July 1876

1 July 1876 • Saturday

House where we has have been living is all topsy-turvey, Mrs. Sarmients moving her things. We also are packed up to go to new lodgings. At the House. It refused to adjourn over Monday as expected; but it was intimated that business would only be done in reference to report of Conference committees. Myself and wife and Mary Alice moved to 1303 F St. where we had engaged rooms at $15 per week of Mrs. Duke. Took cars to Philadelphia at 9.40 p.m. Very hot.

2 July 1876 • Sunday

A company of young men who had the sections next to us behaved in a very rude and disorderly manner, their noise kept every one awake. I remonstrated with them about their conduct. This had some effect upon them for awhile; but afterwards, in the night, they kept up such a noise that it was unbearable. I could have borne it myself; but I feared the effect upon my wife and daughter. I called the conductor and remonstrated very sharply with him in their hearing. I threatened to report him to Col. Scott, Pres. of the R. Road, unless he took measures to enforce quiet in the car. This had the desired effect upon the rowdies. They subsided and we were no longer troubled with their noise. The night was a very hot one. I slept a little, but was bathed in perspiration. Sis. C. did not sleep any. We repaired to Mr. Price’s 140 N. 20th St. to stop and found Junius F. Wells there. Did not go out till evening and then only for a walk. Sultry day.

3 July 1876 • Monday

Bro. John Winder, son of Col. John R. Winder, came from the South here on a visit to the Exhibition. He has been on a mission there with Elder Geo. Teasdale. After breakfast we all went to the Exhibition. The day was comparatively cool and I enjoyed it very much, though very tired. Went out in evening with Sister Cannon and Junius to see the procession. We were very fortunate in getting a pretty good view of it and the illumination. Bro. Alfalus Young came in today from the West – Ann Arbor College. We found Bro. Theo. McKean here also this evening. He had written to me about his failing health and asked my counsel about returning home. I had counseled him to return and he was now en route and started West this evening.

4 July 1876 • Tuesday

Bro. J. F. Wells secured me a carriage, and after breakfast we drove to the rooms of the Centennial Commissioners on Walnut St. and then went to the platform at Independence Square. We had good seats allotted to us, close to the stand. Pres. Grant was not there. Vice Pres. Ferry was and the Emperor of Brazil and other dignitaries. In the midst of the ceremonies I heard a man inquiring for George Cannon. He came hurriedly over the seats towards where I was, inquiring of one and another for George Cannon, and asking of more than one Member of Congress if he was G. C. When he learned who I was he sat beside me and inquired if there was any other George Cannon in Utah; if I worked at Liverpool & Manchester RR at Liverpool; if I knew John Taylor, &c. &c. He was greatly excited over finding me and had come to Philadelphia purposely to see me. He was a companion of mine when I left my native place; we worked together as boys in the same office. He had become a very extensive ship-owner and had prospered in life. His firm in London was Taylor, Bethel & Roberts. Thirty-four years had passed since we parted. He was greatly delighted to see me. He had me take lunch with him at the Continental Hotel and upon learning that I was going to Washington in the morning said he should go with me. In afternoon went out to Exhibition with my folks and the brethren and had a good time. In evening took carriage, Bro’s. Wells and Winder accompanying us, and went out to the Park to see the fireworks. They were the grandest I ever saw. The rain interrupted the display.

5 July 1876 • Wednesday


Left Sister Cannon and Mary Alice to visit places of interest till Saturday. Started for Washington, Mr. Taylor accompanying me. I took him through and around the Capitol and other places of interest. He had me take dinner at Welcker’s with him. It cost nearly $11 00/100. He returned in the evening to Philadelphia. He expressed great wonder that we should meet after so long an absence under such circumstances

6 July 1876 • Thursday

At the House. Last evening Mrs. Duke, the landlady, spoke to me about boarding with her. I told her, if convenient to her, I would take my meals h at her table till my wife came back, then she could arrange to suit herself.

7 July 1876 • Friday

At the House.

8 July 1876 • Saturday

At the House. Went down to the R. R. Depot to meet Sister C. and Mary Alice whom I expected from Philadelphia to-day. They arrived on time. The day was very hot. Sister C. arranged with Mrs. Duke for us to take our meals in the house.

9 July 1876 • Sunday

Spent the day as I usually do. I am glad we have got such comfortable quarters. I like our present place better, if anything, than where we were. Yet it was well that we went there, for I believe that through being there when my wife was taken so bad (holo ka koko [she was hemorrhaging]) that having Miss Dr. Parsons in the house was one means of saving her life. We could not have got these rooms as cheap as we had them. Now, being the summer season and Congress being expected to adjourn, rooms can be obtained at cheaper rates. I have asked the Lord to open our way to obtain suitable places, and He has heard and answered our prayers.

10 July 1876 • Monday

At the House.

11 July 1876 • Tuesday

At the House.

12 July 1876 • Wednesday

Bro. Mathoni Pratt, who has been preaching in the Western States in company with Bro. David M. Stuart, came here this morning. We arranged for him to stay at the house where we lived. He had come east on a visit and to see the Exhibition at Philadelphia. Bro Elbridge Tufts called upon me at the Capitol this morning. He and his Mother were on a visit East and had stopped at Quincy and were going to Philadelphia. I took him and Bro. Pratt through the Capitol.

A very hot day.

13 July 1876 • Thursday

At the Departments and at the House. Very hot. Sister Cannon took Bro. Pratt around to various places of interest.

14 July 1876 • Friday

Bro. John Winder, who has been on a mission with Bro. Geo. Teasdale in the Southern States, came here to visit Washington.

At the House. Very hot. I felt unwell through the heat.

15 July 1876 • Saturday

The weather was a little cooler to-day, though still very hot. At the House. Sister Cannon, Mary Alice and the brethren went to Mount Vernon.

16 July 1876 • Sunday

Selecting and ordering cuts for the Juvenile. In afternoon took carriage and we all rode to Arlington Heights, the estate of Gen. Robt. E. Lee before the war; inherited by him from the Custis family. This estate was confiscated and has been converted into a National Cemetery. Upwards of 15,000 dead lie buried there. 2,110 unknown dead whose bones have been picked up on the fields of Bull Run and the route to the Rapahannock lie buried under a monument. The view from the mansion of the Potomac and of Washington is very fine.

17 July 1876 • Monday

Took the brethren to the Treasury. Then went to the House.

18 July 1876 • Tuesday

At the House. The Com on Territories reported a bill for the election of Governor and other officers of the Territories. A point of order was made against it and it was referred to the Com. of the Whole. Patterson of Colorado who had the Bill in charge told me that the opposition it met with was due to Utah. Members opposed it because of this privilege being granted to Utah. He said Wm S Holman of Indiana had said it would never do to allow the Mormons such a privilege. Other delegates said that Holman had said the same thing against the Bill to them. Patterson said that Holman had gone to Sayler the Speaker and had got him to rule on the point of order as he did to avoid the precipitation of the Mormon question on the House. I asked Sayler if this was so. He denied it. I afterwards had a free talk with Holman. I told him I did not expect such action from him. I said every man in the last Congress who had sought to make capital out of the Mormon question and made it a hobby had come to grief. He said he was opposed to this Bill and it could not obtain 40 votes in its favor; he had used the argument about the Mormons as he had to prevent the bill being pushed. The more I see and learn the more convinced I become that man will get no credit for giving us our rights; the Lord will get it all; for it is very apparent that if it be left to man we shall go without them. The Lord in His Providence will bring them around in his own time and way. At a caucus this evening. What wrangling and confusion.

19 July 1876 • Wednesday


Called upon Pres. Grant respecting the appointment of young Mr. Nugent, son of Col. Nugent, as 2nd lieut. At the House. Very hot to-day.

20 July 1876 • Thursday

Very hot to-day. Called upon Mr. Tyner, Postmaster General, about the removal of the P.O. from its old location to Groesbeck building. I protested in respectful terms against the removal until the people could be heard from.

21 July 1876 • Friday

At the House. <Adjourned till Monday.> In the evening took passage on cars for Kane to see the General. I thought this the better way as he wanted to see me before I returned home, and when we adjourn I shall be desirous to go West as fast as I can. Had for companions on the road as far as Williamsport, where we took breakfast on Saturday morning. Mr. Strait of Minnesota and Mr. Platt of New York. Before I left Washington I wrote a letter to President Young about my efforts to prevent the removal of the Post Office at Salt Lake City to the Groesbeck building. The weather is much cooler to-day.

22 July 1876 • Saturday

Had a very good night’s rest in the sleeping car. Reached Kane a little after 3 o’clock p.m. Took dinner at the Hotel and then went up to the General’s. They expressed great pleasure at seeing me. The General had not received my letter advising him of my coming. Elisha was enjoying his college vacation at home. Mrs. Thomas, the General’s aunt, a very agreeable old lady, was <is here> on a visit; also a Mr. Taylor, a cousin of his. The weather here is delightfully cool.

23 July 1876 • Sunday

Had a very delightful day. Walked with Mr. Taylor and the young people in the woods. The General is making great improvements in the Hotel and surrounding grounds. He is building a Presbyterian Church of stone for Mrs. Kane near the Hotel. We talked freely of the enterprise. He will be at Dallas in Oct. Our company should be at least 20 and from that to 30; should pack; have a leader and a second to take his place in case of necessity; should be judicious men with kindly feelings towards Lamanites; pure men and non-speculators; obedient and amenable to discipline; good judges of quality of land and how it can be irrigated and of the necessary amount of water; of this he knows nothing and must depend upon them; some should speak Scandinavien and be acquainted with that people; does not say how much money each will need.

24 July 1876 • Monday

General arose to see me off at 5.15 this morning. He is <and family are> very kind and my love for him is very strong. Train started at 6. Met Col. Maish at York, Penn., that is his district. We rode together to Washington. Arrived at 1/4 to 9 in the evening. Found Sister Cannon and Mary Alice well; weather much cooler. Took a bath and felt refreshed from the toil of the journey.

25 July 1876 • Tuesday

Called upon Postmaster General about removal of the Post Office. He is unwilling to interfere and so I telegraphed Bro. Clawson. Saw Mr. Eldredge, my lawyer, about his fee. Arranged to give him $200 now, which with the $300 I have given him, makes $500 and to send him the remaining $500 within a week after I get home. Oh, these lawyer’s fees, how burdensome they are!

26 July 1876 • Wednesday

At the Land Dep’t. and at the House. The contested election case of Platt vs. Goode was again up.

27 July 1876 • Thursday

While walking down from the House this afternoon Arthur Pratt, son of Bro. Orson Pratt and son-in-law of Bro. John T. Caine stepped out from the piazza of the National Hotel as I was passing and spoke to me. He stretched out his hand to shake hands and spoke quite heartily, being apparently glad to see me. I did not share in the feeling, for among all the apostates in Salt Lake there was none for whose spirit and actions I had a more thorough dislike than his. He had acted as Deputy U. S. Marshal and had on many occasions acted conspicuously mean. He had arrested me once and, as I and my attorneys thought, had treated me with unnecessary indignity. We had some conversation and said he knew no one here and would like to see the places of interest. It was a request of me to aid him. Approached in such a way I had no disposition to be surly or to refuse him the courtesy he sought. I told him if he would call at my rooms in the morning I would take him around.

28 July 1876 • Friday

Mr. Pratt called at my quarters this morning. I showed him various places of interest, then took him to the White House, showed him through that and introduced him to Pres. Grant. Took him to the Dep’t. of Justice and introduced him to Judge Taft, the attorney-general. I then had him shown through the Printing Dept of the Treasury Dept. where the currency is manufactured. I then took him to the capitol, and showed him all the points of interest and had him introduced on to the floor. I tried to heap coals of fire upon his head by treating him with all kindness. Upon leaving he thanked me for the attention I had shown him.

29 July 1876 • Saturday

Gen. Kane was on the floor. We afterwards met at my rooms. He had seen Pres. Grant and had obtained a very strong letter from him; also had arranged for letters from the State Dep’t. and from the War Dep’t. The latter would enable him to get any aid, provisions, &c., from any of the posts of the U. S. Mariscal, the Mexican minister had also been communicated with by Pres. Grant on his behalf and took a strong interest in his proposed enterprise. He left for Kane this evening. Received a dispatch from Bro. John W. Young in which he stated he would be at Washington to-morrow morning.

30 July 1876 • Sunday

Bro. John W. Young arrived from New York this morning. We spent a most delightful day together. In afternoon he got a carriage and we had a most enjoyable ride over the city. It rained terribly hard in the night and the greater portion of the day. Went to the Depot in the evening with him to see him off to Baltimore.

31 July 1876 • Monday

At the House. Sister Cannon is making preparations to start for home with Mary Alice on Wednesday aftern evening. She is becoming very anxious about the children, as this is the beginning of the unhealthy season at home for little ones. There is no more prospect of an adjournment of Congress now than there has been, and she has become tired of waiting. I was told to-day that the Com. on Elections had unanimously agreed upon my case, that they considered there was no case against me. This was told by Baker of Ind. and Harris of Va.

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July 1876, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed February 2, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-q-cannon/1870s/1876/07-1876