethren are able to judge of their qualifications. We only wish to impress upon you the necessity of care, so that we may have a high standard of excellence in the school” (Signed John Taylor, George Q. Cannon, Jos. F. Smith).

16 December 1883 • Sunday

Sunday Dec 16, 1883. Started early this morning to Brigham City. My son Angus drove me to the Station in the buggy. Bro. Goddard and Bro. Morgan and myself reached there at 10 o’c. Found the saints assembled in the Tabernacle. Bro. L. Snow was very kind to us, sending his carriage to meet us. Various exercises were given by the Schools and remarks were made by Bros Goddard, Morgan and myself. We dined at Bro. Snow’s, and met at one oclock in the afternoon. I addressed the congregation about 50 minutes. I had a good spirit. Bro. Morgan also spoke for about 15 or 20 minutes. He and I then took train for Ogden. The train was late. Bro. Goddard remained until tomorrow to hold meeting with them this evening. I remained in town all night.

17 December 1883 • Monday

Monday Dec 17, 1883. I learned this morning that my little son Preston had a fall and broke his arm yesterday. Was at the Office attending to correspondence, dictating journal, and other business.

18 December 1883 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Dec 18, 1883. At 11 A.M. in company with Prest. Smith, I attended the funeral services of Bro. Alex Niebuer at the 13th Ward Assembly Hall. Bro. Niebuer was my tutor in German at Nauvoo and afterwards in the Valley, and I entertained a very warm feeling and regard for him. He was a Jew by birth, but joined the Church among the first converts in England under the labors of Bros H. C. Kimball, Willard Richards and others. Bro. Joseph F. made the opening remarks and I followed. I was led to speak in a strain very unusual respecting man and his relationship to God. My mind was led in a direction that was very edifying to me and that appeared to rivet the attention of the audience.

At 3 p.m. Prest. Taylor and two wives, Bro. Joseph F. Smith and wife, and myself and wife Eliza took special car which had been provided by Bro. H. S. Eldredge to Woodscross, where we were met by his carriages and taken to his new brick farm house which he had just completed and which he wished to have dedicated. After singing, Prest. Taylor was mouth in the dedication prayer. We then partook of a very excellent dinner provided by his family. The house is a very comfortable well-fitted up structure and may be termed elegant for this country. We spent the evening there very agreeably and returned at 8 oclock. I drove home after reaching City

19 December 1883 • Wednesday

Wednesday Dec 19, 1883. At the Office attending to various items of business and among others obtained $100 for the church on a mortgage which had been given to Prest. Young personally and which we (Bro. Carrington and myself) as Trustees of his estate released, paying the money to the church it having been advanced in the first place by Prest. Young in his capacity as Trustee-in-Trust. At 2 p.m. met at the Endowment House.

20 December 1883 • Thursday

Thursday Dec 20, 1883. At the Office variously engaged. I invited Mr & Mrs Neels to dine with me tomorrow in company with Prests Taylor and Smith, Bro. Jennings and wife, my brother Angus and wife, and my son Abraham and wife, all of whom I invited also.

21 December 1883 • Friday

Friday Dec 21 1883. I did not come to the Office today being engaged preparing for my company. I drove to town with my son David and brought down Mr and Mrs Neels. The rain of yesterday and this morning made the roads rather soft. The company got together (with the exception of Bro. Jos. F. Smith) by a little after one oclock. He and his wife were detained until they were too late for the first table. We had a very enjoyable time. Everybody seemed to feel at home, and we separated almost with regret. There being no moon the company did not stay beyond 5 oclock.

22 December 1883 • Saturday

Saturday Dec 22, 1883. At the Office. We had under consideration today the case of Samuel J. Rich, son of the late Apostle C. C. Rich. He has been anxious to get married in the Endowment House and receive his endowments, but Bro. Budge refuses to endorse his certificate which was given to him by the Bishop. In a letter written by Bro. Budge to Bro. Jos. F. Smith he makes serious charges against this young man and describes him as being far from a Saint. The young man when the letter was read to him felt very badly and said that while he had been somewhat wild, for two years he had been in the Brigham Young Academy and had endeavored to reform. He had been guilty of drinking at a party recently held and had offered to make public acknowledgement for that if that would be satisfactory. But he says that Bro. Budge would not accept that. Bro. Budge in his letter says that the young man refused to make any promise concerning the future. The matter was finally referred to the Bishop and High Council to investigate.

23 December 1883 • Sunday

Sunday Dec 23, 1883. Jos. F. Smith and myself went to Ogden this morning at 7 oclock to attend the funeral of Bro. Lorenzo M. Richards. My wife Sarah Jane accompanied me she being a cousin of the deceased. My son Franklin met us and took us to his home. Afterwards I attended forenoon meeting at the Tabernacle and occupied the time speaking. The meeting was short. At one oclock we went to Bro. F. D. Richard’s and from there to the 2nd Ward meeting House where services were held. The house was crowded to over flowing, all available space being occupied. I was afterwards told that nearly every prominent gentile business man was present, including lawyers and railroad men. Bro. Jos. F. Smith occupied about 50 minutes, and I followed for about 35 minutes. I was influenced to speak with great plainness. We found we had no time to go to the graveyard. As we had not eaten anything since early morning, we could not do so, and go [to] the graveyard, and reach the train.

Returned to the city and was met by my son Angus with the buggy, who took us home.

24 December 1883 • Monday

Monday Dec 24, 1883. At the Gardo House this morning and spent the forenoon with Prest. Taylor in conversation over various matters, among others reviewed the case of Samuel J. Rich and the Beck affairs. Spent the afternoon <in the office>

25 December 1883 • Tuesday

Tuesday Dec 25, 1883. I made an appointment at the request of Mr W. H. Shearman, my former old friend and fellow laborer to meet him at his residence and give him an hours conversation. He joined the Godbie movement, and much to my sorrow was cut off from the Church. For years he has been unsettled and bitterly regrets, he tells me, the step that he took. He said that if he had only taken my counsel and been patient all the difficulties that lay in his path would have been removed. He is satisfied with the truth of the work and would like evidently to regain his standing in the church. His object in seeing me this morning was to ask me some questions respecting church government and other matters which were resting upon his mind. We had a very pleasant interview of an hour and a half. I returned home. Spent the afternoon visiting with my family, which I enjoyed very much. The children, many of them, went to a party at the Farmers Ward School House and returned at 5 oclock in time for dinner. Myself and Elizabeth’s children dined with my wife Martha. We had a very delightful time, at least it was so to me, having so seldom had the privilege of spending a holiday with my family.

This evening I got word that General Thos. L. Kane was dangerously sick with pneumonia and fears were entertained of his recovery.

26 December 1883 • Wednesday

Wednesday Dec 26, 1883. This morning upon reaching the Office I found the following despatch: – “Phil. Pa. 8.29 a.m. Dec 26, 1882. Hon Geo. Q. Cannon: Your friend died quietly at half past three, this morning.” (Signed) “Elisha K. Kane.” To which I sent the following response: “I am stunned by this sad event so unexpected. Prest. Taylor joins me in expressing the profoundest sympathy for your mother and the family in your bereavement. Thousands of hearts in this Territory will be filled with grief at the news of the departure of so devoted and steadfast a friend. At what time will the funeral take place?” (Signed) “George Q. Cannon.” This blow falls heavily upon me; for when we parted a short time ago General Kane seemed as full of life as he had been for years, and I thought he might live for many years yet to come. My love for him [h]as been very deep. Through long years of association we became intimately acquainted, and our friendship was of the most tender character. Had I been a lover he could not have manifested more affection for me than he did whenever we met, and it was a standing habit with him when we met for him to put his arms around me and never to part with my hand nor let him go without blessing him. I have loved him because of his love for Zion and the self sacrificing spirit which he has always manifested. I have known him to risk health and life to do what he thought was necessary for the preservation of our liberties, and he never spared himself or his means when either were wanted to aid us. In all this he was entirely unselfish. He would not accept a cent in return for any expenses that he was at. I have sometimes thought that he was almost too scrupulous in this direction; but he was determined that there should be no room for suspicion concerning his motives. His trip to Mexico two or three years ago was a very costly one. He made it for the purpose of benefiting us, though he was not seconded from home as he hoped he would be. His other trips were all at his own expense also and they were made at considerable cost of time and means, but he did not begrudge anything of this kind. I feel it would be a fitting mark of honor, if the funeral should be delayed long enough, for a delegation of prominent citizens to go to his funeral.

At 2 p.m. met at the Endowment House.

I spent the evening with Pres. Taylor at the Gardo House in conversation with Bro. John Beck.

27 December 1883 • Thursday

Thursday Dec 27, 1883. I received the following despatch this morning: – Phild. Pa Dec 27_1883. To Hon. George Q. Cannon: Your comforting telegram received. I mail you a message from him. Funeral friday at eleven” (Signed) “Elisha K. Kane”. To which Pres. Taylor and myself sent the following response: – “Object in asking date of funeral was had time permitted delegation of prominent citizens would attended. Could journey have been made in time, it is such a tribute of honor as our people deem due to memory of your father.” Pres. Taylor’s health was poor today, and he spent most of the day in his room.

28 December 1883 • Friday

Friday Dec 28, 1883. Snowed heavily this morning. Met Bro. Chas. W. Stayner at the Office at 1/2 past 9 oclock and conversed with him respecting University lands and probable amount he would charge for his services in preparing bill for the legislature to act upon and the other business connected therewith. Dictated my journal to Bro. John Irvine.

29 December 1883 • Saturday

Saturday Dec 29, 1883 Pres. Taylor has been sick for two days and is some better today. I was at the Office and in company with Bro. Carrington ordained Elder Edwin Parker of South Hooper ward an High Priest and Bishop of that ward, and set apart George Davis and Wm Preece as his counselors. I was mouth in Bro. Parkers ordination and Bro. Preece’s. I gave these brethren some instruction in regard to duties. The weather is very cold as I find it in driving home of an evening after dark. The roads are in a very bad condition

30 December 1883 • Sunday

Sunday Dec 30, 1883. I drove to town in time for meeting at the 17th Ward, being the funeral ceremonies of Sister Nicholas Groesbeck. Bro. Wells spoke about 10 or 15 minutes and I followed for about 35 minutes. We had a most excellent spirit, and good instruction was given to the people. In the afternoon attended Assembly Hall. Bros Wm M. Palmer and Heber J. Grant addressed the audience. My son David drove me down home.

31 December 1883 • Monday

Monday Dec 31, 1883. Last night was a very cold night. Pres. Taylor was in the Office for a while today. I had conversation with Bro. Moses Thatcher who had come down from Logan respecting his mission to Washington, explaining to him the nature of the labors that he was expected to perform in connection with the press. At 12 oclock I met, as Chancellor, with the Board of Regents and attended to business, and among other things signed a note for $7000 with which to pay the bills on the University building. At 3 p.m. attended meeting of the Board of Directors of Z.C.M.I. The subject of the meeting being the terms on which the stock of Richard Bros should be purchased.

In the evening at the Gardo House with Bro. Thatcher and Pres. Taylor talking over the character of the labors expected of Bro. Thatcher. Bro. F. S. Richards also came in, and he was set apart by Pres. Taylor and myself, Pres. Taylor being mouth. Afterwards we set Bro. Thatcher, I being mouth. These brethren expect to leave on Thursday afternoon for Washington to render such aid to Bro. Caine, as Delegate, as they can.

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December 1883, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 21, 2024