June 1893

1 June 1893 • Thursday

Thursday, June 1, 1893. First Presidency at the office.

We had a visit from Bishop Clawson and my son Frank.

I had a call from Brother John T. Caine, who spoke to me about the political situation. He spoke almost contemptuously of Rawlings’ conduct since he was elected Delegate and of his resignation. Brother Caine himself entertains the hope that he will be put on the Utah Commission.

At 2 o’clock the First Presidency and Elders Lorenzo Snow, F. D. Richards, F. M. Lyman, J. W. Taylor, M. W. Merrill and A. H. Cannon met at the Temple. President Woodruff was only able to stay with us a part of the time. We had considerable conversation concerning modes of procedure in sealing and adoption. Then the question of continuing the railroad that had been built out to the lake, which we call the Salt Lake & Los Angeles Railway, beyond that point to Los Angeles, was taken up. I am the president of the road and I introduced the subject, and after explaining the position, Brothers N. W. Clayton and James Jack, who were present, were called upon to make further explanation and to answer such questions as the brethren had to ask. After these two brethren had given the information that was thought necessary, they withdrew, and we had a full and free discussion concerning the propriety of this. Brother Lorenzo Snow was the first to speak and he took ground against it, under the impression that if this enterprise were entered upon it would increase the indebtedness which would rest upon the Church, or upon the First Presidency, and he thought that this ought not to be done. Other brethren spoke rather favorably. I feel very strongly the necessity of something being done by us as the leaders of the people to furnish employment for the Latter-day Saints. The Temple is completed, upon which the labors of the people have been concentrated, and now there seems to be a necessity that some other enterprise should be entered upon. I said that I did not wish to be understood as advocating this as any scheme of mine, but that something must be done to furnish the people employment. We were greatly losing gradually losing power in this country. Others who were not of us were using our credit to build up their own schemes and to float their own enterprises, by representing how stable a population there was in Utah, how conservative, how industrious; taking advantage of all our good qualities to gain credit for themselves in the financial world, while we stood by and saw all this done without attempting apparently to take the lead and assume our natural position—the position which God designed that we should occupy. He had placed us as shepherds of His flock, and the sheep were being scattered over the hills, and hundreds of men were out of employment, and we were gradually being taxed and rooted out of our own city, because of this condition of affairs. It seemed to me, I said, that we would be highly culpable, as the leaders of the people, unless something of an energetic character was done. If this railroad was <not> the opening, then what should we turn our attention to? It certainly was our province to learn from the Lord the policy that He would have us pursue to save the people. I afterwards made explanations concerning the indebtedness that rested upon us in connection with the three enterprises—the railroad, the beach, and the salt. They were separate companies, but each dependent on the other for support. One could not succeed without the other. We had issued bonds to the extent of $300,000 for the railroad. Brother Clayton thought these might be sold out at par. I did not feel so sanguine; but say that they could be sold for $800 a bond—a reduction of 20%—their sale would realize $240,000. With this amount all the debts could be paid on the railroad and a margin be left. We had borrowed money on the strength of this property, though the parties we had borrowed of required our personal endorsement as well, which we had given; but if we went on with the railroad and could sell the bonds, the bondholders would have the railroad as their security, and the Church would not be responsible. After making this explanation, Brother Lorenzo Snow said that this light having been thrown on the situation he was in hearty accord with the idea that we should go ahead with this railroad and so desired to be recorded. A motion was made by Brother Lyman, seconded by my son Abraham, that we should go ahead with this business.

After this business was ended, I read a dispatch which I had received from Brother Heber J. Grant concerning our mission to England, about which the Twelve had taken action some short time since. He telegraphed as though now was the time, and spoke about the scarcity of money in the East. The brethren asked me what President Woodruff’s views were upon the subject. I told them I had rather not mention that till I had heard expressions from them. They all seemed to be in favor of it. I then told them that President Woodruff had told me just before leaving the room that he was clear that that should be done. A motion was therefore made that myself and Brother Heber J. Grant should go to London and endeavor to effect a loan and form financial connections that would be of use to us hereafter.

By the time this business was transacted it was getting so late that I thought it best to not attempt any more, and we met in the prayer circle and had prayer, A. H. Cannon offering the opening prayer and M. W. Merrill being mouth in the circle.

I enjoy our meetings very much that we have in the Temple. There seems to be a sacred feeling that is very sweet, and we are far removed from noise and interruptions.

I said to the brethren respecting this mission that I felt to shrink from it more than any mission I had had for years and probably in my life, but I would go trusting in the Lord and their faith and prayers.

2 June 1893 • Friday

Friday, June 2, 1893. I telegraphed Brother Grant in cipher this morning concerning the decision of yesterday and asked him for suggestions. I also communicated to Brothers N. W. Clayton, James Jack and G. H. Snell the conclusions that had been reached concerning the railroad.

At 1 o’clock I took lunch at Brother Clayton’s, having been invited by Sister Clayton. There were present two of Brother Lyman’s daughters, one of whom had just been married to a brother by the name of Gowans, and <who> was also present.

President Woodruff was at the office part of the day.

3 June 1893 • Saturday

Saturday, June 3, 1893. President Woodruff was at the office a few minutes. President Jos. F. Smith had gone to Provo. I was busy at the office all day.

Had a call from Brother Elias Morris, who brought Dr. Rowlands and his sister and a Professor Jones, they having come here for the purpose of inducing, if possible, our Tabernacle choir to go to Chicago, to compete there. We had some conversation about this and an appointment was made to meet tomorrow evening, when Brother Evan Stephens would return to the city.

4 June 1893 • Sunday

Sunday, June 4, 1893. I went to Provo to attend the conference of the Y.M.M.I.A. President Smith was there yesterday. Brother Smoot’s carriage was at the depot awaiting my arrival.

The forenoon meeting was occupied by President Jos. F. Smith. In the afternoon Brother Lyman spoke half an hour, and I spoke three-quarters of an hour.

Brothers Smith and Lyman returned with me, and we had a meeting with Dr. Rowlands and sister and Professor Jones. We spent an hour together, Brother Stephens being present, talking over the matter, and I appointed a meeting at 12 o’clock tomorrow, at which I wished a number of other present brethren to be present.

5 June 1893 • Monday

Monday, June 5, 1893. I called upon Sister Grant this morning to learn from her whether she would be ready by Thursday morning. She said she would be.

I afterwards had interviews with different persons to secure letters of introduction, and also to have statements from proper parties respecting my own standing and the standing of Brother Heber J. Grant.

I also had an interview with Brother Le Grand Young and F. S. Richards, in which I informed them of my appointment to go to Europe and I wanted them to draw up statements, well authenticated and that would bear legal examination, respecting the condition of our realty and personal property; also I desired to have the income of the Church drawn up in a form that would bear strict examination. I wished them also to draw up a document, to be signed by the First Presidency, informing the public or whoever I might wish to see show it to, that we were the duly authorized agents of the Church.

I saw N. W. Clayton to get from him a statement of the Salt Lake & Los Angeles Railway and the Beach, etc. Brother Webber told me that he would draw up a document for Brother Grant and myself from Z.C.M.I. Brother Heber M. Wells would draw up a document from the State Bank respecting Brother Grant, ad Geo. M. Cannon would draw up a statement from the Zion’s Savings Bank respecting myself. F. S. Richards also promised to see Governor West and get up a suitable document with the seal of the Territory attached, showing who I was. Brother Webber promised to see bankers and get letters from them concerning my standing.

I desire to take everything I can to prevent question after we reach London, so that our standing at home may be well known.

At the meeting at 12 o’clock today there were a number of brethren present, and it was decided to send the choir to Chicago, on condition that they would not charge for their services, and it was also decided to take up subscriptions, and a committee was appointed to make all the necessary arrangements.

6 June 1893 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 6, 1893. I have been quite busy today in various directions and making such preparations as I could to get ready for my journey; but there have been so many callers at the office on various matters that I have found it almost impossible to do work that I had intended to have done.

I dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

7 June 1893 • Wednesday1

Wednesday, June 7, 1893. Arose early this morning and commenced preparing codicils for my will, I dictated to my son Sylvester and was engaged at this until 11. o’clock, A. M. He then accompanied me to town for the purpose of transcribing his notes. I secured help of Bros. Geo. S. Gibbs, David McKinzie, William C. Spence, and Arthur Winter in copying them. I dictated an additional codicils to my son John Q. which he took in short-hand, also a private memorandum concerning my dedicated stock and which I desired for the instruction of my executors, to Bro. Arthur Winter. This with other work and business at the office, kept me very busily employed. At 5 o’clock in the afternoon, I went to the temple to administer the ordinance of [2 words redacted relating to a temple ordinance] to a wife of Bro. F. M. Lyman’s, it being his request that I should do so, I also administered the same ordinance to my son Abraham and his three wives—Sarah, Wilhelmina, and Mamie. I returned to the office where I was kept busily employed at my preparations for tomorrow’s journey, until nearly 9 o’clock. I was very tired when I reached home, but the packing of my trunk kept me busy until near midnight. Pres. Woodruff and Pres. Smith in the afternoon, laid their hands on me and set me apart for my mission. Pres. Woodruff had requested that I should stay until Thursday Friday, and I expected to do so, but a dispatch came this morning from Bro. Heber J. Grant, suggesting that we should start on Thursday to which Bro. Woodruff saw no objection although he had desired me to be present on Thursday, at the opening of the Saltair Beach Bathing Resort.

When the subject of my coming to England was first mooted I felt quite averse to it, as I dreaded the sea very much but I prayed to the Lord about it and asked that if it was his will for me to go that that feeling should be taken away from me and it has been. I feel my incapacity however and weakness and I come trusting in the Lord.

8 June 1893 • Thursday

Thursday, June 8, 1893. I arose early this morning and called my family together by half past 6. and gave them a parting talk, giving them counsel concerning the course I wish them to pursue while I should be gone, and had prayer with them. My son Hugh drove me to the depot and Sylvester rode with Bro. Wilcken. Sister Grant, the wife of Bro. Heber J. Grant, whom he had telegraphed me to bring with me, was at the train. Bro. Robert Campbell and wife and Sister Nellie Colbrook Taylor were also at the train. We left the station at 8 o’clock. My sons Frank, Abram, Angus, Hugh, and Joseph were there to see us off. Abraham rode with us, at my request to Ogden, as I desired to give him some counsel concerning his family, and holding more frequent meetings of the Geo. Q. Cannon and Sons Co. Our days travel passed without special incident.

9 June 1893 • Friday

Friday, June 9. Weather pleasant during the forenoon, though it looked cloudy in the afternoon. However it commenced raining. We did not change our “Sleeper” when we reached Council Bluffs, but it was switched to the Chicago and North-Western Line.

10 June 1893 • Saturday

Saturday, June 10. It rained quite heavily through the night, and until past noon to-day. We reached Chicago at 11 o’clock and were met at the depot by Bros Nelson A. Empey and Alonzo Young, and Bishop Geo. Taylor who met his wife. I had telegraphed from Evanston on Thursday, requesting him to inform my son Lewis that I would like to either meet him at Council Bluffs on Friday Evening, or at Chicago at 11 A.M. To my great regret, Bro Empey informed me that Lewis had left for the West last night, he having failed to get the news to him. I was much disapointed in this, as I desired to converse with Lewis concerning his work during his vacation. At two <2> o’clock we left Chicago, that is, Sister Grant, Sylvester and myself, by the Chicago and Erie. Bro. Robert Campbell and wife, and Sister Nellie Colbrook Taylor, who were our travelling companions from Salt Lake City stopped at Chicago.

11 June 1893 • Sunday

Sunday, June 11, 1893. The country looks beautiful. The day has been exceedingly warm. I dictated several letters and an article for the “Juvenile” to my son Sylvester. It seemed longer to-day than any two days since we started. We reached Jersey City on time and were met by Bro. Heber J. Grant and my wife Carlie. Sister Grant accompanied her husband to the Bayard and we put up at the St. Denis.

12 June 1893 • Monday

Monday, June 12th. Looked after passage on the “Arizona,” called with Bro. Heber J. Grant at the Western National and had an interview with Mr. Brayton Ives, the President of the Bank and called also at the National Park and had an conversation with Mr. Wright, its president; We made other calls also. In the evening, we three, accompanied Fred and Sid Clawson and wives and my nephew, Charles M. Cannon and Seymour B. Young, who are down here on missions, to the Theatre.

13 June 1893 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 13, 1893. To-day are my daughters, Emily<‘s> and Anne’s birthdays. I took the 8 o’clock train for Washington, called upon my friend J. Sterling Morton, Secretary of Agriculture. He made an appointment with the Secretary of State, Walter Q. Gresham for us to call upon him to-morrow. I put up at the Cochran.

14 June 1893 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 14. Mr. Morton was very kind to me took me down to the Agricultural Dep’t in his carriage where the <he> got out, and then instructed his driver to take me around the grounds and back to the hotel. At 12 o’clock he called with his carriage at the hotel for me and we went to the State Dep’t. I met Mr. [blank] and Mr. [blank], who was formerly clerk to Mr. Bayards [blank] Judiciary Committee of the Senate, and when Mr. Bayard became Secretary of State he received the appointment of State. Secretary Morton introduced me to the Secretary of State Mr. Gresham, and we had a pleasant interview. He gave me a document addressed to the Diplomatic Co. [blank] introducing me[.]

I supposed from what he said that this is [blank] document but Mr. Secretary Morton had [blank] document [blank] write

Mr. Morton and I lunched together and at 4 o’clock I started for New York.

15 June 1893 • Thursday

Thursday, June 15. Myself, my wife and Sylvester, and my nephew Charles, and Seymour Young visited Coney Island going and returning by boat. We enjoyed the trip very much. In the evening we called upon my cousin William Quaylie at Brooklyn and we spent a very pleasant evening. His children – Helen[,] Joseph, Genie, and William – were all there. They pressed us to stop there, but my business would not permit.

16 June 1893 • Friday

Friday, June 16. Today is my son Espy’s birthday. I made a number of calls this morning, Bro. Heber J. Grant having gone to Hartford, among them being one upon Mr. Sweitzer of the firm of Sweitzer, Pomerick and Co., to whom I bore a letter of introduction from Bro. T. G. Webber also upon Mr. John Claflin. I called also upon Mr. Gibson, agent of the Guion Line, who informed me that Bro. Jack had telegraphed for the cost of our passage to be charged to him. I telegraphed today to Pres. Woodruff through Bro. Jack informing him concerning Bro. Grant not being able to accompany me and requesting that the authority to do business on behalf of the Church should be made out anew, omitting Bro. Grant’s name.

17 June 1893 • Saturday

Saturday, June 17. Began making preparations for sailing. I wrote letters home to my wives Sarah Jane, Eliza, and Martha, and dictated several letters to Sylvester. Bro. Grant returned from Hartford. He had been partially successful in raising money though he still lacked $500,000 of the amount he wanted to raise. We had a visit from Sisters Viola Pratt, who is here taking lessons in singing, who has developed into a very fine singer so much so that she is greatly admired and receives a salary of $700 a year for singing in one of the churches. She is [has] received flattering offers to join opera companies but has declined to do so as she thinks her surroundings would bad <be> bad. She appears to be true to her religion; an aunt of hers, a daughter of Bro. Orson Pratt named Chloy also called with Viola and a cousin of hers by the name of Eldredge of the [blank] Eldredge family, who is here studying elocution. We had a pleasant conversation with them, and they seemed attached to their religion. We left our hotel after sending our trunks to the steamship in the care of Bro. Seymour<B.>Young, Jr., who kindly offered to see them safely put in our state rooms. My nephew, Charles M. Cannon also assisted us in getting away. We took the Elevated Railway to Cortland St. and crossed at the ferry there to Jersey City. The “Arizona’s” berth was close to the ferry ship. We secured three steamer chairs as they are necessary for comfort on deck. Our state rooms were very nice and in the best part of the ship, being close to the stairs which lead up on deck, and also to the dining saloon. Myself and wife’s staterooms were numbers 21–22. Sylvester was opposite and number 26. He had the entire room to himself. Bro. and Sister Grant, Bro. Junius F. Wells and wife, Bryant Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sloan besides Charles M. Cannon and Seymour B. Young, all came to the steamship to bid us goodby. The steamship started at 5 minutes past 8.00 p.m.

18 June 1893 • Sunday

Sunday, June 18th. 1893. Today is the anniversary of my grandson Lewmar’s birth. He is 2 years old today.

We all slept pretty well through the night, but the day was rainy, cold and disagreeable. The sea was rough and we were all sick, my sickness, however, only caused me to vomit once. Sister Cannon was quite sick through the day and Sylvester very much so. We wrapped up in our rugs, and warm clothing and sat on deck. I was the only one able to go to dinner at 6 o’clock. The others had some fruit brought to them on deck.

19 June 1893 • Monday

Monday, June 19. The day broke upon us warm and pleasant, and everyone felt the influence of the pleasant weather. The sun shone out hot and all our faces were very much burned. I was able to go down to each meal, but Sister Cannon and Sylvester were sick; they took their meals on deck.

20 June 1893 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 20. This is the birthday of my son Willard, he is 16 years old today. The weather wind blew more strongly and the sea ran pretty high today. I was able to eat my meals at the dinner-table and Sister Cannon also came down to dinner, but Sylvester still had to eat what he could on deck. He was quite prostrated with seasickness.

21 June 1893 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 21. I felt quite sick this morning though I didn’t vomit. I had been drinking lemonade, and it has soured my stomach very much. I ate very little breakfast or lunch but by dinner time Sister Cannon and Sylvester felt so much better that we all went to dinner at 6 o’clock.

22 June 1893 • Thursday

Thursday, June 22. The wind was very strong to-day, and the passengers had to keep on one side of the upper deck as the spray blew over on the windward and made it unpleasant to sit there. There are several singers among the passengers, <and> we have considerable music and singing. This evening we had an open-air concert on the deck. I ought to mention that Mr. Gibson told me that he would introduce me to the captain before we sailed; but he was kept so busy till we started that he did not have the opportunity, but introduced me to the purser, Mr. Thorpe, and requested him to me to Captain Brooks. We found the Captain a very nice gentleman, and our places at table were assigned to us at <one of> the most desirable places. I sat within one seat of the captain’s left hand; my wife next, and Sylvester next. The lady, to whom the seat at my right, next the captain, had been assigned, has only occupied it once since we started. She is an actress and with a dash, Miss Minnie Palmer. The family that sat opposite and at the Captain’s right-hand, crossed with him from England, 7 weeks ago. The gentleman’s name is Mr. Thomas H. Bainbridge. His wife, daughter, and son were with him. They were very nice people, well bred, and evidently people of wealth, and of good descent. They invited us to call upon them at Newcastle-on-Tyne, and they would be pleased to show all the attention in their power.

23 June 1893 • Friday

Friday, June 23. The sea was pretty rough the first part of the day but became smoother towards evening. I was able to take my meals at the table, and Sister Cannon also had dinner, but Sylvester still suffered from seasickness, and remained on deck. In the evening a concert was held for the benefit of 2 or 3 Seaman’s Charities. Taking it altogether the performance was very creditable. The singing was generally very good, and the proceedings went of[f] with general satisfaction. Mr. Bainbridge occupied the chair, and the contributions amounted to 2<₤>4″ 16. I contributed half a sovereign for each of us.

24 June 1893 • Saturday

Saturday, June 24. We have had a strong head wind to-day which has made the sea some what rough but I have been able to take my meals at the table, though I suffer somewhat from indigestion. I have never taken a voyage, before when I have been so free from seasickness as I have this. I have been a most wretched sailor, and it has been a very uncommon thing for me to be able to go to the table to my meals. Dr. Heber John Richards had recommended as a preventative of seasickness, the taking of 30 grains of Bromide of Sodium every morning and night for 5 days before embarking. I have taken this prescription for 4½ days before we sailed and I am satisfied of great benefit to me as at no time out of the numerous voyages I have taken have I ever been so free from seasickness and nausea as I have been <on> this voyage. I have been able to go to table and eat my meals and the smell, which at other times has turned my stomach, has not affected me at all. Sister Cannon also took this remedy for 4 days and she feels confident that she has been much better than she would have been if she had not taken it. Sylvester, who did not take it has suffered a great deal.

Mr. and Mrs. Sparks he a Phrenologist and she a Phrenologist and professor of Palmistry held a meeting in the saloon this evening, and Mistress of Sparks delivered a lecture on Signs of Character; they examined a number of heads and gave delineations of Character, after which they took up a collection. The whole affair possessed but little interest for me though they are both, probably, pretty good in their line, she especially being very voluble.

25 June 1893 • Sunday

Sunday, June 25. 1893. I wrote letters home today expecting to mail them at Queenstown. I wrote one letter to Mary Alice and Emily, one to Aunt Sarah Jane, one to Aunt Eliza, and to Aunt Martha, Aunt Emily, one each, but I learned from the Captain that no time would be saved by mailing them at Queenstown as we would reach Liverpool one day before any mail steamer sailed from there. Capt. Brooks held service in the saloon at 10.15 A.M. according to the Episcopal form, and in the evening the Rev. Mr. Clark gave a discourse. I attended the former but did not the latter. After the service this morning a collection was taken up. I get tired of these collections; It seems as though there has to be constant collections when there are any meetings of any kind, this is so contrary to our fashion. Sister Cannon and Sylvester were unable to go down and took there [their] meals on deck.

26 June 1893 • Monday

Monday, June 26. We arose very early this morning to see the coast of Ireland along which we sailed with it in full view. It is a regular, rather precipitous coast. We saw numerous fields, but comparitively few dwellings. About 9 o’clock a tender met us off Queenstown Harbor to which the mails were transferred and a number of passengers with their luggage who wished to stop at this port. The day was cloudy and somewhat showery, and we sailed along with the Irish coast in view the later part of the day. Sister Cannon was quite sick. Sylvester’s health seemed to improve, though his face was badly peeled from being sunburned. It was rainy and disagreeable all day today and very little opportunity of being on deck.

27 June 1893 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 27. 1893. We were stirring early this morning in order to prepare to land. A tender came along side, when we reached the point in the river opposite Liverpool, to which all the passengers and their luggage was transferred. We were delighted to meet Bro. Anthon H. Lund, and Thomas E. Taylor. They learned we were coming on this vessel and came on board to see us. Through the aid of young Mr. Ramson our baggage soon passed through the Custom House and we sent it to the Adelphi Hotel. From the Prince’s Landing Stage we all walked through the principal streets to the Millenial Star Office, 42 Islington. On the way I pointed out various objects of interest, and among others St. Peter’s Church, where I, when a baby of one month old, was sprinkled and named, according to the fashion of the Episcopal Church. Myself and wife put up at the Adelphi Hotel, my son Sylvester went with the brethren to the Office. In the afternoon we took a bus ride.

28 June 1893 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 28. I made up my mind that we had better go to London this afternoon[;] before doing so however Bros. Lund, and Stratford, my wife, Sylvester, and myself took a ride on a bus through Aigburth to Garston, returning we walked through Sexton and Prince’s Parks. At 2.55 we took the Midland Railway train to London travelling 3rd class for which I paid ₤2″9″6, and 3 shillings to the conductor. By the payment of this latter sum we secured an apartment exclusively to ourselves. We found the 3rd class cars very comfortable. We were met at the St. Pancras Station, London, by John W. Young and Willard Croxall. Bro. Young brought his father’s carriage on which Sister Cannon, Sylvester, Willard Croxall, and myself rode to Bro. John W. Young’s residence, 2 Cavendish Place, Cavendish Square, London. Bro. John Wesley Young brought our baggage in a cab. His father had written me at Liverpool, inviting me and Bro. Grant to make his house our home. At this time it was not known by him that I was accompanied by my wife and Sylvester besides his son John Wesley, his son Willie, and his daughter[.] Willard Croxall is merely here on his way to Liverpool, returning home.

29 June 1893 • Thursday

Thursday, June 29. Bro. John W. Young arrived at midday to-day from Berlin where he has been absent some days on business connected with his Mexican Railroad. He did not know that his sister Carlie or Sylvester were here until he walked into the room where they were. I addressed the following letter to Lord Rosebery: June 29, 1893. My Lord:

Some years since, when you visited Utah and afterwards when at Washington City, I had the pleasure of your Lordship’s acquaintance. At that time I represented the people of Utah Territory as Delegate in the Congress of the United States. As I have just arrived in London from the West I would esteem very highly the privilege of paying my respects to your Lordship, and the favor of having a conversation with you upon affairs in which my friends in Utah are interested. Trusting your Lordship will not think me presumptuous in making this request and that it will be agreeable to you to mention a time when I can call upon your Lordship, I remain, with sentiments of the highest esteem, Your Lordship’s Most Obedient Servant, &c. The Right Hon. the Earl of Rosebery, 38, Berkeley Square, London. W.

They are in close quarters at home, as I should judge from the following dispatch which I have received from home: “Situation desperate, growing worse. Help absolutely necessary; can John W. Young cable 50,000 immediately?”

30 June 1893 • Friday

Friday, June 30. 1893. Dictated journal to Sylvester and did other work. Bro. John W. Young kindly insisted on our taking his carriage in which to be driven through Hyde Park. We alighted from the carriage and sat for about an hour watching the equipages as the[y] passed us in succession. The horses and carriages were very fine and the occupants were dressed in the height of fashion. The aristocracy and all the royal family are now in London in anticipation of the wedding of the Duke of York and the Princess May, and the Park was thronged with vehicles. In the evening Sister Cannon, Sylvester, John Wesley, Will, Merza, and myself went and seen the performance of Niobe.

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June 1893, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 22, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1890s/1893/06-1893


  1. [1]Handwritten note before this entry: “Journal kept by Geo. Q. Cannon per S. Q. Cannon.”