The Church Historian's Press

July 1852

1 July 1852 • Thursday

Wrote to Bro. Lewis also to Bros. Hy. & Wm.1 After supper we started on foot for Waiehu and after <a> toilsome walk of 27 miles over some low mountains, we arrived weary and tired at Wai<e>hu, about three o’clock in the morning.2

2 July 1852 • Friday

Resting after journey.

3 July 1852 • Saturday

Started for Wailuku, held meeting in afternoon.

4 July 1852 • Sunday

Preached in forenoon.3 In afternoon attended to the Lord’s Supper. Returned with Bros. H & Rice to Waiehu.

5 July 1852 • Monday

Reading &c.

6 July 1852 • Tuesday

Bro. Gaston arrived from Makawao. Bro. H & I went to Council Meeting; enjoyed an excellent spirit. Bro. H. returned.

7 July 1852 • Wednesday

I awoke this morning with a very heavy fever and pain in my eye balls so that I could scarcely turn them. I got Bro. Napela to administer to me and experienced some relief. I afterwards had him and Bro. Kaleohano administer to me. Bro. K. has just returned from a visit on the S. East side of the Island where Bro. Keeler is laboring; he reports the progress of the work there. I thought I would ride over to Bro. Hammond’s and have him anoint and administer unto me. When I arrived I found him if anything worse than myself and in bed. He had been seized last night. Quite unwell all day.4

8 July 1852 • Thursday

I was much disturbed last night by frightful dreams. Very weak indeed all day.5

9 July 1852 • Friday

Unwell &c.

10 July 1852 • Saturday

do. do.

11 July 1852 • Sunday

Not able to attend meeting, my horse being lost. This evening Bro. Napela came over from Wailuku.

12 July 1852 • Monday

Unwell &c.

13 July 1852 • Tuesday


14 July 1852 • Wednesday


15 July 1852 • Thursday

I thought it would be beneficial to take a trip to Makawao as I could not get an appetite for food. In evening had a meeting, quite a good one. I heard that Bros. . . . & . . . had indulged in a wrong spirit and for which Bro. . . . had condemned him been suspended; Bro. . . . had justified him and condemned the Bro. Hawkins & the branch for the course they had taken. Bro. . . . would not repent but justified the course he had taken as correct6 and therefore they had suspended him. After hearing all that they had said, Bro. Hammond Hawkins & I counselled the brethren to take the course recommended <taught> by the word of the Lord in such cases.7

16 July 1852 • Friday

Engaged variously.

17 July 1852 • Saturday

Bro. H. took my horse and started for Wailuku to fill the Sunday appointment.

18 July 1852 • Sunday

Bro. Winchester returned from Waiehu bringing a letter for me from Bro. Lewis; one from <Bro> Kipp and one from the First Pres., Bros. Brigham [Young], Heber [Kimball] & Willard [Richards], also a No. of the Deseret News dated April 3rd; the letter was dated April [blank] [Apr. 2, 1852]. The letter acknowledged the receipt of my letter to Bro. Brigham of April /51; also justifying the course taken by us in staying on the Islands.8 In it they give a synopsis of affairs in the Vallies; peace and unity & health prevails throughout the Vallies. The Winter had been a very mild one, masons at work all the time. They <had> built the Tabernacle and <were> intending to have it completed by the 6th, and have it dedicated then, it[s] size was [blank] feet by [blank]9 Uncle10 [John Taylor] was expected <on> in the course of the summer with machinery for the manufactur[in]g of woolen cloth and beet sugar.11 Bros. [Ezra T.] Benson & [Jedediah M.] Grant were quite successful in their mission in gathering up the saints in Pottowattomie [Pottawattamie] County [Iowa], the mob assisting them by driving them out.12 They intended coming with handcarts, wheel barrows &c. &c.13 They paper has been enlarged to twice its original size and is a very respectable and interesting <sheet,> being well filled with news.14 I was well pleased at the reception of this letter as also the paper. The news was gratifying to hear of the success and progress of the Kingdom abroad and at home. Held meeting & cut off Bros. . . . & . . .

19 July 1852 • Monday

Reading &c. In afternoon went down to Bro. Winchester’s & slept.

20 July 1852 • Tuesday

Bro. W. loaned me his horse to ride down [to Waiehu].

21 July 1852 • Wednesday

Engaged writing to Elizabeth [Hoagland]. In evening received a bundle of letters and papers, by Napela’s boy, from home; two short ones from Aunt [Leonora Taylor] and Annie [Anne Cannon]; two from Bro. Charles [Lambert]; one from Bro. Joseph [Cain] and from Bro. Elias Smith; and also one from Bro. Parley [Pratt] at San Francisco. The papers were from Nov. 15th /51 to April 17th/52 inclusive with the exception of the No. issued Feb. 7th.15 The news was of the most heart cheering kind from home, every thing prospering and cheering the hearts of the saints and all those who love Zion’s cause. The Conference was the best that ever had been held since the commencement of the Church, a glorious time. It made me Homesick to read the news. My Folks were all well, with the exception of Bro. Joseph who has been brought to the edge of the grave; he has nearly recovered his wonted health. I was very sorry to hear this, and I felt to pray that the Lord in mercy would lengthen out his days that he might do a good work before he went home. Mary Ann [Taylor] had been unwell but was recovering. Anne was well, but unmarried. Angus, David & Leonora [Cannon] had been <to> school all winter. Bro. Cain writes that he is endeavoring to get Angus into the Printing office. David has left not liking the business. They all speak of Elizabeth in terms of commendation, but complaining of my not writing to her &c. I have received no letter from her, this was somewhat <of> a damper. I was very glad to hear from Bro. Elias[.] Lucy [Smith] was well as also their little girl [Emily Jane Smith]. The Twelve are all called home to the April Conference of 1853.16 Bro. Pratt is well and translating into the Spanish; he sends an invitation to any of us that can be spared to go home with him; but particularly to Bro. Hawkins, saying he would be glad if he could come.17 We were excited very much upon the receipt of this news; Sis. Hammond was very much pleased at receiving one from her people. They all breathe love and affection to me with a very strong desire to see me return.

22 July 1852 • Thursday

Finishing my letter to Elizabeth. <I wrote to Bro. Parley in Bro.> Hawkins’ letter; also one to Bro. Lewis giving a synopsis of the news; also Bro. P’s [Perkins’s] letter.18

23 July 1852 • Friday

We went up a Kanyon behind the house this mor to-day for the purpose of praying according to the order;19 we found at the head a perpendicular rocky precipice of about 30 feet high, on all sides the mountain rose very precipitously and in some places were overhanging almost forming <a> chamber; the Kanyon was very narrow and it was an impracticable <thing> for any to get up to the head except up by coming up the bed of the creek, which was dry and only a few feet wide; where we officiated was about twelve or fourteen feet wide. Bro. Keeler was placed on guard below and it made us [Cannon, Hawkins, and Hammond] feel safe from disturbance or intrusion. I was melted down, and enjoyed a powerful share of the spirit and had the spirit of prophecy. I felt to renew my determination to do right and to go forward with renewed strength with the assistance of my Father. It was a source of rejoicing, gratitude and thanksgiving to think I should be so privileged. This evening I received a letter from Bro. Kaleohano, Kula, which gave a good account of things there; the progress of the singing schools, &c. &c.; also including an invitation to all of us upon this Island, and the brethren on Oahu and Molokai, with all the white brethren & wives20 to attend the dedication of two meeting houses built by the Saints in Kula. The feast was to commence on the 10th of Aug and to continue four days.

24 July 1852 • Saturday

Reading “[Deseret] News” &c. Bro. Keeler attended the meeting at Wailuku.21 I have been quite unwell home sick these few days, my mind reverted to the enjoyments of home <with force to day, it being>, their pioneer anniversary.

25 July 1852 • Sunday

Attended meeting in Wailuku in company with Bros. Hammond and Keeler. We had quite a good meeting, I gave a relation of the progress of the work &c., at which they appeared delighted. Bros. H & K. both spoke and we enjoyed the spirit. In afternoon had a very good <meeting> taught a good deal of principle, Bros. H., K. and I spoke.22 After meeting wrote notes of invitation to Bros. Lewis, Bigler and Farrer, Oahu; and Bros. Perkins & Woodbury, Molokai; also Bro. Kipp, Lahaina to attend the feast on the 10th of Aug.23 Returned to Waiehu.

26 July 1852 • Monday

Reading &c.24

27 July 1852 • Tuesday

Rode over to Council Meeting at Wailuku; had a good meeting, and returned. Received another package being a complete file [Deseret News] from Nov. 15th [1851] to May 1st [1852] inclusive. I have received two files with the exception of Feb. 7th and May 1st. I felt under many obligations to Bro. Joseph [Cain] for his kindness and expressions of love; he is indeed a true friend; he is as near to me as a brother and has manifested the love of a brother in numberless instances in the most unselfish manner. I pray the Lord to bless him for his goodness, and I know he will be blest, for he has, and is taking the right course to receive it but by holding himself and all that he has at the service of the Lord. By the paper of the 1st of May I see Bro. Bigler’s name and mine in connection with Bro. [Arieh] Brower’s and Joseph’s as and others as Presidents of the 30th Quorum also George T’s [Taylor] and Angus M’s [Cannon] names among the members.

28 July 1852 • Wednesday

Went again to the Kanyon and had a good time.25

29 July 1852 • Thursday

Pasting backs on my files of papers.26 I returned this evening to Wailuku and had an excellent meeting.

30 July 1852 • Friday

Writing home &c.

31 July 1852 • Saturday

do. do. In afternoon attended meeting.

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July 1852, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed July 27, 2024