September 1874

1 September 1874 • Tuesday

A beautiful country, summers cool and subject to frost. Met twice in day and <once> in the evening with people. Bro’s. E. Snow and self occupied principal portion of time. Bro. Musser and Tyler also spoke.

2 September 1874 • Wednesday

The drive to-day to the Upper Kanab was through a most beautiful country. We reached there at sundown. Cool evening and night. Put up with Bro’s. Roundy, sons of Lorin at Springville, both had married cousins, one the daughter of Lorenzo Roundy, the other the daughter of John D. Parker

3 September 1874 • Thursday

Drove to Glendale and put up with Bro. Warren Foote. Held meeting in evening and addressed the people

4 September 1874 • Friday

Held meeting at Glendale this morning at nine o’clock. Bro’s. Musser, Dan. Tyler, Snow and myself addressed the people, many of whom had come up from the lower settlement, and we had a good time. We were treated (Bro. Musser and self) very kindly by Bro. Warren Foote and family. Drove down (6 miles) to Mount Carmel. Put up at Bro. Israel Hoyt’s. Held meeting myself and Bro. Snow preached and had excellent freedom. Division here between Bros Bro. H. B. M. Jolley and party and the Board of the Order and the Muddy brethren. Held meeting in evening till midnight to try and settle or reconcile difficulty. Heard statements from Bro. John Heaton, Sec. of Board and Bro. Jolley. Difficulty irreconcilable apparently. Before the meeting had interview with [first and last names redacted], who while on a mission in Wisconsin ordained a young man purposely to have him marry his mother to him ([last name redacted]) while at the same time he had a wife living in the Valley. He was disfellowshipped until he moved the family to the Valley, or until it was evident they would not come.

5 September 1874 • Saturday

Went down valley, climbed high hill, sandy road, scenery grand, views of surrounding country splendid, distance 25 miles. We stopped and fed at the Lake, a big cave here. Put up at Bro. Levi Stewart’s at Kanab. Treated very kindly. Jacob Hamlin and Ira Hatch, Indian Interpreters here with number of Piedes. Outlook from this point very fine. Buckskin mountains in distance and Arizona stretching out like ocean before us. Only 3 1/4 miles to Arizona line from stake in Kanab. Five thousand five hundred feet above sea level. Climate mild. Gardens beautiful and productive. About 300 souls here. A little few more than this in each settlement of Long Valley.

6 September 1874 • Sunday

Held meetings at 9 1/2 and 1 o’clock in bowery. Bro. Musser and self occupied forenoon and Bro’s. Snow and self afternoon. Ate dinner with Bro’s. John R. Young and Oliphant. Drove to Winsor Castle, occupied by Bishop A. P. Winsor, 20 miles. Camped there for the night. Slept out on some hay. Bro. Snow heard his son Erastus Beeman was worse. Resolved to drive for St. George to-morrow. It was at this point that Dr. Whitmore and his step-son, Bro McIntyre were killed in 1867.

7 September 1874 • Monday

24 miles to Canaan Stock Ranch, where Bro. Jas. Andrus lives. Passed the point where the Brothers Berry and a wife of one of them were killed by Indians. Watered at Short Creek, five miles from the Ranch. Stopped at Ranch all night.

8 September 1874 • Tuesday

Drove to Virgen City, stopping on the way at Bro. Jacob Workman’s to water. Put up at Bishop Parker’s. They had dinner prepared. Afterwards went to meeting. Bro. Musser spoke. I followed at length. Held evening meeting. I occupied time. Called upon Bro. Alexander Wright, one of first missionaries to Scotland; crossed in Sidney with us; crossed the plains as Uncle Taylor’s wagon master. He is paralyzed. Bro. & Sister Jepson also crossed in Sidney. They reside here. Ate grapes at their house.

9 September 1874 • Wednesday

Bro. Musser rested at Virgen while I went up (Bro. Sam Adams driving) to Rockville and held meeting. Bishop Smith’s family was sick and he took us to Bro. Bowman’s to breakfast. He is from Liverpool. Drove back to Virgen to dinner, then drove over to Tokerville. Bros Bro. Erastus Snow and wife, Bishop Gardiner and my brother David came over from St. George and joined us here. Put up at Bishop Wm Bringhurst’s, son of Samuel. Held meeting in the evening. I occupied most of time in warning and reproving the people. The Spirit led me to speak in this strain. Bro. Erastus Snow followed in a few remarks. People are divided here. Have broken up and discontinued working in the Order.

10 September 1874 • Thursday

Held another meeting at Tokerville at 8 a.m. Bro. Snow had me speak first on the United Order and explaining the articles of association. He followed at length. Bro. Seth Johnson made us a fine present of black Hamburg grapes. Drove to Harrisburg and held meeting. I spoke to the people. Reached St. George at a little after 7 o’clock. Put up at my brother David’s. At Harrisburg ate dinner at Bishop Willis Fuller’s

11 September 1874 • Friday

Had a bath in a spring that was dammed up. Went down to the Temple in company with Bro. and Sister Artemesia Snow and Bishop R. Gardner, thence to Price City. About 40 or 44 persons had lived together here as one family, principally Swiss, and had been very contented. They were all pleased with the arrangement, and when I saw how inconveniently they were situated I thought that if they could be satisfied with their circumstances how much better they would be pleased if they had proper conveniences for cooking &c and in a proper house. This experiment was very interesting to me and I talked freely with the Superintendent, Bro. Geo. Baker, and Bro. Sam. Miles, the Secretary, and the leading sister. Ate dinner at my sister Anne Woodbury’s.

12 September 1874 • Saturday

Held meeting in the basement of the Tabernacle. In the morning I gave an account of affairs in Congress. At the request of Bro. Snow I occupied the afternoon in speaking upon the United Order. Ate dinner in company with a number of brethren at my brother-in-law’s, Robert Gardner’s.

13 September 1874 • Sunday

Met with Sunday School and addressed the children. Bro. Snow occupied the forenoon and the greater portion of the afternoon. I followed and had great freedom. Ate dinner with a number of brethren at Bro. Sam. Adams’

14 September 1874 • Monday

Held two meetings with the principal men. Heard reports from the various Bishops and Superintendents respecting the working of the United Order. <and giving gave instructions, counsel and suggestions.> Reports very interesting. Took a synopsis in little pocket book.

15 September 1874 • Tuesday

Met again with brethren and gave instructions and explanations respecting organizing under the Articles of Association, which we urged all to do as soon as possible. We showed the Bishops how to draw up Articles and incorporate. A long meeting. Bro. Snow <and I> stepped out of meeting and got into a carriage and drove to meeting at Washington. Ate dinner at Bro. A. R. Whitehead’s[.] Had good liberty in addressing the people. Returned in evening and met with Rio Virgen Manufacturing Co. Before meeting ended felt to reprove brethren for gloomy discouraged feelings.

16 September 1874 • Wednesday

Wrote a letter to Gen. Kane. Made several calls. Bro. Snow learned towards night that his vehicle was not in condition to make the trip to Western Settlements. Sent to Bro. Dan McArthur to take his team and <open> carriage and carry me.

17 September 1874 • Thursday

The delay in getting Bro. McArthur’s team ready prevented us from starting till 9.15 a.m. A very rough road. Distance 35 miles. Stopped at Bro. Jeffry’s, 21 miles from St. George. Ate dinner. Drunk water at this point, the first I had tasted for a week. Since my first visit to St. George I have made <it> a rule to abstain from drinking water there. It creates thirst in me and keeps me constantly drinking. Reached Pine Valley after dark. Stopped at Bishop Wm Snow’s. Held meeting. Bro. McArthur and I spoke. I did not feel that satisfaction in speaking at this place that I had had at other points. The people are not in a good condition if I may judge by my feelings. Cool weather here.

18 September 1874 • Friday

Started from Pine Valley at eight o’clock. Rough road for some few miles. Reached Pinto at a little past 11 o’clock. Put up with Bishop Rich, and Robinson, one of my old companions in the mines in 1850. Held meeting and had excellent freedom. A different feeling to that we had at Pine Valley. Called upon Bro. Richd Harrison and family who crossed in the Sidney with us. Left there at 3.10 p.m. reached Hebron about 7.30 p.m. Evening cool. Put up with Bishop Geo. H. Crosby. Held meeting. Good spirit and attention. Myself and Bro. McArthur spoke.

19 September 1874 • Saturday

Ate breakfast at Bro. Charles Pulsipher’s. His first wife is a daughter of Sister Beers. Drove about 25 miles to Summit Spring, where we paid 25 cents for water for the horses. Drove 15 miles to Pannacca and put up with Bishop Thos J. Jones. Held meeting in the evening. This is Meadow Valley and a very interesting point to me. It was in this valley that in 1849 while packing through to California we came near perishing for want of water. The Spring which we called Division Spring is about nine miles from here and is now known as Bennett’s Spring.

20 September 1874 • Sunday

Had a fine bath in a bath house built by the Saints about a mile from town. The water is partially warm. Met with Sunday School and addressed the children. Held meeting at 10 o’clock several strangers from Bullionville and Pioche present. Drove out 27 miles from Pannacca, Bishop Jones filling his carriage with hay, water and bed clothes to enable us to encamp on the desert. Bro. Wadsworth accompanied him and us. Encamped about 8 p.m. Enjoyed talking around camp fire until after 10 o’clock, when we made our beds on the ground and went to sleep.

21 September 1874 • Monday

Bro. Jones’ animals turned his carriage over about daybreak, causing us all to jump up. Nothing broken. We separated about 7 a.m. They to go back, we to proceed to Iron City. We ate lunch about 2 miles from the place. Bro. Bagley of Tokerville was on his way west with fruit and furnished us grapes and peaches. Put up at Bro. Ebenezer Hanks’.

20 September 1874 • Sunday

Visited Iron Mine as we went on our way. Reached Cedar City a little after 2 p.m. Held meeting at 4 o’clock. Occupied time; house full, people from Kanarra having all come to the meeting. Had excellent freedom. Held evening meeting. Bro’s. McArthur, Musser, <L.> Roundy and myself occupied the time. Bro. Musser and wife and son came to Cedar this evening. Sister Musser joined her husband at St. George and was returning with him.

23 September 1874 • Wednesday

Drove over to Parowan with Bro. Hy. Lunt in his lumber wagon. Had waited at Cedar till last moment for Bro. Snow. Ate dinner at Bro. Dame’s. Myself and Bro. Musser spoke and Bro. Snow came in and followed. I did not have freedom and before meeting closed told the people so and that we ought to seek for the Spirit so that we could impart what we had in our hearts for them. Myself and Bro. Snow occupied the evening. Had considerable liberty. Put up with Bro. Jesse N. Smith and was very kindly entertained. [I gave five dollars to]1 H. Lunt.

24 September 1874 • Thursday

Bro. Dame took Bro. Erastus Snow and self over to Paragoonah. There Bro. Silas S. Smith hitched his team on to the carriage and drove us to Beaver. Bro. Snow occupied time at evening meeting at Beaver, and it was so late, I did not follow. Court was being held here and many jurors, lawyers &c attended meeting. Put up at Bro. J. R. Murdock’s

25 September 1874 • Friday

Heard from John Q. that all the folks were well. Drove Bro. E. Snow concluded to return to St. George; his wife Minerva and his son Erastus B. and his intended wife Sister Crosby are going to city. I rode in their carriage to Cove Creek. Bro. Ira Hinkly entertained us.

26 September 1874 • Saturday

Sister Musser went on with her brother Nephi to Fillmore and I rode with Bro. Musser. Fine scenery in Clear Creek Cañon. Was met by Bro. Joseph A. Young and Bishop Thurber before we emerged from Cañon. Rode with Bro. Joseph A. Young from there to Richfield stopping on way at Joseph City to eat dinner with Bro. Isaacson. Put up at Bro. Joseph A. Young’s at Richfield, his wife Clara and family being here.

27 September 1874 • Sunday

Held morning and evening <afternoon> meeting. I occupied forenoon and Bro. Musser and self afternoon. Had very good meetings. Visited Bro. John Allen formerly of Coalville and ate supper at Bishop Thurber’s.

28 September 1874 • Monday

Drove over with Bro. Jos. A. Young to Salina. A delightful drive, the scenery is fine. Held meeting at Salina and spoke to the people, Bro. Musser having led in a few remarks. Bro. M. and self drove on to Gunnison and Bro. Young stopped with Judge Bean to organize a branch of United Order. Put up at Bishop Jos. Horne’s[.] Held meeting, had a good attendance and excellent liberty.

29 September 1874 • Tuesday

Reached Manti in time for meeting at 11 a.m. Bro. Jos. A Young went to Fayette. Bro. E. B. Snow and folks drove to Mount Pleasant. Put up at Bishop Moffitt’s. Had full meeting and excellent liberty in speaking to the people. Bro. Musser followed in brief remarks. Reached Ephraim just as meeting commenced. Drove to meeting house. Bro. O. Hyde was speaking, but stopped upon our entrance. Bro. Musser at my request spoke and I followed and had excellent liberty. The house was well filled. Put up at Bro H. F. Peterson’s. Held evening meeting and occupied time. An excellent meeting.

30 September 1874 • Wednesday

Administered to Bro. Thompson for Cancer. Drove to Spring City. Put up at Bro. Hyde’s. Held meeting and had a pretty good time. Drove to Mount Pleasant and Bishop Seely accompanied us, his son Nephi driving, to Fairview. Bro. John Van Cott also drove there. Put up at Bishop Amasa Tucker’s. Held meeting in evening, spoke 65 minutes, Bro’s. Musser and Van Cott following.

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September 1874, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed February 2, 2025


  1. [1]Translated from Hawaiian: “Ua haawi aku la au elima dala in”.