April 1900

1 April 1900 • Sunday

1st. Sunday.— A beautiful morning. Fast day. Special fasting and prayer was given in behalf of Pres. Mc Murrian [James L. McMurrin] who has been suffering with a cancer on the lip.1

No Sabbath-school. The sacramental meeting was a real spiritual treat. The spirit of the Lord was in our midst and we had a time of rejoicing.

The evening meeting was also very good.

2 April 1900 • Monday

2nd. Monday.— A dull morning. Cramps returned. Remained quiet all day. Attended Relief Meeting in the evening.

Wrote to Bro. Mc Murrian and to Sister Watson.

We begun a fast from after today’s dinner until to-morrows tea.

3 April 1900 • Tuesday

3rd. Tuesday.— A wet dissagreeable day. Went to Mrs. Barries in the evening afternoon and took our cro[p. [122]]cheting, and taught Mrs. B. the pattern. We left there early as Josephine [Booth] had an engagement at 6:30. We decided to ride on the Subway but when we arrived at the station we discovered we had forgotten the pocket-book, or at least I had,—and was somewhat troubled to have to go back and get it, through rain and mud, together with the hurry was quite perplexing.

I thought I would be left alone for the evening but Elders [John B.] Young and Lowe [David N. Low] come over. At 9:30 Brother Young and I went down to Willowbank Crecent to accompany Josephine home. We met a Mr. Mc Fee coming home with her.

4 April 1900 • Wednesday

4th. Wednesday.— The morning was beautiful.

In the afternoon we went to Maryhill to sew some blouses on Sister Mc Cairns machine she lives at 6 Glen, Kelvindale. The rain come down in torrents just as we took the car. We lost our key and had considerable worry [p. [123]] we could not find it and when we were about to leave Mrs. Richmond let us have her key. We went to the Innises who were having a party for us—some of which company were astonished to learn that we were Mormons and Missionaries, however we had a good time. Elders [David C.] Eccles and Nesbit [William P. Nisbet] were there. The company were Misses Smeal, Misses Jackson, Miss Theckston, Misses [blank] and Messrs Aurthur, Thomson, Boyd and [blank] Mr. and Mrs. Innis Miss Innis and Miss Minnoc.

We arrived shortly after one—in the morning.

5 April 1900 • Thursday

5th. Thursday.— The morning was still an improvment showing more traits of real Spring-weather. We found our key in Bro. Millers [James K. Miller’s] pocket. Spent some time at #53. Wrote to the Miss Stewarts Belfast. Another company of Elders left. Attended testimony meeting.

6 April 1900 • Friday

6th. Friday.— We went to the baths in the morning. Attended choir practice in the evening. [p. [124]]

Borrowed 20/ from Bro. Miller. We are both out of money.

7 April 1900 • Saturday

7th. Saturday.— No mail, alas!

Called on Sisters Harkins and Nelson in the afternoon and evening.

8 April 1900 • Sunday

8th. Sunday.— Attended afternoon and evening and open-air meetings. I spoke at the latter I felt very weak but was assured the faith and prayers of the brothers and sisters. At first I could not think of anything to start out on but when I once got a start I shot off like a “steam engine” and had my voice not given out I could have spoken longer. The air was very thick.

9 April 1900 • Monday

9th. Monday.— A beautiful day. Practiced the anthem. Gave out 58 double tracts and had 3 conversations. Called on the Neilsons on Cambridge St..

Attended an elocutionary recital having recieved complimentary tickets from Miss Iza Spence [p. [125]] It reminded me very much of the days of my youth when we played theatre. Though Mr. Forsyth is a professor his class is not a flattering one when it comes to paying him compliment as a teacher. Miss Spence gave “Sandy Mc Glashlan” splendidly well.

Commenced a letter from M. [Amanda Chipman] and I. [Ida Chipman]

10 April 1900 • Tuesday

10th. Tuesday.— Went tracting, the day was bright and clear but the wind was strong and disagreeable in the extreme.

Mrs. Barrie was her[e] when I came home from tracting she took tea with us.

We dressed and went to the “con” where a letter was awaiting me with a check at last—thank God,—I have wanted it this long time,—it is for the amount of six pound. We went with President Miller to Dennistoun to see Sister Buest and her daughter Mrs. Guthrie also met her sister an old lady and Mr. Guthrie and the three children [p. [126]] They were just taking tea so we sat down and enjoyed a little refreshment which was much needed after our troubled journey from Georges Square where we endeavored to get on the tram which was going at the rate of ‘two-forty’, I however was the only successful one and after riding about one hundred yards succeeded in geting the conductor to slacken the speed of his horses but all in vain I had to get off and wait the arrival of the next car.

We had a very pleasant evening enjoying a chat on the social condition of Glasgow as well as the political affairs.

11 April 1900 • Wednesday

10 <11th.> Wednesday.— Finish the letter to M. and I. We went down to Nelsons where we had dinner and stayed until 3: p.m. when we left and went to see Miss Kay in Ogg Bro. firm. She recieved us very kindly and showed us all about the store from cellar to attic and introduced us to her best companions Miss Brown [p. [127]] —alas; ‘Miss Brown your face looks familiar! Ah, ’twas you who sold Josephine the 1/5½ hat![’] She looks at it—“Yes I think I have seen you before. Were you not here some little while back?” Scrutinizing us from top to toe and taking a special glance at the 1/5½ which Josephine had on. Lizzie Nelson accompanied us to Ogg’s where the millinery was cheap and because of it being so far away thought that it would never be recognized again.

We were also introduced to Miss [blank] who with Miss Kay said they would come to church the second Sunday, We then left with Miss K— who took us to have tea—but we took milk.

We then left and had a chat and giggle about the conversation and side glances at the 1/5½ on our way to Sister Hamiltons who was not at home so we went to [p. [128]] see Sister Rankin, where we met a Mrs. Elder with whom we had a conversation. Sister R’s son come—full as a tick—he seems to be a very heavy drinker. Sister Hilder accompanied us to Jam[a]ica St. where we left her and went to choir practice.

12 April 1900 • Thursday

11 <12th.> Thursday.— We had promised to go and see Mrs. Wilson but the rain come down in torrents and the wind blew so strong we were forced to remain at home until evening when we attended testimony meeting.

We made candy to send to Inez [Knight] and Clara [Holbrook] also a box for Bro. Miller who went to London.

Brother Eccles asked us to go to Aberdeen and we promised to go.

13 April 1900 • Friday

12 <13th.> Friday.— In the afternoon we went to Govan called on Mrs. [Rosina Hamilton] Gow, and Sister [Isabella] Hamilton, saw Kenith Mc Clain [Kenneth McLean]; went to Bro Thompons [Henry B. Thompson’s] and Lows [David N. Low’s] lodging where we waited on Bro Young [p. [129]] we went to Mrs. Craigs to spend the evening.

14 April 1900 • Saturday

14th. Saturday.— Read the news paper, went to the Union Bank of Scotland for money but it had not been collected as yet—the draft had to go to Edinburgh as it was made payable on that branch.

15 April 1900 • Sunday

15th. Sunday.— Enjoyed the afternoon and evening meetings very much—the S. School being dispensed with for a short time— I rested in peace not being called to speak—though if I had been called I would have cheerfully responded.

16 April 1900 • Monday

16th. Monday.— We slept but very little last night as our minds were burdened with the idea of getting up at five o’clock in order to get the six train from Buchannan St. for Aberdeen. We both awakened several times each time finding ourselves premature. However we arose at five when Mrs. Richmond come in to call us, we hastily dressed and ate breakfast; the rain was fall[p. [130]]ing but we went off with the idea that we would have fine weather in the Granite City. We called for Brother Eccles and away to the station through wind and rain. Bro. E— paid our expenses.

The scenery was very good but not grand until we reached the neighborhood of [blank] The rain ceased, the sun peeped from behind the huge grey clouds and sent its rays to earth gladdening the heart of man and beautifying gardens and fields. The grass is just donning its richest shades,—the daisies peeped every where, the birds sang forth their volumptious lay, and placed the three Mormons in a mood of enjoying Gods gifts to man, and the privilege of taking an excursion. The rolling hills resembled in shape, massive snow drifts, some being clad with grass, and others bearing the accurate furrow of a Scotch farmer. It is a great accomplishment when the agriculturist can plow a straight furrow and great pride is taken in the same, in fact [p. [131]] prizes is given to the straightest plowmen.

There was many sheep and wee lambs scattered among the glens and brays.

We passed through many of the noted Scotch cities Sterling being foremost.

We reached Aberdeen at 10:30 A.M., Elder Stewart and [David] Frame were to meet us. They took us straight to the fish market which is the largest in the World—all kinds of fish were to be seen, an interresting picture indeed, with the auld fish-wife dressed in a short stripped skirt, large shoes and colored hose, and a shawl about the head and shoulder; The fish were hauled about in carts, baskets, boxes, and on forks. From there we went up Union St. and [blank] The rain come on and we went to the missionaries lodgings 20 School Hill Rd. and found Sister [Mary Sanders] Frame had gone to meet us. We were three happy girls when we met. Enjoyed [p. [132]] a splendid dinner and started out to see the City. Viewed the Gordon College, Union Terrace gardens and Union St., together with Queen St the aristocratic part of the town. This is indeed a splendid street,—the dwellings are all granite and show a high degree of skillful architecture,—beside the dwellings being granite the fence in part is also granite and the walks are made of granite pebbles—very fine—the sun was very bright causing this part of Aberdeen to shine like silver. We went on up to the Quarrie where we viewed the work with some difficulty the hole was so large and deep that the men in the bottom looked like wee bunies.

We had our tickets extended until Tuesday night. We next went to the Mitchell College and from there to a stone-yard or stone-masonery and saw the granite being sawed and ground and polished into beautiful tomb-stones and mantle[p. [133]]pieces, etc. It takes three days to saw three feet of granite into. Before the discovery of the little powder or grape-shot material was discovered it took three years.

We took a look at Georges College and went through the Cathedral and court-yard; then strolled down by the River [blank] and back to our lodge, had tea and really felt worn out. Brothers Thomson and Kinley come in,—we had some singing;—and a pleasant chat by our selves while the boys went to view the City by night. We slept in a feather bed across the hall in a neighbors house. The cemetry was just over the way and we had a good night rest as the grave-yard was so suggestive,—ha! ha! even the chiming of the bells and the stricking of the clock did not disturb us!

17 April 1900 • Tuesday

17th. Tuesday.— Arose at 7:30 <8:30> had breakfast and went down to the sea-shore where [p. [134]] we watched the tide come in, wrote our names in the sand, and had a gay lot of fun with only one regret—frivelous Brother Lochead [William Lochhead] who would hold us in horible positions while Bro. Eccles took a snap shot.

The mouth of the Don with the two light houses at its entrance makes a splendid harbor, and this day so beautiful with its green banks, and quiet behavior allowing the fishing smaks and sailing-vessels to go peacefully along. This morning was so inviting we were sorry to get tired in body as well as hungry and have to leave the sea-shore After dinner we went to Duthie Park—a beautiful spot—for pleasure seakers having spent a good few hours taking snapshots, eating chocolates, etc, we found ourselves at home very tired.

This was one of the many good times in Britain. We left on the 8: o clock train [p. [135]] Sister Frame; Elders Frame, Stewart and Locheed, and Brothers Kinley [blank] were to wave us off.

We had a compartment by our selves for a great distance when a plain looking Scotchman come in but we soon sung him tired. A humerous spirit was indulged in and the poor fellow could not but laugh but at the singing he could not but leave. Again we were alone, I took advantage of this and dropped off to sleep leaving Brother Eccles and Josephine to have a nice little chat about the moon or stars or what ever the[y] desired. I was suddenly awakened by strange voices and a disagreeable odor—tobacco-smoke. Bro. E— had just demanded the smoker to castaway his obnoxious enjoyment—what a sad countenance—what a picture two men—appearantly loaded—with two [p. [136]] little bairns—the one who seems to be the father has an arm we around each of them—a five year old and two year old girl—the males are snoring—one is nodding and really bending my way—Sister Chipman will you come here? O, no! I am alright! The five year old is asleep—the two year old looks cautiously at us—then being attracted by the noises of swine turns and finds her papa to be the driver—poor child! Outch!—Yes you had better come here. Alright.— Bro. E— takes my place as he is stronger and will be more able to hold the mans head up. The two year old is nodding— O, she will fall!—no her dada is holding her— O dear me! I will take her—so I did to save the innocent a fall.— Say Jack—lean on your own dinner!—he is leaning on the five year-old—what beasts of men! Fortunate—the Central station—the man takes his quinie2 [p. [137]]

We reached 86 top flat found we were locked out—rung um up; it was 12:45 a.m.

18 April 1900 • Wednesday

18th. Wednesday.— We arose very tired. I took out 7 tracts visited five houses with phamplets and 2 with books.

Went to choir practice in the evening.

19 April 1900 • Thursday

19 Thursday.— Went shopping purchased 3 yds of material at /11½ per yd, for a skirt—but the clerk cheated me and asked me 1/3 per yd and I gave it but when we come home Mrs. R— told me to go back and speak to them about it. I did so and the manager was so sorry he gave me back the /10½ and had a clerk hawl down all the good to show us. 15½ Hutchinson St., “The Old Cloth Hall,” Penman Bros.

We went to Mrs. Barclays and to her daughters Mrs. Wilsons, Effie [Lindsay] was there.

20th Friday.— Attended testimony meeting in the evening.

Had onions for supper. [p. [138]]

20 April 1900 • Friday

20th. Friday.— Awoke with a bad eye. Went to the baths. Remained at home the most of the day attending my eye but it only got worse. And O dear, the night of the wedding reception! But we could not stay home so we went. It was a very quiet time. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald were married by a minister who tied the knot by asking the bride and groom a question each and having the best man and maid sign the marriage certificate as witnesses.

There was about forty present. A long table took up the middle of the hall decorated with hysinths daffedillis and narcesis by way of flowers and apples and oranges by way of fruit. The guests were seated,—the best man and brides maid did most of the waiting on tables. First we were served to meat-pie, then to bread, then to peaches-tinned, then apples or oranges, then candy-hearts were passed and every one used them in a lively conversation. After this repast the tables were removed and again [p. [139]] the best man and maid though dressed in evening appearal swept the floor, and some singing dancing and games were indulged in. My eye grew so painful I had to put on dark glasses, but the management of this wedding affair was enough to enthuse made to a point of forgetting aches and pains. When I reflect on call to mind the toast the best man gave—my expression is really inaducate [inadequate] to record all the sentiments therein contained. With a confident air yet a stammering speech he (Jimmy Nelson) said “and may your—your—well—may the bairns of—of—well—what I mean is this—may you have as many bairns as surround this table,”—everyone could not but laugh “you have taken—yes—you have taken a fatal step,” more laughter “I really don’t know what to say, but I wan’t to say something—you see I am not used to this kind of thing—” suppressed giggles swept along both sides of the table, and when the toast was [p. [140]] finished he requested every one to drink the health of the newly wedded couple,—so raising our tumblers which were like young tubs, we clinked them and sipped the juice of Loch Caterine [Katrine].

My eye got so bad we were forced to say good night and come away at eleven.

We just bought us some gloves and Josephine lost hers at the party.

21 April 1900 • Saturday

21st. Saturday.— I remained at home with my eye tied up all day until sunset and the evening was so lovely we could not resist a short walk so we called at #53 and then went to the Nelsons on Watt St.. On our return we met Brothers Thomson and Lowe on Paisley Rd. they were on their way home—the Wallace boys were with them but when they met us they turned and come home with us.

22 April 1900 • Sunday

22nd. Sunday.— On account of our clock being three quarters of an hour fast we started out for church just that much too early—met Elders Gardner, Young, and Eccles, who persuaded us to return and wait at the “con” [p. [141]] until meeting time. Quite to my surprise the President called me to speak. I took the 9th. ch. of Eccles[iastes] and spoke on it.

After dinner we went down on Miller St. and held an out-door meeting. The singing was very good and attracted a large audiance—two of which went down for our evening hall meeting, where there was altogether ten strangers. Bro. H. Thomson took up the time in speaking on the apostasy and restoration. I attended the open-air meeting.

Went to #53 as usual after meeting and enjoyed ban[a]nas and oranges.

23 April 1900 • Monday

23rd. Monday.— Went to the “con” for tracts. I am making a change back to “The only true Gospel,” “Is belief alone sufficient,” and “Glad tidings of great joy.” The “Rays” are really the superior tract but they do not call out enough questions, they are not controversal enough.3 A tract is only an excuse to get to the peoples doors where we can get the opportunity of extending information [p. [142]] regarding the restoration of the Gospel and these single tracts are best.

Went tracting. Come home very tired and hungry as usual. In the evening I attended street meeting on Cathedral Sq. where we recieved opposition after our meeting was dismissed.

24 April 1900 • Tuesday

24th. Tuesday.— Went tracting. I have again offended Josephine—alas—why is this!— Is it a sin for me to know the faults of others? The worst of disposition is that sees no fault in self and is so reluctant at pointing out the faults of others and taking offence when not intended!

I went to Govan in the evening after visiting Sisters Leggatt [Leggat] and Gain,—had a nice chat with Mrs. Thomson and attended the meeting on the corner of Helen St.. There were nine elders and only me so I would not stand in the street with them for fear of insults, so I stood back on the walk. On our way home I fell from the car but was not hurt—only in feelings. Every one would think that [p. [143]] I was a great deal like some others in the immediate neighborhood—full.

I awaited Josephines return until 11:10 then come home—she come shortly after my arrival all excited over the many questions which had been asked her and the interresting conversation she had had with her new friends.—

25 April 1900 • Wednesday

25th. Wednesday.— Went tracting after which went to Govan where we visited Mrs. Thomson returned to singing practice in the evening. I sewed my skirt on Mistress T— machine. She asked us some things about polygamy.

26 April 1900 • Thursday

26th. Thursday.— We went tracting. In the evening attended testimony meeting.

27 April 1900 • Friday

27th. Friday.— Went to the baths in the forenoon dressed and hurried off to catch the 1:5 train for Edinburgh. We thought we had gone off without the boys and better than all paid for our tickets—we had only got seated and Bro. Miller come along and made me take 5/ which am[p. [144]]ount our fares cost. She said give my love to all—I asked him to give it to us—at this he brought a tiny parcel from his pocket and gave to us—when we were nicely on the way my curiosity prompted me to just see what was in the paper—discovered two pieces of delicious candy—so we ate his love and told those who were to recieve it about the affair.

We arrived at Waverly station at 2:00 <2:10>. Elders [John S.] Smith and Buchanan [Alexander Buchanan Jr.] were to meet us. We went straight to Sister Whytes where we were to stay while in Edinburgh.

We called to see Sister White and Bro. and Sis. Rhynd then to see Elders [Robert G.] McQuarrie and Miller who had not been made aware of our anticipated visit. I felt much cooler as Edinburgh is colder than Glasgow.

28 April 1900 • Saturday

28th. Saturday.— Went out to Portobello in the forenoon. Enjoyed a pleasant stroll along the sands, and after a little persuasion went with Brothers Mil[p. [145]]ler <and Smith> for a boat ride. It was jolly—quite a strong wind was blowing and we just dipped and tossed about like fish—that is the boat resembled the fish. Bros. Buchanan and McQuarrie remained on shore and sketched a picture of us mairners.4

We had a stroll along the esplanade, into a luncheon room—had cocoa and scones,—then took the car for Edinburgh again. There was a very strong wind which prohibited us from enjoying the ride as we would have done otherwise.

Had some more dinner. Went to see the Sister Watsons [Agnes and Leah Watson] and Sister Watson, then to Sister Whites, and back to Sister Whytes tired completely out.

29 April 1900 • Sunday

29th. Sunday.— I slept warmer and better last night. Arose at 11: sharp. Sang some hymns and went to afternoon meeting where I was called to speak— Went to Sister Whites for dinner. [p. [146]] We had some little difficulty with the Sisters Whyte and White because they both wanted us all the time.

Attended evening meeting—Josephine spoke. Went to Sister Whytes, where we had supper, told riddles and sung hymns.

30 April 1900 • Monday

30th. Monday.— We went to the Misses Watson at 10: a.m., where Elders S.— and B.— called for us and from there to Bro. and Sist— Dodgleichs from there to Hendersons and from there to Sister Whites for dinner.

A box came from Glasgow bearing an address of Aberdeen and post-mark of Glasgow. The contents was sand-shells—moss—and two young eels which were too oderiferous to be enjoyable. After dinner we boxed up some trout heads and other nonsense and sent to #53 addressed to D. N. Lowe.

Went to Sister Rynds for tea, where we remained about two and a half hours then we bade good-bye and went [p. [147]] to Sister Whytes then to Sister Whites then to the Waverly, where we waved farewell to Elders McQuarrie, Miller, and Buchanan, Elder Smith come home with us. I had a talk with a lady on the train who lived in Paisley—she kens5 they Mormons gay weel.6

Report for the Month of April.

Indoor meetings attended


Reported 15

Out " " "7


"8 6

Tracts distributed from door to door


" 625

" "9 out door


" 19



" 22

Strangers houses visited by first invetation


" 6

" " " "10 re- "11


" 13

Books loaned


" 4

Phamplets loaned


" 4

[p. [148]]

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April 1900, Journals of Early Sister Missionaries, accessed February 14, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/early-sister-missionaries/eliza-chipman/1900/1900-04


  1. [1]James L. McMurrin died of cancer 7 August 1902 after returning from his service in the mission presidency. (“J. L. M’Murrin Dead,” Salt Lake Herald, 8 Aug. 1902, 8.)

  2. [2]A bairn is a child. A quinie or queanie is a young girl or daughter. (Oxford English Dictionary, s.vv. “bairn” and “queanie,” modified July 2023, oed.com.)

  3. [3]William Budge, The Only True Gospel (Liverpool, England: William Budge, 1878); Thomas W. Brookbank, Is Belief Alone Sufficient? ([Edinburgh, Scotland]: James H. Cook, [1881]); George Teasdale, Glad Tidings of Great Joy! ([Liverpool], [1900]); Charles W. Penrose, Rays of Living Light from the Doctrines of Christ (Liverpool, England: Millennial Star, 1898).

  4. [4]text: Double underlined in original.

  5. [5]text: “she kens” double underlined in original.

  6. [6]A phrase meaning she is acquainted with or knows the “Mormons” pretty well. (Scottish National Dictionary, s.vv. “gey,” “ken,” “weel,” accessed 20 Nov. 2023, dsl.ac.uk.)

  7. [7]text: Ditto marks for “door meetings attended”.

  8. [8]text: Here and on next seven rows, ditto marks for “Reported”.

  9. [9]text: Ditto marks for “Tracts distributed”.

  10. [10]text: Ditto marks for “Strangers houses visited by”.

  11. [11]text: Ditto mark for “invetation”.