July 1884

1 July 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday July 1st 1884. Met this morning with the Comtee who had the articles of Association under consideration at the Historians Office, (I having been appointed at yesterday’s meeting at their request) to assist them in forming a preamble, which I did to their satisfaction and acceptance. Afterwards I met with the Comtee. Afterwards I met with the Comtee who had been appointed to arrange the P. E. Fund affairs at the President’s Office.

Presidency and Twelve met at the Endowment House at 2 p.m. and further considered the business to organize the Logan Temple Association. At 4.30 repaired to the 7th Ward Meeting House and attended the funeral services of Brother Nicholas Groesbeck. Bro. Jno. W. Young made a few remarks and I followed occupying the remainder of the time.

2 July 1884 • Wednesday

Wednesday July 2, 1884. At 2 oclock met in the Endowment House with the First Presidency at 12 oclock and had a 5 hours session discussing the articles of incorporation. I was selected to write a letter for President Taylor to sign as the initiative step in the transferring of the Temple property to a corporation, in which letter it was suggested that the people organize themselves and make the Temple a house of learning as it is a house of God. I wrote the letter and Prest. Taylor and Bro. Lorenzo Snow and myself afterwards revised. This kept me till ½ past 10 and I reached home quite late, my daughter Mary Alice being with me

3 July 1884 • Thursday

Thursday July 3, 1884. Met at 3 oclock at the Endowment House, and had about two hours session in which the terms of the letter written last night were discussed. Some of the brethren objected to the phraseology which Prest. Taylor insisted upon having in, and after he had stated his feelings upon the subject very emphatically, they still continued to criticise the language and suggested that it should be expunged. This grieved him, and he suggested then that they write something themselves. Finally however a vote was taken and the letter was accepted. David O. Calder died today — a worthy man who had filled many prominent positions with fidelity and to the perfect satisfaction of all interested. He was a faithful Latter-day Saint.

4 July 1884 • Friday

Friday July 4, 1884. spent the day with my family at Bro. Peter Hansen’s Grove. There were 30 whom I took; my brother Angus had 26: there were about 20 more, including Bishop A Drigg and his family, Peter Hansen and his family, my sons John Q and Abraham. Had a very enjoyable time, having prepared an abundance of food ice cream and lemonade &c for the occasion

5 July 1884 • Saturday

Saturday July 5th 1884. Prest. Taylor sent word this morning that he wished me to come up early as there was a meeting. We met and he again brought up the subject of the letter that had been written, and after considerable conversation he read a paragraph that he had written as a substitute for the closing paragraph, which was accepted by the meeting.

I wrote a letter to Bishop S. H. Mousley, also one to Hon. Thomas Fitch respecting the delegateship of Arizona.

Revised with Prests. Taylor and Smith the articles of incorporation for the Logan Temple.

6 July 1884 • Sunday

Sunday July 6, 1884. Came up to town so as to be at the Tabernacle at 10 oclock to attend the funeral services of Elder D. O. Calder. Elder Milner Atwood and Prest. Angus M. Cannon (to whom Bro. Calder was first counselor) spoke to the congregation of his worth. At the request of Prest. Taylor I delivered the funeral discourse, and felt at considerable liberty in so doing. The casket containing the Corpse had been brought down to the Tabernacle at 9 oclock, and the remains were viewed by the assembly, which was a large one. I went with the procession to the grave. There were upwards of 60 carriages. Bro. Brigham Young dedicated the ground. At 2 oclock attended meeting again in the Tabernacle. Elder George Teasdale addressed the congregation. We afterwards held meeting in the Endowment House. I opened by prayer, and Prest. Taylor was mouth at the circle. It is seldom that I have felt such an outpouring of the spirit such as we had this afternoon. Our prayers were that Congress might be led to adjourn without taking action upon the Edmunds-Hoar Bill, and we also besought the Lord for wisdom to take such steps as will be necessary to preserve our property and other rights against the attacks of our enemies. I know the Lord heard our prayers; He was near unto <us,> and we felt to rejoice. I remained in town all night in my house in the 14th Ward.

7 July 1884 • Monday

Monday July 7, 1884. The First Presidency and Twelve met at the Presidents Office at 9 oclock this morning and listened to the reading of the articles of Association and incorporation.

The Grand Jury was discharged today and an order issued for the release of Sister Nellie White from the Penitentiary

At 2 p.m. I met with the Sunday School Union Officers at the Presiding Bishops Office, and at 3 p.m. met with the Iron Manufacturing Co. Had a long session, but more satisfactory than those usually had. There were three points which I thought we ought to take steps concerning — one was to ascertain whether this fuel of ours would in any form answer for the manufacture of iron. Another was, to endeavor to convert the means we had in hand into money to pay our debts, and third, to do something towards the relief of Bishop Thomas Taylor who was in necessitous circumstances.

I attended meeting of the Sunday School Union in the Tabernacle at 8 oclock.

Afterwards drove home.

8 July 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday July 8, 1884. Met at 10 oclock at the Office with the Comtee of Seven respecting the case of Jared Roundy & wife, Nellie White. Prest. Taylor and myself and Prest. Smith decided that if money were advanced to him that he should give his note for it with security. At 11.30 a.m. met with Deseret News Co. Among other business I made a motion that the foreman of the News be instructed to get the evening Edition to press in time to go with the train north at 3.55 p.m.

Today has been a notable one because of the adjournment of Congress. We have been making such preparations as we could to protect our public property against the spoliation contemplated in the Edmunds-Hoar bill. Its non-passage by the House at this session gives us six months longer breathing spell. Yesterday the Grand Jury was discharged, and as a consequence Nellie White was released from her imprisonment in the Penitentiary, where she has been since May 22. Wrote a letter to Hon. Abram S. Hewitt of New York concerning the best method he would suggest of testing our coal as a fuel to make iron.

At 3.55 p.m. Started for Logan. Prest. Taylor and daughter Ida, Bros. F. D. Richards, L. John Nuttall, John Irvine, Aurelins Miner. F. S. Richards and Charles Barrel were of the party. We took supper at Ogden, and at 8 p.m. left there for Logan. Prest. Taylor and daughter Ida took seats in the sleeping car, and at his request I also took a seat there. It was nearly midnight when we reached Logan. Bro. C. O. Card had Bro. Richards and myself stop with him

9 July 1884 • Wednesday

Wednesday July 9, 1884. Spent the forenoon at Bro. Moses Thatcher’s where Prest. Taylor is stopping. As Prest. was <is> not well he desired me to arrange everything for the meetings. With the brethren arranged a programme for the meetings, and afterwards with Prest. Taylor selected the following officers <for the Temple organization,> whose names when submitted to the brethren to the other brethren they approved of, Prest. M. W. Merrill; Vice President N. C Edlefsen; Secretary Jas A Lieshman; Treasurer, George W. Thatcher; Directors, Lorenzo Snow, C. O. Card W. D. Hendricks, W. H. Maughan, W. B. Preston, Angus M. Cannon, and W` Budge. These officers are for the Incorporation which it is proposed to make for the Temple. We deem it necessary to organize a corporation for educational, social and scientific purposes to take charge of the Temple, to keep it out of the hands of robbers who would if they could, confiscate it and have it escheat to the Government. Bro. Lorenzo Snow came up on 3.45 p.m. train, and the representatives of the people who had been selected to form the association, met in the basement of the Tabernacle at 4 p.m. Bro. Moses Thatcher was elected chairman, and it was decided to form an association. The Articles were read and signed by the members present. Then the former meeting dissolved and the Association met, elected the before named officers, appointed a comtee to consider the expediency of organizing as a Corporation to report to a meeting at 10 A.M. tomorrow.

10 July 1884 • Thursday

Thursday July 10, 1884. Much cooler here than in the city of Salt Lake. Heard by telegram yesterday that my daughter Emily who was sick when I left home, was better, and that all the rest were well. In company with Prest. Taylor listened to the recital of the leading events and troubles of the life of Mrs Teeples Wheeler. She had separated from Wheeler, who apostatized, and then married A. P. Rockwood, who, she alleges, whipped her, and she left him. I had heard of her years ago, and I asked her if she had not boiled the rawhide which he had used and served it up in a meal she had prepared for him. She acknowledged she had and seemed, as I thought, rather proud of the performance. She had married another man after leaving Bro. Rockwood and had left him also.

Attended meeting at 10 oclock. The comtee reported a series of resolutions and articles of Incorporation, which were adopted by the meeting. The association then adjourned and met again, having appointed a new Chairman and Secretary — Bros M. Thatcher and Geo. C. Parkinson, and then signed the Articles. As they had to be copied into the record and then signed, an adjournment was taken until 5 oclock. In the meantime Prest. Taylor, Bro. F. D. Richards and myself went to the Temple and remained there till 4 oclock, when Bro T. and myself visited, as Directors of Z. C. M. I, the store in this place (Logan) and examined the stock of goods, the granary &c. My brother Angus and Bishops Preston & Burton came up this afternoon and were at the meeting, the two former were required and had been telegraphed for to qualify as Directors. Took supper at Bro. M. Thatcher’s and then visited Bishop Preston’s to pay my respects to Sister Preston and her mother, Sister Thatcher.

11 July 1884 • Friday

Friday July 11, 1884. Cool, delightful morning. Bishop Joseph Kimball, of Meadowville, Bear Lake Valley, who has been stopping at Bro. Card’s with us took his departure for home this morning. At 10.40 a.m. left for home. Reached Ogden at 4.45 p.m. took supper there and left for Salt Lake City at 5.55 p.m. My son Abraham met me with my buggy at the train. [I was married today in the year 1881 by Joseph F. Smith with my last wife, Emily, the younger sister of my first wife.]1 I remained in the City all night and found my daughters, Mary Alice and Emily, at their Aunt Emily’s. My intention is to drive down to my place on the River early in the morning, so as to see my family, look after the work the boys are doing and have a swim in the River with them, which does me a great amount of good.

12 July 1884 • Saturday

Saturday, July 12, 1884. Busy at the office all day attending to my correspondence which had accumulated very much in my hands. Wrote a number of letters. Dictated my journal to Bro. John Irvine.

13 July 1884 • Sunday

Sunday July 13, 1884 — Had a delightful meeting of my children this morning. All the younger ones were present except Mary Alice, Emily and Sylvester, who were in town at their Aunt Emily’s. I drove to meeting. Took my twin daughters with me, and listened to a discourse by Prest. Jos. F. Smith; after which had meeting in the Endowment House with the First Presidency and <those of the> Twelve who were in the City. I took my three children and my twin daughters home. My little son Willard in unhitching <the> team was struck severely in the eye with <the flying back of> the single tree. It bled freely and I was afraid it had injured the ball, but he said he could see out of the eye which is very much inflamed.

14 July 1884 • Monday

Monday July 14, 1884. My son Franklin called at the Office this morning after I reached, having arrived last night from Washington. He weighed over 160 lbs when he left; he weighs now 130, but looks very well, and has enjoyed his labors very much in Washington. I think he has been of considerable service to Bro. Caine, from what I can learn, which has given me great gratification. — Attended meeting of the Board of Regents at 12 oclock today to take into consideration the adoption of a resolution authorizing <the> Chancellor and Secretary to sign notes for the indebtedness on account of money advanced for the building of the University. The resolution was adopted.

15 July 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday July 15, 1884. At the Office. Attended to some correspondence. Examined condition of the property belonging to the Church to see that the titles were all right. My son Franklin and his wife came from Ogden, John Q. accompanied me down in my buggy and Franklin drove his wife in John Q’s buggy, or the one that he borrowed. They spent the evening with me. It rained (accompanied by thunder and lightening) in the evening, which cooled the atmosphere.

16 July 1884 • Wednesday

Wednesday July 16, 1884. My son John Q. came down and breakfasted with me at my wife Eliza’s. Frank and his wife and my daughter Mary Alice were <also> there. Frank came back to town in my conveyance, and I rode up with John Q. A delightfully cool morning. I found the river colder this morning in swimming in it than any time I had bathed this season.

Attended usual meeting of the First Presidency & Twelve in the Endowment House this afternoon.

17 July 1884 • Thursday

Thursday, July 17, 1884. I stayed in the City last night. At the Office. In the morning dictated “Editorial Thoughts”, and “Topics of the Time” for the Juvenile Instructor, and wrote some correspondence. Had an interview with four of the stockholders of the Herald — Bros H G. Whitney, David C. Dunbar, Joseph Toronto and Heber Wells, who desire to secure the services of John Q, my son, on their paper. I told them from present indications there was no prospect of their doing this, as Prest. Taylor wished him to remain on the News, but suggested that they have another interview when Bro. Caine returned, when if they pleased I would have Prest. Taylor and Bro. Jos. F. Smith present. They expressed the pleasure it would give them to talk to Prest. Taylor on the subject. Attended meeting of the Directors of Z. C. M. I.

18 July 1884 • Friday

Friday July 18, 1884. Busy in the Office all attending to my correspondence. Hon. John Dillon ex-member of Parliament (Home Ruler) called upon me in company with a relative of the same name, both fine looking young men. Had considerable conversation upon the Country. They were introduced by Mr Culbertson.

19 July 1884 • Saturday

Saturday July 19, 1884. Spent considerable time at the Office before starting to Ogden to attend conference. Prests Taylor, Smith and myself left here at 10.20, being accompanied by Bro. John Irvine. I took my wife Sarah Jane with me also. We were met at the Station by Bro Shurtliff and F. D. Richards and my son Franklin. Bro. Shurtliff took us to his house to dinner. We attended conference in the afternoon. Bro. Jos. F. Smith addressed the congregation after Bishops had finished their reports. Had a meeting with the Comtee on the building of the new tabernacle to settle a difference that existed between them in regard to the best Method of conducting the work. Four of the Comtee had voted to employ Bro. Flygare—who was also one of the Comtee and an archetect and builder by profession—to take the entire business of constructing the building and be responsible for all the work at 6% of its cost—he to lay out the work and be the foreman of every department. Two of them voted against this as being too much, and had talked about this business a good deal until considerable feeling had arisen, and they had been endeavoring to secure other parties to do it cheaper, though the majority had voted for the employment of Bro. Flygare. I expressed my feelings very freely; said that if I were in Bro. Flygare’s place I would have nothing to do with it under the circumstances; I would throw it up and let the Comtee submit the question to the people. It seemed to me that this would be but just under the circumstances. Myself and wife stopped with our son.

20 July 1884 • Sunday

Sunday July 20, 1884. We met this morning at 9 oclock, and Prest. Taylor held a meeting with the leading men and the Comtee and decided that Bro. Flygare’s proposition was very reasonable the only modification he would make in it would be that he should be willing to take less cash as times were dull[.] He gave the comtee a very plain talking to, especially the two who had differed with their brethren. He also called called upon me to speak, which I did. At 10 oclock met with the saints and, after hearing the report of the Superintendent of Sunday Schools, at Prest. Taylor’s request I addressed the congregation, occupying the remainder of the time. The house was crowded; but I had a very good flow of the spirit. In the afternoon at 2 o’clock the Authorities were presented and Prest. Taylor occupied the remainder of the time, speaking with considerable power though it was exceedingly hot. Prest. Taylor disapproved of the idea that had been suggested of Bro. C. C. Richards (a son of F. D. Richards) being nominated for so many Offices. He was already recorder of the County and is County Clerk, and Bro. Shurtliff wishes him to be County Clerk again at this coming election, and they have no other person in the Church to act as prosecuting attorney. This concentration <of> several offices in one person always produces feeling and is not good policy.

Myself and wife took dinner today with Prest. Taylor at his son Richard’s. Bros Smith and Nuttall were also present. At 5.55 we left for the City. My son Angus met us with the buggy at the Station and <we> drove home.

21 July 1884 • Monday

Monday July 21, 1884. Busy at the Office attending to various matters of business — correspondence, the dictation of my journal, and the examination of the condition of the Church property. At ½ past 7 oclock attended a <Primary> meeting at the Farmers Ward. Bro. John Gabbett was chosen delegate to the Convention.

22 July 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday July 22, 1884. At the Office with Prest. Taylor arranging the programme of travel for the Bear Lake, Bannock, Oneida, and Cache Valley Stakes. At 3.55 I went north to Ogden to meet our delegate to Congress, Hon John T. Caine, who with his wife and two children returns this afternoon. A number of brethren went up — Prest. Jos. F. Smith, Erastus Snow, F. D. Richards and others. Took my wife Sarah Jane down <home> with me who had come to town this morning.

23 July 1884 • Wednesday

Wednesday July 23, 1884. At the Office. Busy with various matters. At 2 p.m. met with the First Presidency and Twelve and had a very interesting meeting. The question respecting the duties of the Twelve was elaborated, and Prest. Taylor corrected some ideas advanced by one of the junior members of the quorum as to the duties of the Twelve.

24 July 1884 • Thursday

Thursday July 24, 1884. I remained at home visiting with my family until evening, when my nephews John M. and Lewis U. Cannon brought home my two daughters from the Cañyon where they had been with them on a short excursion. I accompanied my nephews to town and remained all night.

25 July 1884 • Friday

Friday, July 25, 1884. At the Office. Busy with correspondence. Lieut. R. W. Young who arrived here on the 24th on a two months leave of absence called in the Office. He looked exceedingly well and appeared to have a good spirit. There was a caucus of delegates held at the City hall this afternoon at which I was invited to attend. I requested Bro. Jos. F. Smith to attend also. Prest. Taylor, before I went to the Caucus, had a long conversation with me concerning his feelings upon various points respecting the distinction there was between the First Presidency and Twelve, and that we (the First Presidency) was not under the necessity of submitting questions to the Twelve for their decision, though it had been done frequently out of courtesy; still it was not for them to decide nor to dictate, but for the First Presidency to decide. I did not get to the meeting till most of the proceedings were over. The brethren said they were very unanimous. Upon motion of the delegates, which was voted for unanimously, I addressed them for a short time.

26 July 1884 • Saturday

Saturday July 26, 1884. Accompanied Bro. Heber J. Grant to the stake conference at Grantsville. We went by rail to a certain point, and was then met by team, Bro. F. M. Lyman and daughter being in the carriage, and they carried us to Grantsville. We dined at Bishop Edward Hunters. In the afternoon attended meeting, and after hearing some reports, Bros Lyman, Grant and myself addressed the Saints. At the invitation of Bro. John D. Rich, a nephew of President Taylor’s, I stopped at his house. A Brother Parker from Grantsville also stopped there. He has a very fine residence probably the finest in town, and is very well furnished.

I took pleasure in examining some of his machinery for breaking grain. and heading and stacking the same.

27 July 1884 • Sunday

Sunday July 27, 1884. Held meeting at 12 o’c and 2 o’c today. Bro. Grant, Lyman and myself again occupied the time, after hearing two reports, and in the afternoon we had the Authorities presented, and partook of the sacrament, and I spoke to the Saints. I was treated very hospitably by Bro. Rich and family, and Bro. W. C. Rydalch drove me in his buggy to Garfield Landing. Bro. Wm Jeffreys carried Bro. Grant. It was very interesting to me listening to Bro. Rydalch’s experience on landing in the Valley, and his labors in getting a start. He has been most successful as a stock raiser. The train was crowded with pleasure seekers who had been out at the lake bathing. Some of them behaved with considerable rudeness. This was especially painful in the case of young girls. There was a large element of Gentiles in the party. I remained in Salt Lake City all night.

28 July 1884 • Monday

Monday July 28, 1884. At the Office. After a consultation with some members of the Territorial Central Comtee — Bros John Sharp, Theo. McKean, & F. S. Richards — it was decided to have some of the precints vote for Territorial Officers. The Commissioners had ruled that they should be appointed by the Governor, and that they would not count the votes that had these names on. This was last year. Thinking they might do so this year — though no decided opinion can be obtained from them up to the present time — it was decided that this was the safer policy. Upon arriving at the Office this morning I found that a card of ex-Senator Wallace, of Pa., informing me that he was at the Continental Hotel. I was not feeling very well, and very busy also, and requested Bro. Musser to go down and see if he was still in town. He arrived on Friday and was still here, had intended to leave this afternoon. Bro. Musser at my suggestion proposed to take him out riding. The heat however was very great, and he had seen the principal points of interest. Accompanied by my Son John Q. I waited upon him at the cars, and had a pleasant talk with him for a few moments.

29 July 1884 • Tuesday

Tuesday July 29, 1884. At the Office. The First Presidency had an interview with Judge Smith and two selectmen — F. Armstrong and Milne <Malin> Weiler — concerning the case of the ex-county clerk, D. Bockholt. He is a defaulter but refused to make any satisfaction. It was though that if he did not do so it would be well to institute criminal proceedings against him.

Attended a meeting of the Territorial Central Committee this morning in company with Prest. Jos. F. Smith, and Elders Erastus Snow and F. M. Lyman, and Moses Thatcher. We canvassed the various counties in regard to the number of tickets that we thought ought to be voted on for Territorial officers. We decided to have 2000 votes cast for them and selected those counties that were strong enough to have them thrown away if the commissioners decided so to do. Today is the anniversary of <mine and> my wife Eliza’s marriage. She accompanied me to town and back again today.

30 July 1884 • Wednesday

Wednesday July 30, 1884. I am urging up<on> a settlement of the Hoagland Estate. Bro. Isaac M. Waddell & Theo. McKean have the matter in hand. Went to the Courthouse with my co-executor, John Hoagland and made affidavit to the final report.

Had our usual meeting at 2 p.m. Prest. Taylors health has not been very good for a few days. He suffers I think from the intense heat. I think our proposed journey to the northern stakes — upon which we start next Tuesday — will have a beneficial effect upon him.

After our meeting this afternoon, the First Presidency drove in Prest. Taylors carriage to the country residence of Bishop L. W. Hardy who is stricken with paralysis, it having been the third shock that he has had of late. We found the family in tears, some weeping bitterly. He himself was in a stupor, from which he was aroused when we left, and looked at us shaking his head as he did so evidently conveying the idea that he could not speak to us. There was a gleam of recognition in his eye as we looked at him. I think he recognised us all. We remained a while and then administered to him, blessing him to the effect that his departure, if it was the Lord’s will, should be in peace. In looking at him I had no other feeling than one of pleasure. He had lived 78 years and seven months a vigorous, healthy, useful and honored life, a man, so far as I know, of unblemished character, who had been true to every trust reposed in him. He had been stricken down quite recently, had not suffered pain, and did not now seem to be in any, lay comfortable in his bed, in his own house, surrounded by his family, passing away in peace. There was nothing connected with the scene to give the least pain except the grief of the family at the thought of the separation. How differently many servants of God have passed away by violent deaths, away from their friends in the midst of enemies, and other times in the midst of great suffering.

31 July 1884 • Thursday

Thursday July 31 1884. Had conversation at the Gardo House this morning in company with Prest. Taylor, John T Caine, F. S. Richards, and Theo. McKean of the Central Comtee respecting the putting on the tickets the name of candidate for the office of Supt. of Common Schools. The Commissioners have decided not to reject any tickets with these names on; but as there are only two of them and not a majority we still adhere to the policy that it is better to cast the 2000 votes having the name of the candidate on. James E Talmage, of Provo, was thought to be a suitable person for candidate, it being thought best that if he ran and was elected and declined the office, Bro L. John Nuttall could still continue to act. In order that his fitness might be ascertained, Bro L. John Nuttall went to Provo this afternoon.

Wrote a letter to Hon. Thomas Fitch at Tucson, Arizona, He has been desirous to obtain our vote, thinking that if he could secure it he could be elected delegate to Congress. I told him frankly that we could not aid him for we did not wish to interfere with <the> politics of that Territory to that extent and in that way, and at the same time expressed kind feelings to him personally. He replied that he read between the lines enough to induce him to make the race, and requested me to send him letters of introduction to the Bishops &c, also that President Taylor should do so. This we declined to do, and I was about to write to him last night to this effect, as we thought under the circumstances we could not ask our people to vote for a Republican in view of the platform of the Republican Party and its pronounced enmity against us; but this morning I got a letter from him stating that after further consideration he had concluded not to run, and expressed his regret that we could not aid him by recommending him to his <our> coreligionists. In my letter I joined in regret that we could not aid him, but that his own judgment would justify the decision under the circumstances.

Sent for to administer to Bro. Wm W. Taylor; took Presidents Joseph F. Smith & Wilford Woodruff with me. Never felt more like taking hold of a man and commanding him in the name of Jesus to arise and be healed than I did of him; but checked the feeling with the thought: “What will the brethren think of me.” I did promise, however, that if he would exercise faith he would be healed. I felt it strongly. But it seemed as though he had no faith in that direction, and had so expressed himself.

Bishop L. W. Hardy died at 7 a.m. today.

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July 1884, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 22, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1880s/1884/07-1884


  1. [1]Translated from Hawaiian: Ua mareia au i Keia la ma ka makahiki 1881 e Josepa F. Kamika me Ka’u wahine hope, <o Emily,> he Kaikaina ia o Ka’u wahine mua.