July 1889

1 July 1889 • Monday

MONDAY, July 1st, 1889.

I called this morning for Brother Woodruff and took him to the office. I had a long and very unsatisfactory conversation with Brother John Beck today. I am afraid we shall have trouble with him from the spirit which he manifests. He intimated that he and President Taylor’s heirs would endeavor to with draw the option which we had given to the California Company. He wanted me to join with them. I rejected his proposition and told him that I would have nothing to do with so dishonorable a thing. He offered to buy my stock so that I might not be mixed up with it, and tried to tempt me by saying he would give me a hundred and fifty thousand dollars for it. I told him that if he gave me the whole wealth of California I would not take it, for I had promised to sell to them. He endeavored to impress me with the difference between his offer and theirs, the difference of nine from four, which they have offered. President Woodruff, Brother Joseph F. Smith and myself, my three sons John Q., Frank and Abraham and seven other brethren organized a canal company for Deseret, and selected trustees. We intend to enter a section of land apiece under the desert entry. We are anxious to take it up so that strangers will not crowd in. I was kept very busy all day today. In the evening after I came home my son Frank came, and we had a conversation concerning propositions made by Donald McLean, who is in charge of the construction company of the Pacific Short Line. He makes offers to me through Frank, which he also made through Brother Clawson, that if they can be relied on are very good, and he seems to have taken very much to Frank, because of aid the latter rendered him in his affairs at Ogden, and he proposes to give him advantages in the construction company and desires him to go east with him in a day or two. I told Frank, after listening to all he said, that I thought he had better go. He would make the acquaintance of a good many men who might be of use, and he could learn something definite concerning the whole business[.]

2 July 1889 • Tuesday

TUESDAY, July, 2nd, 1889.

Dictated my journal to my son David. Carried Brother Woodruff to the city in my buggy. At ten o’clock we went down to the land office and entered each of us a quarter <full> section of land, as a desert land entry. My son Frank explained <railroad> matters to Presidents Woodruff, Smith and myself, and they agreed that he had better go east, and Brother Woodruff proposed to set him apart and bless him for his trip, and requested me to be mouth. We arranged to have a meeting with the Presidents Of Stakes and the chairman of the committee in each Stake to be held on Friday at twelve o’ clock. I took President Woodruff home in my buggy. and After dinner at my own house my daughter Mary Alice and myself went to the Julyly Sunday School Union of the Supts. and teachers in the Fourteenth Ward Assembly Rooms. I dictated my journal to my son David.

3 July 1889 • Wednesday

WEDNESDAY, July 3rd, 1889.

Took President Woodruff to the city this morning. Received a letter from Dr. Isaacson, the Jewish convert, who lives at American Fork, appealing very pathetically for help. Since he finished the translation of the Book of Mormon he has had no income, and is much impoverished. Whatever may be the faults of this man, or his insincerity, which many question, I feel that we cannot turn away from him and leave him to suffer. After I wrote <read> his letter I submitted it to Brothers Woodruff and Smith, and we appropriated one hundred dollars for his relief. A Dane, who had visited Brother Woodruff at his home, and whom he had told to call at the Gardo house today, came in and had an interview with us. He left this country about twelve years ago. He had been a member of the Church and had had two wives. He left the second wife in Cache Valley and went down to Missouri. He was baptized by the Whitmers after reaching there, but he now said that he did not consider them right, neither did he think young Joseph, as he is called. For twelve years he said that he had been living as though he were not married, and he thought that the Church in this land should live in this manner, and then they would be able to redeem Zion. He professed to have great knowledge, and had come with this message to us and predicted woes upon us unless we listened to and obeyed him. He talked for sometime in this strain. President Woodruff was desirous that I should express myself concerning his views, and I did so with great plainness. I told his him that when he submitted to be baptized and confirmed by John Whitmer he brought himself under the subjection of an influence that was not of God, for John Whitmer had been severed from the Church, and his Priesthood had been taken away from him by the action of the Church as far back as the year 1838 under the immediate direction of the Prophet Joseph. In reply to his remarks if we did not listen to him that he would go to the people[,] I warned him in the most solemn manner that if he did utter his false predictions to them the blood of the children of men might be <found> clinging to him, for if he led any astray he would be responsible for their destruction. I told him the anger of the Lord would be kindled against him. President Woodruff also bore a powerful testimony to him. He left us, and I was told that after he got out he acted like a crazy man. This is one of the false prophets that occasionally make their appearance among the Saints. Dictated answers to public correspondence. In the afternoon about four o’clock Brothers Joseph F. Smith and L. John Nuttall were taken by Brother Wilcken to Wasatch, where we intend to join them tomorrow to enjoy the Fourth. I took Pres. Woodruff home in my buggy.

4 July 1889 • Thursday

THURSDAY July 4th, 1889.

Arrangements had been made by Bishop Preston for the First Presidency to take such of our folks as we wished out to the quarry, where the Temple rock is procured, to spend the Fourth. The place is called Wasatch. I did not think it wise to take any of my wives with me, as such an act might be siezed as a reason for trying to deprive me of my liberty again, but I invited all the children to go who could. Of my wife Elizabeth’s children there were Mary Alice, David, Emily and Sylvester. Of my <wife> Sarah Jane’s children there were Hugh, Rose Annie, Joseph, Preston and Karl. Hugh also took his intended wife—May Wilcken—and her sister Bertha. There was <also> a young German lady by the name of Anna Struberg, who is living at my wife Sarah Jane’s. Of my wife Eliza’s children there were William and Read. Of my wife Martha’s children there were Hester, Amelia, Brigham, Willard and Brigham <Grace> Of my wife Carlie’s children there were Ada, Caroline, Mark, Tracy and Vera. Of my <wife> Emily’s children there was Walter, which including myself, made a party of twenty-six. Arrangements had been made by which President Woodruff was tendered the use of a car by the D. and R.G. for his party. The train stopped at the crossing not far from my houses, and we walked up, leaving our place at about a quarter past seven in the morning. About a quarter to eight the train came along. We reached Wasatch sometime before ten. This place is as charming a place as I know of anywhere. There is not much room, but houses are built among the rocks, and every spot is cultivated as a garden. Shade is abundant, and there are springs of water laid all through the grounds. A fine bowery is erected, which is floored and in which tables were spread for dinner. We sat down a little after eleven and made a very hearty meal, for which we were all prepared by our journey and the mountain air. At two o’clock we assembled again and listened to music and singing. President Woodruff, <and> myself, Brothers Joseph F. and Robert <T.> Burton made brief speeches. Dancing was also indulged in. My son David went fishing and caught two trout, at the expense of getting his feet wet. The children amused themselves in various ways. Pres. Woodruff, myself and a few others went up by tramway to the point where rock is being quarried now, and as we returned we stopped and viewed a very nice water fall there is in the creek. After we returned sandwiches, and buns, and cakes and lemonade were passed around. We then got on the cars and about half-past seven started on our return home. The train stopped again at the point nearest my place and we returned home at about half-past eight. The day has been delightfully spent, all had enjoyed themselves, so they said, to the fullest extent. In the evening Sylvester’s fireworks, which Abraham had given him, were displayed, and I had over an hour’s enjoyment watching them.

5 July 1889 • Friday

FRIDAY, July 5th, 1889.

Called for President Woodruff and took him to the city. We attended to correspondence. As Brother Nuttall had remained in Wasatch I attended to his duties. I made an appointment with Brothers John T. Caine and Franklin S. Richards to join them in making a call upon the new commissioners: Ex-Senator Saunders of Nebraska, and Ex-Governor Robertson of Indiana. All the members of the commission were present: Mr. Godfrey, the chairman, Gen. McClernand of Illinois, Gen. Williams of Arizona, ExSenator Saunders and ExGovernor Robertson. Mr. Saunders and myself were quite well acquainted, and I felt that it was due to him that I should call and pay my respects. We spent about three-quarters of an hour with them, but our conversation was chiefly upon the country—its peculiarities, its products, and the results of artesian well-boring. I stated to Mr. Saunders and Mr. Robertson that we should be glad to do anything that we (meaning the First Presidency of the Church) could to help them in their labors, and hoped that our future relations would be pleasant, to which they responded in the same strain. I had never met Gen. Williams before, but Gen. McClernand I had known before the war. At twelve o’clock we met at the office with a number of the Presidents of Stakes and members of the County committees, and were in session nearly six hours arranging for the coming election so as to prevent any collision or improper feeling arising[.] Our Territory has been so cut up in districting it that it requires great care to prevent division among our own people in the selection of officers to be voted for. The results of our meeting were very gratifying to me. I carried President Woodruff to his home, and felt very tired with the labors of the day.

6 July 1889 • Saturday

SATURDAY, July 6th, 1889.

My son Willard went with me to the city. President Woodruff did not go to the office today, and Brother Smith and Brother Nuttall were still at Wasatch. It was expected that there would be a meeting of the Deseret Telegraph Co. today, but at Marshal Dyer’s request it was postponed. I kept myself busy today attending to various matters of business. I saw my nephew George M. Cannon, the County Recorder, about a deed from Brother Charles D. Haun to myself, and desired him to examine it and see if it were correct. I also spoke to him about making out a plat of <all> my land. I called upon Sister O. P. Arnold, who had so kindly entertained us when we were on the underground, and gave her one of my portraits. I distributed some thirty portraits of myself to various parties today. I returned home and took a swim in the river with some of my boys.

7 July 1889 • Sunday

SUNDAY, July 7th, 1889.

My son Abraham and myself went to Ogden this morning. I was taken to the train by my son William. We were met upon our arrival by Bishop Stevens, of the 5th Ward, who had come with carriages to take us to the meeting-house. Brother John Henry Smith and wife were also in the company. My son John Q’s wife, Annie, and also Frank’s wife, Mattie, were down, each with vehicles. I rode with Bishop Stevens[.] The object of our visit is to dedicate the 5th Ward meeting-house. It is a beautiful structure, and elegantly fitted up. I think it is as fine a building of its size as I have seen in the Territory. The walls and ceiling are painted very nice. They also have brass chandeliers. It is well seated, and has an ante-room for small meetings, and also two rooms for prayer circle. The seating capacity is about five hundred. The ante-room would probably seat one hundred. The only fault that I could find was that the place from which the speaker addresses the audience is too much like a barrel with the back side cut off. For a man of my size it is too high, and it confines one in their <his> actions too much. Brother Franklin D. Richards was also with us. At the request of Bishop Stevens I offered the dedicatory prayer, and felt great freedom in doing so. Brothers Richards and J. H. Smith occupied the time <till> within a few minutes of twelve. The brethren expressed a great desire to hear me speak, and I occupied about twenty minutes, and enjoyed my own remarks. We adjourned to meet in the Tabernacle. Brother John Henry Smith and myself went home <to dinner> with Bishop Stevens. His wife is a daughter of the late Briant Strigham [Stringham]. At the Tabernacle my son Abraham addressed the congregation, and I followed for about three-quarters of an hour. Brother John Henry Smith spoke for a few minutes, also, bearing testimony to what had been said. I enjoyed all the remarks today, and I felt edified. My own speaking was in a strain at the Tabernacle that appeared very interesting to the people, as it was to myself. I spoke with great plainness upon the object of our existence, and the design of God concerning our being in this probation, and our future existence and exaltation. I also dwelt upon the manner in which happiness and misery were obtained, and the manner in which heaven and hell became the portion of the children of men. Taken altogether the day has been a very delightful one. After the meeting Bishop Stevens took Abraham and myself to John Q’s where we obtained a meal, and John Q. took us to the train. At the station at Salt Lake I was met by Brother C. H. Wilcken, who took me to his house.

8 July 1889 • Monday

MONDAY, July 8th, 1889.

Brother Wilcken took me to my home on the river this morning. I called for President Woodruff and carried him to the city. We had considerable business connected with political matters today, and the new settlement which is being selected for the Hawaiian Saints. The two Brothers Cluff and Brother Mitchel called upon us in connection with this last matter, and it was decided to borrow five thousand dollars to make the first payment <for> of land in Scull Valley. The committee were to borrow the money and the First Presidency were to endorse the note. Brother James Dwyer had written to me upon the subject of the sale of Mr. Bancroft’s volume on Utah, and told about the difficulties he had to contend with. I dictated a letter for the First Presidency to sign the to the Presidents of Stakes, Bishops of Wards, and the Saints generally, in which this volume was reccommended, and Brother James Dwyer as the canvasser. This letter all <we> signed and sent to him. I took President Woodruff home.

9 July 1889 • Tuesday

TUESDAY, July 9th, 1889.

I called for President Woodruff and took him to the Gardo House. At ten o’clock the First Presidency met with various prominent citizens and members of the Territorial and County committees. There were present: John Henry Smith, Heber J. Grant, John T. Caine, James Sharp, Elias A. Smith, Angus M. Cannon, John C. Cutler, Franklin S. Richards, C. W. Penrose, T. E. Taylor, H. M. Wells, Joseph S. Rollins, Orrin P. Miller, Richard Ballyntine, Jun., John Snedaker, W. B. Preston and L. John Nuttall. I had urged the calling together of these brethren that there might be an intelligent action concerning the nominations for County officers, for I felt that it was important that there should be an understanding upon these things, and that matters should not be left to drift. It was decided that Leonard G. Hardy should be sustained as collector of taxes for the County, and that Wm. M. Stewart should be nominated as County School Superintendent. The question then arose concerning the selectmen, which provoked considerable discussion. The country members of the committee described the condition of the county upon this question. They were desirous to have two of the selectmen. The city members rather scouted this idea, and Brother Heber J. Grant was particularly emphatic, drawing up a contrast between the <taxes of the> city and the remainder of the county, and also expenditures made in the county by the County Court, these expenditures being in excess of the taxes paid by the county outside of the city. After the discussion had proceeded to some length I made some remarks in favor of giving the county outside of the city two selectmen to be elected at the coming election. I gave my reasons for taking this view, and they appeared to have weight with all the brethren. I felt that this was a time for conciliation, and that the city with its government was well enough cared for, but the remainder of the county had to look to the county court, and it would be gratifying to their feelings to know that they were represented by citizens familiar with their wants in that body. I did not dispute the correctness of the statement that as far as population and taxes was <were> concerned Salt Lake was entitled to the majority for <of> the selectmen, but this was not the correct way, I thought, to treat this question. All the rest of the county officers were residents of Salt Lake <City.> The law compelled them, in the most of instances, to reside there. I therefore moved that if two suitable men, residents of the county outside of the city, would be selected as selectmen that it should be the sense of this meeting that they should be chosen, subject, of course, to the approval of the nominating convention. After some further discussion Orrin P. Miller and Richard Howe were deemed the most suitable men for selectmen, but as the former had been nominated as a member of the Board of the Legislature he desired to resign, as he felt that he would prefer the position of selectman, and he thought that Heber Bennion was better qualified for the office of representative than he was. This was agreeable to all present. Brother Heber J. Grant and W. B. Preston were asked to go to Springville (?) to try and regulate the election of a member of the Legislative council, and C. W. Penrose was asked to go to Kaysville for the same purpose. As a number of the delegates to the council convention to be held tomorrow for one of the city districts were pledged to sustain Richard W. Young for the position of member of the Legislative council, and as it was felt that Bro. Franklin S. Richards, under the circumstances, would be a stronger nominee, two of the brethren volunteered to see Brother Young and state the circumstances to him so that he could decline the nomination. After the meeting I framed dispatches to be sent to Morgan Richards, Jr., at Parowan concerning the member of the council from that district, and to Brother Reid of Manti, and Clark of Richfield concerning the member of the council from those districts. I took Brother Woodruff home and drove to my own houses and got dinner, and then with my son Lewis to take care of my team, I went back to the city to attend a meeting at the Assembly Hall. This meeting was an adjourned meeting which was held for the purposes of preparing for the coming election, and to draw out expressions of dissatisfaction from those who had complaints to make, with a view to having these causes of complaint, wherever existing, removed. A number of speeches were made which, in and of themselves, I would not have minded, although some of them bristled with fallacies, had it not been for the applause which they called forth. The applause seemed general, and remarks were applauded which were miserable bosh and clap-trap, and in many instances incorrect. I was very much saddened at what I heard and saw. It is evident that there is a wide-spread feeling of dissatisfaction and that the people need visiting. They ought to be enlightened. Everything said against the City Council or against any of the officials was received with evident pleasure. They were blamed with every evil existing, real or imaginary. They were blamed for the want of water, for taxation, for the various inequalities, and everything said about the rich in favor of the poor met with ready applause. A disposition was also shown in speeches to resent any interference from any quarter with the nomination or selection of officers. These remarks were made, without doubt, at the Priesthood. A motion to adjourn the meeting had been made, but I said that unless something more were done no practical results in some of the directions desired would follow if we adjourned without doing something more. I therefore proposed that the committees in the various precincts should have the opportunity of meeting with the County committee, and that together they take measures to remedy many of the things which had been spoken of connected with the management of our elections on election day. I said that I had listened to a great many remarks which I knew were founded in ignorance, and if the voters were no better informed upon these points than some who had spoken I did not wonder that there was dissatisfaction, and that our party was in danger because of the indifference of the people. I therefore proposed that there should be a <public> meeting<s> held <in all the precincts> and that the people should be enlightened upon these political matters, and where there was well-grounded complaints that the officers should learn them and take pains to correct them. Motions to this effect prevailed in the meeting, and then we adjourned. Lewis had waited for me, and it was past eleven when I reached home.

10 July 1889 • Wednesday

WEDNESDAY, July 10th, 1889.

I took President Woodruff and my daughter Mary Alice to the city this morning. The First Presidency had an interview with James Sharp, F. S. Richards, Brothers Lyon and Howe. The two last were elected trustees for the Twentieth Ward. The “Liberals,” as they call themselves, on Monday night had succeeded in getting control of a meeting for the election of school trustees, and by their cunning, though not so many in number as our people, had succeeded in carrying their election through. The whole affair was a fraud. Brothers Lyon and Howe were elected at a subsequent meeting, and they had called to see if they should not contest the case, as many of the Saints felt that they ought to do so. We decided that if the trustees elected by the other party had not yet qualified that Brothers Lyon and Howe should do so, but if the others were ahead of them the matter had better be let drop. At ten o’clock President Woodruff and myself went to the meeting of the directors of the Z.C.M.I. After the report of the secretary was read the question of giving John W. Young a credit of twenty-five thousand dollars for ninety days was taken up. He desired to draw goods from the house to that amount. It was decided to hold another meeting on Friday, and in the meantime to examine the security which he offered. At one o’clock the First Presidency met with the directors of Zion’s Savings Bank and Trust Co. We decided to pay the architect of our new building 3 per cent. of its cost. The First Presidency afterwards had an interview with S. R. Thurman concerning his nomination, and made arrangements for the convention then being held in Provo to nominate John E. Booth as a member of the Legislative council. Sip. Kenner and Brother Jakeman, of Manti, of the Manti Sentinel, called upon us to report the effect which the nomination of Brother W. K. Reid to the Legislative assembly had. They say that the reputable people of the district will not vote for him, if they can help it, as he is given to drunkenness and immorality. We told them that we should write to Presidents D. H. Wells and Canute Petersen upon the subject. I dictated this <these> letter<s> to Arthur Winter. Afterwards we had an interview with Brothers W. W. Cluff and F. A. Mitchel, and it was decided that Brother H. H. Cluff should take charge of the new settlement, for the present, of the Hawaiian Saints. In coming home this evening I took Pres. Woodruff and my daughter and Brother Sudberry around to Brother Wilcken’s to see a new well that was being driven. Brother Sudberry stayed there, and I took President Woodruff home.

11 July 1889 • Thursday

THURSDAY, July 11th, 1889.

I called for Brother Woodruff this morning, but his son had carried him to the city. A man by the name of [blank] Harris called upon the First Presidency this morning and made a statement that he had come to be ordained by us to find the “plates of Nephi” which the Lord had shown him were in Tonto basin. This man is a resident of Glendale, Long Valley, Utah. He says that about twelve years ago he had a vision in which he was told that he would do this work, and he had gone to Arizona to the Tonto basin and stayed there some six or seven weeks working, and he now knew why he had been required to go there. I asked him if he had been told to come here to be ordained, and he said he had. I said it was strange if this was <were> the case<,> that if and> the Lord had told him to do this<,> that he had not told us to ordain him. I said I knew he had not told me, and I did not think he had told Brother Woodruff.

13 July 1889 • Saturday

Saturday, July 13, 1889:

Dictated Topics and Editorial this morning for the Juvenile. My daughter, Mary Alice, accompanied me to the city. Attended meeting at the City Hall, and afterwards returned home and had a swim in the river.

14 July 1889 • Sunday

Sunday, July, 14, 1889.

The weather to-day is very hot, as it has been for sometime past. I had my son Brigham take myself and daughter <Mary Alice> in the carriage to Brother Woodruff’s; he joined us and we drove to town to attend meeting. I was called upon to speak and enjoyed excellent freedom. President Woodruff followed me, and bore testimony to what I said. He rode with us to his home. I then drove to my residence, and after dining I drove to the 7th Ward, where I addressed the Saints. I met my sister, Mary Alice Lambert, there with her husband. She has been suffering very much, and came very nearly dying but is now able to get around. After I returned home Brother <C H Wilcken and> Shultess called upon me.

15 July 1889 • Monday

Monday, July 15,1889.

I called this morning for President Woodruff. The stock of John Beck in the Bullion, Beck and Champion Mining Co. which Brother Jack has held as security for moneys advanced to him, was transferred to-day by him to Alonzo E. Hyde, by Beck’s order, Hyde having paid the money taken up Beck’s notes. I have had dreams concerning complications that are likely to arise through this property, and I can foresee trouble. It is very plain that it will come if certain parties persist in carrying out designs which they entertain at the present time concerning this property. Since Beck’s return from Germany there has been strong agitation over this matter, and he is talking very freely and saying a great many improper things. There seems to be a disposition manifested, I am sorry to say, by those who are managing the stock which belongs to President Taylor’s heirs to affiliate with Beck and use him for their own ends. The stock that President Taylor owned is placed in the hands of trustees who are managing this for the family; one of these is A. E. Hyde, a son-in-law of President Taylor, and I think Geo. J. Taylor is another. It is evident that the design is to get the majority of the stock and change the company; in other words, to get control of it. They purpose, I feel sure, electing another director in place of H. B. Clawson, and another secretary and treasurer in place of Geo. Reynolds, and <I> doubt not will have Brother Clawson dismissed as manager. They tried to accomplish the election of two in place of Brothers Clawson and Reynolds sometime since, at the time, in fact, of the regular meeting, but they found they did not have a majority of the stock. They are consulting lawyers, and have employed them—Marshal and Royle; and a determination is expressed, so I understand, to break the option which was given to the members of the company, in California. This option does not expire until October, but they want it broken immediately and are combining with a view to effect this. It is also stated that they intend to go beyond this, to attack the transfer of the twenty-five per cent. of the stock which was agreed to by President Taylor, and done at his instance to the California members of the company. I feel very much hurt at these proceedings, for it is plain that they are plunging themselves into trouble, and not only themselves but others who do not wish to have difficulty. The California people have done all that they agreed to do, and if it had not been for their efforts, under the blessing of the Lord, I do not believe we would have any property at all in this mine. I have always believed that the Lord raised them up to befriend us in our extremity, and to me it seems like base ingratitude to turn against men who have done all that they agreed to do, and who have stood by us in our contest, and left the property entirely in our hands to manage. Brother Beck talks a great deal about what he has done for everybody, but the facts are that though he had possession of the property after we bought in with <of> him for upwards of two years we never received a dollar’s profit from it; while, on the other hand, since Brother Clawson has had charge of it it has paid handsomely, and has been the means of relieving us from a great deal of debt under which we were groaning. But it seems as though prosperity, instead of giving satisfaction only arouses a spirit of greed. But what can I expect from persons who have deliberatively broken the solemn covenant which President Taylor and John Beck <and myself> made<?> and myself also? President Taylor’s family has <have> demanded the portion of stock which he consecrated, and I have felt compelled to yield to their demands. John Beck now returns and he makes the same demand. Had anything happened to me and President Taylor had lived, and my heirs had made such a demand, the English language would not have furnished words strong enough to express the contempt and scorn that President Taylor would have had for them. They are aware that when he gave me counsel to the effect that it was the will of the Lord that I should not go into court on March 17th, 1887<6>, that he also said that the Lord had revealed unto him a method by which my bonds should be met. It was said to him in the shape of an interrogation, “Have I not, saith <said> the Lord, furnished you with a fund, by the dedication of the stock of the mine by the brethren, which you can control, and from which such expenses as this can be met.” I do not give the exact language of the Lord, but this is the exact idea as he repeated it to me. But notwithstanding that they are aware that President Taylor received such a revelation they still demand the stock and the profits of the dividends that have flowed from it. In view of all these circumstances I have felt impressed to have nothing to do with these people upon this question, if I can avoid it. I have felt led to contemplate the transfer of all my interests to my three sons, John Q., Frank J. and Abram H., and to give them a power of attorney to attend to all business connected with this property for me. I have felt that it is beneath me as one of the First Presidency of the Church to enter into contensions or discussions concerning this matter, for I loath the very thought of breaking faith with men as it is proposed, I understand to do. I therefore had a consultation with Brothers Franklin S. Richards and LeGrand Young upon this subject, and explained to them the situation. They thought I was clearly right in my views, and they promised to draw up a document of some kind that would meet my wishes. At 4.30 I attended a meeting of the Deseret News Co.

16 July 1889 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 16, 1889.

I called for President Woodruff this morning. Had a meeting to-day with the directors of the Salt Lake and Deseret Agricultural and Manufacturing Canal Co. My son Abram is president of this company. We listened to a report from W. V. Black concerning the survey for the canal, and an assessment was made on the stockholders to enable him, as president, to commence the labor. I carried Bro. Woodruff to his home.

17 July 1889 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 17, 1889.

I called for Brother Woodruff at his house and took him to the city. At one o’clock a meeting of Zion’s Saving Bank and Trust Company was held. We were employed to-day at various matters of business, and reading letters. We had a visit from Brother F. M. Lyman in the afternoon. In the evening I took Brother Woodruff home.

18 July 1889 • Thursday

Thursday, July 18, 1889.

I called for Brother Woodruff. We listened to the reading of the correspondence this morning. Afterwards I attended a meeting of the Bullion, Beck and Champion Mining Co.; and had an interview with a Mr. Quigg, a correspondent of the New York Tribune. At 2 o’clock in the afternoon the First Presidency and Twelve held their usual prayer meeting.

19 July 1889 • Friday

Friday, July 19, 1889.

I called for President Woodruff this morning. The First Presidency had an interview with Brother John Morgan and Bro. William Spry concerning the Southern States mission. We gave Brother Spry counsel to the effect that the elders must not continue to labor in places where the inhabitants reject the gospel and seek to destroy the elders. I met with the County Committee on political matters. Our correspondence has been terribly behind. Letters have accumulated for weeks and remained unanswered. We devoted ourselves exclusively to the reading of the correspondence, as I was anxious, as the labor of answering devolved upon me, to get the letters attended to. I took Bro. Woodruff to his home this evening.

20 July 1889 • Saturday

Saturday, July 20, 1889.

President Woodruff did not go to town to-day. I attended to the signing of the recommends for him, and dictated replies to all our correspondence. I had an interview with Brothers Penrose and F. S. Richards on political matters; and also met with D. C. Young, architect for the Bank building, and B. B. Schettler on points connected with its erection. I went to the Tabernacle and listened to a concert that had been prepared in honor of the arrival of a number of Members of Congress. They were Geo. W. Dorsey of Nebraska, Nathan Goff of West Verginia, E. D. Heyden of Mass., J. C. Burrows of Michigan, and J. W. Stewart of Vermont. The City Council tendered to them the hospitalities of the City, and as some of them were acquaintances of mine I thought it proper to go and see them.

In the evening I found my daughter, Mary Alice, and took her to a lawn party at my nephew’s, Geo. M. Cannon’s. The event was the aniversary of his mother’s birth. My brother, Angus, and his wives Sarah, Mary, Amanda and Clara were present and his children, and those to whom they were married were there, with their wives, and my sister, Mary Alice, and Brother Elias Morris, father-in-law of Geo. M. Cannon, and a large number of relatives. The occasion was a very pleasant one. I was very glad afterwards I had taken the time to go there, I having expressed myself as being unable to attend.

21 July 1889 • Sunday

Sunday, July 21, 1889.

President Woodruff and myself went to Ogden to attend the quarterly conference of the Weber Stake. Brother F. D. Richards met us and took us to his house, and from there to the meeting. I occupied the forenoon and had great liberty. I was followed for about five minutes by Bro. F. D. Richards. The afternoon was occupied by President Woodruff and Bro. Lorenzo Snow. We stopped at Brothers F. D. and C. C. Richards’. The night was excessively hot.

22 July 1889 • Monday

Monday, July 22, 1889.

I had my son, John Q. call for me very early this morning, and we drove out to Harrisville to see a family of Brother Harvy Murdock who is a prisoner in the penitentiary. This is the first opportunity I have had of visiting this family. They were greatly pleased to have me call upon them.

At 10 O’clock attended meeting in the Tabernacle, Brothers Snow and Woodruff spoke. We went to President Shurtliff’s for dinner[.] At 2 O’clock I went to the Tabernacle, and Brother Richard Ballantyne made a report of the Sunday Schools, and I spoke for about half an hour, and was greatly blessed. President Woodruff bore testimony to what I said. From there I went to my son, John Q’s, and got something to eat and was taken to the train.

23 July 1889 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 23rd, 1889.

My son Abraham carried me down to my place early. I arranged with my boys about the 24th, also with my family to prepare food, etc. I took President Woodruff to the city.

Busy with various matters. Bought provisions, etc. Took President Woodruff home. Had calls at home from Brothers H. B. Clawson, F. S. Richards and C. C. Richards.

24 July 1889 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 24th, 1889.

Arose early and started off teams by about 7 o’clock. Everyone went but my wife Eliza and her two boys. My wife Carlie came from town in her own conveyance. Abraham brought my wife Emily. She and my wife Martha and daughter Amelia rode in the victorine, Brigham driving. Lewis drove the big carriage in which the girls rode. Sylvester drove the lumber wagon. David drove my buggy. My son John Q. and wife and child came by rail to Bingham Junction. Brother Wilcken met them and brought them about 10:30. We had a most delightful day. Everybody was charmed. There is a beautiful grove and fine orchards, full of apples and apricots. I enjoyed the meal and ice cream which was prepared. There were present about 61 in all—myself and four wives, 19 sons, 8 daughters, 3 daughters-in-law, 10 grandchildren, Brother Wilcken and 3 daughters, Geo. C. Lambert and 2 wives and 7 children, and two young women living with my wife Sarah Jane. Brother Haun arranged seats for the company.

We returned in the evening.

25 July 1889 • Thursday

Thursday, July 25th, 1889.

I called for President Woodruff. At 1 p.m. we had a meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank, also had an interview with the Hawaiian Colony committee.

I attended a Deseret News Co. meeting.

Took President Woodruff home.

26 July 1889 • Friday

Friday, July 26, 1889.

I attended a meeting of the General Board of Education. Had an interview with Mayor Armstrong concerning the pesthouse.

Held a meeting of the Deseret New Co and attended to other business, then took President Woodruff home.

27 July 1889 • Saturday

Saturday, July 27th, 1889.

President Woodruff and myself started at 8:10 for Grantsville to attend the Tooele Stake Conference. We got off at Mill Crossing, where we were met by Counselor Chas. L. Anderson and Bishop Collett. We were carried to Grantsville, 10 miles distant. Stopped at Brother Anderson’s. After resting a while we drove around the city and visited the new schoolhouse and a number of flowing wells and other points of interest. It was very hot.

28 July 1889 • Sunday

Sunday, July 28th, 1889.

Conference convened in a pavilion that had been erected. It was a very pleasant place to hold meeting in. I spoke 45 mins. to the people, President Woodruff 35 mins. At President Woodruff’s request I occupied most of the afternoon. He also spoke for about 15 mins.

After supper we called on Brother Samuel W. Woolley. We were introduced to eight daughters of his. We afterwards called at Brother J. T. Rich’s. His daughter, Brother John W. Taylor’s wife, was there. She has just lost a baby. We also called on Brother W. C. Rydalch.

29 July 1889 • Monday

Monday, July 29th, 1889.

We met again at the pavilion at 10 a.m.

Brother H. C. Gowans, the President of the Stake, and some of the Bishops made reports. The general and local authorities were also presented.

President Woodruff occupied the remainder of the forenoon.

After meeting we drove to Brother Aroet H. Hale’s and had dinner.

We met again at 1 p.m.

I occupied about one hour and felt well in speaking. President Woodruff made a few closing remarks.

We started at 3 p.m. for Garfield. Brother W. C. Rydalch took us in his carriage and we reached there at 5 o’clock. We took the train there and arrived in the city at 6.

30 July 1889 • Tuesday

Tuesday, July 30th, 1889.

I called for President Woodruff this morning.

The First Presidency met with Brothers F. S. Richards, C. C. Richards, L. W. Shurtliff and W. H. Dusenberry and talked over the political situation. I suggested that three members of the Territorial Central Committee wait upon railway officials and protest against them giving free rides to colonizers. Brothers John T. Caine, James Jack and W. H. Dusenberry were appointed for that purpose.

Brother M. B. Wheelwright asked my counsel about loaning $1000. and I advised him to loan it to the church. He brought it today.

We had an interview with Architect Don C. Young concerning a tunnel between the Temple and the Annex.

This has been the hottest day of the year. The signal service reported 105 degrees in the shade.

Took President Woodruff home.

31 July 1889 • Wednesday

Wednesday, July 31st, 1889.

I called for President Woodruff.

We had a meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank At 1 p.m.

We also took action about helping to purchase the Skull Valley property for the Hawaiian Saints. Brothers F. A. Mitchell, H. H. Cluff and W. B. Preston advanced $5000. Had an interview with Brothers M. Thatcher, W. B. Preston, A. E. Hyde and John Beck on B. B. & C. affairs.

We had an interview with Brothers C. Sperry and L. A. Bailey about political affairs at Nephi.

Took President Woodruff home.1

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July 1889, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 22, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1880s/1889/07-1889


  1. [1]Rest of page crossed out and blank.