June 1901

1 June 1901 • Saturday

June 1st. Were met by the missionaries and went with them to breakfast and at 9 oclock a. m. took the train for Edinburgh. Visited both Sister Whites and saw the missionaries and the Watson girls Slept at Sister George Whites.

2 June 1901 • Sunday

June 2nd. Got up early and took a bath called at Whytes Watsons the other Sister Watsons and Sutherlands to tell them good bye The missionaries accompanied us to the train at 10 oclock. After arriving in Glasgow and seeing all of the folks I washed my hair, packed my trunk sewed as little and went to bed early I was so tired

3 June 1901 • Monday

June 3rd. Attended the two meetings, went to Ruther Glen in the evening to see the Williamsons. Spoke in the evening meeting.

4 June 1901 • Tuesday

June 4 Visited Miss Ross at 54 Scott St Mrs Lumsden 12 Tillie St, Mrs Barrie at 108 Raeberry St. Mrs Callum at 10 North Park St Miss Jessie Crawford 76 Henderson St Miss Nellie McAuslane at 10 Willow bank Crescent and several others, attended a farewell party in Govan in the evening. Went home and slept with Mrs Craig. Next day I had my picture taken by Mr Craig went with Mrs Craig and John to the Exposition. It was quite good but only a repitition [p. 141] of the others I had seen. Visited Stewarts, McDonalds Murrays, Wallaces, Milnes, Innes and some others came home tired out and went to bed.

5 June 1901 • Wednesday

June 5 This morning went shopping, finished packing up my things and at two oclock left Glasgow for ever. Many kind friends were there to bid us good Bye Sister [Mary Sanders Frame] and Bro [David] Frame Bro [Henry B.] Thompson and [John B.] Young Sister [Emily] Penfold and my self were all leaving at once. The saints and elders and our friends all treated us very good and I left with tears in my eyes a place where I have passed so many hours of pain and pleasure, far more of the latter of course. As I looked out of the car window every thought that came to me was tinged with this one Good bye bonny Scotland the land of the Heather hills I’m going home! home! once more.

We arrived in Liverpool just after 7 o’clock and after supper went to a meeting sort of a farewell for the presidency

6 June 1901 • Thursday

June 6th. Sister Penfold and I wandered off by our selves to have the last forenoon together, went down some of the principle streets, past the art gallery etc had some dinner. Went with Bros Lee and Nibley and had some Ice Cream and then went to the “New England” the boat that is to take me home. There are 75 mormons on board1 [p. 142]

12 June 1901 • Wednesday

<June—On Board The New England>

The first day I felt fine but since then I have had a sort of a shaky feeling. Have done nothing much, slept a good deal, paraded the deck, grumbled cause I was sick. Tended the baby and done other things that are not worth mentioning.2 Today is the 12 of June and the nearer we come to the land the higher my spirits get till I’m not quite sure what I’ll do when once more I land on American Soil. Last night there was a concert but it wasn’t up to much. [p. 143]

[page [144] blank]3

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June 1901, Journals of Early Sister Missionaries, accessed February 2, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/early-sister-missionaries/josephine-booth/1901/1901-06


  1. [1]Platte D. Lyman, James L. McMurrin, and Henry W. Naisbitt to Brethren and Sisters, in “The Retiring Presidency,” Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star 63, no. 23 (6 June 1901): 376–377; “President McMurrin’s Return,” and “A Precious Cargo,” Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star 63, no. 23 (6 June 1901): 377–378.

  2. [2]The baby mentioned was likely Minerva May Frame, the one-month-old daughter of Mary Sanders Frame and David Frame, a missionary couple who traveled home with Booth on the SS New England. (Booth, Journal, 5 June 1901; “A Precious Cargo,” Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star 63, no. 23 [6 June 1901]: 378.)

  3. [3]On the inside back cover are pasted a card bearing the agenda of a 2 December 1900 Boys Brigade meeting at which Booth spoke; a schedule of brigade meetings; and an eight-page brigade guidebook. (See Booth, Journal, 28–29 Nov. and 2 Dec. 1900; “Introduction.”)