November 1892

1 November 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, November 1, 1892.

President Woodruff and myself at the office.

Arranged articles for the JUVENILE.

We were busily occupied today in conversing upon the political situation in the Territory and taking such steps as we thought best to help the cause of Zion.

I spent from 10 till 1 in meeting with the B.Y. Trust Co., and at 1 I had an interview with Mr. Pence, of Colorado. He is very anxious to secure the votes of our people in Colorado in favor of the Weaver people.

My health has been much better the last day or two.

2 November 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Nov. 2, 1892.

President Woodruff was at the office. President Smith returned about midday from the north.

Listened to the reading of correspondence.

Zion’s Savings Bank meeting at 1 o’clock.

Dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

3 November 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, Nov. 3, 1892.

First Presidency at the office.

My attention was called to a short editorial article in the “Tribune” this morning, as follows:

“Mr. Rawlins in his Provo speech on Tuesday night made very caustic and contemptuous reference to George Q. Cannon’s plight when he was arraigned and held in bonds before Judge Zane, and how he (Rawlins) had been called to the Federal courtroom one morning to aid “the illustrious apostle, lying on his back, his face covered with gore.” It is rather scurvy for an attorney to make a jibe of the woe of his client, and Mr. Rawlins must have been driven to desperation or he wouldn’t have at this late date made his client’s sorry plight the jest of a jeering political assemblage. And when Rawlins proceeded further to say of those bonds that $20,000 of them was recently remitted, and that “it is said that for this sum Mr. Cannon bargained away the votes of the Mormon people”, he should have been very sure of his ground. The court may have something to say about this.”

I sat down and wrote a letter to Mr. Rawlins, of which the following is a copy:

“J. L. Rawlins, Esq.,

Dear Sir:

My attention has been called to an editorial which appeared in a daily paper of this city this morning, in which you are credited with having made certain statements in a speech at Provo concerning myself, one of them being to the effect that $20,000 of my bonds were remitted on the condition that the Mormon vote should be given to the Republicans. I enclose the article to which I refer, that you may see what has been said.

This statement credited to you is so injurious to my character that my self-respect will not permit me to let it pass unnoticed. I therefore take the liberty to ask you if you made these statements. If you did not, will you be so kind, if you made any allusion to me, to give me your version of that which you did say?

Awaiting your reply,

I am,


Geo. Q. Cannon.”

The First Presidency were waited upon by four leading Democrats, ex-Judge Henderson, ex-Gov. West, ex-Judge Judd, and Col. H. C. Lett. I was not present at the commencement at th of their conversation, but came in a little while afterwards. I was in the back room, however, and could hear what was said. Judge Henderson opened by reading a number of statements concerning the interference of the officers of the church, as he said, in politics, contrary to the Manifesto and to that which had been afterwards written by the Presidency of the Church on that subject. My name was mentioned, but the most was said in relation to President Jos. F. Smith, who was present and heard all that was said. We were accused of interfering directly ourselves in favor of the Republican party, and that others closely connected with us were using our names for the purpose of convincing the people that it was their duty to vote the Republican ticket. They stated that Bishops and others were using our names in order to influence the people. They found particular fault with a letter of President Smith’s, which he had sent out accompanying a letter of Bishop Stevens of Ogden, in which he set forth that Frank J. Cannon was in good standing in the church. They considered this as using church influence. They wanted another declaration from President Woodruff to the effect that these men were unauthorized in doing these things, and that the church did not interfere in politics. They said it made them appear as men who had not told the truth to their friends; that they had stated that they believed the church would not interfere in politics, and had virtually pledged themselves to the public to that effect. This led to an explanation by President Smith of his reasons for issuing this letter; that he had received letters from all parts of the Territory, in which he was told that the Democrats were busily circulating the most abominable falsehoods concerning Frank J. Cannon’s character and standing, and that in the interest of fairness he had obtained this letter from Bishop Stevens, and he had not circulated it himself, but it had been circulated by the Republican managers. But these gentlemen were not disposed to listen to any explanations that we had to make concerning the matters of which they accused us. They had charged me with having been over to Coalville and holding a secret meeting there with leading men, at which I had called for a vote as to who were Republicans and who Democrats, and conveyed the idea that I had urged them to be Republicans. The meeting referred to was one held by Brothers Snow and Merrill and myself, and there was nothing said at that meeting that was, in the true sense, partisan. At that meeting we set before our people the advantages that would follow a good showing for the Republican party. There are a great many of our people who are not committed to either party, and it has been my opinion for a great many years that one of the great difficulties that we have had to contend with has been the impression that has been general that we were solidly Democratic in this Territory. I have felt impressed, as I explained to these gentlemen, that there should be a division on party lines for a long time, and that when the division came they should not be all of one party. I did this in response to their statement that I had said the people of the Territory should be equally divided between the two parties. I told them that had not been my idea exactly. I did not want any man to be a Republican who was a Democrat; but there were a great many of our people that had not examined these questions, and what I did want was that they should understand the principles of either party, and not rush blindly into one party like a lot of sheep following a bell wether. But these gentlemen were quite impatient, especially Mr. Judd, and did not want to listen; only to make their statements and have us give them a direct answer. The interview was quite unsatisfactory to me, as I suppose it was to them. President Woodruff, while they were here, read to them the article from the “Tribune” in which it was charged that Mr. Rawlins had placed me in a ridiculous light &c. I also read to them a dispatch which I had received from Brother John C. Graham, in response to one I had sent him, in which he stated that it could be proved that Mr. Rawlins had charged me with having bargained away the votes of the people of the Territory to the Republican party because my bonds had been remitted.

After they left, Gov. West sent each of us a copy of a part of Mr. Rawlins’ speech as it had been prepared in manuscript before delivery. But it is evident that the manuscript had not been followed by Mr. Rawlins in his speech, if the testimony of those who were present can be relied upon.

I took dinner at my wife Carlie’s today, it being the anniversary of her wedding. She had invited her sisters Emily, Miriam and Josephine, and Bishops Clawson and L. G. Hardy. We spent a very pleasant evening together.

4 November 1892 • Friday

Friday, Nov. 4, 1892.

First Presidency at the office.

I telegraphed this morning to Brother Graham, calling his attention to the version of Mr. Rawlins’ remarks which appeared in the “Herald” this morning, and asking him if that report was correct, or was there any unquestionable authority to sustain the version published in his paper, and which he had forwarded to me by telegraph. He replied that there was unquestionable authority for the version that appeared in the “Enquirer”, and that that in the “Herald” was not correct. He stated that Dr. Geo. F. Phillips, Professor in the B.Y.Academy, was present at the meeting, and had taken down in writing at the time that which Mr Rawlins said, and he was ready to substantiate it by affidavit.

There was a meeting of the Board of Trustees of Young University to take into consideration the purchase of the shares of several heirs of President Young in the block that had been set apart by President Young for a college.

Brother B. H. Roberts came in and informed us that he had happened to be in Ogden when two messengers came down from Cache valley for the purpose of seeing the Democratic Central Committee; that C. C. Richards, who is the Chairman, had called him and Gov. West to hear what these two brethren had to say. They told them that there had been a secret meeting held by Brother Jos. F. Smith in Cache valley, at which there were three Bishops and several other brethren, and that he had told those brethren that this Territory should be Republican, and intimated that there had been an arrangement made by which it was to be made Republican, and that after making several statements of this character, one of the brethren had asked Brother Smith pointedly whether he made those statements and gave that counsel as an individual or as one of the First Presidency, to which Brother Smith had replie[d,] “I speak for Wilford Woodruff, for Geo. Q. Cannon and for Joseph F[.] Smith”; that one of the parties who were present had come to these two young men and told them what had occurred, and said they had been charged by Brother Smith, for the Lord’s sake, not to tell anything about this, not to betray him, but that he authorized them to make affidavit to these facts, if they wished to do so, but they must withhold his name.

After Brother Roberts had made this statement to President Woodruff and myself, President Smith came in, and it was rehearsed in his hearing. He told us that there had a conversation occurred, not a secret one, at Brother Nibley’s house (where he was stopping) at meal time. There had a few of the brethren dropped in, and one of them had asked him his views as an about matters, and that he had told them that he gave them his views as an individual, and not as one of the First Presidency, and that he had gone on and told them, not that the Territory should be Republican, but that he believed it was better for us to vote the Republican ticket. That which he had said to them he would just as soon say publicly. He had positively stated that he did not speak to them in an official capacity, but just gave his individual views.

The two young men who brought this information down were named Barber and Hart, the latter a son of James H. Hart, of Bear Lake. Brother Roberts said he regretted that it had been told in the presence of Gov. West, and had said to the young men that they ought not to have made such statements.

We had a very full and free conversation with Brother Roberts on political matters.

5 November 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, Nov. 5, 1892.

President Woodruff was not at the office this morning. President Smith and myself were there.

I dictated to Brother Winter my journal and some correspondence, also a card to be published in the “Deseret News” concerning the charges said to have been made against me by Mr. Rawlins in his Provo speech.

As soon as I got through with this I started for Westover, and spent some time there looking at my horses, my boys having preceded me there with Brother Wilcken. My son Sylvester desired to have his brother David’s mare, which David had given to me before he left home. I was willing he should have it, but my emotions overpowered me while there in thinking about my dear boy and seeing this animal, which he had valued very highly.

6 November 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, Nov. 6, 1892.

Attended meeting at the Tabernacle at 2 o’clock. Brother Grant occupied about 40 minutes, and I occupied about half an hour. Brother Grant’s discourse I enjoyed very much. I desired Brother Jos. F. Smith to follow him, but he declined and pressed me to do so. I had good freedom in speaking. I have been oppressed from some time in the night with a feeling almost akin to dread, as though something unpleasant was impending. I did not get rid of the feeling till I went to meeting and spoke.

7 November 1892 • Monday

Monday, Nov. 7, 1892.

First Presidency at the office.

Mr. Charles Crane, chairman of the Republican committee, and Judge Bennett came to see us to obtain the Tabernacle for this evening’s discussion between J. L. Rawlins and Frank J. Cannon. They said there had been so many applications for tickets to enter the theater that it was impossible to gratify hundreds who wanted to hear the discussion. President Woodruff was desirous to know how I felt on the subject. I told him I preferred not saying anything, inasmuch as my son was one of the contestants; but I suggested that we call the Twelve that were in town and the Presiding Bishops and take the matter into consideration. This was done. There were present, besides the First Presidency, John H. Smith, H. J. Grant and A. M. Cannon, Bishops Burton and Winder, and Angus M. Cannon of the Presidency of the Stake. It was unanimously decided that it would be improper for us to let the Tabernacle be used for such purposes.

I afterwards accompanied my brother Angus to the Sugar House Ward to attend the funeral services of Sister Robinson, a lady who had joined the church fifty years ago in the Isle of Man, under the preaching of President Taylor. Brother John W. Taylor had just arisen when we reached the meeting house, and he made a few remarks. My brother Angus followed, Brother Jos. F. Smith followed him, and I made the closing remarks. There was quite a good attendance.

Brother H. H. Cluff and his wife called in to be set apart for the mission to which Brother Cluff had been called, to take charge of the Hawaiian colony in Skull Valley. Presidents Woodruff, Smith and myself laid our hands on his head, and President Woodruff requested me to be mouth. Brother Smith and myself afterwards laid hands on Sister Cluff, and Brother Smith was mouth.

In the evening a discussion took place in the theater between Frank J. Cannon and J. L. Rawlins. The theater was crowded. Frank occupied the first hour, followed by Mr. Rawlins for an hour and a half. In part of his speech he assailed the authorities of the church very vigorousl viciously, alleging that a decree had gone forth that he, being an apostate, had to be defeated. He mentioned the names of Brothers Jos. F. Smith, John H. Smith and H. B. Clawson, and others, and he included, as I understand, the First Presidency. This made a great deal of excitement among our own people, although it is said that many Democrats who are “Mormons” applauded his remarks. When Frank’s turn came to reply, he having half an hour, he was almost prevented from saying anything by the uproar which was raised, and he could only speak a few sentences at a time. The report of fair people who were there was that it was a most disgraceful exhibition, and several expressed themselves as thoroughly disgusted with Democracy, if that was an exhibition of Democracy. I was pleased to learn that Frank’s deportment was gentlemanly, although it is said he did lose his temper a little in replying to the attacks of Rawlins concerning the authorities of the church.

8 November 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Nov. 8, 1892.

I received word from my son Hugh and Brother Cutler concerning their departure from New York at 8:30 last night.

I had an interview with my sons John Q. & Abraham concerning the manner of conducting the funeral, and also brought to the attention of the First Presidency and Brothers Richards, Lyman and J. H. Smith the question as to how I should have David’s funeral obsequies performed, whether in public or in private. I said my own inclination was to have them in private; but some of the family and others had remonstrated and said that friends of the family should have an opportunity to show their respect. It had, therefore, been proposed to bring his remains to town, and I asked whether they thought we could occupy the Assembly Hall. President Woodruff expressed himself as being decidedly in favor of a public funeral, as did all the brethren, and they said they would like to have the funeral on Sunday, so that all the people could attend. My only objection to that was, it might appear as if I was giving undue prominence to my son’s funeral because of my position. It was suggested by Brother Lyman that it would be a good idea to try and get up a list of all who had died in foreign lands and have their names mentioned, and Brother F. D. Richards suggested that it might be made a memorial service for all. It was decided to do this, and to hold the services at 11 on Sunday. I gave notice to my brother Angus of this, and I was pleased that the brethren felt so united upon this. I afterward saw Brother Grant and Abraham, and they also favored it.

There is not much excitement in town over the election today.

9 November 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Nov. 9, 1892.

The first news this morning after reaching the office was that Cleveland had been overwhelmingly elected, and that Rawlins had been elected with a majority of about 3500. In reflecting upon this election and that which we had done, I felt satisfied with the course that the First Presidency has taken.

Attended a meeting of the Sugar Co.

I then went to the funeral of Bishop Winder’s wife, who died very suddenly from heart trouble. Brother Grant, my brother Angus and Bishop Burton spoke, and I was called upon to dismiss the meeting.

We listened to the reading of correspondence.

At 4 o’clock I attended a meeting of the Bullion-Beck. The company is running in debt, and I urged very pointedly the necessity of retrenchment, and moved that Bishop Preston and John Beck be a committee to investigate the payroll and other channels of expenditure, to see whether there could not be retrenchment.

I afterwards went down to Dr. Hughes’, where my wife Carlie was with our son Clawson. His hearing is affected. Dr. Hughes examined him and said it would require continuous treatment for some time to restore it, even if it could be restored, one of his ears being somewhat defective.

I dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

10 November 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, Nov. 10, 1892.

My son Frank came in the office this morning, in company with Abraham, and I was pleased to see that he felt very well about his defeat. He had a long conversation with President Woodruff and Smith and other brethren.

At 2 o’clock the First Presidency and Elders F. D. Richards, F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith and H. J. Grant met as usual. We attended to various matters of business.

Afterwards, Presidents Woodruff and Smith and Elders Lyman and Smith had conversation with my son Frank concerning the situation of the Ogden “Standard” and the necessity there was that such a paper should be sustained, as under the changed conditions if there were not some paper representing the minority everything would go overwhelmingly Democratic, and there would be no check on that party.

I preferred not being present at that meeting, as I did not want, if any steps were taken looking to the sustenance of the paper, to have it said that I had used any influence in that direction. Afterwards, however, President Woodruff called me in and submitted to me the question of sustaining it, and I then expressed my reasons for not wishing to have any voice; still I remarked that if I did have a voice, if it was anyone else but my son who was interested I should certainly sustain the view that there was need of such a paper.

I got a letter from Dr. Anderson, enclosing one from Wm. H. Shearman. In Brother Shearman’s letter he mentions my name, and asks the Doctor, if convenient, to talk with me about his condition. He is really suffering from melancholy and is threatened with dementia. His letter was very lengthy, describing his feelings and how he suffers. It was inexpressibly sad to me. He is troubled with the temptation to commit suicide, and looks upon his condition as intolerably wretched. I dropped a note to the Doctor that I would be in the office tomorrow, and if he would come up I should be glad to talk with him upon the subject.

11 November 1892 • Friday

Friday, Nov. 11, 1892.

First Presidency at the office this morning[.]

Dr. Anderson came up and we talked over Brother Shearman’s situation, and concluded that if Brother Winder could furnish him employment around the Temple, that that would be a good thing to occupy his time. Dr. Anderson said he needed some occupation to engross his attention and keep him from brooding. We afterwards sent for Brother Winder, and he said he would consider the subject. His own health is very poor, and he was not in a condition to give it much thought then.

My sons Abraham and Frank started back this morning to meet Hugh, whom we expect in tomorrow morning at 3 o’clock, with my dear son David’s remains.

Brother Reynolds read correspondence to us today.

12 November 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, Nov. 12, 1892.

I arose very early this morning and while dressing was surprised to have my son Hugh present himself at my bedroom. He had been taken by Abraham on the arrival of the train to Brother Wilcken’s, where he expected to find his wife, but learned that she was down at his mother’s, and Brother Wilcken had brought him down. He looks very natural, except that he is thinner. It was with difficulty that I could control my feelings. My sons and my son-in-law Lewis, and my hired man and Brother Wilcken went in vehicles to the railroad. My son Hugh drove my buggy. It was a painful thing to me to approach the subject of David’s death; but after I had opened the conversation I received great relief and conversation from hearing Hugh’s description of David’s labors and his condition when he found him. His death was due to heart failure, and it was inexpressibly sweet to me to hear from Hugh his description of David’s feelings, what he said, and the deep love that he manifested for me and for all the family. He was willing, however, to go; and in fact seemed almost desirous, or at least entirely willing to submit to the will of the Lord. I had got an impression that he was delirious when Hugh arrived, but Hugh said not, and though unable to speak he was able to write. He wrote on a slate, and after being administered to by Hugh he recovered his voice. He did not suffer much pain, and was greatly beloved by all. He passed away as though he was falling asleep, and Hugh said that after death he looked as though he was asleep. Hugh was very fortunate in securing the certificates of Doctors that enabled him to bring the body away without any trouble. Hugh related one instance as an evidence of the love of the people for David. One woman that was not in the church walked 3 drei stunden (literally 3 hours) to see him after death, but came too late to do so, the casket being fastened when she arrived. He said the people generally felt grief-stricken at his loss. Hugh said David related to him his sickness before he left home, and he remarked, “I am very glad that he did not die then, but that he lived to go on a mission and perform so glorious a work.” He said David had baptized five, and a judicious Elder going in that region would be able to bring twenty or thirty families into the church, he thought, who had been convinced by David’s preaching.

Brother Joseph E. Taylor was at the station, also John Q. & Abraham, and the box containing the casket was put in Brother Taylor’s spring wagon, and we brought it down home, when the box was opened. We found the casket in perfect condition. It is very handsome, and I felt much gratified at its appearance. The family were all assembled at the front door when we drove up, and it was a sorrowful time. We took the casket into the parlor.

David’s last words to Hugh were:

“Yes, you shall now rest.”

I afterwards, in company with Brother Jos. E. Taylor, John Q., Abraham, Mary Alice, Emily, Sylvester and Lewis M., went to the graveyard and selected a spot in our lot for the grave to be dug. I should have put his grave next to his mother’s, but I could not do so with so long a casket without endangering the foundation of the monument.

I dictated my journal to Brother Winter.

I received a very nice letter from Elders J. F. Howells, Henry A. Woodruff and Ira Williams, now laboring as missionaries in England, concerning David. Brother Howells writes: “I was one of the number that accompanied David to Liverpool. He took charge of the company. He was the most courteous, gentle and accommodating young man I ever met in my life, for one so young, and I trust the attachment that I formed for David while crossing the sea will be cherished in my heart while I sojourn in the flesh, and I hope and pray that I may live so that I can enjoy his association in the life to come. I shall never forget the conversations that passed between us while aboard the “Arizona”. He and I were about the only two that were not seasick. He always had a pleasant smile and a kind word for those that were seasick, and the greater portion of the time he was singing hymns to comfort the other brethren. He told me on one occasion he thanked the Lord from the bottom of his heart that He had spared his dear father’s life to see this time. He also felt proud that he had received his father’s blessing before leaving his dear home. He had two wishes in his heart: one was to fill a good mission, and that the Lord would spare his father’s life till he returned. Little did I think that when we sat around the table in the Stewart hotel to take dinner, that it would be our last meal together. He remarked to me afterwards, “Now comes, Brother Howells, the most touching part of our journey”, and little did I realize that remark until now. David has gone to meet his record [reward?]. He has filled the measure of his creation. He was one of the noble spirits that were to tabernacle in the flesh for a short time.”

My wife Emily came down to stay all night, so as to be ready to go with the family in the morning to the Tabernacle.

We all feel very sorrow-stricken today.

13 November 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, Nov. 13, 1892.

There was quite a gathering of friends this morning at the house. They came in carriages to accompany David’s remains and the family to the Tabernacle. All my family, excepting three or four of the younger children, were provided with vehicles, some of which had been kindly furnished by friends[.] Some carriages I had hired, and had on my own teams.

Bishop Empey, who takes charge of the seating of the folks in the Tabernacle, came down to see what instructions I had to give. Brother Jos. E. Taylor brought his spring wagon down for the casket to be carried in, as it was too large to go in a hearse.

We left the house a little before 10, and it was a few minutes after 11 when we reached the Tabernacle. I was much gratified to see a batallion of University students in full uniform, with their side arms, drawn up in front of the Tabernacle for the procession to pass through. The stands in the Tabernacle were beautifully draped in white, and we were seated in the front row in the center. The description of the proceedings in the “Deseret News” I insert, to save writing the particulars myself.

[Newspaper article]

The special services held in the Tabernacle yesterday morning on the occasion of the burial of Elder David Hoagland Cannon in memory of all the missionaries who have died while engaged in the mission field, were of a very unique and impressive character. The congregation was one of the largest ever seen within the walls of the spacious building, not only the floor, but every available space in the galleries being filled.

Among those present were many persons belonging to the various religious denominations in the city. The entire front of the stand, extending from gallery to gallery, was draped with white crape, as was also a portion of the organ, while upon the ledges of the stand as well as around the structure were a number of magnificent shrubs, flowering plants and palms. At either end of the sacrament table—which was likewise covered with white crape—large bunches of pampas plumes were placed, and between these the casket, flanked by numerous floral tributes, rested during the service. The whole of the seats on the floor in the center of the building were reserved for the mourners—the bereaved ones who had lost relations under circumstances similar to those of the family of President Cannon. The two front benches on the north side were occupied by the Utah University cadets, who wore their regimental dress; President Cannon and his family were seated immediately behind the casket, at the foot of the speaker’s stand.

The funeral cortege left the Farm, the residence of the deceased’s father, at ten o’clock, and was met at the Tabernacle gates by the University cadets, of whom the late Elder Cannon was formerly a member. Through the battalion’s open ranks the casket was borne, and they followed it into the building; at the conclusion of the services they preceded the remains with measured tread, to the south gate where the procession formed.

While the mourners were taking their places Prof. J. J. Daynes played a selection of solemn music upon the organ.

The services were conducted by Apostle Franklin D. Richards, under the direction of President Wilford Woodruff, and there were among those also on the stand: President Joseph F. Smith (of the First Presidency), Apostles Moses Thatcher, John Henry Smith, F. M. Lyman, Heber J. Grant and Counselors Joseph E. Taylor and Charles W. Penrose.

The solemn ceremonies began with the choir singing the hymn on page 395, the opening verse of which is:

Cease, ye fond parents, cease to weep,

Let grief no more your bosom swell;

For what is death? ‘Tis nature’s sleep;

The trump of God will break the spell,

For He, whose arm is strong to save,

Arose in Triumph o’er the grave.

Prayer was offered by Apostle F. M. Lyman.

The choir sang the hymn on page 247:

When shall we all meet again?

When shall we our rest obtain?

When, our pilgrimage be o’er?

Parting sighs be known no more?

When Mount Zion we regain,

There we all may meet again.


Next arose and said as the funeral services on this occasion not only embraced the death of Brother David Hoagland Cannon, whose tabernacle now laid before the congregation, but a great many other Elders who had yielded up their lives while preaching the Gospel to the nations of the earth, an endeavor had been made to publish these cases as far as they had come to the knowledge of the authorities, and Apostle Richards would therefore read to those assembled the list already furnished. After this Brother Grant would read one of the last letters written home from abroad by the late David H. Cannon.


explained that all the names in the list did not contain the same amount of information, the time having been too short to obtain as much as desired; but when more complete details came in they would be published. Brother Richards then read the list which appeared in Saturday’s News, and which appears, corrected, in another column.


next read the last letter written by Elder David H. Cannon to his sister six days before his death.The anthem, “Not dead, but sleepeth,” was afterwards rendered most effectively by the members of the Tabernacle Harmony and Conductor’s class.

The words were as follows:

They shall awake again in the presence of th[e] living God.—Amen.

Mourn not, oh, weep not, for death has no power.

‘Tis but a change to the angel’s bright bower.

Christ on the cross suffered pain and death for us all.

‘Tis not death, but sleep; they shall awake when the Father calls.

Come unto me all, I will give you rest.

For the Kingdom now is thine;

The Love of God is everywhere.

Glory to God. Glory now on high.

Weep not for the loved ones gone

For the soul can never die.

Not dead, but sleepeth. Amen.


After quoting the words, “blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth, yea saith the Spirit, for they rest from their labors and their works do follow them,” said those present had already heard quite as good a sermon as he himself could preach in the letter just read from their departed brother whose tabernacle was before them, and whose spirit had entered upon its mission on the other side of the veil. To President George Q. Cannon, his family, and the relatives of all those dead ones whose names had just been read in their hearing, he would say, if the veil were removed and they could see their departed ones in the spirit world, they would rejoice with every sentiment of their heart at having had the privilege of being the parents, brothers and sisters of those who had entered upon their labors and were at work therein today. He would not attempt on that occasion to talk about any of their brethren in particular who had left this sphere of action and entered upon their ministerial labors beyond. Those who died in the Lord hardly tasted of death. When the spirit left the body it entered into the presence of the righteous. There was a work on the other side of the veil belonging to this dispensation as well as to all others; and our Savior Himself spent but a very short time in the flesh—only three and a half years—after he began his ministry before He laid down His life, when He was crucified and His blood was shed for the redemption of the world. He then entered immediately upon His work, preaching to “the spirits in prison,” and when His body was resurrected He ascended to His Father. The Savior’s work had never ceased from that day until now. That was an ensample to all men under heaven who had received the Gospel of Jesus Christ, who had received the Priesthood and been called to labor for the salvation of the world.

He (the speaker) had listened to the reading of several letters from their departed brother, one of which had been read that morning. Those to his father concerning his mission were deeply interesting to them all, as showing the position the deceased occupied, his great zeal, and his desire to save the souls of men. Brother Cannon’s mission extended over but a few months, from the time he entered the Master’s vineyard until his spirit left his tabernacle. But during that brief period he performed an excellent work; he opened a good many doors and brought souls into the Kingdom. The speaker thought that if those whose sons and daughters died in the Lord and were taken from among them could comprehend the work laid out for them by our heavenly Father, they would feel thoroughly satisfied. There was a great amount of work to be done on the other side of the veil by those who lived in the flesh and labored in this great work upon the earth from the time of Joseph Smith down to the present. Temple work for the dead was an important duty in which a good many of the Latter-day Saints were engaged, and more or less had to be done in this respect in every age when the Lord had a people on the earth. In these last days this same duty rested upon us. Our fathers who had died without a knowledge of the Gospel had gone into the spirit world, and we should labor for them here. This they would all learn when they, in their turn, reached the other side of the veil and the books were opened. A number of the Latter-day Saints were taken away in the prime of life, and sometimes it seemed that the very best of our boys on earth were called to depart hence. He did not know that they were actually better than those who were left; but certainly they had remained faithful to the end.

As to him whose tabernacle now laid before them, he felt that all was right. He was a good and faithful boy, a true Elder in Israel; he labored diligently in the Master’s cause up to the last hour that he dwelt in the flesh, and he rejoiced today in the spirit world among the Lord’s annointed, the righteous that dwelt there. He felt that Brother George Q. Cannon and his family, the brothers and sisters of the deceased, and the relatives of all others who had been called to mourn the loss of their beloved ones, those who had died among the nations of the earth, had all cause to rejoice in that they continued faithful until called hence; and when the books were opened and we could understand these things aright, it would be seen that the hand of the Lord was in it and that what He had done was in accordance with His mind and will.

In conclusion, President Woodruff prayed that the comforting influence of the Lord might rest down upon the sorrowing ones, until our bodies and spirits were reunited on the morning of the resurrection.


said he did not feel that morning in the spirit of death nor in that of mourning, but rather in that of rejoicing. He felt gratitude to God our heavenly Father for His great mercy and loving kindness towards us His children. Certainly we had no reason to mourn for Brother David Hoagland Cannon. His spirit did not mourn today, but rejoiced in the freedom which it had obtained, and in the glory and exaltation which he had acquired.

It was not at all strange that so many of our Elders had passed away from this stage of existence while abroad in the missionary field. The wonder to him, indeed, was that out of the vast multitude of Elders who had been sent out to preach the Gospel to the nations of the earth so very few of them had met with death in foreign lands, and it was, to himself, an evidence that the peculiar favor and blessing of the Almighty had been extended in a wonderful measure towards them, from the beginning of this latter-day work; it was remarkable that more of them had not fallen a prey to disease, hardship and the hand of the assassin.

We were all awaiting the time when, one by one, we should pass behind the veil. When we considered that not a son or daughter of God who had been born in the flesh would escape the ordeal which was called death, we need not feel to mourn when the good and faithful, the true and noble of His children, were called hence. We would not call back the spirit of Brother David H. Cannon nor of those whose names have just been enumerated, and who had died in harness—in the service of God in the mission field, or in going to or returning from it. They had died in the discharge of their duty in faithfulness before the Lord—faithful to their trust, faithful to their covenants, and the reward of the faithful had been given unto them. It was true that our natural feelings were grieved at the departure of those whom we loved; it was natural that we should mourn over losing their presence and their society on earth; but when we knew that it was beyond our power to add one cubit to their stature in righteousness or to diminish aught in them—when we knew they had been faithful and were indeed the servants of God, and had died in His service, what more could we desire? If he could but know that his children would be permitted to lay down their lives as had Brother David H. Cannon and those other missionaries—in every particular the same—how much preferable would that be to him than to feel that anyone of them should be suffered to deny the truth and depart from the way of life and salvation.

With himself there was no question as to the truth of the Gospel, in the advocacy and promulgation of which these their brethren had died—no doubt in regard to the divinity of this work. He was satisfied in his heart and mind that it was of God, that there was no greater work in which a man could engage and none more worthy of the sacrifice of our natural life or the time and ability which God had given us. These Elders had laid down their lives while seeking to bring mankind to a knowledge of the truth as restored to the earth in this dispensation; and he thanked God they had been permitted to do this in His service. All was well with them, and might our Heavenly Father grant unto us the same spirit which animated the late Brother Cannon while upon his mission. May the same spirit that was breathed in his communication to his sister, take possession of the hearts and minds of our young men and women in Zion. No higher, no more noble spirit of aspiration could possibly animate their souls than was breathed in that one letter, written just previous to his death. If we could only possess that spirit and be actuated by it, all would do well with us whether in life or in death. He thanked God that young men like Brother David Hoagland Cannon had been raised up in the midst of this people, and he prayed that the same spirit which he manifested and the same faith which he obtained from God might be given in great abundance to the children of Zion and to His people throughout the length and breadth of the land; because he did know that it was the Spirit of God, the spirit of righteousness, of holiness, meekness and truth, the spirit of the Gospel of the Son of God.

May God bless and comfort those who have been deprived of the society of a loved son and a loved brother, may peace and consolation dwell in their hearts, and be poured upon them in rich abundance, and may they rejoice in the great and glorious principles of the Gospel for which he laid down his life as a sacrifice. May we emulate his example and follow in his footsteps, live the life he has lived, and accomplish as much good as he has accomplished while we remain in the flesh, and as much more as it may be possible.


was the next speaker. He said he felt as though, more or less, he were this morning in the presence of those departed ones whose names he had before read to the congregation. The services on that occason [occasion] were in condolence with their worthy brother, President George Q. Cannon, and his household, as well as with the relatives of other missionaries who had died while laboring in the Lord’s vineyard abroad, in their bereavement; but as President Joseph F. Smith had expressed it, they felt not to sorrow under such circumstances but rather to rejoice.

It was not his intention to take up the time of the meeting with any lengthened remarks of his own; he wished, however, to read an extract from a sermon preached by the Prophet Joseph Smith on April 16th, 1843, just after receiving the news of the death of Elder Lorenzo D. Barnes, at Bradford, England, which occurred on December 20th, 1842. As reported by Willard Richards and Wilford Woodruff, the Prophet said:

When I heard of the death of our beloved Brother Barnes, it would not have affected me so much if I had the opportunity of burying him in the land of Zion.

I believe those who have buried their friends here, their condition is enviable. Look at Jacob and Joseph in Egypt, how they required their friends to bury them in the tomb of their fathers. See the expense which attended the embalming and the going up of the great company to the burial.

It has always been considered a great calamity not to obtain an honorable burial; and one of the greatest curses the ancient Prophets could put on any man was, that he should go without a burial.

I have said, Father, I desire to die here among the Saints. But if this is not thy will, and I go hence and die, wilt thou find some kind friend and bring my body back, and gather my friends who have fallen in foreign lands, and bring them up hither, that we may all lie together.

I will tell you what I want. If tomorrow I shall be called to lie in yonder tomb, in the morning of the resurrection let me strike hands with my father, and cry, “My father,” and he will say, “My son, my son,” as soon as the rock rends and before we come out of our grave.

And may we contemplate these things so? Yes, if we learn how to live and how to die. When we lie down we contemplate how we may rise up in the morning; and it is pleasing for friends to lie down together, locked in the arms of love, to sleep, and awake in each other’s embrace, and renew their conversation.

Would you think it strange if I relate what I have seen in vision in relation to this interesting theme? Those who have died in Jesus Christ may expect to enter into all that fruition of joy, when they come forth, which they possessed or anticipated here.

So plain was the vision, that I actually saw men, before they had ascended from the tomb, as though they were getting up slowly. They took each other by the hand; and said to each other, “My father, my son, my mother, my daughter, my brother, my sister.” And when the voice calls for the dead to arise, suppose I am laid by the side of my father, what would be the first joy of my heart? To meet my father, my mother, my brother, my sister; and when they are by my side, I embrace them, and they me.

It is my meditation all the day, and more than my meat and drink, to know how I shall make the Saints of God comprehend the visions that roll like an overflowing surge before my mind.

Oh! how I would delight to bring before you things which you never thought of! But poverty and the cares of the world prevent. But I am glad I have the privilege of communicating to you some things, which, if grasped closely, will be a help to you when earthquakes bellow, the clouds gather, the lightnings flash, and the storms are ready to burst upon you like peals of thunder. Lay hold of these things, and let not your knees or joints tremble, nor your hearts faint; and then what can earthquakes, wars, and tornadoes do? Nothing. All your losses will be made up to you in the resurrection, provided you continue faithful. By the vision of the Almighty I have seen it.

The expectation of seeing my friends in the morning of the resurrection cheers my soul and makes me bear up against the evils of life. It is like their taking a long journey, and on their return we meet them with increased joy.

Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna to Almighty God, that rays of light begin to burst forth upon us, even now. I cannot find words to express myself. I am not learned, but I have as good feelings as any man.

O that I had the language of the archangel to express my feelings once to my friends! But I never expect to in this life. When others rejoice, I rejoice; when they mourn, I mourn.

Apostle Richards went on to remark that when on his second mission to England in the year 1850 permission was obtained to exhume the body of Brother Barnes and also that of Brother Wm. Burton, who died at Edinburgh, Scotland, on March 17th, 1851, and the missionaries having contributed the necessary funds they were brought to Salt Lake for interment in the midst of God’s people. The bodies of quite a number of other Elders who had died abroad since then had also been brought over for the same purpose. An application, however, for permission to exhume and bring home the remains of Brother Flanigan from Birmingham, England, was met with a refusal. He had died of smallpox, and the authorities deemed it prudent not to run the risk of any possible spread of the contagion.

The Prophet Joseph Smith entertained the deepest interest in having the remains of the brethren who died abroad buried in the land of Zion—the gathering place of the Saints, and had a vault constructed in which it was his intention to have the bodies of the members of his own family deposited. This was erected on the south side of the Temple Square in the city of Nauvoo. While visiting that place, however, a few years ago, Brother Richards said he found the vault itself was still preserved intact, but it had been covered in and was then used as a wine cellar.

He thought the remarks made by the Prophet Joseph in the sermon to which he had just before referred were equally as consoling today to President Cannon and his family as they were to the friends of Brother Barnes at that distant time. Everything contained in the Holy Gospel was calculated to give us comfort and to cheer our hearts in the tribulations of this mortal life. We needed the Lord’s strength to overcome all the trials and sorrows of these latter days. Some five or six of our missionaries had been buried in the mighty deep, but the day was coming, as we were told, when the sea shall deliver up its dead. Some of the Elders while engaged in preaching the Gospel had been persecuted, while others had been shot down by the assassin; but these would wear the martyr’s crown in the Master’s kingdom and would receive a full recompense at His hands. The crown of the Gospel martyr was the most glorious and brilliant that could be obtained, and there was no man who had laid down his life in God’s service but would find his full reward in the world to come—life everlasting. The joy and gladness to be found in the holy Gospel should lift us above the momentary afflictions of this evil world, and if we but realized this more clearly than we did, we should not be nearly so downhearted as we sometimes were. The powers of darkness were permitted to crowd around us in order that our faith might be tested by God. He prayed the Lord to dispense His gracious blessings upon the mourners there that day, and prepare us all for the society hereafter of those noble ones who had already laid down their lives in His cause, from the day of the Prophet Joseph until now.

The choir sang the anthem, “Prayer,” the words of which are here given:


When thy soul is sad and weary,

Seek relief in prayer;

When the way is dark and dreary,

Still there’s comfort there.

There’s a healing balm that prayer

Can alone impart:

And a comfort sent from heaven

To the seeking heart.

When thy dearest hope is blighted,

Like the autumn flowers;

And despair takes hold upon thee

In thy trying hour;

And in vain thou lookest round thee

For some friendly aid;

Turn to heaven in supplication;

Ask, nor be afraid.

Then a heavenly consolation

Will relieve the heart

Of its burden of vexation,

And its aching smart.

And thy trust in God will lighten

All thy deep despair;

While thy way through life will brighten

By the aid of prayer.

The solo was feelingly sung by Brother H. S. Ensign, Jr. both the words and music of this selection are by Brother Evan Stevens

The benediction was pronounced by Apostle John Henry Smith.

This concluded the services in the Tabernacle, which occupied just two hours. The congregation, by request, remained seated until all the mourners had emerged from the building.

The interment took place at the city cemetery, the dedicatory prayer at the grave being offered by President Joseph F. Smith. There was an immense concourse of spectators, and the sidewalk along South Temple street for a number of blocks was also lined with people. The funeral cortege, en route to the cemetery, was headed by the Utah University cadets, who walked four deep. When near the place of burial the ranks were parted and the whole procession passed through.

The casket containing the body of their deceased comrade was conveyed upon the undertaker’s wagon, in the same manner in which it was brought from the Cannon residence to the Tabernacle, it being too large to admit of accommodation within the ordinary hearse. It was very massive and of elaborate workmanship, weighing nearly 500 pounds.

Eight brothers of the deceased acted as pall-bearers. These included Elder Hugh J. Cannon, who accompanied the remains from Germany.

Bishop N. A. Empey and assistants had direction of the seating of the audience in the Tabernacle, and of the funeral procession; and Joseph F. Taylor was the undertaker in charge.

[End of newspaper article]

I could not control my feelings today at times. My grief was heavier than I thought it would be. But David was very near to me; it seems like parting with a portion of myself.

After the interment I drove to my son Abraham’s, in company with my wife Emily, John Q. and Frank and their wives, my daughter Mary Alice and her husband, and Emily and Sylvester. Miss Lilian Hamlin, to whom David had been paying attention before he left, but with whom he did not made any engagement, as he desired to leave her free while he was gone, accompanied us to the grave, and also to Abraham’s. She felt very badly over the death of David, and has shown much affection for him.

14 November 1892 • Monday

Monday, Nov. 14, 1892.

I was deeply impressed this morning before arising with the feeling that it was wrong for me to indulge in so much grief, and it seemed as though I was plainly told that I ought to dry up my tears, and not allow my feelings of sorrow to have the effect upon me they had had, that it was not pleasing in the sight of the Lord. My daughter Mary Alice has also been yielding to her grief, for he was very dear to her. I talked to her also in the same strain, for she had been going without food and sleep, and abandoning herself to her grief. I told her it was sinful and she must stop it.

I must say in relation to the honor paid to myself and family that I felt it was far beyond our deserts, and I almost felt humbled by the prominence that was given to the funeral and the multitudes that attended.

The First Presidency had a long conversation today with Prest. Smoot and Counselor David John concerning the selection of a second counselor to fill the vacancy occasioned by the appointment of Brother H. H. Cluff to preside at Josepa. Brother Smoot was anxious to have his son-in-law, William Bean, who is now the Clerk of the Stake, for a second counselor. We felt that if arrangements could be made to obtain Brother Edward Partridge as his counselor, it would add strength to the Presidency of the Stake. This question was examined in various lights, and finally I moved that the whole question be left to Brother Smoot, now that he knew our feelings, to make such selection as he might choose.

Brother Budge, President of the Bear Lake Stake, also submitted two names to us to select a counselor for him; they were Brothers William Rich, of Montpelier, and Brother J. U. Stucki. He finally said that if the latter brother should be appointed the tithing clerk, he would like him to fill that position, as he was very well suited for it, and he would take Brother Rich as a counselor. We decided to leave this to himself, that either of these brethren would be acceptable to us.

Brother Benjamin Cluff called to see us concerning a project he had in view of going to Germany to study normal teaching for one year, to which we assented.

Brother John C. Cutler called in to see us, he having just returned from a mission to England. He appeared well and was glad to get home. I felt under obligations to him, because of his remaining in New York to await the arrival of my son Hugh with David’s remains. He was a great assistance to Hugh while there.

Hugh called in also to pay his respects to the First Presidency, and I submitted to Presidents Woodruff and Smith the propriety of Hugh returning to Germany and laboring in the field that had been opened up by David; but after considering the question both Presidents Woodruff and Smith expressed themselves to the effect that they thought he ought not to return, that he had filled a good mission and should not be required to go back again. At President Woodruff’s request, Hugh gave a description of David’s sickness and death, and also of his labors.

We had an interview this evening with Bishop Clawson to consider questions connected with our property and the best way of having the appeal of which notice had been given by District Attorney Varian, set aside.

15 November 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Nov. 15, 1892.

First Presidency at the office this morning.

Had further conversation with Bishop Clawson concerning the business we considered last evening, and it was decided that he should send a dispatch giving full particulars to Colonel Trumbo in California.

I submitted the question to some of the brethren whether it was not a proper thing, now that President Woodruff was Trustee-in-trust for the church, that the amount allowed him for services should be increased. He receives now $5000 per annum, and my proposition was to increase that to $6000, as I knew he was cramped and had to incur debt, which everyone knew was abhorrent to him. President Woodruff for years and years labored as one of the Twelve traveling, preaching throughout the Territory, and never drew anything from the church to sustain himself and his family. Now that his life is so advanced, I felt that we should endeavor to make his days as easily as possible. President Joseph F. Smith heartily assented to it, as also did Brothers F. D. Richards, F. M. Lyman and J. H. Smith.

16 November 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Nov. 16, 1892.

First Presidency at the office.

A very stormy, unpleasant day.

Brother Heber J. Grant is quite sick today, and sent for a carriage with a note to the First Presidency asking us to be so kind as to call at his house and administer to him and his wife. President Woodruff did not feel to go, and Brother John H. Smith accompanied Brother Joseph F. Smith and myself. We found him suffering from cold and fever, and feeling very badly over the condition of his wife. He wept and said that he did not wish to keep her here in the misery that she suffered from time to time, unless it was the Lord’s will. He would like to have her either healed or relieved from her suffering. He desired us to have prayer in the sitting room, and then go in and administer to her. I was mouth in prayer, and Brother J. H. Smith did the anointing and Brother Joseph F .Smith was mouth in administering to her.

Alfred Lambourne, one of our artists, has visited the Hill Cumorah and Adam-ondi-Ahman and made sketches of these memorable places, and had made a painting of the Hill Cumorah, which we were invited to criticize. We suggested that a fence that was on the Hill should be obliterated, and that the change in the coloring between the plowed land and the unplowed land should be altered, as by looking at it it had the appearance of two hills. He approved of our suggestions and said he would make the necessary changes. The scene is a very beautiful one. The sun is shining in the east, but to the right there are clouds of thick darkness, and lightning. In his written description, which is very poetical, he says this is a symbolism of the powers of darkness. We were all suited with the picture.

It was decided today to publish an edition of ten thousand of the German Book of Mormon, and accept the proposition made for the printing by the Deseret News Publishing Company.

We had a meeting of the Paper Mill Co. There was considerable discussion over the propriety of borrowing $30,000 for the paper mill and the manner in which the security should be given. My name has been put down as one of the members of this company and the bearer of a certain amount of stock. I had had nothing to do with it in any form, but now that the proposition is made to sign a note for this $30,000, which is needed as increased capital, I hesitated about putting my name to it, because I felt it would be imprudent in me to do so, and as the proposition was worded it would leave each individual member responsible for the whole amount in case there was a failure on the part of the others. Another meeting was appointed for tomorrow.

17 November 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, Nov. 17, 1892.

First Presidency at the office.

President Jos. F. Smith and myself had a conversation with Brother Rowe, President of the Paper Mill Co., and Brother Summerhays, one of the Directors.

Bishop John R. Winder came in and we had conversation about the necessity of borrowing $50,000 in the East with the endorsement of Cannon, Grant & Co.

I had some conversation with Mr. Webster, who is the agent of the History of Utah which Bishop Whitney is getting out. He had a number of statements to make to me concerning the business, of which I knew nothing, but he desired me to have an understanding, as I was the head of the firm that is publishing the History. I afterwards sent for my son Abraham, and explained to him the complaints that Mr. Webster had made, and suggested to him that that he call a meeting of Mr. Webster, Brother F. S. Richards and Bishop Whitney, members of the company, and have a thorough explanation about the business, and I suggested to him that if Mr. Webster had had his feelings hurt in any manner, he (Abraham) should apologize to him and assure him that there was no intention on his part to hurt him. Abraham said he would do this. From the statement Abraham makes to me, Mr. Webster has no good grounds of complaint; but I thought it better to have them meet together in a friendly way and find out what points of difference there were, is any.

At 2 o’clock the First Presidency and Brothers H. J. Grant and A. H. Cannon met and had prayer, Brother Jos. F. Smith being mouth.

I wrote a letter today, which I dated the 14th, to Lieutenant Wright, the Commander of the University students who attended the funeral of my son David. I expressed to him the feelings of myself and family concerning the spontaneous tribute of respect which they had paid to the memory of my son, who was their old fellow-student.

At 3 o’clock there was a meeting of the Paper Mill Co., in which the question that we had up yesterday was more thoroughly discussed.

I received a letter from Judge Estee, intimating that it was his intention, after talking with Col. Trumbo, to start for Washington on the 25th or 26th inst. so as to be at Washington at the opening of Congress, and to take the necessary steps looking to the passage of the bill for the admission of Utah. I dictated an answer to this letter, and after doing so, a dispatch was received through Col. Trumbo, informing us that Messrs. Carter and Clarkson had had an interview with President Harrison in regard to Utah and the settlement of all differences which was quite satisfactory; but he wants to see all the party leaders before any action is taken by the party. In my letter to the Judge, which I wrote for the Presidency, we expressed our approval of the plan they had outlined for action, which is to endeavor to get Utah into the Union during this session of Congress. A telegram had been sent, through Brother Clawson, to President Woodruff, requesting that President Smith and myself should not go to Mexico at this juncture, as it was thought better for myself and Brother Clawson to go to Washington. This is not so pleasing to me as it would be to make the visit that has been so long deferred, to Mexico; but President Woodruff expressed himself that we had better give up that trip for the present, and seemed to think that I ought to go to Washington, if it should still be considered necessary.

18 November 1892 • Friday

Friday, Nov. 18, 1892.

First Presidency at the office.

There was a paragraph going the rounds of the papers to the effect that a deal had been made with Dr. Geo. L. Miller by the leaders of the church, through which we were to give the Democrats support in the adjacent states, and they in turn were to help us to statehood. This undoubtedly refers to Dr. Miller’s interview with me, to have which he came expressly from his home. My son John Q., in his capacity as editor of the “Deseret News”, brought it to our attention today to know whether anything should be said about it. After considering it, we decided that it would not be prudent. The only danger that I saw in it was that the Republicans might think that we had been acting a deceptive part and been guilty of double dealing; but there would be less harm from this than to deny it, because if they were disposed to give us credit, as the Democrats are now in power, we might as well take all they are willing to give us. To prevent a wrong impression, however, on this matter, I enclosed the clipping to Col. Trumbo in a letter and said that I did not wish our Republican friends to suspect that we had done anything in this matter of the kind mentioned. We had acted fairly, loyally and truthfully with the Republican party, as far as we had promised, and I desired him to inform Messrs. Clarkson and Carter and others of that, so that they might not have a suspicion engendered in their minds upon this point.

Brother M. W. Merrill came to the city today, with the intention of going to Sevier Stake to attend the conference there. The First Presidency had a full and free talk with him on the situation of affairs there and on the attitude of Brother Wm. H. Seegmiller, the Prest. of the Stake.

There was a lengthy meeting of the Paper Mill Co. again today, endeavoring to arrive at some basis on which the company could pursue its operations.

My wife Emily and Miss Lilian Hamlin took dinner with us this afternoon at my residence.

19 November 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, Nov. 19, 1892.

President Woodruff was not at the office today, but President Smith came in about noon. I was busy with private business. I received the following letter from Dr. G. L. Miller:

[Handwritten note:] (President Cannon is absent, and I can’t get this letter)

I also received a painful letter from Brother Wm. H. Shearman. He feels himself unworthy to bear the priesthood and desires to be dropped from it, and returns me his certificate. He is threatened with dementia, and I fear that he will lose his reason. He suffers dreadfully, it seems, from this depression, and has the idea that he is utterly unworthy of the Lord’s favor.

20 November 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, Nov. 20, 1892.

At 2 o’clock I attended meeting in the Tabernacle. Brother James H. Anderson, a returned missionary, and Prest. H. S. Gowans, of the Tooele Stake, addressed the congregation. After they were through I asked Brother Grant if he would speak, as there was some time remaining, but he did not feel like it, and I followed for about 20 minutes in the same line that the brethren had. I felt very free in speaking.

21 November 1892 • Monday

Monday, Nov. 21, 1892.

President Woodruff and myself were at the office today, President Smith being out of town.

We had quite a lengthy conversation with Brother Isaac Smith, one of the counselors in the Presidency of the Cache Stake. From his remarks we gathered the impression that a very bad condition of affairs exists in that Stake, owing to political agitation. President Woodruff expressed himself very emphatically concerning the course which had been taken by Brother Moses Thatcher, from all the reports that he had heard; in fact, President Woodruff has felt very badly concerning the action of Brother Thatcher in political matters, as he thinks that he has not been influenced by his counsels nor the counsels of the First Presidency, and he has said that he was unfit, with the spirit that he has shown, to travel around and preach to the saints.

My nephew, James C. Lambert, called at the office to report himself, he having just returned from a mission to the Southern States. I was quite pleased with my conversation with him, and he is reported as having been a faithful Elder.

Brother Tuckett, who has just emerged from the pen., where he has been confined six months, less the copper, called to report to me that a man by the name of Williams, who was sentenced to a life imprisonment, was very desirous to have my good offices exercised to get him released. He had served ten years of his time, and bore an excellent character.

22 November 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Nov. 22, 1892.

First Presidency at the office.

Brother Roberts called to report the condition of Morgan Stake. According to his representation there is a necessity for something to be done to promote union and harmony in that Stake. The Presidency of the Stake are divided, and a good deal of dissatisfaction is felt concerning the President, W. G. Smith. We have not been satisfied for a long time with the feeling that existed in that Stake, and this is probably due, so far as we are capable of judging, to a lack on the part of the President of the Stake, and on account of the influence which his family has. It will require heroic measures to remedy the troubles that exist there, probably the appointment of a new President.

At 11 o’clock I attended the funeral of Sister Susan Snively Young, one of President Young’s wives, and at the request of the family, after Bishop Whitney had borne his testimony, I occupied the time in addressing the saints, and read from several revelations concerning the resurrection and the coming of the Savior and the saints being brought forth from the dead, and the living being caught up to meet the Savior when He came. I had an excellent flow of the spirit and enjoyed my own remarks. I then, in company with my wife Carlie, walked to the cemetery to witness the interment. The grave was dedicated by Bishop R. T. Burton.

My wife’s mother, Emily Partridge Young, is quite sick and I called at her house with my wife Carlie to see her. I administered to her and blessed her. She is suffering from Erysipelas

23 November 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Nov. 23, 1892.

Had an interview this morning with ex-Governor Emery in relation to some land that he wishes to dispose of.

At 10 o’clock President Woodruff and myself had a meeting with Brother B. Cluff, Jr., and H. E. Giles, of Provo, concerning the taking of a choir of 300 singers to Chicago for Utah day, viz., the 24th of July. They thought that by appointing a committee of energetic men they might be able to pay their own expenses by giving concerts on the road and also at Chicago. One of the U.P. officials, a responsible man, had offered to take them himself and be responsible for all the expenses by this method, but they rather preferred doing it themselves, if it were practicable[.] We saw no objection to it, and so told them.

I had an interview with Bishop J. P, R, Johnson and Brother S. S. Jones, of Provo, in relation to family matters. Bishop Johnson prefaced his statement of his affairs by saying that as he had been adopted into my family and had covenanted to take my counsel, he felt in this matter he should seek it. It was in relation to his property which he had deeded to his wives, and he desired my influence to be used to have them deed his property back to him. Some of his children were reluctant to do this. I told him I would come down to Provo, stop all night with them, and we would talk this matter over.

At 11:30 the First Presidency rode in a carriage to the Temple and went through and examined the work, in company with Bishop John R. Winder, and then we called the workmen together, and President Woodruff addressed them, followed by myself, President Smith and Bishop Winder. The purport of our remarks were to impress the people with the importance of pushing the work as fast as possible, as there is only a little over four months before the building has to be completed, and the amount of work remaining is immense. An excellent spirit prevailed.

After our return we listened to correspondence.

Brother Moses Thatcher came in and explained something about the La Plata property, in which we have interest.

Brother John Nicholson came in and brought to our attention doctrine that Brother B. H. Roberts had written in manuscript with a view to publishing it in a book that he was getting up, and which Brothers Nicholson, Reynolds and Talmage were requested to examine and pronounce upon its correctness.

We were not in favor of having what is written published, as we did not consider it sound doctrine, and so instructed Brother Nicholson.

24 November 1892 • Thursday

Thursday, Nov. 24, 1892.

This is Thanksgiving Day. It opened with a violent snow storm, with the wind blowing very strongly, though the temperature is not low. I sent sleighs for my wife Emily and her son Walter, and to bring John Q. and his family down, to eat Thanksgiving dinner with us. We sat down to dinner about 3 o’clock and had a most enjoyable time. The day passed off exceedingly pleasant. The weather moderated in the afternoon. There were sixty of my family at the tables; there were twelve absent. Altogether there were sixty-seven took dinner.

In the evening most of my family came to my residence and we had a very delightful evening. At the request of some of the children, I spoke and gave them some sketches of my early life and scenes through which I had passed. Before we separated we sang a hymn—“God moves in a mysterious way”—and I prayed with the family.

While helping some of my grandchildren into vehicles I slipt on the ice and fell, but did not feel any injurious effects from it.

25 November 1892 • Friday

Friday, Nov. 25, 1892.

My neck is quite stiff this morning, caused, I think, by the fall last night. The weather is quite cold.

First Presidency at the office.

Had a meeting of the Sugar Co.

I went down to Sister Kate Wells’ studio to see a portrait of President Brigham Young which had been painted by an artist of some celebrity. It is an excellent likeness.

My son John Q. came up to the office to learn what our views were concerning a proposition made by the “Tribune”, that the Board of Education, five of whom are to be elected shortly, should be returned without opposition. It proposed this because of the kind words that had been spoken concerning the Board by our newspapers.

Correspondence was read.

I received a very nice letter from Dr. Miller a few days ago, and I wrote an answer today.

I also received a letter from Mr. Wendell Benson, asking me to give him a letter to President Cleveland, recommending him to the position of U.S. Marshal. I think Mr. Benson an excellent man and I have written a letter to that effect to President Cleveland

26 November 1892 • Saturday

Saturday, Nov. 26, 1892.

I was at the office today. Busied myself about various matters; among other things, sent for Brother F. S. Richards to speak to him about getting up a petition to be signed by the leading citizens, asking the Attorney General to dismiss the appeal from the Supreme Court of this Territory to the U.S. Supreme Court, in the matter of the Church personal property. I sent also for Brother H. B. Clawson, for him to go around and see the Governor and other officials, if possible, to secure their signatures.

President Woodruff was not at the office. President Smith was there part of the time.

I dictated an article for the “Juvenile Instructor,” after I got home this evening, to my daughter Hester, who took it down in longhand.

27 November 1892 • Sunday

Sunday, Nov. 27, 1892.

Cold, chilly morning.

Brother C. H. Wilcken called for me, with President Joseph F. Smith, to take us down to south Cottonwood, where I had appointed at the solicitation of Bishop Rawlins, two meetings, one at 10 and the other at 2. The meeting house was about half filled in the morning. I proposed to President Smith that we should divide the time in the morning and in the afternoon between us, and suggested that he should speak first. He did so; but the clock stopped at 11:40 and he kept on, occupying altogether about 1 hour 40 minutes. He apologized for having consumed the whole time, but told the people that he hoped I would occupy the time in the afternoon. The Bishop desired us to go to his house to dinner; but Brother James Godfrey, at whose house President Taylor and myself had lived while on the “underground” for several months, had invited myself and Brother Smith to take dinner at his house. Sister Godfrey was very glad to see us, and I was very glad to re-visit the place.

At 2 o’clock the house was comfortably filled. Bishop Hamilton, of Mill Creek, and Bishop Brinton, of Big Cottonwood, were both present in the morning and in the afternoon, and a good many people from their wards. I spoke about an hour and a quarter. I had excellent freedom and enjoyed myself very much.

I was carried to the Franklin station by Brother Wilcken to catch the 4:17 train for Provo, I having promised Bishop J. P. R. Johnson and S. S. Jones that I would come down some evening and see them, with the view to the settling of some property matters between Brother Johnson and his first wife’s children. He had deeded his property to his wives before he went into the penitentiary, thinking thereby to save it from being seized for fines. He did so with the understanding that they were to deed it back if needed. But his first wife had died, and before dying had told her children that she wanted them to retain this property.

I was met at Provo by Brother Johnson and Jones, the latter of whom is married to a daughter of Brother Johnson, and was carried to his house. Brother Johnson’s children came in, and we had a very full and free talk over the situation, and for awhile it seemed as though no terms could be reached, because they were apparently determined to follow the instructions of their mother, which would work a great injustice on the rest of Brother Johnson’s family, Finally, however, at his suggestion, they agreed to give him a 15 years’ lease of the property, with which he appeared satisfied, it being, however, the best terms he could get.

It was quite a lesson to me to show how careful men should be in letting their property go out of their hands and losing control of it. These children are good men and women, all being of age; but the counsel of their mother outweighed every other consideration. I was gratified at the result, although I was not as well pleased as I would have been had they deeded the whole back to their father and left him to divide it equally among his family.

28 November 1892 • Monday

Monday, Nov. 28, 1892.

I was compelled to get up in the night through diarrhoea.

After breakfast I left by the 8:45 train for Salt Lake. Was met at the station by Brother Wilcken.

Found Presidents Woodruff and Smith at the office. Had a very interesting interview with Senator Wm. M. Stewart, of Nevada, who called to pay his respects and to answer in person a letter which I had written him. He stayed considerable time and gave us his views upon the silver question, which was very interesting as he probably has devoted more time to the subject than any public man in the United States.

Alfred Lambourne called in and showed us a diagram of the place where it was thought most appropriate to put his painting of the Hill Cumorah, and we decided to have it occupy the place over the veil separating the terrestrial from the celestial room in the Temple.

29 November 1892 • Tuesday

Tuesday, Nov. 29, 1892.

First Presidency at the office.

Bishop Preston called to see us in relation to a circular that he had prepared to which the names of the First Presidency and Presiding Bishops should be attached. It is a copy of the circular issued last year, with a slight amendment. We approved of it, and also of the semi-annual appropriation for the poor. Bishop Winder and Architect Young called in to see us concerning a number of things connected with the finishing of the Temple. It was decided not to attempt to do more than is absolutely necessary to prepare the Temple for dedication, and that where expense could be saved without interfering with this object, to save it. The question also as to whether the paintings which Alfred Lambourne had prepared and was preparing should be placed in the celestial room, came up for consideration. Alfred Lambourne was called in, and it was finally decided that as the place that had been talked about for the Hill Cumorah was not so suitable as some other place, not to have it placed there. There were two places at the east end of the celestial room that it was decided would be suitable for the two paintings.

My son Frank called in, and I had quite a long conversation with him about the situation of affairs, political and otherwise.

A young man called upon us by the name of [last name redacted] whose father was in very poor health and not likely to live long, and he had unburdened his mind to his son concerning a sin that he had committed many years ago, and put him under covenant not to speak of it except to the First Presidency, and the young man had come down for that purpose. After hearing all the particulars a note was written, and signed by President Woodruff, authorizing him to rebaptize his father and to confer upon him his former blessings. Word was sent to his father, too, that his sin should be remitted. The son thought that this would be a great comfort to his father.

Meeting of the Co-op Wagon & Machine Co, was held at 3:30 and continued in session till about 6 O’clock.

30 November 1892 • Wednesday

Wednesday, Nov. 30. 1892.

Brother John Carlisle, with whom President Taylor and myself and companions had lived for some time while on the “underground”, died from inflammation of the bowels Sunday last. His funeral was to take place today. My wife Carlie had also found his home very convenient while she was on the “underground”, and our son Clawson was born there. We felt, therefore, that we ought to attend his funeral. Brother Wilcken came around with a vehicle and took us down to Mill Creek. We accompanied the body in procession to the ward meeting house. The services commenced about 11 o’clock. The house was very well filled. Bishop Hamilton spoke very feeling of Brother Carlisle and his life. He was followed by Bishop McCullough, of Alpine. Brother Carlisle had lived in his ward in early life and had been one of his counselors. His testimony was also like that of Brother Hamilton’s respecting the qualities of the deceased. Afterwards I spoke for about 40 minutes and had great freedom. Brother Jos. F. Smith followed, occupying about 30 minutes. I was then under the necessity of leaving the meeting, as I had an appointment with the Brigham Young Trust Co. at 2 O’clock. The meeting had been appointed for 10 o’clock, but as I advised them that I could not be present it had been postponed till 2. I went by car, and left Brother Wilcken with the vehicle.

The meeting of the Brigham Young Trust Co. occupied about two hours.

Mr. Alexander Badlam called at the office to accompany President Woodruff home. He seems in excellent health.

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November 1892, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed February 8, 2025