December 1864

5 December 1864 • Monday

Monday, Dec. 5/64. I received $50 in gold to-day from Bro. Wm Taylor on the order of his brother, Thos Taylor, to whom I advanced the money in 1863. I went had an interview with Bro. Wm S. Godbe, and he offered to take that the money and use it for my benefit and give me the profits that would be gained by the exchanging.

6 December 1864 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Dec. 6/64. My wife Elizabeth gave me $20 in gold coin and $4.25 in dust that she had on hand. The former she had obtained by selling several articles of clothing, and the latter her sister Mary had given her. Besides this, I had $5 in gold that Bro. Wells gave me in L’pool for carrying him some things home. I handed these amounts to Bro. Godbe, and he gave me his note for $8025/100 in gold coin, being the amount which I handed him altogether.

7 December 1864 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Dec. 7/64. Wrote to Bro’s. Wells and Brigham, Jr, and sent them a draft for £62.5.0 drawn on their Office in my favor, which I wished applied to pay that amount borrowed by me from the funds in the Office while I was there to pay a liability which I had incurred by going security for David Savage. I felt very pleased to have it in my power to pay this as it has been a source cause of much trouble to me. Besides this I sent a draft also drawn by Bro. Albert Carrington in my favor, and which the I wished credited to me in that Office. My object in sending this was to have the amount (£26.17.4½) credited, if not all, at least the greater part of it, to my account – that is, to offset the money advanced to me to pay my passage home.

10 December 1864 • Saturday

Saturday, Dec. 10/64. Busy at the Endowment house most of the day. I sealed [blank] couple to-day. Went to the Theatre in the evening and took my wife Elizabeth with me.

11 December 1864 • Sunday

Sunday, Dec. 11/64. Attended meeting to-day. Bro. Taylor preached in the forenoon a very edifying discourse. In the afternoon I spoke and was followed by Bro. Brigham. The meeting was a very excellent one. From the meeting went to the Quorum meeting. There were five of us present: President Brigham Young, Bro’s. Wilford Woodruff, John Taylor, Geo. A. Smith and myself. Took supper with Uncle and Aunt and my wife Elizabeth at my brother Lambert’s who is the husband of my oldest sister, Mary Alice. I then went to the <Seventh> Ward meeting and addressed the people; had excellent liberty.

12 December 1864 • Monday

Monday, Dec. 12/64. Busy at the Office until evening when I went with my wife wives to Bro. Franklin D. Richards’ to spend the evening. Bishop Hoagland and his wife Rebecca was there, also a Mr. & Mrs. Jones who do not belong to the Church and who board at Bro. Richards’. Bro. R. had two of his wives, besides his first wife, there. One of them is my wife Sarah Jane’s mother. Had a very pleasant evening’s association.

13 December 1864 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Dec. 13/64 Busy at the President’s Office writing letters &c. Invited by him to accompany him to dinner at <his son’s> Bro. Joseph A. Young’s. There were several of his family present.1

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December 1864, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 21, 2024


  1. [1]This entry is followed by a note in another hand:

    The names of the first Six Members of the Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, organized April 6th, 1830:

    1st Joseph Smith, Jr.

    2 Oliver Cowdery

    3 Hyrum Smith

    4 Peter Whitmer, Jr.

    5 Saml H. Smith

    6 David Whitmer