The Church Historian's Press

September 1850

Events in George Q. Cannon’s journal for 1850

24 September

Called by apostle Charles C. Rich to serve mission in Sandwich (or Hawaiian) Islands

22 October

Near Sacramento, California, found “a regular apostate nest”

5 November

Saw evidence that peace was being taken from the earth as Joseph Smith had prophesied

22 November

Dream of Joseph Smith’s faith, followed by difficult but successful passing through the Golden Gate for the Sandwich Islands on the bark Imaum of Muscat

12 December

Landed on Oahu in the Sandwich Islands

13 December

Group went up the Nuuanu Valley, Oahu, to a mountain where they built an altar and prayed, feeling the Spirit of the Lord

14 December

Chosen by lot to labor with James Keeler on Maui

17 December

Arrived at Lahaina, the principal town on Maui

20 December ff.

Met governor of Maui

24 September 1850 • Tuesday

This Evening Gen. [Charles C.] Rich arrived at our place [Slap Jack Bar] upon the Middle Fork [American River], to make his final visit, it being his intention to leave for the [Salt Lake] Valley upon the 1st of Oct. ensuing. We were glad to see him for we had not, or at least I had not, seen him, since early in June <Bro. Amasa [Lyman] & him were up>; and we all looked anxiously for his appearance as we were in a little uncertainty as to what his counsel would be; he had hinted to me that I would have to go to the Sandwich Islands for the Winter as well as some others of the brethren among the rest Bro. Hy. [Henry] Bigler & Edgar Gibson, (who died the 5th Inst. [this month])49 This evening he asked if [I] had any objections to going? I told him that I was on hand to do whatever he thought best as Bro. [Brigham] Young had told me upon leaving the Valley to obey the counsel of Bro. Amasa Lyman and Bro. Rich and I should be blessed, this I felt determined to do as far as in me lay.50 He then told me that he should like me to go and he believed I would do good while there and would be blessed. He told me he would make out the necessary papers in the morning.

25 September 1850 • Wednesday

This morning I wrote home a letter to Aunt [Leonora Taylor] to send with Gen. R. After which I went down to our Camp from the store51 Bro. Rich had spoken to Bro. Whit Bigler the brethren about going to the Islands; and he set me to writing out certificates of good standing which he signed. He made out one of them for Bro. [Thomas] Whittle which he had not expected he was making every calculation upon going home but in this he met disappointment. Bro. [Robert] Boyd Stewart was sent to Oregon and Bro’s Whittle, Bigler, [John] Dixon, [James] Keeler, [Thomas] Morris, [James] Hawkins, [William] Farrer, and Bro. [John] Berry if he could not go home or preferred going to the Islands.52 He then blessed us all.53

I wrote a letter to Bro. Joseph Cain telling him about my mission and how things were going on about the Store. Bro. Rich started this afternoon. Bro. Hyrum [Hiram] Clark was expected to go along as President.54

28 September 1850 • Saturday

The brethren thought the water sufficiently low to commence work at building the dam.55

29 September 1850 • Sunday

Occupied in store all day.

30 September 1850 • Monday

The boys are busily employed putting up the dam.

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September 1850, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed July 27, 2024