June 1882

1 June 1882 • Thursday

Thursday, June 1st, 1882. Wrote a brief and unfinished letter to President Taylor in time to catch the mail, in response to his request that I should suggest names of those to bring the Constitution and Memorial of the Convention down here. Dictated afterwards a long letter to President Taylor; also to Bro. Hart, enclosing $200 in a draft to repay a like amount borrowed of him last week. I have received letters from Pres. Taylor, in one of which was enclosed a draft for $5,000 00/100. At the House. Mr. Randall received a letter from ex-Senator Eaton, in which he spoke not unfavorably respecting his going out on the Utah Commission; when he should come here he desired to talk confidentially with him upon the subject. I sent a copy in a letter which I wrote to Gen. Kane.

2 June 1882 • Friday

Friday, June 2nd, 1882. There is much bitter feeling between the two parties in the House, the Democrats think their rights are trampled upon by their opponents, the Republicans. The latter are determined to unseat the Democrats whose seats are contested if they can get any pretext for doing so. At the House. The contest of Lowe vs. Wheeler of Ala. was up. Dictated letters to Bro. John Hoagland and to President Jos. F. Smith and Byron Groo. Received a letter from Gen. Kane.

3 June 1882 • Saturday

Saturday, June 3rd, 1882. At the House. Lowe was seated instead of Wheeler. Dictated a letter to Bro. John R. Murdock, Beaver, concerning Herbert Steele, who had been convicted at Beaver of manslaughter. I wrote this at the instance of Gen. H. A. Herbert, a kinsman of Steele’s. Also a letter to Bro. Albert Carrington, Liverpool, enclosing corrections of a published discourse of mine. Had conversation with Gen. H. E. Paine at his office.

4 June 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, June 4th, 1882. Bros. Nephi and W. D. Johnson, Jr., and Irvine and I took a walk to Glenwood Cemetry and back. Received a letter from Bro. Geo. Reynolds and one from Bro. Hart, also a dispatch from Pres. Taylor, per L. John Nuttall: “Have you any suggestions upon points mentioned in letters of May third and twenty-third. What are the prospects? When does Congress adjourn?” To which I replied: “Look for letters evening fifth and sixth. No prospect for practical results in sending men; but moral effect might be good: only question cost. Four weeks, perhaps six before adjournment.”

5 June 1882 • Monday

Monday, June 5th, 1882. I am anxious in my feelings respecting the questions submitted to Judge Black; am surprised at not hearing from him. At the House. A number of measures passed under suspension of the rules, and a number failed. Bro. W. D. Johnson, Jr., spent the evening with me. Received a letter from Bro. Carrington.

6 June 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 6th, 1882. At the House. I have been trying to get action by the Committee on Elections on my Memorial to the House, which was referred to it, asking for my salary for the full term and for mileage. It was brought up in Committee this morning, and Col. Wait informs the Com. stood five to five in the proposition to pay me to date of action by the House on my case (April 19th) and was decided against; but Mr. Ranney came in and a motion to reconsider was made, and R’s vote made it 6 to 5. Mr. Miller of Penn. was active in my favor and the resolution was entrusted to him to report to the House. Jones of Texas told me they had quite a discussion over the question of my election. Attended session of the House in the evening. Upon my return between 10 and 11 p.m. found the following telegram, partly in cipher: “What do you say for Senate<> Gen.<> Kane <>, J.<>T. <>Caine<>; Representative<>F.<>S.<> Richards<>.

Two latter with James Sharp, W. D. Johnson (and) Nephi Johnson as Delegates<>; Richards<> could assist Black<>. Answer<> immediately.” It was from President Taylor, but signed by Bro. Nuttall. Its contents surprised me somewhat, for I had got the idea that no election of Senator or Representative was contemplated at present. I replied, partly in cipher, as follows: “Didnt suppose were choosing<> Congressmen<> now. Cannot say about Gen. <> Kane<>. Think would embarrass him. Dont Hooper<> count on Sen<>ate<>? Names<> suit me except Nephi<>; which omit.” I have checked the words which were in cipher. My reason for having Bro. Nephi Johnson’s name omitted is that he was the principal witness against John D. Lee for his share in the Mountain Meadow affair, and it is known here that he was such, and I therefore think it would be unwise to name him as a Delegate. Capt. Hooper has always had an ambition to be Senator and claims that he was twice nominated by Pres. Young for that position. The position nomination is only honorary at present, and it looks as though it would be no more than that for some time.

7 June 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 7th, 1882. This morning I felt impressed to send another dispatch to President Taylor, through Bro. Nuttall, as follows: (I) “Question policy (of) electing Congressmen now. In view of future think places be better vacant.” We shall have Commissioners appointed doubtless before long. They will be men, some of them at least, with aspirations for Congress; and if these places are vacant they may prove a bait to them, and without anything being said to them, they may think, if they prove friendly, they may get a nomination. Then again Capt. Hooper has a great desire to be a Senator from Utah, and if he should feel slighted by the selection of some others for that position he and his friends may prove lukewarm, if not inimical, to the <proposed> State Government. We do <ought> not do anything to weaken our own strength just now, especially when the probabilities are the election to these offices may prove fruitless for the present. If we were electing officers to actually fill these positions then the ambition of one man <would> become a minor consideration. At the House, and while there Bro. Hy. Dinwoodey sent his card in to me. He and his wife and two daughters are on their return home from New York, intending to go from here by St. Louis. I showed them through the Capitol. Had a visit with Bro. Dinwoodey at my hotel in the evening.

8 June 1882 • Thursday

Thursday, June 8/82. Accompanied Bro. D. and folks to the Mount Vernon steamer. Bro’s. Nephi Johnson and John Irvine went with them to visit the home of Washington; I could not go. Mr. Ritchie of Ohio showed me the minority report respecting my Memorial for salary. It is signed by Calkins, of Ind., and Thompson of Ohio Iowa and himself. His scruple is, he says, in the jurisdiction of the Committee; he thinks it is the province of the Com. on Claims; but he thinks I ought to be paid. Saw a number of Members about the resolution which Mr. Miller is to report. The Speaker (Mr. Keifer) doubts the authority of the House to pass a resolution of this kind alone; he told me if he were in my place he would make it a Joint Resolution, and he thought there would be no trouble in getting it through the Senate. Called this morning upon Bro. W. D. Johnson, Jr., who is afflicted with the piles. Received the following dispatch from Judge Black: “Just come home. Must see you before I can answer your letter. Will be at N. Y. Fifth Avenue Hotel from Saturday to Monday.” I was disappointed at this news, on account of the delay. Telegraphed to Gen. Kane: “Judge telegraphs just returned York; must see me before answering inquiries. He will be New York Fifth Avenue Hotel Saturday to Monday. Have you business there about that time, and can I see you?”

9 June 1882 • Friday

Friday, June 9th, 1882. Received dispatch this morning from Mrs Kane informing me that the General had left New York yesterday, would be in Smithhurst on Monday, and would reach home on Wednesday. She expressed her regret that this was so. At the House. In the evening received a dispatch from General Kane requesting me to remain at the hotel in the morning as he intended to call upon me. I had been debating before receiving his dispatch about going to New York tonight and walked to the station with Bros Nephi Johnson and John Irvine, but decided I would not go; felt I had better stay till morning. I was glad I did so on receiving this dispatch, as I was very anxious to see the General.

10 June 1882 • Saturday

Saturday, 10th June, 1882. Arose <very> early and got all ready for my journey. The General came to the hotel about ½ past 7 oclock. We had some conversation and he suggested some plans to me and asked me how I felt impressed with them. He has been very anxious about us, and has, he says, passed many sleepless hours in thinking about our condition, and it has seemed very dark to him until now when he feels that light has come. He expressed himself as exceedingly grateful on this account, for he did not know but the old inspiration that he had had might have left him in consequence of the blood on his hands which he had shed during the war. I was deeply touched with his manifestation of kind feeling towards us and his gratitude towards the Lord. He had gone out of his way — though very much engaged in important business — to see and converse with me. He had also come here to do what he could about the Commissioners. I secured a carriage for him and he drove to see friends, and we agreed to meet at the train at 9.30 and ride together as far as Baltimore, he going to Harrisburg and I to New York. We both thought it better for me to return home on a flying visit.

I reached New York a little after 4 oclock, but found Bro. Hart absent. The hotel people did not know where he had gone, but I learned from two of the brethren whom I met that he had gone to visit Cumorah.

I called at the Fifth Avenue Hotel twice, but did not succeed in finding Judge Black. I left a note that I would call tomorrow morning after breakfast. Not being there and not finding him I went to the Germania Theatre and saw the Mascot; a comic opera. The performance had commenced before I reached there. It was a very amusing performance, & the singing was very fine. Carlton was the principal character and Miss Wiley the Mascot.

11 June 1882 • Sunday

Sunday June 11th 1882. After breakfast called at the Fifth Avenue hotel and met with Judge Black. He was besieged with friends wishing to make appointments and had to make engagements which would keep him until evening. Among others to dine with Mr Tilden. We agreed to meet at 8 oclock this evening. The day was stormy, much rain and wind during the night, and the morning cool and gusty. About one oclock it cleared off. After lunch I took the elevated railroad and ran down to Manhatten Beach Ferry where I took steamer for the Manhatten Beach Railroad on Long Island, and thence to Coney Island, where I remained an hour and returned. I did this as I had heard a great deal about this place and I had no addresses of any of our folks in Williamsburg and was alone. I spent the time very pleasantly. I should imagine this must be a beautiful place to come to in the hot weather. There is every convenience for entertaining large crowds. There was a magnificent band here who gave a musical concert. The playing on the saxophone by a performer, and a cornet duet by two brothers named Bennd Bent, were exceedingly fine. The building that is erected for the band to sit in is a most curious concern and admirably adapted to send forth and intensify the sound. It is somewhat bell-shaped, that is the opening is wide and it slopes backward from the front from all sides to the end, and in this the performers are seated. I sat at some considerable distance from this platform, probably not less than 300 yards, and yet when the leader spoke in an ordinary tone of voice with his back towards me to the performers I could hear with the greatest distinctness what he said. The seats are arranged in the open air in front of this building.

I remained with Judge Black until 11 oclock at night, when we were interrupted, and found it was later than we thought. Our conversation was very delightful but was not of such a character as I particularly desired. He was more interested in asking me questions and getting ideas from me respecting our history than he was in answering mine and talking from <upon> law points. He left Mrs Black at home not very well and he appeared anxious about her and had to return tomorrow; so we agreed to meet at to meet at the train at 8 oclock and travel together to Philadelphia for further conversation.

Bro. Scott Anderson, late of the Liverpool Branch, called on me at the Grand Cent Central.

12 June 1882 • Monday

Monday June 12 1882. Judge Black and myself occupied the same seat to Philadelphia, and had a very full talk. I was anxious to get his preliminary opinion to take with me, but he said it would be impossible for him to get it ready before next Monday, and that if I should leave for home I was to telegraph him and he would send it to me at Salt Lake City. As far as he had had opportunity of examining, he was of the opinion that there could be no possible harm in our County Courts appointing judges of election under our existing law as though the Edmunds law had not passed and that their conduct could not be viewed as contamacious in so doing; that it was our duty to protect ourselves against anarchy and falling into chaos. Of course if the Commissioners went out all this would go for nothing, but if they did not go out and we held an election there could be no harm in it; the people had a right to vote for officers, and there was no law that he knew of to punish people for doing so. Care should be taken to select unexceptionable men for judges, and one at least should be a member of the opposition. The whole thing was a matter of policy more than of law as to whether this should be done.

I reached Washington about 4 oclock and proceeded to the House. Mr Miller, of Penn. who had the report of the committee on Elections in my case for salary and mileage had not succeeded in getting the floor. The fact is, he is a new man, inexperienced, and probably may feel more careless because he is not likely to inure <obtain> any personal advantage in passing the bill, as would be the case if it were something belonging to his constituents.

I dictated a long letter to Prest. Taylor, also wrote to Bro. Hart. I sent the following dispatch to Prest. Taylor, through Bro. Nuttall, part of it in cipher: “Where are delegates. Find it necessary to quietly see you. Propose starting Wednesday.”

13 June 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 13 1882. I arose early this morning and packed my trunk. Dictated letters to the following persons: — John Q. Cannon, Hon. Hiram Price, Moses Thatcher, and Jos. A. West. Also wrote to my brother Angus. Received dispatch from Bro. Nuttall as follows: “Prest. Taylor at Ogden Mill. Caine, Peery & Richards started yesterday”

14 June 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 14. 1882. Dictated journal to Bro. John Irvine. I was busy all day arranging for my departure. Papers had accummulated and it required considerable time for Bro. Irvine and myself to sort out that which was useful. At the House. Spoke to a number to look after my claim for salary &c. Bro. Nephi and W. D. Johnson Jr. were at my room in the afternoon. I dictated letters of introduction for the brethren who come as delegates from the Convention to Mr Randall, Mr Converse, Messrs Maginnes, Ainslie & Ouray. Bro. Irvine and the two brothers Johnson accompanied me to the train, and at 9.50 p.m. I started for home.

15 June 1882 • Thursday

Thursday June 15 1882. At Williamsport I changed cars and reached Kane at 3.50 p.m. Elisha K. Kane, the General’s oldest son, was at the train, but we missed each other. I had dinner at the hotel, then walked to the General’s house. I found him in very poor health. He insisted on my staying with him. We spent the evening conversing upon the situation.

16 June 1882 • Friday

Friday, June 16 1882. Continued conversation of last evening. I took notes of what he said which I left with him. His design was to write our views as we had talked them over so that I could take them with me, but he found himself unable to do more than to write the following in pencil:

(Can’t proceed until I know space to leave)1

T. L. K. Kane, June 16 ‘82

“As regards the Delegateship: You have but one course to pursue. You must re-elect George Q. Cannon as often as occasion offers.

As long as the present emergency continues, as long as you can return him and Congress reject him, and you can again return him — until the change comes, consider your vote for him to be your best of protests; your best representation in Congress his vacant chair.

“You lose nothing by being thus faithful to yourselves <side note> (G.Q.C. still your test case! Decide through him in your own favor as often as it can be brought before your people on an appeal). Cannon will remain as he now is — de jure — your Representative in the sight of just men: his personal influence, in the Departments for instance and elsewhere, where weight is to be attached to statements and explanations of fact, will continue unimpaired (That personal influence has long been very great). He will not be less distinguished because Congressional outrage has made him a marked man. He has been — you have in him been insulted, but not degraded; wronged but not humiliated.”

“The Territorial Delegate has not a vote, at any time. His influence is mainly, so to speak, a moral one. It is derived from the right attributed to him to speak for the majority of the voters of his Territory. A Congressional majority cannot confer this right on Campbell or any other man.”

“Seriously indisposed as I am today, I write this in my own hand apprehensive that Cannon’s personal concern in the matter may prevent him speaking out on it with sufficient plainness. Sinister tidings have reached me — groundless I trust — that it has been proposed in a city circle, that you shall concur in sending to Washington “a non-polygamist delegate”. If surrender is the word, unconditional surrender, Yes; do so. If not, any man who entertains the thought of such a step should be despised! You could not by any other method as forcibly announce to the world, that you are defeated, that you have been humbled — that you haul down the flag, and beg to be spared in consideration of your unconditional submission.”

“This said at length, I shall ask Mr Cannon to take the pen and make notes of our conversation on other themes.”

“7. President Taylor and others — how far is it their duty to expose themselves?”

I asked him in relation to his circumstances, the question being prompted by my desire to know how much he had spent on making his Mexican trip. He would not tell me what that cost him, but he said he was better off than people generally thought. He desired me to relate to Prest. Taylor and the brethren concerning his Mexican trip and why he had taken it, a matter that was known more by Prest. Young and myself than by any others. Also another extraordinary matter.

At 3.50 started for Erie where Bro. Hart had written to me that I should find passes for Chicago. They were not there, however. I left there at 12.25 p.m.

17 June 1882 • Saturday

Saturday, June 17 1882. Reached Chicago at 4.40 p.m. I stopped at the Grand Pacific and learned that Bishop John Sharp had just left for the east.

I have been suffering from hives since I left General Kane’s which have been very painful in consequence of the heat. This is the second time I ever had anything of this kind, and what is quite remarkable it was along this same road that I had my former attack, having left General Kane’s and come to Erie and from Erie to Cleveland; between these points and Chicago I suffered from this painful affection

18 June 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, June 18 1882. It was very cool here yesterday and last night and is still cool this morning. Men were wearing their light overcoats yesterday evening.

At noon I started for the Bluffs on the Chicago and Rock Island which was the only train going out handy <on Sunday.> A Mr Joe. Rankins, of Wisconsin, a member of the State Senate, and an old politician, is a fellow passenger. We had considerable conversation on the road.

The town of Grinnell [blank] was struck by a tornado on Friday evening. We passed through there in the night and failed to see the destruction. It is estimated that about 100 lives will probably be lost, many having been killed outright and others dangerously wounded. The storm must have been an awful one from all accounts. We saw many evidences of it during the afternoon, there being a great many washouts along the road. The water is very high through the western part of Illinois and in Iowa; the Illinois River has flooded the bottoms.

Governor Sherman, of Iowa, and his wife were aboard. Had some conversation with him concerning Mr Godfrey, who is from De Moines, and is selected as a member of the Utah Commission. He appeared surprised at his selection, as he is a man of no special ability or note.

19 June 1882 • Monday

Monday, June 19th 1882. Reached Council Bluffs and transferred on to the Sleepers of the U.P.R.R. Mr Stevens of the C.R.I.&P. was on with his wife and family. They took passage for Denver.

The weather is still quite cool, and there was a heavy hail storm during the evening.

20 June 1882 • Tuesday

Tuesday, June 20 1882. The morning was beautiful. At Cheyenne met Bro. Mc Ewen <Cune>, son of Dr M. Mc Ewen <Cune> of Nephi. He has been a contractor on the Denver & Rio Grande, grading for some time in Colorado, and he is now transferring his teams &c to the Oregon Short Line.

Lieut. Willard Young and Richard W. Young, who has just graduated at West Point, joined the train at this point also, they having come by way of Denver. Willard has been Assistant Professor of Engineering at West Point for about three years and is a very promising man. One thing I admire about both these young men is their faith in the gospel. Richard has just graduated 15th in his class and expects to receive an appointment in the Artilliary. The remainder of my trip was made very pleasant by their society and conversation

I have since starting on this trip revised my “Life of Nephi,” which Bro. Irvine copied for me, and also read Bro. George Reynold’s “Spaulding Story Disproved.” His arrangement of the matter is not very <so> good, I think, as it might be. It bears evidence of having been written too hastily, and is not arranged as judiciously as it might be so as to give force to the argument.

21 June 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 21 1882. I was met at Wasatch by my son Frank and had a pleasant conversation with him from there to Ogden. At Ogden I was met by Presidents Taylor and Jos. F. Smith, and Apostles Woodruff, L. Snow, E. Snow, F. D. Richards, B. Young, M. Thatcher, F. M. Lyman, and J. H. Smith, Bishop Hunter and his two Counsellors, my brother Angus, my son Abraham, Jos. E. Taylor, Judge Elias Smith, Capt. Hooper, H. Stout, D <Daniel H. > & Junius F. Wells, P. P. Pratt, L. Farr, W. B. Preston, J R. Winder, L. John Nuttall, George Reynolds, A.O. Smoot, Dr Clinton, W. W. Taylor, and a number of others whose names I cannot now recall. The meeting was entirely unexpected by me and was a very joyful one. I had endeavored to conceal my return from the public so as to avoid any display, but it was published in the telegraphic dispatches received from Omaha and every <one> seemed to know that I was coming home. The Ogden brass band came to the platform in full uniform and played a number of times. I had no idea at the time that it was our band; it looked so gay I supposed it was some military band out to escort some distinguished military character till I saw their faces and was told who they were. The band escorted the brethren and myself from the U.P. cars to the U.C. This manifestation of kindness touched me profoundly and I felt that the affectionate greetings and warmth of friendship displayed was ample compensation for any unpleasant scenes through which I might have passed. On my way down, in the special car which had been furnished by Bro. James Sharp, we were greeted by a large gathering at Farmington, and a juvenile martial band was on the platform which played several lively tunes. At Salt Lake City there were crowds of people and two brass bands, the 16th and 10th Ward. I could not speak to the people, but I shook hands with every one I could reach. My son David and my nephew George M. Cannon were at the Station with my carriage to meet me. I called at my brother Angus’ and sister Mary Alice’s as I went home. Alma Lambert my sister’s son was confined to his bed with a broken thigh which is rapidly healing. I found all my family well and words cannot describe how much gladness we had at again meeting. My emotions were almost overwhelming at once more being at home and seeing my motherless little ones. In fact I could not control my feelings for some time and abandoned myself to that grief which I thought would relieve my feelings. My sister-in-law was there with the children, also sister Davey who kept house for my wife Elizabeth. The children were all well and were bearing their loss almost better than could be expected. They were destitute of a number of things, as their means was limited in consequence of their mother’s dividend at Z.C.M.I. having been sent to me in the east. All my family speak in the warmest terms of my daughter Mary Alice, of her lady like and womanly conduct, and they all feel very kindly to all the children, who are favorites with them all. [7 Hawaiian words redacted because they address deeply personal matters between Cannon and his family.]

22 June 1882 • Thursday

Thursday, June 22 1882. I arose early this morning and made preparations to visit the grave of my beloved wife. Bro. John Hoagland and Sister Emily <H.> Little, Mary Alice, David, Emily and Sylvester rode in the big carriage, and I rode in my buggy. When we got to town I called for my brother Angus and my son Abraham. Abraham rode in the big carriage with the rest, and Angus rode with me. We drove to the grave, a duty which I felt I owed to the beloved memory of my wife. We carried some flowers and laid them on the grave. We gathered around the tomb and I dedicated ourselves <& the grave> to the Lord, speaking to the children and endeavoring to impress upon their minds the importance of following their mother’s footsteps and imitating her example. It was a solemn scene, and one that I trust we shall never forget. I was deeply impressed with the occasion.

I called today to see Sister Mary Ann Young, the mother of Brigham and John W. and President Young’s senior wife, who was in a dying condition. She is unable to lie down and has to get all her rest sitting in a chair. She is very much bloated with dropsy and will welcome death joyfully as a great relief. She is about 80 or 81 years of age. I administered to her, blessed her, and said such words of comfort as I was prompted to utter. She appeared very grateful for my visit as did her daughter, Sister Thatcher, and Brigham afterwards told me that she was much relieved and felt very pleased that I called. The next day

23 June 1882 • Friday

Friday, June 23 1882 I called upon Sister John Irvine and took dinner with Bro. Jos. F. I called twice at Sister Olive Marks, (my wife’s niece, & whose husband is on a mission,). Found two of the children sick with diptheria. I administered to them. Bro. Jos. F was with me the last time. On Thursday, Friday & Saturday met at 10 oclock in the morning and 2 oclock in the afternoon in Council and discussed freely the situation. These meetings were of very great interest. I dined Thursday and Saturday with Prest. Taylor.

25 June 1882 • Sunday

Sunday, June 25th 1882. Abraham accompanied me home last night and submitted to me the question regarding the Sunday School. The children were desirous that he should resume his Sunday School to which they had become greatly attached before he went upon his mission. They have been, since his absence, attending school at the Farmers Ward part of the time, and a part of the time at home, but there has been no regularity about their attendance. The difficulty in the way of complying with their request was that there was a German meeting at 10 o’clock on Sunday morning where he was expected to attend. I thought over the matter in the night and concluded that as my time was so occupied, and had been the most of my life, in public matters, causing me to almost utterly neglect my family interests—that it was my duty now with a large family of small children to do something for their benefit, and as I could not devote personal attention to them to do the next best thing and give him the duty of looking after and training them in the Sunday School. I felt that it was not necessary we should run the risk of sacrificing our own family by neglecting to instruct them while devoting our time to instructing the public. So I told him he had better not think of going to the German meeting, but devote himself to the children. I met with them and gave them some instructions this morning, and attended to a little business which I had not had time to attend to since my return. I drove up to town in my buggy. My family went up in the big carriage. I attended meeting in the Tabernacle and spoke an hour and twenty minutes. A large number of strangers were present and the body of the Tabernacle was filled, my return having created considerable interest to hear me. I was blessed with considerable liberty.

After meeting attended Council in the Endowment House.

In the evening looked over my dear wife’s things with Mary Alice and her Aunt Emily.

26 June 1882 • Monday

Monday, June 26 1882. Finished this examination and instructed Mary Alice to make a list of everything. At 2 p.m. met again in Council, and also Tuesday 27th at 10 A.M. and 2 P.M. Our meeting this day was in the Social Hall.

28 June 1882 • Wednesday

Wednesday, June 28 1882. There was an immense gathering at the Tabernacle today, there being a concert for the amusement of the Old folks, upwards of 1000 of whom over 70 years of age were present. Those between 70 & 80 wore red ribbons, those between 80 & 90 wore blue ribbons, and those upwards of 90 wore white ribbons. Bishop Hunter passed his 89th year a few days ago. I was surprised at the number of both sexes who wore blue ribbons, many of them apparently hale and well preserved. The occasion was one of great interest. There were several upwards of 90 and some verging on 100 years of age. The interesting feature of the occasion was the distribution, by little girls, members of the Primary Association, of flowers to the aged. Just as I went to the meeting <Pres. Taylor and> I received a dispatch from F. S. Richards in reply to a dispatch I had sent to Judge Black as follows: — “Washington D. C. 27 June 1882. — Judge B. and I agree that School Trustees give notice of elections for second Monday in July. Other matters under consideration, therefore communication on Prest. Cannon’s arrival here. When shall we expect him — F S. Richards.” The anxiety which appeared in this dispatch about my return prompted me to make up my mind to start in the morning for Washington as it was evident I need not expect any letters from the east which I had been looking for in time to allow me to return, as I felt I ought to do, to Washington. I called upon Sister John Irvine again. Bro. Jos. F. Smith kindly took me up in his buggy there and back. I saw the entire family, Sister Irvine and her mother and all the children, and they appeared very glad to see me and pleased at my having called before starting. They charged me with messages of love to their husband and father. We afterwards drove down to the Theatre and saw Prest. Taylor, and I told him I <thought I> had better start back. He approved of my resolution and felt that I ought to be at Washington. I am disappointed in not having received letters from General Kane. Though I telegraphed I received no response through some miscarriage, I fear, of the dispatch. Abraham accompanied me home. His aunt <Emily> also had gone down. I made arrangements with her about still further taking over sight of Elizabeth’s household till I return. Busy all evening packing up and arranging for my departure. [22 Hawaiian words redacted because they address deeply personal matters between Cannon and his family.]

29 June 1882 • Thursday

Thursday June 29 1882. My brother-in-law John Hoagland and my son Abraham accompanied me to the Station this morning. My brother Angus and George C. Lambert and a number of others were at the station. Bro. John Henry Smith and my son Abraham accompanied me to Ogden. Bro. F. D. Richards was also aboard going up as far as Farmington. My mother-in-law, Sister Sarah Richards, was also going up as far as Ogden. At Ogden met my son Frank and his aunt Jane Richards and Chas. C. Richards who gave me messages for Brother F. S. Richards when I should see him at Washington. Todays travel was quite cool in the mountains.

30 June 1882 • Friday

Friday, June 30 1882. I had a delightful night’s sleep, being a great deal in want of it. At Laramie heard that Guiteau was hung at 12.40. Pleasant travelling but warm.

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June 1882, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed February 11, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1880s/1882/06-1882


  1. [1]This sentence was written in pencil in another hand.