The Church Historian's Press

June 1852

1 June 1852 • Tuesday

We started over to the Kula it being fast day to-day. It looked lowring and threatening but we were nevertheless blessed with a very fine day. We had a very good time all day. We stopped at Bro. [H. K.] Kaleohano’s house.

2 June 1852 • Wednesday

We were joined by Bro. Keeler from Honuaula and in afternoon as we were going to meeting met Bro. Hammond. We had a good meeting.1

3 June 1852 • Thursday

Gathering strawberries in morning2 and afterwards started on foot for Makawao to attend meeting there. We had an excellent meeting with the white brethren. I had felt to cry to the Lord to bless us all as we had heard that there had been dissensions and heartburnings among the branch, and we were blessed for we preached just the things that were needed and the brethren and sisters all felt the spirit much and rejoiced in the truth.3

4 June 1852 • Friday

Returned to Kula and Bro. Hammond and I started for Waiehu and arrived after dark.

5 June 1852 • Saturday

Went to Wailuku.

6 June 1852 • Sunday

Preached this morning upon the different degrees of glory,4 preaching to the spirits in prison &c.5 a difficult subject to explain in Native, but was supported by the spirit and therefore done tolerably well. Bro. H. followed. In afternoon confirmed one man that Bro. [William] Uaua had baptised and selected a teacher in place of one who did not magnify his office; and attended to the Lord’s supper. There was much good speaking done by the brethren. I forgot to mention that Bro. Hammond brought me up some letters on Wednesday <last>. One from Bro. Hy. Bigler, Oahu [O‘ahu]; one from Bro. Perkins, Molokai [Moloka‘i]; and one from Bro. Uaua, Lahaina. Bro. B’s letter was excellent, but I was sorry that he had such a job with the language; he said he was afraid he would not be able to preach in the language before he went home; he desired our prayers and wished us to write. Bro. P’s letter was a call for one of us to go over to Molokai. And Bro. U’s letter was the same saying that the people were very anxious to have one of us come over; that they now numbered 30 and upwards; 16 that were baptised by him while there.

7 June 1852 • Monday

Writing &c.

8 June 1852 • Tuesday

do. a long letter to Bros. Bigler and Farrer;6 and had a long conversation with a young man, a scholar of the [Lahainaluna] High School, a relative of Bro. Uaua’s. In evening Bro. H came over and we had Council Meeting with the brethren.

9 June 1852 • Wednesday

Had a long conversation with Kahialii, the young man I conversed with yesterday; and he offered himself for baptism. I went down and baptised him and a young woman. I afterwards went over to Waiehu with the intention of going to Makawao, but upon my arrival at Bros H’s. I found Bro. [James] Kipp and wife there from Lahaina, and therefore deferred going. Bro. K. was taken quite unwell in the evening with fever &c. &c.7

10 June 1852 • Thursday

Started this morning to Makawao in company with Bro. & Sis. Hammond, Bro. Rice, and Bro. [James] Kipp and wife and Sis. Gaston, Bro. K. was quite unwell. We had a good meeting this evening.

11 June 1852 • Friday

We arose this morning very early with the intention of going to Kula on a strawberry frolic. Bro. Gaston took a cart in which the Sisters rode. Picking Strawberries &c.; we had a very pleasant time and enjoyed ourselves much. Bro. Keeler was over from Kaupo, Bro. Napela from Wailuku, Bros. Winchester, Burnham & Gaston with their wives from Makawao <also Bro. Davis>, Bro. Rice from Waiehu and Bro & Sis. Hammond, Bro. Hawkins and I. We stopped at the house of Bro. Kaleohano. In evening had a very good meeting.8

12 June 1852 • Saturday

Went out again this morning to gather strawberries, after which Bro. Napela and I started for Wailuku. Held meeting in evening.

13 June 1852 • Sunday

Held meeting to day, morning and evening.

14 June 1852 • Monday

Reading, Writing &c.

15 June 1852 • Tuesday

Bros. Hawkins & Hammond came over from Waiehu today they having come down from Makawao yesterday. We had Council Meeting in evening. I had an illustration to-day of the necessity of being candid one to another and not to indulge in the slightest feelings for by harboring such we give place to the adversary and destroy our peace—there had some things transpired in which we were all concerned that if they had been left without explanation might have rankled in us and been the cause of feelings—although but slight in the commencement. I returned in company with them to Waiehu.

16 June 1852 • Wednesday

I concluded to-day to accompany Bro. Hammond on a visit to Molokai, it had been thought best for Bro. Napela to accompany him, but he could not on account of business. Bro. Hawkins started to Honuaula & Bro. H & I to Lahaina with a boy to bring back our horses. Bro. Kipp & wife accompanied us—he had partly recovered. We arrived in Lahaina about sun-down. Sickness is very prevalent here scarcely a white man that has escaped the fever—it is very sultry and seems as tho’ the angel of death was here.

17 June 1852 • Thursday

Wrote a note to the brethren on Molokai, stating we were here and requesting them to send a boat over for us. This afternoon Bro. & Sis. Perkins came over from Molokai on a visit with the intention of returning in the morning—it was quite opportune. We were glad to see each other.

18 June 1852 • Friday

We started early this morning [in a whaleboat] and had row[ed] to the point of the Island before the <breeze> struck us. We then hoisted the sail and ceased rowing. Bro. P. and I were very seasick. We met with Bro & Sis. Woodbury and were very glad to see each other. This part of this Island does not afford many facilities for cultivation but sufficient to raise enough for the inhabitants—the mountains come almost close down to the water’s edge—leaving but a narrow strip of land for cultivation with occasionally a small valley entering into the Mountains. The water is not very good, not so good as the water in Wailuku. There are great numbers of fish ponds along the shore which produce great quantities of fish for which this Island is noted.9 It is quite a pretty Island and no doubt very healthy as there is a constant breeze blowing. I was quite unwell from the effects of seasickness. Held meeting in afternoon Bro. H. spoke after which I made some remarks

19 June 1852 • Saturday

Still unwell.10

20 June 1852 • Sunday

Preached this morning and also enjoyed a good flow of the spirit. Bro. H. made some remarks. We baptized one man. Held meeting in afternoon and enjoyed ourselves.

21 June 1852 • Monday

Reading &c.

22 June 1852 • Tuesday

do. do

23 June 1852 • Wednesday

Attended meeting this morning and enjoyed it much. In afternoon attended meeting at Wailua [Waialua] about two miles from where we were staying; the brethren furnished us with horses. We had a good attendance and a good time.

24 June 1852 • Thursday

This evening we formed ourselves into a meeting and had a very good time; Bro. Woodbury spoke in tongues and gave the interpretation, it was very good and was calculated to cheer us.

25 June 1852 • Friday

We went down this morning with the intention of seeing the Missionary [Rev. Harvey Hitchcock]. We stopped at the house of some white men and talked some time and eat dinner. We then <went> on down to Kaluaaha [Kalua‘aha] and Bro. Perkins & I went into Mr. Hitchcock’s. Mr. [Edward] Bailey from Wailuku was there. I introduced Bro. P. and after the usual compliments, I asked him for the privilege of preaching in his house as we had a message for both Priest and People and we desired to declare it as publicly as possible. He said it was unroofed and it might be that they would not be able to use it themselves. I asked for the school house (as they had quite a large one there.) He said that they had school twice a day. Says he, “Gentlemen I am not mad, nor I do not wish you to think that I am, but I will tell you my mind that I intend to use my influence to stop its progress, and you may calculate upon it.” He continued on in this strain. I called upon <him> to stop a little I then told him that “this was the work of the Almighty and that it would gather out the honest in heart, and that all that he would do against it would only tend to accelerate its progress.” I bore my testimony to him of the truth of it; and told him “that we were strangers to him, he did not know what we believed in, in fact he did not know even who we were, you have not enquired into our belief and you do not know our tenets, we might have as pure truths as ever emanated from the throne of Jehovah, or on the other hand we might not; you do not know.” He intended, I believe, to out talk us and browbeat us, but in this he was very much disappointed notwithstanding all his impudence and insulting remarks, we proved the saying of the Lord to be true to his servants “that he would give them a mouth and wisdom, that all their adversaries could not gainsay nor resist.”11 I bore a powerful testimony to him of the truth of the work. He called me a bold man some three times during the conversation.12 In evening Bro. P. and I, the other brethren being present, attended to the commandment of the Lord and the ordinance given for such cases.13 Held meeting in evening.

26 June 1852 • Saturday

Variously engaged.14

27 June 1852 • Sunday

Bro. H. & I spoke this morning. In afternoon had the Lord’s Supper.

28 June 1852 • Monday

Held Conference to-day, and organized two branches, appointing a teacher and deacon to each place.

29 June 1852 • Tuesday

Reading &c.

30 June 1852 • Wednesday

Embarked on a whale boat this morning to return to Lahaina;15 we had quite a rough passage and I was very seasick; Bro. H. was very qualmish altho’ formerly a seaman by profession. During this visit I have not enjoyed myself as I am wont to do, that is, I have not had as much of the Spirit as it is my privilege to have. I do not know what the cause of this has been. I have enjoyed the society of the brethren & sisters much. When we landed I could scarcely walk I was so weak from the effects of vomiting. We found Bro. Kipp well.

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June 1852, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed July 27, 2024