The Church Historian's Press

November 1851

1 November 1851 • Saturday

do. do. do also meeting in afternoon.

2 November 1851 • Sunday

Preached this morning; there were not many at our meeting, but a good many at the other they having come from all parts to the Lord’s Supper, but they were disappointed the priest <did> not come. Soon after we commenced the other meeting dismissed a[nd] many of them came and sat down within earshot of our meeting. I preached upon the first principles. Soon after meeting commenced raining and kept on the greater part of the afternoon. Towards sun-down held meeting; and afterwards married a couple [Ohia and Nakaa].

3 November 1851 • Monday

Variously engaged.

4 November 1851 • Tuesday

do. do. do.

5 November 1851 • Wednesday

I had appointed a conference this afternoon to organise the branch; but we waited until near sun-down, the majority that came were sisters but very <few> of the brethren—they being engaged as I supposed inland at the potatoes as the price had risen. I thought it best to adjourn the conference for until I returned again.

6 November 1851 • Thursday

Started this morning before day so as to have it cool walking, and arrived at Waiakoa a little after noon. This evening married a couple [Kahele and Kuaole].

7 November 1851 • Friday

Reading &c.

8 November 1851 • Saturday

Meeting in afternoon but few in attendance. I have felt these last few days as though they were not exactly as engaged in the work as they should be. I thought they had got lax &c. and they wanted stirring up.

9 November 1851 • Sunday

Held meeting this morning. There was a good attentive congregation and I had an extraordinary flow of the spirit and was blessed very much their looks brightened and <they> took it to themselves they remarks that had been done made. After meeting baptised four—two males and two females. In afternoon had the Lord’s supper I had a great deal of the spirit—it seemed as a fire in my bones.

10 November 1851 • Monday

I thought this morning of starting for Koolau but it kept up a drizzling rain I stopped until afternoon and upon <it> ceasing I started. Just before starting I there were two men from Keanae who told me that they were all doubting as a general thing and ready to turn round; they were very anxious to see me.1 I arrived at Makawao and stopped at the house of Mr. John Winchester an old friend of Bro. Hammond who pressed me very much to stay all night.2 He had been investigating and reading our works, he was beleiving.

11 November 1851 • Tuesday

Raining all day nearly. Mr. [Albion] Burnham a brother-in-law of Mr. W. came up and wanted me to go down to his house We went down in the afternoon to his house. It rained very much; we stayed [for] supper and <I> stopped and all night. Mr. W. returned in the rain. Mrs. B. & lady [Mary Burnham] were very friendly and sociable and did not appear to have any prejudice in regard to the doctrines, in fact, Mr. B. was partly beleiving and talks of going to Salt Lake Valley.

12 November 1851 • Wednesday

Still raining I eat breakfast at Mr. B’s; after awhile Mr. W. made his appearance. I enjoyed myself in conversation upon the doctrines &c. Cleared up before noon and we started out to look at some waterfalls a short distance from Mr. W.’s house; they were beautiful one in particular was very much so—they [the] spray formed several pretty rainbows. We afterwards went to the the [sic] late Mr. [William] McLane’s house to take a view of his library—it was a very good collection of books for this country. As the streams were very high and they invited me very kindly to stay and in fact said I must [not] thing [think] of leaving as I would not be able to travel I concluded to stay the remainder of the day. Slept at Mr. W’s we sat up until a very late hour conversing.

13 November 1851 • Thursday

It promised to be a fine day to-day and I thought it would be best to start. My stay <here> was <a> very pleasant one and I almost hated to leave, it was so seldom that I got in company with any one that would reason and talk—being chiefly among Natives—that it was quite a treat to me, situated as I have been for some time back, and manifest the very friendly spirit manifested by these strangers,—as I may call them, having had but very little acquaintance—I felt to be drawn toward them by their kindness. The last few miles I was considerably bothered by my horse, he was balky and hard to lead, this together with the darkness and the rain made it tedious travelling. I found Bros. Keeler and Hammond both well and anxiously looking for me. Bro. H. was down here intending to go home to Lahaina.

14 November 1851 • Friday

Raining nearly all day.

15 November 1851 • Saturday

The boat that Bro. H. intended to return on to Lahaina [was] intending to sail this morning he got ready to go on board; but upon going to see her she was so very heavily laden that he thought it advisable not to go in her. Raining to day. We held meeting in the evening in a large house belonging to one of the brethren. I had a good flow of the spirit and gave them a lecture upon their unbelief &c.—they being all topsy-turvy ever since the meetings had been interrupted.

16 November 1851 • Sunday

Raining this to-day all day. Held meeting in the house a very good congregation in attendance. I had a good share of the spirit—the congregation were melted down. In afternoon cut off several and confirmed three that had been baptised in the forenoon; afterwards attended to the feast of the Lord’s supper. The Saints seemed to be strengthened by the exercises of the day.3

17 November 1851 • Monday

Raining all day.

18 November 1851 • Tuesday

Raining &c.

19 November 1851 • Wednesday

do do. Held meeting in afternoon not very many in attendance.4

20 November 1851 • Thursday

Last night I <lay> awake some time thinking about the situation of the church here &c. and felt to be drawn out in prayer I fell asleep shortly afterwards and dreamed that I had built a large <stone> coal furnace and it burnt well at first but afterwards it died away and very nearly went <out> there being but little fire left. I thought I was very much concerned about and very anxious to keep the fire burning and did not know what plan to take to start it again, and while I was revolving in my mind what I had better do—I thought a man came along with two pine chips in his hand and gave them to me and told me to put them in and it would start I accordingly put them in—and the fire commenced burning immediately and the furnace was all of a blaze. I then awoke and was somewhat struck at the singularity of the dream and related it to Bros. H. [Francis Hammond] & K. [James Keeler] I told them if we could only find out what these two chips meant we would be very apt to get the furnace to burning again as it ought to. Bro. H. thought it might be something in regard to priesthood, keys &c. It cleared off about noon or a little after and we went and sought a secret place to pray among some Lauhala (Pandanus) trees;5 we remained there sometime we saw a boy searching for us, who told us that Bro. [James] Kipp and two other white men had arrived and wished to see us. We returned as fast as possible and were somewhat surprised to see Mr. [John] Winchester and Mr. [Albion] Burnham they had accompanied Bro. K. from Makawao this morning. We got something ready to eat as quick as possible and while eating they told what induced them to come—they had both come to be baptised—Mr. W. told of having met an old shipmate on the road who called him “chips,” the name for carpenter on shipboard—this reminded Bro. H. of my dream and he told it. We thought they must be the two chips as they were both carpenters.—I received by Bro. K. a letter from Bro. [William] Farrer on Oahu [O‘ahu]—it contained good news—He had commenced preaching and had baptised upwards of forty—opposition was raging.6 Bro. Henry [Bigler] was still living at his old place Kaneohe [Kane‘ohe], he was well. Bro. & Sis [Philip and Jane] Lewis were both well and living at Honolulu. I was rejoiced to hear of the success of Bro. F. and felt to praise the Lord.

21 November 1851 • Friday

Went and baptised Mr. W & Mr. B. this morning, Bro. Hammond officiating. In confirming I felt the spirit very much. Spent quite a pleasant day.

22 November 1851 • Saturday

The brethren got ready this morning and returned Bro. H. returning in company. I started to Wailua and held meeting and returned to Keanae [Ke‘anae] in evening.

23 November 1851 • Sunday

Baptised two this morning. I spoke this morning upon the gifts of the spirit had a very good flow of the Holy Ghost. I endeavored to strengthen them and to set these things before them that they might strive to obtain the Gifts. Also had a good meeting in the afternoon.

24 November 1851 • Monday

I started to return to Kula, this morning. Stopped at the house of Mr. Fern an[d] eat dinner he was away and I did not see him. Arrived at Makawao and stopped at the house of Bro. Winchester. After supper by the invitation of Bro. Burnham we went up to his house and stayed until a late hour;—he pressed me much to stay there, until and I complied.

25 November 1851 • Tuesday7

After breakfast went down to Bro. W’s house and concluded to stay all day upon their invitation.

26 November 1851 • Wednesday

Started to Kula this morning. Arrived in time for meeting but it commenced raining and we did not have any.

27 November 1851 • Thursday

Reading &c.

28 November 1851 • Friday

do. do.

29 November 1851 • Saturday

Held meeting in afternoon, but few in attendance.

30 November 1851 • Sunday

Bros. Hammond, [James] Hawkins from Hawaii [Hawai‘i], and Winchester from Makawao [arrived]; they had come over to meeting. Bro. H. had come up from Hawaii to see us. He was lonesome and had nearly given up the idea of staying here, and had thoughts of going home; but he felt limber and wanted to do whatever the brethren thought best, he said he thought that if he were to go home now he would regret it.—We talked the matter over and he came to the conclusion to stay.8—Preached this morning but we were interrupted by the rain; In afternoon had the Sacrament. I had a good flow of the spirit. Bro. W. returned to Makawao. Bros. H. & H stopped with me.

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November 1851, The Journal of George Q. Cannon, accessed July 27, 2024