The Church Historian's Press

June 1854

1 June 1854 • Thursday

After breakfast we started, blessing Mr. B. for his kindness. We found the road dusty, but in crossing the hills we found it pleasant on account of the breeze, and we travelled over the ground pretty fast. We reached Pololu, about 25 miles, by 6 o’clock; we found all well; the brethren, Karren, Allred, Linn, Napela, &c. over in the next valley, Honokane; they had had a hard time in the canoe coming round, every thing got wet, and they had to swim ashore, as the sea would not permit the landing of a canoe.1 It was the intention to hold the conference here and dedicate the meeting house; they had prepared a feast. I was quite tired.

2 June 1854 • Friday

Attended early meeting; I spoke a short time. From here we went around the rocks to Honokane. It was a difficult place to pass, and could not be effected when the tide was high, as the waves dashed against the precipice then; as it was, we had to be careful, although the tide was out, and we had to watch our opportunity to pass two points that projected out, so as to pass it as the waves retreated. We found the brethren well. Variously engaged.

3 June 1854 • Saturday

Held early morning meeting, Bro. Keeler & I spoke; after breakfast we all went over to Pololu. They have every thing prepared for the feast; before meating we held meeting, and, after the dedication prayer was made by me by the request of Bro. Keeler, I spoke on the Book of Mormon and was followed by Bro. Napela.2 After this meeting we ate dinner. The people sat on the mats; two tables were spread, Ki leaves being spread to set the food on, calabashes of poi, banana leaves packages of beef, pork, fowls, dog, &c., &c. done up in banana leaves, they being left cooked in these, <lined the tables or mats,> fish was also provided. As quick as the blessing was asked, the slaughter commenced, heads were thrown back, so as to allow a free passage to the mouth for the loaded fingers, two and sometimes three of which were covered with the paste like poi, which hogs, chickens, &c., were speedily dissected, the fingers being the only knives, forks and spoons used among them, and all seemed to enjoy themselves. We sat in our seat and had the food spread before us.3 After eating and the tables had been cleared, we again commenced meeting Bro. Allred spoke and I followed and was blessed with the spirit. We stayed all night at Pololu.

4 June 1854 • Sunday

Held early morning meeting; those of the saints who had done anything that was in opposition to the laws of the Lord made suitable confessions and were forgiven. I spoke on these subjects, and showed plainly what the penalty of these things will be.4 After breakfast, we held public meeting, Bro. Keeler called on me to speak. The house was crowded, upwards of three hundred present, I should think I spoke on the new covenant that the Lord was to make with man Israel, showing that it would have to be done thro’ the instrumentality of a prophet, a man chosen of God and empowered by him to act, as all his covenants ever had been made in all ages of the Lord. I also enlarged on the necessity of obedience to all the words of the Lord thro’ His servants and then told them what the mind of the Lord was to them at the present time and what I had come to this island to set before them, that was, the necessity of doing all they could towards the press and the return of the elders, who had planted the gospel among them, to their homes. All that felt to find fault, I said, in their hearts with the counsel of the servants of God, the officers who were appointed by him to transact his business on the earth, and to say, that they would not do aught to help establish and roll forth this kingdom, would be considered as rebellious subjects by him, and punished accordingly. We ought to be careful and not refuse to do our duty in this respect, for the Lord expected it at our hands. <Bro. Napela spoke well on the nature of this work and bro’t strong proofs in favor.> Dismissed meeting and again met and I was called upon again to speak; I did so, and spoke in continuation of the <morning> subject, explaining and reasoning on the propriety of always being on the altar with all that we had.5 Attended to the sacrament, and Bros. Hoopiiaina and Napela spoke.

5 June 1854 • Monday

Bro. Linn spoke in our early morning meeting and done the well. At 10 o’clock conference met; Bro. Keeler was appointed President of the conference and Bro. Napela, clerk. The Pres. of this island, Bro. Karren, the Presidency of this mission, and Bro. Brigham Young, as Prophet, Seer, and Revelator, and Pres. of the church, with Bros. Heber C. Kimball and Willard Richards, as his counsellors, and the Quorum of the Twelve with their Pres., Orson Hyde and all the authorities, were sustained in their offices. I was called on to explain the nature of these offices, which I did, telling them that they must continually support the authorities by their prayers &c. Our reasons for having votes taken on the authorities were, that they might have an opportunity of getting an idea of the nature of the offices in the church, the way of doing business, and what was expected of them, viz.: the support of their faith and prayers, as at our general conference, where such votes should be taken, they could not take part, as it was in English. The representation of the branches was then made: 4 Seventies, 13 Elders, 18 Priests, 36 Teachers, 31 Deacons, and 645 members; an increase of 541 since last conference. Present at conference: 6 Seventies, 11 elders, 16 priests, 11 teachers, 10 deacons. Meeting adjourned for a short time and again met; Bro. Keeler spoke on the object of ordaining officers &c. Several were chosen to the different offices. I spoke on these things and the great things the Lord required at our hands, that He had bestowed the gospel in its purity to us, his organized church, the gifts of the Holy Ghost and of the Holy Priesthood and we ought to prove ourselves worthy of these great privileges and blessings. We blessed the elders who accompanied us from Maui that came here to labor, and also ordained those chosen by conference, to their different offices. In evening, had an officer meeting by candle light, the majority of the saints, male and female, were present, Bros. Allred, Keeler, Napela, Kalihune and I spoke, and much excellent instruction was given pertaining to things both temporal and spiritual which if attended to will exalt them in the kingdom of God. This meeting was quite lengthy.6

6 June 1854 • Tuesday

Attended meeting early this morning, Bros. Peleleu spoke and I followed and was followed by Bro. Napela. We concluded to leave here to-day and go to Kapaliiuka, Bros. Keeler, Allred, Napela and a few other native brethren, with myself, went. The saints manifested much love for me in parting, and I had great difficulty to g control my feelings, tears are sympathetic and I felt downcast at parting. I felt to exhort them to stand fast that we might be again re-united, if not in the flesh, in the spirit. This has been the feeling that has been manifested by the saints wherever I have been, and I feel to thank the Lord for having blessed me with influence to the extent he has among this people.7 We slept at Halawa at the house of the Kealiiokeolanui, about 5 or 6 miles. We held meeting in the afternoon and Bro. Geo. Cannon preached followed by Bro. Napela. They cooked a splendid hog for supper.

7 June 1854 • Wednesday

Held meeting Bro. Nahakuelua spoke and was followed by George C. [Cannon] and by Bro. Napela. After breakfast a woman was baptized by Bro. Keeler; the wife of a white man. We reached Kapaliiuka, the place where our meeting house was torn down by a mob incited by a Catholic Priest, about noon. Held meeting in afternoon, and I preached on the object of my visit to this island, and on the Book of Mormon, &c.; was followed by Bros. Allred and Napela. This country resembles Kula, on Maui, the most of any place I have seen. There is a scarcity of food here at present.

8 June 1854 • Thursday

Held meeting this morning, Bro. Allred spoke followed by <Bros.> Geo. Cannon and Napela. After meeting, we f valued the meeting house, in order to have it tried before another court, at $120. We started after breakfast for Upolu, and reached there a little after noon, about ten miles, making about 262 miles travel from the time we left here until we returned here again. Bros. Karren, Lawson, Snider and Linn arrived directly after us. They <(the saints)> have built a nice little house for the elders here.8

9 June 1854 • Friday

We were called last evening to administer to a sister, a young woman, who had been thrown from her horse, and had broken her arm; we anointed it and splintered and bound it up; the bones were not much displaced, neither was it much swelled, but still it was a bad fracture. I heard this morning that she had slept comfortably last night, in fact, she fell asleep before we left last night. Held meeting yesterday I spoke followed by Bro. Allred. This morning Bros. Napela, and Hoopiiaina spoke, followed by me.9 Wrote the names of witnesses &c. and all the other particulars in relation to the destruction of the meeting house, to Mr. Baker, district Attorney, Hilo, as he intended to prosecute the guilty parties.10 Had a delightful bathe this afternoon in the sea with Bros. Karren & Redick N. Allred. We held meeting this afternoon and Bro. Keeler called on me to speak, I did so, although I did not feel like saying anything, and was blessed much in speaking. As it was our last meeting, as we expected to return in the morning, the Lord willing, I felt like dwelling somewhat on the nature of my feelings to them as people and on the love and good feelings they had manifested to me, that these feelings of love one to another were the fruits of the spirit, and we ought to cherish them; that we ought to be careful also and cherish the spirit which the Lord had bestowed upon us which filled us with light and knowledge and joy indescribable, that we ought to think no sacrifice too great to keep and enjoy this spirit; that the only way that they could possibly keep it in their possession, is, by paying continual attention to all the written word of the Lord, and by continually hearkening unto all the words of the Lord which may be given thro’ His living servants; if we pay attention to these things we will again meet, our seperation will not be a long one; but if we forsake these things, we can never meet in the kingdom of God. I told them to take hold of everything that might be commanded them, with cheerfulness; and not to set their hearts on riches which perisheth, but to set their hearts on the things of God, and think and prize them far beyond all earthly riches, or beyond <even> life itself. I counselled them to take hold of the press and the return of the elders, with zeal, and the Lord would bless them; and I also bore strong testimony of them of the truth of this work, exhorting them to stand fast to the end.

After this manner did I teach them, being filled with the spirit and joy unspeakable while dwelling on these subjects; many of the people were affected unto tears. Many of them had followed us to the crater and back again, some from Hilo, from Hamakua and from Kohala, all apparently, anxious to hear the words of life and salvation as they fell from our lips; it reminded me of the days of the Lord, when he was on the earth and the multitudes were following him; they were determined to stick by us and we could not get rid of them; their love was apparent by their actions. During our visit and travels we had been blessed and have baptized 76 under our personal inspection; I expect also that Bro. Kaelepulu has baptized a good many ere this in his field, Hilo. This evening I was engaged arranging the book containing the accounts of money received on the press and for the return of the elders amounting in all to $ [blank]—$ [blank] to the press and $ [blank] for our return. I had no idea that I ever could have loved this people to the extent I have, or that I do; they are very near indeed to me.

10 June 1854 • Saturday

The anniversary of the destruction of the press of the “Nauvoo Expositor,” the nuisance that was removed by the command of the mayor and council of the city ten years to day, I think I never can forget the appearance of Bros. Joseph and Hyrum [Smith] that evening in the council, after it had been resolved to remove it as a nuisance, they (Joseph & Hyrum) were conversing apart about it, and they both expressed themselves, that they would rather die in the walls of removing it than have it remain, villifying and defaming the character of our people, circulating the blackest and most diabolical lies to derogatory to the virtue of our females, and doing all they could to bring down the floods of persecution upon us, by spreading these falsehoods among the people to excite their rage and prejudice. It is with peculiar feelings that I reflect on the actions and character of Bro. Joseph and Bro. Hyrum, their steadfastness and regardlessness of their own lives, manifesting the greatest love that can be manifested—a willingness to lay down their lives for their brethren. When I think of the privileges I enjoy in being associated with such noble beings as Bros. J. & H., and the brethren who are at present at the head of affairs, and also the brethren who are engaged in the work of the Lord on these lands, I feel to thank and praise the Lord for having blessed <me> to the extent he has and it is my continual desire and prayer to the Almighty that I may be able to stand firm to the end and bring forth fruits similar to theirs, yea, even to the laying down of my life for the truth and for my brethren.11

Bro. Pupuelima and his son, Keaweoluna, had fixed up two new canoes by lashing them together as they used to do in old times for their chiefs, they call it a Kaulua [double canoe]; they are fastened by lashing cross pieces across both canoes, the canoes being about from four to six feet apart, the place to sit or recline is then fixed between the canoes by laying down boards and covering them with mats making it quite comfortable; they mast is raised and fastened in the centre between both canoes. The decks are also lashed on the canoes with mats to cover and keep the water out, leaving a small place in both canoes uncovered for some to sit, bale out &c. We took leave of our brethren <& sisters> with regret and embarked with a good breeze; six of us, Bros. Allred, Napela, Kailihune, Kalawaia, Punilio one of Bro. Napela’s boys, and myself, with Bros. Pupuelima and his son Keaweoluna, as crew, may the Lord bless them for their kindness, for they deserve to be remembered. It was rough a good part of the distance, a good stiff breeze blowing until we had got across about ⅔ of the channel, when it nearly died out; we prayed to the Lord to bless us with <wind,> and we were blessed; we were between six or seven hours on the water. Bro. Redick and I were both sick, but not very bad, I had to lay down; he escaped until the wind moderated. All of us felt the effects of our sea trip. I felt pleased to think that I was once more on Maui and that we had had so little difficulty in getting a vessel and a passage so speedily, Bro. Pupu<elima saved us a good many wettings by his dexterity>12

11 June 1854 • Sunday

Attended meeting and was called on to speak by Bro. [Reddick] Allred, and did so on the Millenium &c. Bros. Allred, and [Jonathan] *Napela followed.13 In afternoon, Bros. Kailihune, Kalawaia, Napela <st> and I followed spoke, and we had an excellent meeting. Bro. Redick started this afternoon for Wailuku by way of Kaupo; he intended to sleep to night at Kawaloa, about 5 or 6 miles, & meet with them this evening and in the morning.

12 June 1854 • Monday

Attended early morning meeting, I spoke on the unity that Jesus desired us to possess, manifested by his prayer to His Father; John 17: [blank]14 exhorting them to make it their constant study to attain unto this unity and love. In afternoon started for Ulaino [‘Ula‘ino], about 6 or 7 miles, it was sundown when we arrived. Bro. Kailihune, who had preceded us, was holding meeting, I followed him in a few remarks. Stopped with Bro. Keahi, a Priest, who entertained us to be the best of his ability.

13 June 1854 • Tuesday

Held early meeting, Bros. Napela, Geo. Cannon and Kailihune spoke; we were blessed with the spirit and we set before them the object of my travelling among the branches, giving them instruction on these things, and also giving them much good instruction on their mode of living, habits, &c., telling them that they must seek to be like us in all these things that we might be one in these, as well well as in all other things. I have felt much impressed, especially of late, to set before them these things with plainness, that they might begin to forsake all their filthy and low, degrading habits, and adopt our habits of putting on clothes, instead of going about with nothing but a malo [male’s loincloth], or Kihei, what they call a sheet of calico,15 also eat of[f] tables with spoons, knifes and forks, instead of eating on the ground with their fingers.

After breakfast started and stopped at Elder Kalaeloa’s, and ate dinner. We reached Wailua about an hour before sun-down, after crossing pali’s, streams, &c. which abound in this district of country, without any difficulty. Bros. Napela and Kalawaia went to Keanae [Ke‘anae] to sleep; Bros. Kailihune and I stopped here all night for the purpose of meeting with the saints.

14 June 1854 • Wednesday

Met with the saints, had an excellent meeting; I spoke, followed by Bro. Kailihune. After breakfast started to Keanae. Engaged writing; wrote to Bros. [Francis] Hammond, Lahaina, and to Bros. [Ephraim] Green & [John] Woodbury, Molokai [Moloka‘i]. Held meeting this afternoon, the saints came down from Wailua, in consequence of many of the people being inland dressing olona, Hawaiian flax; it is a tree about an inch in diameter, the bark is stripped off and thrown into the water and afterwards scraped and dressed, it makes excellent nets.16 I spoke, followed by Bros. Kailihune and Napela. We instructed the saints on their duties, temporal & spiritual.

15 June 1854 • Thursday

Met this morning, Bros. Napela, Kalawaia and I spoke. After breakfast we started, leaving Bro. Kailihune here to go by canoe to-day to Wailuku, his place of residence. He was sent with the other brethren last October conference on a mission to Hawaii [Hawai‘i], when the rest left at the expiration of their time, the beginning of April, he with Bro. Kalawaia, when the foreign elders called upon some to volunteer, volunteered to stay until the new recruit arrived. He has been very faithful, and has lived very consistently, having taken a straightforward, upright course throughout, rebuking wickedness and iniquity with sharpness and without fear. I love him for his simplicity and integrity; when he teaches it is with power and by the spirit. There has been a very great change in him since I first knew him; when he came to me to baptize him and his family I thought him rather soft, he could not speak without laughing and would not look one in the face, acting real simple; now he is as bold as a lion. It affords me the greatest of pleasure to witness the improvement of many of the native officers in knowledge of principle, and in teaching &c., I feel that I cannot feel sufficiently grateful to the Lord for influencing me to stop here. Bro. Kalawaia has also done well. On the way we called into a house where an old man lived that was supposed to be over and a hundred years old; he was large and full grown when [Captain James] Cook first touched here. I had quite a talk with him. We stopped at Papaea [Papa‘a‘ea], at the house of Bro. Pua, a priest; held meeting, I preached followed by Bro. Napela; we had an excellent meeting.

16 June 1854 • Friday

Held meeting this morning, Bro. Kalawaia and I spoke; had a very good time. Showery to-day, reached Bro. John <E. B.> Winchester’s and was pressed by him to stay over night. We had a very good time. Bro. John <& wife, Louisa [Winchester]> was very kind to me she had made me a vest, pantaloons, <2> shirts, gave me a black handkerchief, & pr. of shoes. I pray the Lord to bless them for all they have done.

17 June 1854 • Saturday

Had some conversation with Mr. & Mrs. Townsend, he has charge of the [Hali‘imaile] plantation where Bro. John works. We bade Bro. John & wife good bye and left for Kula, where we intended to spend Sunday. The brethren bought us lots of melons and fixed up things haole style for us.

18 June 1854 • Sunday

Bro. John Winchester and wife and a Mr. Drew, an indian, who understands english, came over to meeting. Bro. Napela spoke and I followed; we were blessed. In afternoon, I spoke, followed by him; our remarks referred to the principles that we have been endeavoring to impress on the people where we have been. I received last evening three letters—one from Bro. Jas. [James] Ferguson, one from Angus [Cannon], Mary Alice [Lambert] and Annie [Ann Woodbury], one from Bro. E. Green, Molokai, and one from Bro. [Nathan] Tanner to Bros. [Philip] Lewis and [Benjamin F.] Johnson. Bro. Jas. F. and family were well; he hoped I would be blessed; I was glad to receive it. Angus, Mary Alice and Annie had received my letters of the 18th of Nov., 1853, they were glad to hear that I was coming home; they were all well; Anne had received her endowment.17 Bro. Green wrote of his good health, the prospects of the work &c. Bro. Tanner’s passage to the coast was a remarkably quick one, only occupying thirteen days; he was well and says that Bro. [John] Horner was thinking of putting a vessel on the island trade, for transporting the Tahiti saints &c., but that he would have it run here [Hawai‘i]; he thought it would be here by the 24th of July.18

19 June 1854 • Monday

Attended early morning meeting, enjoyed it much. Some gave some little towards our return, they are dilatory generally in this respect. After meeting, rode up to where the strawberries are growing at Kealahou, where the first branch was organized on these lands; they were delicious. Ate breakfast at Puhiki’s, (Sis. Kapono.) Rode to Wailuku, Bro Reddin [Allred] was here, not in the enjoyment of the best of health; I was glad to see him. Bro. Redick returned from Lahaina this evening, he went there on Saturday; he brought me a letter from Bro. Wm. [William] Farrer, Kauai [Kaua‘i], and one from Bro. Hammond. They were all well; Sis. H. [Mary Jane Hammond] had recovered her usual health. Bro. F. says, that the branches are rather cool; he has not raised anything towards our return.

20 June 1854 • Tuesday

Writing &c. Went over & saw Mr. Jas. [James] Robinson, Wai<e>hu; we spent an agreeable time; he says, he intends to go to San Bernardino next year. We had considerable conversation with him on the principles. He presented us with two bottles of excellent olive oil, and me with a gay poncha [poncho], for Elizabeth [Hoagland].

21 June 1854 • Wednesday

Held meeting in afternoon. I spoke and was followed by Bro. Napela. After meeting there was one of the brethren, Kawailiilii, accused another, Keoho, of crippling one of his cattle. It was thought best to organize a meeting and examine into it. I was chosen President. Witnesses were examined who testified solemnly against Keoho who <also> testified solemnly that he had not done it. We adjourned the meeting until the morrow to get more witnesses and light on the subject.19

22 June 1854 • Thursday

Writing &c. Attended meeting this afternoon at Waiehu, I preached and was followed by Bros. Kailihune & R. N. Allred; I enjoyed the meeting much. While in meeting I received two notes from Mr. Robinson, one stating that he had come to conclusion to be baptized & setting to-morrow as the day; and the other requesting us to come up and see his baby who had fallen from the counter. <Two were baptized after meeting.> After meeting we went up; she was uninjured; we stopped for supper and had some conversation. As we were going to hold a general officer meeting to-morrow, he concluded to defer his baptism until Saturday.

23 June 1854 • Friday

Writing &c. Held meeting at noon, there was a general attendance of officers from Kula, Honuaula [Honua‘ula] and all the surrounding branches. I spoke as well as others of the brethren, and we had a good meeting.20 We also disposed of the case which had been adjourned from Wednesday, and after a long and patient investigation, from all the evidence that we could gain, we decided that Keoho was guilty, and that he must make suitable atonement; to which he assented. Three brethren were appointed arbitrators, to decide the amount of damage &c. The remarks made by Bro. Keoho affected and pleased me, for I could sympathize with him in them, having often had similar feelings. He said<—>after being told the course that would be taken with him and its consequences should <he> be obstinate and refuse to comply with the decision—where should he go, or what should he do, if he should be cut off from this church, life would have no enjoyments for him, all would be a blank, he would be like <a> sheep without a shepherd and death would be his only refuge.

24 June 1854 • Saturday

Bro. Napela presented me with a nice camphor trunk, last night;21 it was just the article I desired to get, but which it was not likely I should be able to with the means that appeared in prospect. We went over to Waiehu and was afterwards joined by Bro. Winchester; after dinner we attended to the baptism of Jas. I. Robinson—I officiated. We had considerable conversation on the principles.22

25 June 1854 • Sunday

Held public meeting this morning, I spoke and was blessed. My subject was the prophecies; the renewal of the covenant, with the impossibility of its being <renewed> unless the Lord should raise up a Prophet, as well <as> the total failure of the majority of the words of the old prophets, except new revelation from God should be given, was dwelt upon also at some length by me. That Joseph Smith was that prophet was easily to be seen by anyone who would take the trouble to examine into the subject. I then recounted some of the reasons, and compared his system and fruits with the systems of professed Christianity. Had a short intermission and held meeting again, Bros. Geo. [George] Raymond and Kanahunahupu spoke, <as> they were intending to leave for their fields of labor, I followed making my farewell remarks. After meeting Bro. Robinson and I started for Haliimaile [Hali‘imaile], Bro. Johns Winchester’s place, I stopped here all night.

26 June 1854 • Monday

Wrote a long letter to Bro. N. Tanner, Cal. Returned to Wailuku, packed up my things and sent them to Waihee [Waihe‘e] to be taken round in a boat [to Lahaina].23

27 June 1854 • Tuesday

Mournful day, one that will be had in remembrance as long as memory lasts; the day when the best and noblest blood of this century was shed, adding its voice to the voice of all the innocent blood which has been shed since the days of Abel, for vengeance upon this blood stained and guilty world.24 We started to Lahaina, six of us in company & arrived there a little after noon;25 found Sis. Hammond and family, well; Bro. H. was over on Lahaina Lanai [Lana‘i].

28 June 1854 • Wednesday

Attended early morning meeting. I spoke. Bro. Hammond returned about noon, rather fatigued from the effects of paddling, ba[i]ling &c. He had been blessed on his trip, ten had been baptized while he was there. We were agreeably surprised by Bro. [John] Van Houten making his appearance; he was well, and was on his way to Honolulu. He did not stop very long. Attended meeting, Bros. Napela, Cannon, Kanahunahupu & Raymond spoke.26

29 June 1854 • Thursday

Attended early meeting, Bro. Hammond & I spoke. Sent a letter to Bros. Green & Woodbury, which I wrote last night.

30 June 1854 • Friday

Attended early morning meeting, I spoke.27

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June 1854, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed July 27, 2024