August 1882

1 August 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Aug. 1st/82. Wrote to Judge J. S. Black. At the House. A rainy day. Wrote a letter to Bro. Hart for Mr. Dyer D. Lum to let him have such of our works as he desired to aid him in writing upon our doctrines. Met Mr. Lum and Mr. Mills and had an interesting conversation with them upon the evidences of the of the prophetic mission of Bro. Joseph Smith and the divinity of the work.

2 August 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Aug. 2/82. At the House

3 August 1882 • Thursday

Thursday, Aug. 3/82. This has been a busy and an exciting day. I wrote a letter to Pres. Taylor, a copy of which here will save my writing details.

4 August 1882 • Friday

Friday, Aug. 4/82. Busy at the House. Mr. Blackburn promises to make a strong fight against this amendment. See minutes of proceedings in the House and Cassidy of Nevada’s detestable spirit. Had conversation with Mr. Converse of Ohio, my brave and, so far, reliable friend.

5–6 August 1882 • Saturday to Sunday

Saturday and Sunday. My letter to Pres. Taylor will give the situation in tolerable fullness which copy; also letter to Judge J. S. Black. Was at the House on Saturday and in the evening. Wrote letters to my wives, Sarah Jane, Eliza <and> Martha a i ka’u wahine hope no hoi [and to my last wife as well], and to my brother Angus, to my son Abraham, and <one> to Mary Alice, David, Emily and Sylvester, my motherless little ones.

7 August 1882 • Monday

Monday, Aug. 7/82. The House is angry at the Senate for its dilatoryness in deciding upon adjournment. Was at the Land Dep’t. on account of coal lands of Angus’ and the church and at the Census Office and at the Treasury Dep’t. The House took a recess twice yesterday which caused me to make three trips to the Capitol and back.

8 August 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Aug. 8th, 1882. Yesterday is said to be <one of> the hottest days of the season. The Congress adjourned at 3 p.m. Every body appeared glad to get released. Busy at Treasury trying to get my appropriation arranged. Received dispatch, signed Geo. Reynolds, asking for full text of amendment giving Governor power to appoint officers. Sent it. Bro. Irvine started for New York to-night, where I am to meet him.

9 August 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Aug. 9/82 Telegraphed Judge Black to know where I could meet him. He replied at his place. Busy at Treasury.

10 August 1882 • Thursday

Thursday, Aug. 10/82. Got my draft through the Treasury. Packed up; settled my hotel bill, and at 4.20 p.m. started for New York. I telegraphed Judge Black to spare one two hours in the evening from 8 to 10. At 8.5 I reached York and hired a buggy to take me out to Brockie, the Judge’s residence. He had sent his carriage to the station nearest his house to meet me, but as I went direct to York I missed it. We talked over the situation, and he saw no way of fighting the Governor, if he chose to go ahead and appoint the officers. He promised, however, to send me a letter. I paid him the balance due him on his retainer, $3000, and took his receipt. I took train to Harrisburg; reached there at midnight. Had three hours sleep at the U. S. Hotel. Started for New York at 4.20 a.m.

11 August 1882 • Friday

Friday Aug 11 1882. Took breakfast at Philadelphia. Reached New York about 11.20 A.M. Put up at the Grand Central Hotel. Sent my card to Mrs Watson, who sent word back by the bearer that Brother Watson was at the office. I could not however find either him or Bro. Irvine. I wrote each of them letters. I spent the afternoon and evening with Mr J. N. Neels. I met Bro. Irvine about 5 oclock p.m. I had bought a sleeper ticket with the intention of starting out that evening, but he succeeded in changing it until the next evening.

12 August 1882 • Saturday

Saturday Aug. 12 1882. Took breakfast with Mr & Mrs Neels. Bro. Watson accompanied me to some wholesale places. I bought two pieces of cloth and some toys. Bro. Spencer Clawson was quite desirous I should go with him to Coney Island or Manhattan Beach. I got through my business and consented to go; so we started about one oclock. Mr Roundy (Bro. Feramorz Little’s son-in-law[)] was with us. We rode by steamer all the way there, and returned by rail and steamer. The trip was a delightful one, the day being very cool and pleasant, and the sea bathing was most delightful. As I emerged from the sea I met General Kane and his son, Evan, who both laughed heartily at meeting me in this position and appeared delighted. My appearance, like all the rest who were in the sea, was enough to create laughter, as the bathing dresses were anything but admirable costumes. We had a talk of about half an hour, and agreed to meet at the ticket office in a short time and have further conversation. I waited there for some time, but he did not come, and I found I had barely time enough to get back to New York in time for our train west; so I had reluctantly to give up the idea of seeing him. Bro. Irvine and myself started on the Erie Railroad for the Suspension Bridge at 7 p.m.

13 August 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, Aug 13 1882. Breakfasted at Hornellsville. We changed cars at Buffalo for Niagara Falls and had a very fine view of this magnificent spectacle. At Clifton I took a sleeper. Mr Millard, the Banker, of Omaha, was on board, and we had considerable conversation. Our day’s ride was through Canada. The appearance of the country was thrifty, not so much push as on the American side, but probably safer growth. I was struck with the excellence of the plowing. It showed marks of care, and the furrows were remarkably straight in contrast with those one usually sees in travelling in the States. When we came to the river separating Canada from Michigan, our cars were run on a steamboat, and we crossed the Detroit river. In crossing I remained on the upper deck of the steamer.

14 August 1882 • Monday

Monday, Aug 14, 1882 Reached Chicago at 8 oclock A.M. and left there at noon on the Chicago & North Western. The day was very hot.

15 August 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Aug 15 1882. Reached Council Bluffs about 10 A.M. Three trains from Chicago came into the Station simultaneously, a remarkable instance of how closely they run on time. Mr Traynor, baggage master, of the U.P.R.R. kindly checked my baggage. I had considerably over the weight allowed, and which the man who handled it was disposed to charge me for. On this side of the river they are strangers to me. Sent a dispatch from Omaha to Bro. Nuttall stating the time we would reach home. I had considerable conversation with various passengers, among whom were Mr & Mrs David Street, Captain Henry, Senator Russell, of the Iowa Legislature, and also Mr Anslie, Delegate from Idaho, who with his family was returning there; a Mr Dr. Drake, formerly of Detroit, now of Oregon, was on the cars with their two children — a very agreeable family.

16 August 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday Aug 16 1882. Spent a delightful night, and the porter kindly pushed the upper berth up so that I had the full section.

17 August 1882 • Thursday

Thursday, Aug 17 1882. When I awoke this morning our train was standing still. The eastward bound passenger train was detained by the breaking of the axle of the baggage car. With Capt. Henry I walked between three and four miles ahead to the scene of the accident and remained until repairs were effected and then rode on the train back to where our train was. This threw us back upwards of four hours, part of which was made up before <we> reached Ogden. At Ogden we were met by a special car and a large number of brethren among whom were — Bishop Sharp, F. Little, John T. Caine, D H. Wells, F. D. Richards, Prest. Jos. F. Smith, Judge Dusenberry, my brother Angus, Chas J. Lambert, and F. S. Richards, Sister Irvine met Bro. Irvine, also. My son Abraham and my brother-in-law, John Hoagland, & George C. Lambert, my nephew, met me at the station. I drove to Prest. Taylor’s and found him retired. I stayed in the City all night; as he was going away at 7 oclock in the morning I wished to see him before he started. [7 Hawaiian words redacted because they address deeply personal matters between Cannon and his family.]

18 August 1882 • Friday

Friday Aug 18 1882. I sent my son Abraham early this morning down to his uncle John’s to tell him I would go down on the train and for him <to> meet me at the train with the buggy. I had a delightful conversation while it lasted with Prest. Taylor, Bros E. Snow, B. Young, L. J. Nuttall, and George F. Gibbs, who, with members of their families, were en route to attend the Sanpete Conference at Ephraim. Bro. Cope, ticket agent, kindly instructed the conductor to let me off at the street leading to my house, at which point my son Abraham met me and carried me home. My meeting with my family was very delightful. I found them all well, which gave me great pleasure, and they were also delighted to see me; our joy was mutual. I afterwards came to town to attend to some business, and in consequence of what had been said to me by Prest Taylor and the brethren — though I did not promise them I would — I concluded to start for Sanpete in the morning. [19 Hawaiian words redacted because they address deeply personal matters between Cannon and his family.]

19 August 1882 • Saturday

Saturday, Aug 19 1882. My son Angus drove me to the train, which stopped for me to get on. Sister John Henry Smith was also aboard with the intention of joining her husband at Ephraim. I telegraphed from Lehi to Prest. Taylor informing him that I was on the way and requesting that a team might meet us at Wales, the end of the railroad. I also telegraphed to Will. Bryan, telegraph operator at Nephi, asking him, if convenient, to meet us at the station and obtain accommodation for myself and sister Smith. He replied that he would meet us. He took us in the carriage to his fathers, Bro. C. H. Bryan. There we were hospitably entertained <and> took dinner, and he had us carried back to the train. Without solicitation on my part, I was presented with a pass over the Sanpete Valley Railroad for myself and Sister Smith. The ride up to Wales occupied a little over two hours. Brother Christensen of Ephraim — who is the Mayor of the City and Justice of the Peace there — met us with his carriage and we had a very pleasant ride across the bottoms of Ephraim, which place we reached about half past 6 oclock. Sister Smith joined her husband, and I was entertained by Bro. Christensen. The evening I spent at Prest. Peterson’s, where Prest. Taylor was stopping, and the room was filled with brethren who drew me out in connection with affairs in Washington. The time passed very pleasantly.

20 August 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, Aug. 20 1882. Attended Sunday school, of which Antoine Lund is Superintendent, and made an address to the children, which was listened to with great attention. The bowery where the meeting was held was excessively crowded. Prest. Taylor occupied the time until about half past 11 oclock. Bro. John Henry Smith then spoke. The afternoon was occupied by myself and Bro. Erastus Snow, and meeting was held in the meeting house, the showers having wet the bowery so that it was unfit for meeting; besides rain fell heavily during the afternoon. After meeting we started for Manti. Bro. Maiben had me stop at his house and provided a bed for me in the next house, Bro Kjar’s a Scandinavian family, who gave me an excellent room and bed.

21 August 1882 • Monday

Monday, Aug 21 1882. Bro. Maiben’s place is very tastefully arranged, and is a model of neatness, probably due, in part, to the fact that his wives are childless; they have lost their children. Until about half past one oclock we were in the temple, which is a very grand edifice. Am glad we had this opportunity, because several changes were suggested respecting the interior arrangements, which, I think, will add greatly to the convenience of the rooms and the effect of the Endowments upon candidates. I visited, in company with Prest. Taylor, my cousin Joseph J. Taylors. He has two young children which are beautiful. At two oclock we dined; at three we had a meeting of the Twelve and some other Elders; and at five we started for Ephraim. I put up at Bro. Christensen’s.

22 August 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday Aug 22 1882. The company started at half past 6 oclock. We were detained in getting away and were twenty minutes behind them. Bro. John Henry Smith and wife rode in the carriage with me. A lot of Presbyterians came down to Ephraim at the same time with the brethren and sisters to hold a dedication of their meeting house. They had had three day’s meetings here and had mustered all their strength which, — outside of those who came from the States, — consisted principally of apostates whom our people say we could not fellowship. In driving to Wales they were determined to drive ahead of Prest. Taylor and the rest of the company, one of their teams taking the lead, separating our company. Bro. Christensen’s son, who drove our carriage, was very familiar with the road across the bottoms, and when he saw these Presbyterians, who were behind, turn out of the road with the intention of getting in ahead of Prest. Taylor, he told us that they would be sure to get into trouble. They all turned off excepting the leading team which still kept ahead of Prest. Taylor until we came to a swale in the bottom in which the team mired. The men had to dismount and the women had to be lifted out, and if the team had not been very strong they would have mired down. As it was they had great difficulty in getting out. I told our teamster if he knew the road to drive briskly ahead — to take the lead, Prest. Taylor’s carriage following ours. When we got out in the clear I stopped and let Prest. Taylor take the lead, and we drove then to Wales in regular order, coming in fine shape to the evident discomforture of these miserable people who, not content to travel along quietly as ordinary travelers, were determined to annoy and insult us. We had a separate car to Nephi, and was met there by a special car so that we were not compelled to go in their society. My son Abraham was at the end of the street with the buggy waiting for me when the train stopped. I came up afterwards to the City and spent the night there. [18 Hawaiian words redacted because they address deeply personal matters between Cannon and his family.]

23 August 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Aug 23 1882. I returned home early in the morning; breakfasted at my wife Martha’s and then returned to the City. Dined at Prest. Taylor’s. At two oclock met in Council with all the Presidency and Twelve who were in town to hear from F. S. Richards and Bro. C. W. Penrose. The situation was discussed respecting political movements, and at five oclock the Council adjourned to the Endowment <House> where we met in <the> circle. I supped with my son Abraham at my brother Angus’, and drove home. The evening was spent in the mournful duty of examining my wife Elizabeth’s personal effects in company with the children and in dividing them among them and our friends.

24 August 1882 • Thursday

Thursday, Aug 24 1882. Received a very interesting letter from my son John Q. from Nuremberg, which I annex here. Had some plain conversation with Bro. F. M. Lyman about the duty of the Twelve to carry the gospel to the nations of the earth. Expressed the feeling that we should show more energy in this direction than we were now doing.

25 August 1882 • Friday

Friday, Aug. 25 1882. The rules issued by the Commissioners are of such a character that we deemed it necessary to have a meeting of the leading brethren at the Endowment House at 12 oclock noon. Matters were fully discussed in a very interesting manner.

26 August 1882 • Saturday

Saturday Aug. 26 1882. Met again at the Endowment House at 11 oclock, A.M.

27 August 1882 • Sunday

Sunday Aug 27 1882. I had a very severe attack last night of cholera morbus and suffered very much. I got ready for meeting determined to go though I felt very unfit, but was again seized as I was about stepping into the carriage, and had to give up the idea. The day was showery. I kept very quiet all day. I was desirous to go to meeting today, because it was generally expected that I would be there and speak.

28 August 1882 • Monday

Monday, Aug 28 1882. Met at the Endowment House at 10 oclock, A.M.

Attended to business at the Office. We listened also to instructions for the people in the outer settlements which had been drafted by a sub. committee of the Central Committee.

We also examined plans of the interior of the Manti Temple and gave some instructions respecting the arrangement of the celestial room.

29 August 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday Aug 29 1882. Again met at the Endowment House at 10 oclock, A.M.

Five years today since Prest. Young died. It seems scarcely possible that so long a period has elapsed since his demise.

Prest. Taylor and myself and Prest. Smith were together at the Gardo House listening to an address to be signed by us that he had partly prepared to be published to the saints. It was very lengthy, and had not been prepared exactly for this occasion. I suggested that with his permission I would like to draw out in writing some views which I had, and submit them to him, which he could adopt or reject as it suited him. He expressed his pleasure to have me do so. In the evening I took Bro. John Irvine with me to my house and dictated to him some matter which he drew out, and which I afterwards prepared and sent up to Prest. Taylor at 8 oclock in the morning of

30 August 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday Aug 30 1882. We had agreed to meet at 9 oclock, and I desired that he should have what I had written in his own hands to accept or reject as he thought best before I met him. When I got up to the meeting I found that he had decided to publish what I had written exactly as I had written it with the exception of one word, which was somewhat of a surprise to me, as I was not altogether satisfied with it myself, having done it so hastily. It was signed <by the First Presidency> and published today.

We had another meeting at 10 oclock a.m.

Bro. James H. Moyle, who had labored with considerable success in the Southern States, a young man of 24 years of age, was desirous to get counsel as to his going to Ann Arbor to study law. I had an interview with him at my house and talked very plainly with him on the subject, and Prest. Taylor, in talking with him on the subject today, spoke with exceeding great plainness, and consented to set him apart on condition that he would covenant to avoid the bad ways in which lawyers had fallen; that he would be a Latter-day-Saint and labor to build up Zion in the same spirit that an Elder of Israel labored to build up Zion; to all of which he consented, and we set him apart, Prest. Taylor being mouth,

31 August 1882 • Thursday

Thursday, Aug 31 1882. At the Office. Various matters of business were attended to, among others the examination of the interior of the Manti Temple.

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August 1882, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 22, 2024