June 1896

1 June 1896 • Monday

Monday, June 1, 1896

We had some conversation to-day with Brothers F. A. Mitchell and H. P. Richards concerning the situation of affairs at Josepa. I was very much pleased to learn from the report which these brethren made that Brother H. H. Cluff had managed affairs there financially so well as they reported. There had been an impression on my mind that his management was not as satisfactory as it might be, but their report removed this impression and led me to believe that whatever dissatisfaction existed was due to the fact that Brother Cluff was pursuing an economical course, and that this economy had probably displeased parties.

There was a meeting of the stockholders of Zion’s Savings Bank and Trust Co. to-day, which I was not able to attend for the reason that I was meeting with the family of President Young. This day, his birthday, has been appointed as a fast day for the family. The family met at 10 o’clock. I was present with my wife Carlie and her children, and was invited with others to speak. We went to the grave in procession and decorated it with flowers.

2 June 1896 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 2, 1896

I was very busy during the forenoon, and at 12:25 went to Ogden in company with President Smith and Col. Winder and Brother R. S. Campbell, and with Mr. Bannister we attended to a good deal of business. We returned to the city on the 6:10 train.

While I was away Brother Brigham Young reported to President Woodruff that a letter had been written to Brother Moses Thatcher inviting him to meet with the Twelve at 3 o’clock on next Thursday, and he had replied that he would endeavor to be there.

3 June 1896 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 3, 1896

Brother Junius F. Wells reached the city on Sunday last, and called on me yesterday morning for the purpose of conversing upon the proposition that he had telegraphed and concerning which he had written a letter; but as I thought it would be unnecessary for him to see me alone, I proposed that he come in this morning and meet with all the First Presidency and my son Abraham, and then we could talk together over his proposition. I read the letter that he had written to me, which explained his proposition with great detail, and we discussed the matter to some extent; but it was clear to us that nothing could be done in this line. In the first place, the collaterals which he mentioned as being those which Brother John W. Young would have to give for the $160,000 were practically worthless; in the second place, it is altogether unlikely that the Twelve and Presiding Bishops would agree to sign a note of the kind proposed. For us to give $20,000 to himself and $160,000 beside for $600,000 was too heavy a percentage for us to think of entertaining.

At 1 o’clock the Board of Directors of Zion’s Savings Bank met and elected President Woodruff as President, myself as Vice President, Geo. M. Cannon as Cashier, and the old executive committee.

4 June 1896 • Thursday

Thursday, June 4, 1896

At 11 o’clock the First Presidency and Twelve met at the Temple. All the Twelve were present, excepting Moses Thatcher and A. H. Lund. We learned this morning that Brother Thatcher has had a severe relapse, and that his doctors urge that he shall be taken to a hospital, as they cannot manage his case properly at his private residence. It is said that this new attack is due to his breaking over the rules which had been given concerning his diet. We were told by some of the brethren that he resented the proposition to go to the hospital, and it did not seem probable that he would go there, or that if he did go that he could be controlled by the rules of the hospital. All the brethren felt that it was fortunate that our meeting had not preceded this attack, because there is such a disposition to extol him and hold him up as a martyr that if this sickness had happened after any interview we might have had we should have been charged with cruelty and almost with murder, and all the blame of the attack would have been laid to us.

There were a good many subjects discussed at this meeting; among others, the publication of the Deseret News, and a good many explanations were made as to the reasons why the Deseret News was not more liberally patronized than it is.

The case of Brother Roberts was mentioned, and Brother Lyman seemed to be under the impression that it would be a good thing for him to go around through the state traveling and preaching. I had been impressed with the idea that a good field for Brother Roberts would be in the Eastern States, where now there are a good many openings, and if he could go he could do considerable work and be withdrawn from the agitations which prevail here concerning him and his political action. The brethren took the view that it would be better for him to labor in the ministry in the east, and it was decided that his family should have the privilege of drawing to the extent of $1000 per annum for their sustenance, he having applied for aid before there was any talk of his going on a mission.

After our meeting at the Temple, Brother M. F. Cowley called at the office to see the First Presidency in relation to his appointment, he having been selected to accompany Brother Edward Stevenson and visit Montana, North and South Dakota, Washington and Oregon to find the scattered members of the Church and endeavor if possible to organize them and to arouse within them a desire to be active members of the Church. An appropriation was also made to assist him.

5 June 1896 • Friday

Friday, June 5, 1896

I attended a meeting of the Brigham Young Trust Co. this morning, after which I went out to Calders Park in company with my wife Carlie and some of the children. The rest of the family had gone in carriages. She was timid about riding in a carriage and preferred the street car. We partook of refreshments at 12 o’clock. My family had carried with them a good supply, and we invited a number to partake with us. It was very delightful to meet so many of my old acquaintances and young men who had since been on the islands of the Polynesian Mission, this being a reunion of the missionaries who had labored on the Polynesian islands. There were Elders present from the Sandwich Islands, from the Society Islands, from the Samoan Islands, from Tonga and from New Zealand. A number of the Samoan brethren invited President Woodruff and wife and myself and wife to a sail on the lake. They are expert oarsmen, having had considerable experience on their mission in rowing. The sail was very delightful. At 3 o’clock the exercises in the pavilion commenced, and they were of a delightful character; in fact, I cannot recall a time when I enjoyed myself better than I did to-day at this place. Brother James S. Brown, being the oldest missionary present, was called upon to open by prayer. He left home at the same time that I did, but he preceded me to the Pacific Islands, as I stopped a little longer than he at the mines in California. He was at his field a few months earlier than we were, in 1850. I was requested to make the opening address. I believe everybody enjoyed themselves exceedingly. Towards the close it threatened rain, and in fact rain did fall before some of us got away. There were 86 missionaries in the audience who had labored on the Pacific Islands. Such a gathering could not be seen on the face of the earth but among us.

6 June 1896 • Saturday

Saturday, June 6, 1896.

I had an appointment with Mr. Condict this morning. I also attended to some business at the office, after which I was driven by Brother McHenry to the conference meeting at Centreville. I found Brother Heber J. Grant there, and he had occupied the time in the forenoon. I spoke to the meeting in the afternoon, and was followed by Brother Grant. I enjoyed the meeting very much. I returned in the conveyance to my home.

7 June 1896 • Sunday

Sunday, June 7, 1896

I went by the 8 o’clock train this morning to Centreville and met with the saints in the bowery. Brothers F. M. Lyman and B. H. Roberts were there. I addressed the congregation for upwards of an hour, and Brother Roberts followed. There was a goodly outflow of the Spirit of God, and I enjoyed the meeting very much. I returned on the dummy train to the city, and attended meeting at the Tabernacle in the afternoon. President Woodruff addressed the people about 20 mins., and at his request I followed and enjoyed my own remarks very much. It was very easy speaking to the people this afternoon, and I would have been pleased to have had more time.

In the evening there was a meeting held also. Brothers Penrose and Jos. E. Taylor addressed the congregation, and I spoke afterwards for about 10 mins.

8 June 1896 • Monday

Monday, June 8, 1896

Brother Roberts came in the office and had a talk with the First Presidency this morning about his mission. Upon leaving we told him to make inquiries and find out as to when would be the best time for him to go, and learn if there was any particular place which presented a better opening than others. It was suggested that he should take with him, if he wished, some Elder that was a good singer, whose singing would attract people; but it was left to Brother Roberts to decide upon these points.

The First Presidency had an interview with Brothers John T. Caine, H. P. Richards and J. H. Dean concerning the affairs of the Hawaiian Colony at Josepa.

I called upon Justice Field, of the U.S. Supreme Court, to-day in his private car, and had quite an interesting conversation with him. I made him a present of two volumes of the History of Utah and other works. The Judge is nearly 80 years of age, but mentally very well preserved.

I had a call a day or two ago from Mr. Payson, ex-Member of Congress, who came to the office with his nephew to see me. I could not accompany him to the lake, but gave him transportation there and tickets for a bath in the lake.

The First Presidency transacted some business with Bishop Winder this afternoon. He has been the Receiver of the Church property. Now according to the decree of the court, made in conformity with the action of Congress, it is turned back to us; and we signed papers releasing him, and he turned over to us $13,404.30, which we decided to have expended in the purchase of the stock of the Deseret Investment Company. We felt that this was a prudent thing to do at the present time, because the stock is changing hands, and it may get in such a position that we cannot get hold of it again.

In company with my wife I went to the Hot Springs to-day and took a bath. I have had a little touch of sciatica, and I thought the Hot Springs might check its development. I had an attack of it some years ago when I was on the “underground”, and I thought it the most severe pain I ever had.

I wrote a letter to Mr. Banigan.

9 June 1896 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 9, 1896

I dictated my journal to Brother Arthur Winter.

There was a meeting of the Pioneer Electric Power Co. this morning.

The Presidency had a long talk with Brother Howard, Counselor in the Presidency of the Emery Stake, concerning politics. He seemed to be pleased with the result of the conversation, as we gave him many explanations concerning the situation that threw light upon his mind.

10 June 1896 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 10, 1896

I intended to have gone to Ogden this morning, but I had been announced by the authorities of the State University as the one to offer the opening prayer at their commencement exercises, and Dr. Talmage informed me there would be great disappointment if I did not keep the appointment, as it had been the wish of the Faculty and all concerned that I should do that. So I postponed my departure until 12:25.

I was present at the theatre and made the opening prayer. I was compelled to withdraw before the exercises were ended to attend a meeting of the Wonder Mining Co., at the Company’s office. Mr. Qealey, the Manager, and Colonel Donnellan were not present. We attended to some business and adjourned.

I went to Ogden in company with President Smith, A. H. Woodruff and R. S. Campbell, and attended to considerable business in Ogden and returned in the evening.

11 June 1896 • Thursday

Thursday, June 11, 1896

I had an interview this morning with Brother W. H. Culmer concerning the meeting of the Trans-Mississippi Congress.

President Woodruff had a call yesterday from a German correspondent of a number of prominent papers, named Berthold Baer. As I was not there, he desired him to call in to-day. We had quite a conversation with him, explaining our views and matters of history, and recommended him to call on my son John Q., the editor of the News, who speaks German. Mr. Baer’s English is not very perfect.

At 11 o’clock the First Presidency went to the Temple and met with President L. Snow, F. D. Richards, F. M. Lyman, J. H. Smith, G. Teasdale, H. J. Grant and A. H. Cannon. We clothed ourselves in our Temple clothing. President Woodruff offered prayer, and called upon me to be mouth in the circle, after which we attended to some business and entered into conversation concerning the proper relations of the Presiding Bishop to the Trustee-in-Trust. Our conversation was quite lengthy, and I think satisfactory. No doubt, steps will soon be taken to effect a change.

We had a meeting of Cannon, Grant & Co. this afternoon, after which I went out to the lake and enjoyed a bath in its waters.

12 June 1896 • Friday

Friday, June 12, 1896

Brother B. H. Roberts called on the First Presidency and we had a long conversation with him respecting his mission. Elder G. D. Pyper is selected to go with Brother Roberts, he being an excellent singer and having the spirit of a mission resting upon him. Brother Melvin J. Ballard has also been selected, he also being a good singer and a player on the organ.

We attended to the arranging of Cannon, Grant & Co’s matters with the Trustee-in-Trust.

In the evening I attended the graduating exercises of the school of elocution of which Miss Babcock is the principal. My daughter Rosannah and a Miss Spencer were the graduates. They both gave some very fine readings.

13 June 1896 • Saturday

Saturday, June 13, 1896.

I dictated some articles for the Juvenile Instructor.

There was a meeting held to-day of the Salt Lake & Pacific, which I attended; and after a statement had been made by Brother N. W. Clayton concerning the project of buying the Garfield Beach from the Oregon Short Line people, it was the sense of the meeting that the Salt Lake & Los Angeles Company had better make these negotiations and have that distinct from the Salt Lake & Pacific, so as to avoid complications hereafter. We have felt that this was much the better plan, as it would enable us to control this property as Latter-day Saints without any other element that might prove a disturbing element being united with us. I was very much pleased to find that the members present, Mr. Mackintosh, Mr. Dooley and Mr. Lowe, agreed to this as the better thing to do. I had a long conversation after this with Mr. Allen, explaining to him our position in regard to these roads. He seems to think that our efforts are being concentrated on the completion of the western road instead of the southern. I explained to him that we had invested largely in the Saltair Beach and railroad properties, and that we must look after those interests and secure them as well as possible, to save ourselves from loss; but that I felt very much interested in the southern project, too, and after we got all this arranged, then we could turn our attention to the southern proposition. Mr. Allen is quite urgent, and is desirous that I should go to St. Louis at the present time, Frank having just telegraphed to Abraham that Mr. Meyer and he would like Abraham to come to St[.] Louis.

14 June 1896 • Sunday

Sunday, June 14, 1896.

Very hot to-day.

Sister Margetts, the wife of Brother Phillip Margetts, died a few days ago and her funeral took place to-day. I had received a request by telephone to attend at 2 o’clock, which I did, at the residence of the family in Farmers Ward. There was a large concourse of people, many of them old members of the Church who had known the family for a great many years. Sister Margetts was a Bateman, sister to Brother Samuel Bateman. I found President Smith at the house, also Bishop Tingey of the 17th Ward, who took charge of the services, and Bishop Burton of the Farmers ward. I spoke about 40 mins., President Smith about 15 mins, and Brother David McKenzie about 10 mins. There was a very good spirit and deep solemnity rested upon the people.

At 6:30 ward meeting was held in front of my dining room, it being thought better to have it out of doors under the trees, the weather being so hot. We had an interesting meeting. Sacrament was administered.

15 June 1896 • Monday

Monday, June 15, 1896

A meeting of the Salt Lake & Pacific R.R[.] was held this morning, the object being to approve of maps and authorize the President and Secretary to sign them for filing.

A meeting of Z.C.M.I. was also held.

Brother Joseph E. Taylor brought an article up which he desired to read to us so that no improper doctrine might pass. We listened to a good portion of it, but at a certain point in the reading I said to him that I would take the liberty of telling him frankly that I thought there was only one man in the Church that ought to write respecting the Priesthood and the duties of the bearers of the Priesthood, and that was President Woodruff, as he held the keys. I said I did not think it was my prerogative to do so. Brother Taylor accepted my remarks, I think, and I hope he did not have his feelings hurt. I had in mind in speaking thus the revelation in the 28th section of the Doctrine and Covenants, in which the Lord tells Oliver Cowdery that he might when led by the Comforter speak or teach by way of commandment to the Church, but he should not write by way of commandment, but by wisdom. There were several things in Brother Taylor’s communication which I thought might give rise to discussion among the brethren.

I received an invitation to-day from Governor Wells for myself and wife to accompany himself and wife and General Theaker and wife and daughter to the theatre, to see the performance of “Christopher Jr.” by John Drew and company. General Theaker is the new Commandant at the Fort. We spent a delightful evening at the theatre, and it is rarely I have enjoyed a performance more than I did this piece.

16 June 1896 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 16, 1896

The First Presidency had a lot of business to attend to connected with the Salt Lake & Los Angeles R.R. and the proposition made by Mr. Carr on behalf of the Oregon Short Line people to lease us the line at the rate of $18,000 a year until the papers can be drawn up to carry out the negotiations that we entered into with them. I sent off the following dispatches:

June 16, 1896

Mr. Samuel Carr,

Ames Building, Boston Mass.

Letter received. Your proposition viewed favorably if other arrangements talked over are to be consummated. Important we should understand whether proposal concerning steel rails and traffic arrangements is acceptable. Have referred these to Mr. Clark and Senator Cannon at St. Louis.

George Q. Cannon.

S. H. H. Clark,

St. Louis.

Have asked my son Frank to call on you. Please give him what help and suggestions you can. Pained at hearing your condition. Hope you will speedily improve.

George Q. Cannon.

Hon. Frank J. Cannon,

Carr recommends six months lease to us of Garfield Branch pending completion of negotiations, which we feel inclined to accept if arrangements can be made for prompt delivery of rails at price named, and if traffic arrangements talked with Coolidge are satisfactory. Clark sick at St. Louis, but telegraphs he will do what he can to assist. See him. How long will Clark be in St. Louis, or where can he be met in a week?

George Q. Cannon.

It was decided that Brother Clayton should go west this evening with Mr. Dickinson and party, who intend going as far as Dugway. I afterwards had a call from Mr. Dickinson, who seems to treat me with a great amount of respect since my election as one of the directors of the road.

This evening my wife Carlie had a fine party at her house, it having been arranged for by Mamie and herself because of Willard Croxall’s return, he having graduated at the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. The evening was very delightful, and all expressed themselves as being greatly pleased.

My son Lewis T. returned this morning from Boston and brought with him his diploma, he having graduated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the architectural course. I was very glad to welcome him home after four years severe study at this school, which is considered the finest of its kind in the United States.

17 June 1896 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 17, 1896

There was a meeting of Geo. Q. Cannon & Sons Co. this morning. In accordance with the suggestion I made at the last meeting, the Manager, Abraham H. Cannon, decided that an effort would be made to declare a dividend; so he made a motion to-day that 2% be declared, payable in goods at any time after to-day, or in money on the 15th of July. A statement of the condition of the business was read, which in some respects is not very encouraging. It would not be bad if collections could be made; but there is a large amount outstanding – about $60,000 – and the firm is owing about $71,000.

I had a long conversation this morning with my daughter-in-law, Wilhelmina Cannon. She is stirred up very much in her feelings because she has heard that Lilian Hamlin, who was a sweetheart of my son David’s when he left on his mission, and whom I suppose he would have married had he lived, had expressed a desire to be sealed to David for eternity. After his death I had some conversation with her in the presence of my daughter Mary Alice, in which I said to her that I did not think it was wise for her to be sealed to David for eternity, because of the difficulty there would be in her obtaining a partner, as no one would want her if she were another man’s wife for eternity, now that monogamy was the rule. She acquiesced in this at the time; but she has since told me that she feels impelled to be sealed to David for eternity. It seems as though he is present with her, and her mind has been very much drawn out on this question. She has been courted by other young men; but her affections seem to be centred on David. In consequence of this it is now understood that she will be sealed to him for eternity, and Mina is exceedingly jealous about this, for fear there may be some arrangement by which Abraham, her husband, will take this girl for time. I talked very plainly and kindly to her.

18 June 1896 • Thursday

Thursday, June 18, 1896 I went to Ogden this morning on the 8 o’clock train and spent the day with Mr. Bannister, opening bids for the electrical machinery and the construction of a line from Ogden to Salt Lake City. The bids were from the Westinghouse Company, General Electric Company, and three other companies. Representatives of these companies were there, but were not present at the opening of the bids. Prominent among the persons present was Mr. McKee, a son-in-law of ex-President Harrison, who is the vice President of the General Electric Company. My own preference, as far as our examination proceeded, was for the General Electric Co’s bid, and for Selden Clawson’s offer to build the line from Ogden to Salt Lake and to furnish wire, &c. It would gratify me very much to have Selden Clawson obtain the contract for constructing this line, as he is a home man and would employ our own people. I therefore stated to Mr. Bannister that I hoped we would be able to give him that contract. There were some errors in the bid, which Mr. Bannister called to his attention, and he gave him some suggestions concerning it that if Selden will take advantage of will be of profit to him. According to the bids which are made, taking the General Electric Co’s bid as a basis, Mr. Bannister reckons that his own estimates of the cost of this work will exceed the offers we now have some $75,000, at which he is greatly pleased, and I too felt very much gratified. I asked him to prepare me a statement of the difference between the bids that we have received for the work and the estimate that he had made of its cost, so that we might see what this difference amounted to and how much it would lessen the estimated cost of our plant. There have been fears entertained that the work would cost more than we had assumed it would cost, and as everything goes to show that this will not be the case it is very encouraging.

I intended to have returned to the city on the train that left at 2:10, but had received a request from my son Abraham to sign some maps which Brother Lund was taking to Carson Valley to file, and I had to remain till 2:30 to meet Brother Lund and to sign the maps. Abraham and Brother Lund and President Jos. F. Smith were on the train at the station when I reached there, also my son Hugh. Brother Lund was going to Carson Valley, and the rest were going to California on business connected with the Sterling Company.

I returned to Salt Lake City on the 6:10 train.

The day has been very hot, and I have been busy and was somewhat fatigued and glad to get home.

Just as I got on the train this morning I was informed that the silver men at the Republican Convention at St. Louis, among whom was my son Frank, were going to withdraw from the Convention. This struck me as a very serious step, and I was impressed to go to the telephone and call up my son Abraham to telegraph to Frank that I wished him to be very careful about the steps that he took. I am furnished with the following copy of what Abraham sent:

Frank J. Cannon,

St. Louis, Mo.

Do not unwisely bolt. You represent a great people who will be affected by your actions. Bear in mind results of secession movement. God bless you with great wisdom.

Geo. Q. Cannon.

19 June 1896 • Friday

Friday, June 19, 1896

I received the following dispatch from Frank this morning:

“I had in mind your hopes, prayers and interests, and sought inspiration. When we meet I trust you will approve my conscientious course. God bless you all. Your telegram is just now received.”

It seems that there was tremendous excitement in the convention, and the following clipping from the Salt Lake Herald concerning the part that Frank took in the Convention may be of interest to read hereafter:

[Newspaper clipping:]


Brief Account of one of the Most Interesting of Conventions.

ST. LOUIS, June 18.—The Republican national convention nailed their principles to the masthead today and placed in command of the ship which is to bear them on to fortune or disaster in November, their popular idol, William McKinley of Ohio, and Garrett A. Hobart of New Jersey.

But there was mutiny aboard, and at the last moment before the lines were cast off some of the members of the crew who had shipped in many a voyage refused to subscribe to the new shipping articles and walked down the gang plank.

The convention was held in session for ten hours to accomplish the work cut out for it today, and the scenes at different times were


Fully 15,000 people were in the vast auditorium to hiss or cheer by turns. The bolt of the silver men from the west fully discounted, but it nevertheless furnished the most dramatic incident of the day.

Led by Senator Teller, they had yesterday declared their intention of refusing to subscribe to the gold plank in the platform, but today, after Senator Teller had made his final appeal to the convention not to take the step which would drive him and his colleagues out of the ranks of the party which in the past honored them and they had delighted to serve, and the convention had voted 818½ to 105½ to stand by the gold declaration in the platform, no one who witnessed the scene will forget to his dying day the picture of Senator Frank Cannon, of Utah, facing from the platform 10,000 irate, hissing, jeering people, as he read the valedictory of the silver men. He stood erect and defiant, his pale face set in grim determination, as those before him tried to cry him down until


won for him the admiration which compelled silence. When he had finished the reading, the crowds in the galleries burst out again with their jeers and cries of disapproval, but in the most courtly fashion he turned and shook hands with Senator-elect Foraker, the chairman of the committee on resolutions, Permanent Chairman Thurston and other friends on the platform. Then, locking arms with Senator Teller, the two men left the stand and moved down between the walls of yelling delegates to where the standard of the Idaho delegation stood. There they were joined by the handsome, stalwart Dubois and the three men continued their march to the main door, their followers falling in behind them as they moved along.


several of the delegates from the states of Utah and Montana, notably Senators Carter and Mantle of the latter state preferring to subscribe to the platform than to sever their allegiance to the Republican party, and the delegates, only a few of whom displayed any bitterness toward what they believed to be the misguided course of their colleagues, breathed a sigh of relief when it was over. Never before has there been a bolt from the Republican party, although Wendell Phillips and some of the more radical Republicans held a convention at Cleveland, Ohio, in 1864, and placed in the field a ticket in opposition to Lincoln and Johnson. The radicals on that occasion, however, withdrew their ticket and returned to the fold before the election in November. The silver men who bolted today immediately perfected plans to place Senator Teller in nomination as an independent silver candidate for president, in the hope that the Democrats at Chicago, if controlled by silver men, would place his name at the head of their ticket.

After this sensational incident the convention turned with evident pleasure to the work of selecting the standard bearers. It was a


that McKinley would be nominated, but the pent-up enthusiasm of the friends of the Ohio candidate found full vent. The speeches of Baldwin, of Council Bluffs, nominating Allison, of Senator Lodge of Massachusetts, nominating Reed, of Hastings, nominating Quay, and of Depew, nominating Morton, were manly efforts, and were received with the greatest enthusiasm by their respective supporters, but it was the nomination of McKinley by Foraker which turned the convention into bedlam. Save for the wild tumult that followed Senator Wolcott’s speech, placing Blaine in nomination at Minneapolis four years ago, the demonstration that occurred today has had no parallel in a Republican national convention, at least in length. The Minneapolis demonstration continued for twenty-seven minutes; that of today fell short of that record by thirty seconds. Of course it lacked the zest that comes after a long and


and if in a measure mechanical, it did not want for inspiration and enthusiasm. The delegates listened to the opening words of the speech of the dashing Foraker in silence, awaiting the first mention of McKinley’s name. The explosion came with it.

Mark Hanna climbed on his chair just in front of the platform with his handkerchief held aloft; 15,000 people in the galleries rose simultaneously and 15,000 throats gave forth their wild enthusiasm. The black mass of delegates and alternates in the pit seemed also to rise en masse, save for here and there a delegation of the opposition. Silk American flags and long tri-colored plumes waved frantically, while the noise was like the deep, steady roar of Niagara.

An Ohio delegate seized the Buckeye standard and held it aloft until it was seized and carried to the platform, and opposite the stand an enormous portrait of the choice of the convention was hoisted to the gallery. The minutes passed, but the delegates and the spectators did not weary. Just at the close, as


were ready to sink from sheer exhaustion, a man wearing a Napoleonic cocked hat of the first empire came out from beneath the galleries and pushed his way over the press benches to the platform. Altogether the scene was a remarkable one, and testified to the popularity of the candidate who had been placed in the field.

[End of newspaper clipping]

The following clipping gives Frank’s own reasons for his action:

[Newspaper clipping:]


Senator Cannon said to The Tribune correspondent: “The action taken this day was in accordance with pledges in more than a hundred meetings in Utah last year, and in fulfillment of implicit instructions received from the State convention of Utah which elected delegates to the St. Louis convention. I make no criticism on the men who did not choose to follow this course. This was a case for [e]very man’s conscience and for every man’s interpretation of the obligations under which he was pledged to his people. But for me any other attitude would have been one of betrayal and cowardice. The election in Utah was won last year for the Republican party because a plurality of the people there believed that the Republican party of the Nation was moving on with irresistible power to the restoration of the money of the people. But for this belief there would have been no Republican Senators and no Republican Representative in Congress from Utah today. The Republican party of the Nation has deliberately set its face in the other direction. A Utah man who accepts the platform, now become the official faith of the National party, must take one of two positions. First, that the financial issue is no longer the important question of the times, and that the restoration of silver is not a vital necessity; or, second, that the Republican party has turned hypocrite in its old age and means silver when it says gold. I shall not take nor defend either of these positions before the people of Utah. I may have made mistakes in the political addresses which I have delivered in that State, but I have never willfully attempted to mislead nor to counsel submission to wrong. I shall take pride in returning home and saying to the people there that in respect of the authority conferred for this convention, I have fulfilled their trust absolutely. As to any further steps which may be taken, I shall probably have opportunity to express my conviction in conferences or possibly in conventions. The Republican party will doubtless hold its State convention at an early date, and will determine upon such proceeding as to the majority may seem wise. Under other circumstances there might be some delicacy in suggesting a policy, but in view of the situation it is not improper to avow the hope that the Republican party of Utah, in State convention, will declare to stand by the truth and by the common people of the United States, ratifying this withdrawal from a convention that has deliberately seceded from justice. I believe that the mass of the Republican party in Utah will indorse the nomination of Henry M. Teller for the Presidency if he shall be accepted by a National convention in the United States.[”]

[End of newspaper clipping]

At a recent meeting in the Assembly Hall, it being the conference of the Salt Lake Stake, Brother F. M. Lyman took a rather singular course to instruct the priesthood in relation to their methods of presenting the names of brethren to the conference who were to be ordained Elders. It seems that before saying anything he exacted a promise from my brother Angus, the President of the Stake, who was there without his counselors, that he would accept what he said and would find no fault with it. Angus gave him the promise. Brother Lyman’s reason for asking this was that he did not want Angus to dispute what he said, and after he got through he called for a vote that they would accept and carry out what counsel he had given, and the brethren voted, but had not accepted his action as correct. It seems that the High Council took the matter up, and the Counselors in the Presidency of the Stake, Brothers Taylor and Penrose, joined with the High Council in insisting that Angus should sign a document, as the President of the Stake, setting forth their views in relation to Brother Lyman’s action. Probably their views are best presented in the resolution which they adopted and sent in their communication to us. They feel that it is not the privilege or right of one of the Twelve to go into an organized Stake of Zion and make changes such as Brother Lyman requested should be made. These papers were read to us, with a stenographic report of what Brother Lyman said at the meeting. While Brother Lyman gave some excellent counsel and instruction, there were several points in his remarks which Presidents Woodruff, Smith and myself thought quite improper. In fact, it is said that Brother Lyman is inclined to go into the stakes and take the control, on the presumption that being one of the Twelve Apostles and therefore one of the oracles he has a right to do that. This brings this matter to an issue, and we referred it to President Lorenzo Snow for him and the Council of the Apostles to examine and see how far Brother Lyman was justified in his course or how far the Presidency and the High Council of the Salt Lake Stake are justified in the attitude which they assume concerning his action. I reminded Presidents Woodruff and Smith that on a point of this character I was found fault with after the death of President Taylor. The impression was conveyed that I had been endeavoring to curtail the Twelve in their authority. Of course, it could not be said that I had done this individually, but I was blamed for the action of the First Presidency when I was only one of the members of that body, and whatever responsibility there was connected with this, if it was wrong, I could only be charged with my share of it, because President Taylor was the President of the Church, and I could not justly be held accountable for anything that he did. He took strong grounds on the point that one of the Twelve Apostles had no right to go into an organized stake of Zion and disturb any of the arrangements, and he had required Brother John Henry Smith, in a case which had arisen at American Fork, to go and set the matter right, for he considered that he had transcended his authority in taking some action there that President Taylor did not approve of. Of course, I agreed with President Taylor in the view that he took and we acted in concert; but the attempt was made, as I have said, to blame me for this, and wrong impressions were conveyed to President Woodruff concerning what had been said and done, and the first speech that he made to the Twelve after the death of President Taylor was setting forth the powers and authority of the Apostles. I do not know who talked with him or what had been said; I have never asked him that question; but I was satisfied at the time that he had been misinformed concerning our action, or if not misinformed, had been led to wrong conclusions by statements which had been made to him. To-day President Woodruff is as strenuous on this point as President Taylor could be. Of course, there is no disposition on our part to curtail the privileges or authority of the Twelve Apostles. We look upon ourselves as Apostles, and have no disposition to lessen their influence or their authority. But it will not do for each one of the Twelve to consider himself at liberty to go into organized stakes of Zion and make changes on his own volition. The First Presidency should be consulted, and if any change be made it should be under their instruction and with their knowledge.

I was busy preparing articles for the Juvenile Instructor.

20 June 1896 • Saturday

Saturday, June 20, 1896.

Dictated my journal to Brother Arthur Winter, also articles for the Juvenile Instructor.

21 June 1896 • Sunday

Sunday, June 21, 1896

Accompanied by my wife Carlie, who had received a dispatch from Sister Holbrook informing her of the death of her babe, I went to Provo this morning. She went to condole with Brother & Sister Holbrook, and I to attend Sunday school conference. I had a very pleasant and interesting day with the children at the Tabernacle. I spoke both morning and afternoon, though not at length. Brother John M. Whitaker, the Secretary of the Sunday School Union, was present also.

We returned home in the afternoon.

22 June 1896 • Monday

Monday, June 22, 1896

I had a call from Mr. Condict this morning, who represents the Salt Lake & Ogden Light Co. He brought me $20 as a donation towards the Brigham Young Monument Fund, and we had some conversation upon the amount of power that his company might need here and in Ogden.

I spent some time to-day in trying to arrange for the payment of a $15,000 mortgage on the old Ellerbeck lot in the 17th ward, which is now owned by the Latter-day Saints College, and which we have agreed to turn over to the Board of Regents of the State University as part payment of the endowment which we have given it.

Brother Lorenzo Snow had a conversation with President Woodruff and myself respecting the case of Brother F. M. Lyman and the Salt Lake Stake. Brother Snow is quite emphatic in his expressions concerning the impropriety of one of the Twelve going into an organized Stake of Zion and doing as Brother Lyman has done in this case.

23 June 1896 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 23, 1896

I started to Ogden in company with Colonel Winder this morning on the 8 o’clock train. I passed a very bad night last night, suffering from sore throat. This is very unusual with me. I do not recall ever having so serious a sore throat as I have now, and I was very much indisposed otherwise. The object in going to Ogden was to decide upon the bids that we had received from the General Electric Co., the Westinghouse Co. and the Stanley Co. I was under the necessity of lying down on the lounge in the office a good deal of the time, but was able to attend to business. In the first place we listened to a report from Mr. Hayward, a gentleman whom we have employed as an electrical engineer. His report was descriptive of the different points of the various articles of machinery on which bids had been made, each company having some peculiar advantages to their machines. We had requested him to examine with the gentlemen who had made the bids into all the points, so that he might form a judgment as to which was best. At the same time we withheld from him any knowledge as to the different prices which had been asked, as we did not wish his mind to be influenced by that knowledge. His conclusion, as reported to us, was that while there were points of difference, taken as a whole each was quite capable of doing our work. There were some things, however, connected with the General Electric Co’s proposition that were not included in the others. After he had made his report and withdrawn, we examined the bids as drawn out by Mr. Bannister, and we found that it would be a saving for us to accept the bid of the General Electric Co.

We lunched with Mr. McKee, who is the vice President of the General Electric Co. and a son-in-law of ex-President Harrison. He was much gratified at having the award made to him and his company.

Colonel Winder and myself returned to the city on the 2:10 train, ad I went directly home.

24 June 1896 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 24, 1896.

My health is a little better than it was yesterday, but I am not well.

Yesterday afternoon there was a great demonstration to meet my son Frank on his arrival at Salt Lake City. A crowd of people met him at the depot and escorted him to the Knutsford Hotel, where he and Congressman Allen made speeches. In the evening there was a great demonstration also at the theatre, where a large meeting was held, at which Frank and Mr. Allen and some others spoke.

This morning Frank came in to the office and made a statement of what had been done in the Convention at St. Louis. I have been somewhat doubtful in my mind concerning the course that he had taken at St. Louis; still there was nothing in his conduct that was clearly wrong, but I questioned a little the propriety of it. At the same time I knew that Frank was a man that would act very carefully, and that he would no doubt seek to know the mind of the Spirit as to what course to pursue. Upon hearing his statement of what he had done, President Woodruff expressed himself very emphatically in approval of what Frank had done and thought it was just right. He expressed himself to this effect several times. I said nothing. Frank afterwards asked me how I felt. I said that I thought the Lord would overrule it all for good. There is one thing that I have been impressed with in listening to him, and that is that in this matter Utah, without seeking for it, has been given a prominence that may be the means of our occupying a position that will be very influential as events develop. It seems that in all the proceedings at St. Louis Frank was thrust forward by the silver men. He wrote every resolution and the address which was read to the Convention before Senator Teller, himself and the rest walked out. He seems to have been thrust into prominence in spite of himself, as it was the duty of Senator Carter, of Montana, to have read this address, but his nerve failed him. It is clear to me that the day will come when we as a people shall have to step forward and maintain constitutional rights. The Lord has predicted this through His servants, particularly through the Prophet Joseph, and there will indoubtedly be occurrences that will give Utah prominence. Perhaps this may contribute to that, if only in a small degree. We certainly occupy a position now that we have never occupied before, and this through being a state.

We had a meeting of Zion’s Savings Bank at 1 o’clock, and a half-yearly dividend of 3% was declared.

Brothers Rulon S. Wells and Jos. W. McMurrin came in to the office, and Brother Wells was set apart as President of the European Mission and Brother McMurrin as his first counselor. President Woodruff, Lorenzo Snow and F. D. Richards and myself laid hands upon them, I being mouth in setting apart Brother Wells, and Brother Snow being mouth in setting apart Brother McMurrin.

25 June 1896 • Thursday

Thursday, June 25, 1896

President Woodruff and myself, Brothers F. D. Richards, B. Young, J. H. Smith and J. W. Taylor met in the Temple at 11 o’clock and talked over a good deal of business. Brother John Henry Smith offered prayer after we had sung, “God moves in a mysterious way”.

There was a ward party at my place this evening to raise funds to pay for music for the choir. The affair went off excellently.

26 June 1896 • Friday

Friday, June 26, 1896.

I was at the office all day until four oclock and was busy about various matters, but was feeling quite unwell. At 4:15 I went, in company with Brother Brigham Young, to Saltair and took a bath in the lake.

27 June 1896 • Saturday

Saturday, June 27, 1896

Busy at the office all morning. Dictated my journal to Brother Arthur Winter.

In the afternoon I attended a Relief Society meeting at the Assembly Hall. Elders F. D. Richards, Brigham Young and John H. Smith, of the Twelve Apostles, and Brother C. W. Penrose, of the Presidency of the Stake, and a few other brethren were also present. Brothers Richards, Young and myself addressed the sisters. Before we spoke, Brother Penrose read the account of the martyrdom of the Prophet Joseph and Hyrum which is found in the Book of Doctrine and Covenants. The remarks were principally confined to the Prophet and the occasion of his death. I had quite a spirit of freedom in speaking.

28 June 1896 • Sunday

Sunday, June 28, 1896

I attended meeting at the Tabernacle at 2 o’clock, and called upon Brothers Brigham Young and Geo. Teasdale to speak. I arose to speak for a short time, and alluded to the fact that Brother Rulon S. Wells had been called to go on a mission to Europe to take charge of the European Mission, and Brother Jos. W. McMurrin as one of his counselors, and that I regretted they were not there, as I would liked to have had them speak. Brother McMurrin, it appears, was in the congregation, and he came to the stand, and after I had occupied a few minutes he spoke for a few minutes quite spiritedly. At 6:30 Brother Brigham Young, who took dinner with me, attended our ward meeting with me in front of our dining room. We both addressed the saints and had a delightful time.

29 June 1896 • Monday

Monday, June 29, 1896

I had a conversation with Brother Jolley, who formerly lived at Moroni, concerning his circumstances. He has been reduced to poverty by misfortune. My feelings were very much moved in listening to his recital. I told him I would do what I could towards securing him employment.

There was a meeting of the Deseret News Co. to consider the propriety of taking action concerning the Deseret News corner and try and secure the public building for that corner which the federal government expects to put up in Salt Lake City. Already $75,000 has been appropriated for the purchase of a site. A committee, consisting of my brother Angus, Brothers Jos. W. Summerhays and D. L. Davis, was selected to obtain a diagram of the property and see what steps could be taken towards securing action on the part of property holders looking to the securing of the building for that corner.

My son Frank came into the office and we had considerable conversation with him about the situation of affairs, and it was felt that as soon as possible he should go back east to see Mr. Clark of the Union Pacific and the Oregon Short Line people. It seems from present indications that they are not intending to stand up to the agreement that we entered into here, and which we were led to believe would be confirmed at Boston by the full committee when they met together.

30 June 1896 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 30, 1896.

Busy all day at the office.1

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June 1896, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed October 22, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1890s/1896/06-1896


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