May 1900

1 May 1900 • Tuesday

1st. Tuesday.— “They that stand high have many blasts to shake them, And if they fall they are dashed to pieces.” <Richard III>1

Venturesome humanity oft times scale the rugged peaks of history—and thinking to walk in the footsteps of those gone before fall and are dashed to pieces. They studied not the environments and promptings of those whom they are thinking to follow—they merely aspire to become what they admire as greatness in others, and flatter themselves with the presumptious idea of becoming like them. “Theis world is a stage and all the men and women are merely actors,”— this being the case every human has an individual part to perform. If we all acted as one our own parts would remain undone. A copiest to glean all the goodness of all men does himself a justice—but to assume the part of one man he wrongs his own destiny—which might be great if unharmed by the venom of copying. [p. [149]]

Remained at home all day. In the evening I went to street meeting on New City Rd., “Whiskers” was there as usual to oppose. Bro. [John S.] Smith spoke very well,—two women who seemed to have been enjoying it wanted to know who we were and for information asked “Whiskers” who said “Ye Ken the Mormons who have more than one wife”? “Aye”! “Weel, its them. They are mean men and make slaves of women.” Both women turned and with an expression of awe listened all the more attentively, and when they heard nothing but truth, and had believed what our Scotch opponent had said, about us—they both said “Hypocrites”! It was 9:30 when we dismissed and then “Whiskers” took the stomping ground. He said he had been saved 17 years and that all that was necessary to do had been done and he had a Mormon tract in his possession which read that ones whole life must be devoted to working for eternal salvation, he contended that this was wrong. He also remarked at some length on the use and abuse of Mormon women. [p. [150]]

2 May 1900 • Wednesday

2nd. Wednesday.— Recieved a letter from M. [Amanda Chipman] and I. [Ida Chipman]. Wrote to M. and I.

Went tracting. Attended singing practice.

3 May 1900 • Thursday

3rd. Thursday.— Bro. [John B.] Young called in the morning.

I finished my skirt.

Went tracting and visiting. Called in #53 and said good-bye to Bro. Mc Farlane [Joseph C. McFarlane].

Attended testimony meeting in the evening.

4 May 1900 • Friday

4th. Friday.— Have had a weak back this last eight or ten days. Took a bath.

Went to Newart hill, by way of Holy town, to attend a soiree. We arrived an hour too soon so we called on the Jacks’. Sister Jack engaged to bed for us at her neices, Mrs. Young.

The soiree was held in a small hall above a bakery. Tea was spread at 7:30. Every one enjoyed themselves to the satisfaction of their appetite. at 8:30 tables were cleared the floor swept and then a short program was rendered. I recited the same old thing “The Soldiers Pardon.” At about 9:50 dancing was commenced all present seemed to have their ankles and knees well oiled, for they hop[p]ed and skipped over the knots so nicely that there was not even a toe stubbed [p. [151]] We remained until 2: p.m <a.m.> enjoying the short programs, refreshments and dancing to the music of an accordian.

Brothers Young and [W. Moultrie] Worthington accompanied us to our night or rather morning rendezvou.

5 May 1900 • Saturday

5th. Saturday.— We arose and dressed, on going into the kitchen found that the morning was almost gone, it was half past eleven. We had breakfast and enjoyed a short chat with Mrs. Young who said that Mrs <Mr> Y— had been waiting so long for us to get up so he could hear their organ he became tired and had given us up. We went over to Jacks’ and found Brothers Smith and Thomson [Henry B. Thompson] there all the rest of the Glasgow folk had gone on the early train. They danced and sung until five in the morning and come away about six.

We called to see Majors and Orrs. Nellie Jack come to Glasgow with us. We arrived at 6.30 p.m. The scenery to be seen on this short journey was indeed charming. The sun shone so bright and the grass was so green, this all seemed a sign of good weather.

We spent the evening at the conference house. [p. [152]]

6 May 1900 • Sunday

6th. Sunday.— Spent the morning in reading, and singing and playing hymns. Attended the two sessions. Not many strangers present. I did not feel very well. Come home early and went to bed. Josephine [Booth] doctored me up in fine style.

Just ninteen months today since I arrived in Britain.

7 May 1900 • Monday

7th. Monday.— We went visiting Remained at home until evening when we attended Relief Society. I felt much better after meeting. There was a good spirit enjoyed by all present.

8 May 1900 • Tuesday

8th. Tuesday.— Went to #53 recieved a letter from M. [Amanda Chipman] and I. [Ida Chipman] accompaning five pound—four from Washburn [Stephen Washburn Chipman] and one from Eb [Robert Ebenezer Booth] and Venie [Lovinia Chipman Booth]. Through the generous kindness of brothers and sisters granted unto them by Our Father God answers my prayers.

Visited Sister’s Taylor, Curnie, Mc Donald, and Lang, <of Springburn> found them all feeling quite well. Took a walk around by the park come home on the electric car.

Attended meeting on Cathedral Sq.

9 May 1900 • Wednesday

9th. Wednesday.— Josephine woke me at six—she had a time of poking and shaking to get me up,—she enjoyed a good laugh. We went for a walk around by the Blind Asylum and home by [p. [153]] the Necropolis (City of the dead) and Cathedral Sq.. We were both quite tired and hungry. It was now my turn to laugh and we were both made aware of the fact of “he that laughs last laughs best.” I did my grunting and complaining while getting up but Josephine did hers on our return. We layed down at eleven and slept until 12:30. After dinner we went to Govan, called on Mrs. Thomson, Bella Hamilton, Mrs. [Rosina Hamilton] Gow, and Mrs. Hawthorn who was not at home.

On our way home we stopped at Shields Rd. to see the Grears as Ruby had been ill.

Attended singing practice in the evening.

10 May 1900 • Thursday

10th. Thursday.— Arose at seven and walked out as yesterday morning.— Returned at eight. Had porridge for breakfast, after which we took a nap.

After dinner Mrs. Richmond accompanied us shopping. We went to the Politechnic Store and bought the trimmings for Josephines dress; and a mantle-scarf for the conference house it cost 6/6. After tea we attended testimony meeting. (1)

2(1) Went in the cab with Bro. Sterling [William Stirling] to Stobcross. He left on the Anchoria.

11 May 1900 • Friday

11th. Friday.— I cut out Josephines skirt. Wrote some music Bro. Young come over and he did some singing, we all [p. [154]] three went down on the next flat to see some household furniture auctioned off. Every thing that belonged to the widow was being sold so that the money could be devided among the family.

Went tracting and visiting, and on my return we went down to see the “Channel Squadron”, which was anchored down the mouth of the Clyde. We went down on the Windsor Castle. the scenery is very good on both sides the River. We had a splendid view of Dumbarton Castle. Our boat circumnivigated the nine war-boats so we had a splendid view of them. They are neat and well equiped with guns and soldiers; Each boat exibited its search light.

We got back at eleven and were all very hungry. Bro. [David C.] Eccles managed to find some ham-sandwiches on the boat and before we come home we went to a restaurant on Sauchiehall St. and had cold tongue and cocoa.

12 May 1900 • Saturday

12th. Saturday.— Had a very bad attack of cramp, notwithstanding we went shopping.

In the evening Mr. [Nils C.] and Mrs. [Margaret Crawford] Werngren come to #53 to [p. [155]] spend the evening. The conference-house office looked like a palace to the side of a week past. Before going over the cramp was so severe that I had to take whisky and go to bed for a short time, and at seven I arose but feeling the dazzling effects of the spirits, and in a rather staggering manner I dressed—time I got over to #53 I was alright.

13 May 1900 • Sunday

13th. Sunday.— Studied during the morning. Attended the two services. Went to dinner with Bro. Taylor. Sister Taylor was sick in bed and Bro. Taylor cooked dinner. Attended street-meeting.

14 May 1900 • Monday

14th. Monday.— Went tracting and visiting.

Brothers [William H.] Gardner and Worthington called with a piece against Mormons and Mormonism for me to answer. They brought a lead pencil a foot long with which to write the answer.3

Attended street-meeting—after which I wrote the answer for <to> the Paisley Express, ready to submit to the Elders for approval or disaproval.

15 May 1900 • Tuesday

15th. Tuesday.— Bro. Young came over to practice Galilee. [p. [156]] We went to Paisley in the afternoon, had dinner with Bros. [Thomas M.] McMaster and Worthington, the Elders all approved of the piece with one or two slight corrections. Visited Mrs. Adams in the afternoon and Mr. and Mrs. Ralphs in the evening.

16 May 1900 • Wednesday

16th. Wednesday.— Sister [Agnes Cooke] Reid went to CambusLong so we went over to get dinner. We all wanted something different for a change so Brothers Gardner and Smith went in one direction and we in another; I tried to get ‘Boston-baked-beans’ but failed,—on my return Josephine said she would go and find some she had gone about ten minutes when the boys returned with Boston-baked-beans, and five minutes later J— returned with Boston-baked-beans, so we had beans for further orders.

Our dinner was as follows: mashed-potatoes, beef-stake, ‘Mormon dope,’4 B-b-beans, custard, rubarb, and bananas. Washed my hair.

Attended singing practice in the evening. [p. [157]]

17 May 1900 • Thursday

17th. Thursday.— Went to the baths. Cut out the bodice-lining for Josephines dress. Went to the Central Station at 6: p.m. to meet Inez [Knight]—the train did not come until 6:45 we stood talking to Elders Eccles and Smith and Brother Halliday waiting for the train and while waiting Inez come walking by. We went to the conference house and back down to the post office so Inez could send a telegram back to the “con” and then a trip to 86 top flat and we had so much chatting to do that we were late for meeting. This was a peculiar meeting—every one seemed glued to their chairs so I thought I would call for a hymn to be sung to sort of start things but no they remained so quiet and I forced myself to speak and though I said nothing it seemed to break the ice and we had a splendid meeting.

After meeting Inez, Josephine, Bros. Eccles and [Bruce] Brown and myself went and got some sweeties. Bruce Brown proposed that we go to the theatre the night following thinking to spend their last night on British domain pleasantly,—we all agreed. [p. [158]]

Mrs. R— [Richmond] made a bed on the couch where Josie slept we layed talking about past, present and future until after one in the morning then dropped off to sleep.

18 May 1900 • Friday

18th. Friday.— Went to the “con”, Inez and I, Josie remained at home as she was not feeling well. Inez wrote letters and I packed Bro. Nisbitts [William P. Nisbet’s] trunk. Also practiced Galilee.

In the afternoon we had a quiet chat after which we took a train-ride out to the Botanic Gardens. We returned and had tea. The boys came over to reassure us that we would go to the theatre and at 7:15 they returned again to get us. We went to the Royalty to see the Irish Drama “Shaughraun,”—it was a ‘dose and over,’ we could hardly sit it out however we stayed until the beginning of the last scene of the last act. When the performance and audiance begun to yelling and cheering the victory at Mafeking we left and time we arrived on Sauchehall St. the people were thoroughly enthused over this news. We could hardly get standing room but managed to crowd our way through the throngs [p. [159]] until we got onto Dundas then we were quite by our selves. We stood on Holmhead long enough to spoil one doz. oranges we then come home. All night we could hear the hurrahs of the mobs. We made a bed on the couch—Josie slept here and Inez and I took the bed—we were to have a night each with Inez, but Josie prefered the longe. This was the last night on British soil for my old companion.

19 May 1900 • Saturday

19th. Saturday.— We went to the shop and had breakfast on our return,—we then hurried off to the “Con” where Bros. E— and B— were waiting for us. We then hurried off to St. Enochs. We had passes to Greenock and went out to the City of Rome on a tender. Here we bade good-bye to Elder Nesbitt his mother brother two sisters and his brother-in law, to Elders Hinkley, Jensen, Fugal, and Brown and to dear Inez, who went off as happy as a lark and so very contented. After we come back from the City of Rome we went about Greenock to see the [p. [160]] City—we walked along Princess pier and the Esplanade back through the City and to the station;—mean while I had discovered that I had left my umbrella on the train and on enquiring found it at the lost luggage station the charges was six pence. We returned back to Glasgow—found the streets boiling with loyalty banners, flags and streamers hung from every window and strung across the principle streets and upon the conspicuous pinacles was a scare-crow affair to represent [Paul] Kruger this could easily be deciphered by the stranger who could read it upon the face of these “loyal-fiends” who so rejoiced over the down-fall of one class and the victory of their own. But what was worse—images were made of Kruger and a mock-bible placed in his hand, and at the moment this expected news of the taking of Mafeking come these effigies were burned.5 Here men, women, and children stood to witness and applaud such grotesque deed, a shameful action! They who are trusting in the same [p. [161]] Scriptural promises will burn to scorn the book which they hold devine in order to ridicule the faith of another in the same book! Are they not standing on dangerous ground? They who live in glass houses must be careful in casting stones! All day and night the air was filled with the thunderous roarings of human voices, and the fluttering of Union Jacks and the would be oratory of the Union Jack-Asses!

Bro. Young come over and we sang Galilee—after which we went down to George Sq. to see some of the performance—but there was nothing worthy of note.

A public square with pedestrians.

George Square, the principal civic square in Glasgow, Scotland, circa 1905. (Courtesy of Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, LC-DIG-stereo-1s36938.)

20 May 1900 • Sunday

20th. Sunday.— Played the organ and read during the morning. I spoke on the “Oneness of faith” in the afternoon meeting. When called upon my mind was blank but it was not long until I was filled with a good spirit which prompted me to speak I read Jno. 12.45 to end of chapter and felt very good while speaking. I thought surely the prayers of [p. [162]] the Saints availeth much.

Went to Sister McDonalds’ for dinner,—and such a delicious dinner we had too.

Attended evening meeting, also out-door meeting both Josephine and I spoke to a large crowd.

21 May 1900 • Monday

21st. Monday.— Went to the “con”.

Went down to Sister Grears to visit here and took Josephines dress and stitched it.

The rain poured all day long.

22 May 1900 • Tuesday

22nd. Tuesday.— The rain still poured. I finished fitting Josies dress. Sewed until my back ached. Had choir-practice

23 May 1900 • Wednesday

23rd. Wednesday.— Went visiting and giving out conference bills. Sister [Mary Sanders] Frame come and stayed all night with us

Attended street meeting on Sauchiehall—Wellington.

24 May 1900 • Thursday

24th. Thursday.— Went in the afternoon to Mrs. Barries and sewed Josies dress. Attended testimony meeting. This has been a lovely day. Mrs. Richmond went to Helenburgh so we cleaned our room and cooked for ourselves.

25 May 1900 • Friday

25th. Friday.— Visited a few more people <Visited Mrs. [Agnes Hood] Milne and had a genuine talk with her husband. Also went to Innise’s they were not at home. Went to Sister Nelsons and when she learned that we had been fasting all day she said “go and visit Sister Kearney and time you get back I will have something for you to eat[”] this we did and found it agreeable to both temper and stomach.>, gave out hand[p. [163]]bills and loaned some books and sold one.

Attended choir-practice in the evening.

The missionaries have about all got in for conference and the conference house is like it might be inhabited with bees, such a shuffle and pulling, singing and talking, greeting and hand-shaking.

26 May 1900 • Saturday

26th. Saturday.— Brother [David Frame] and Sister Frame stayed with us all night. We J— and myself went and called on Grand-ma Barclay, Mr and Mrs. Werngren, and the Miss Scotts. We had a long gospel conversation with Mrs. Barclay, took tea with the Werngrens, and a promise from the Scotts to come to conference. On our return we found Pres’ts [Platte D.] Lyman and [Henry W.] Naisbitt at 53 and such a crowd of missionaries and Saints. Among the visitors were Bro. Marshall Pres. of the Newcastle conference, and two of Elder Hollands [James H. Holland’s] brothers who were English missionaries. I enjoyed a conversation with Brothers Lyman Naisbitt and Marshall and a hand-shake with the Edinburgh Saints and the whole of the Scottish Missionaries. [p. [164]]

Report for the month of May.

Indoor meetings attended


Reported 9

Out- " " "6


"7 5

Tracts distributed from door to door


" 245

" "8 Out- "9




"10 15

Strangers houses visited by first invetation


" 3

" " " "11 re "12


" 16

Books sold


" 1

"13 loaned


" 4

Phamplets sold

4 1 <2>

" 1

"14 loaned


" 2

" Given away


" 1

Brother and Sister Frame stayed all night.

27 May 1900 • Sunday

27th. Sunday.— We slept but little. I cooked breakfast but it was not very good.

We thought the morning meeting would begin at 10—but we were 30 mins. too early. But we found it easier to [p. [165]] wait than to be late. The morning meeting was very good the Spirit of the Lord was with us. Bro. Miller spoke a short time. Pres. Lyman spoke on the necessity of hearty and sincere voting when sustaining the Church Authorities. The names of the Authorities were next unanimously sustained. Brother Smith spoke as this would be his last conference in Scotland having been released to return home.

The rain begun to fall at 11:30 <a. m.> and did not stop until 8: p.m. so we had stormy weather during the whole day but it proved not to be an hidderence a hinderance to many coming out to hear the Gospel. Brother [Frederick A.] Mitchell, Sister Booth and Pres. Naisbitt spoke at the afternoon meeting. Elder Young sang a solo and the choir sang the chorous of “What voice salutes the startled ear.”15

We returned back to evening meeting after enjoying dinner at #53. A great distance through the rain St Andrews hall—Sisters Chipman, <and> Frame, and Pres. Lyman took up the evening meeting. Elder Young sang [p. [166]] Galilee. The choir sang an anthem “Song of the Redeemed” which was very good. This Conference was a considerable worry to me as I was organist and had the accompaniments to the solos to play,—but every one complimented the singing.

We all went to #53 after the meetings and enjoyed a nice quiet talk and some little singing. Sister Watson stayed all night with us.

Sister Frame and I slept in the kitchen bed and arose at 7: o’clock dressed and prepared breakfast.

28 May 1900 • Monday

28th. Monday.— Attended priesthood meeting which began at 10:30 and discontinued at 3:15. Time we get home we will have become men for we are brothered and eldered on every hand. When we are being voted on we are all thrown in like a auction sale and called brethern.

This was a good meeting. Brother Naisbitt arose and being inspired what to say spoke on the faults of members who should be more careful and true to the Gospel. He had not heard any one speak these things but the Spirit told him[.] [p. [167]] the cap seemed to fit Bro’s. Legatt [Leggat] and Nelson who begged for a few moments in which to tell of their grievences and both seemed to be self-righteous. They were quite stirred up and especially Bro. Legatt. Pres. Lyman arose and soon calmed the high wind and controlled the angry element. The Spirit was again restored and it ended a good meeting.

We all went to Turnbulls’ and had a group photograph taken.

Bode Bro. Lyman good-bye and come home and had dinner or rather tea, returned to #53 and spent the time until 9:35 p.m with Sister Watson she left Queen St. at that time for Edinburgh. But before she left we Elders Eccles and Buchanan [Alexander Buchanan Jr.], Sister Watson Josephine and myself went for a walk and Bro. E— got us some chocolates, not an unusual thing for him though!

We talked over having a gathering in honor of Pres. Millars [James K. Miller’s] departure, and appointed Bros Young and Gardner as a committee to see about the hall. [p. [168]]

29 May 1900 • Tuesday

29th. Tuesday.— The hall can be had for Wednesday night and this committee was held to gather up a collection to buy Brother Millar a present. Josephine and I were appointed to get up the program and to help notify the people.

Brother Naisbitt called a meeting that the Elders might recieve special instructions by way of advice This was one of the best meetings I ever attended the Spirit of God was there in rich abundance. Bro. Naisbitt spoke for about an hour and a half on what Missionaries should and should not do. And afterward thinking over what he had said arose again and said there was something else that he had neglected then he spent about twenty minutes praising the sisters—we of course could not suppress the tears, and as yesterday I cried and could not help it. When a good brother begins to tell of the good work which I have done I think of the time which I have waisted and the greater amount of good which I left undone. [p. [169]]

Brothers Young, Gardner, & Buchanan were appointed a committee to gather up a subscription or rather to see the missionaries and ask each one to donate whatever they chose to buy a small token for our departing President. They gathered 25 shillings and purchased a splendid walking cain.

We spent most of the day in notifying the people of the intended party.

I answered a piece in the Paisley Express.16

Went to the Central Station to see Brothers Naisbitt and Mitchell off.

I felt very worried about our work and moving from our lodgings. We went to see the “Christian” with Elders Eccles and Worthington.

30 May 1900 • Wednesday

30th. Wednesday.— Wrote to M. and I. Payed a number of visits to #53—on buisness of course.

Attended the social in the evening given in honor of Brother Miller. It was very success ful. We had 23 numbers on the program and every one was ready and on time to respond to the call. We began at 8:30 and closed at 11: [p. [170]]. Every one seemed well satisfied and pleased with the evening. The Saints gave the President a bible, muffler, and a handkercheif, both white silk,—and gave Elder Smith a bocket-book [pocket-book] and a walking-stick.

31 May 1900 • Thursday

31st. Thursday.— Prepared for leaving lodgings. Made a number of trips over to #53 as we leave to morrow and will locate there for about one week, so we carried our books and wraps over.

Mrs. R— is to Helensburg, so we wait on ourselves and are not sorry for that.

Attended testimony meeting in the evening.

Pres. Thompson went over to #86 with us and carried my two valises over to #53.

We bundled our “Scotchmen” up and went down Fredrick St. and in a side alley desposed of them then walked on to Georges Sq. to see what the crowd were gaping so anxiously about. We could only learn by enquiring of a pliceman—I did so—he said ‘O, they are expecting fireworks in honor of the taking of Pretoria,”17 I replied “of O, is that all! thank you!” It was after ten then [p. [171]]

[page [172] blank] [end of third volume]

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May 1900, Journals of Early Sister Missionaries, accessed February 4, 2025


  1. [1]text: Written in margin.

  2. [2]text: Chipman wrote this line at the bottom of the page, after beginning the entry for 11 May 1900.

  3. [3]See “Mormons in Paisley” under “Newspaper Clippings” in the Miscellany section of this journal.

  4. [4]Gravy. (American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, s.v. “dope,” accessed 4 Jan. 2023,; see also Chipman, Journal, 16 May 1899.)

  5. [5]Celebrations broke out in Scotland after the end of the seven-month siege of Mafeking, a conflict during the Second Boer War in South Africa. Paul Kruger was president of the South African Republic (Transvaal), which opposed British imperial forces during the war. (J. Angus Hamilton, The Siege of Mafeking [London: Methuen, 1900], 290–319; Britannica, s.vv. “Mahikeng,” “Paul Kruger,” and “South African War,” accessed 11 Nov. 2023,

  6. [6]text: Ditto marks for “door meetings attended”.

  7. [7]text: Here and on next row, ditto marks for “Reported”.

  8. [8]text: Ditto marks for “Tracts distributed”.

  9. [9]text: Ditto mark for “door”.

  10. [10]text: Here and on next seven rows, ditto marks for “Reported”.

  11. [11]text: Ditto marks for “Strangers houses visited by”.

  12. [12]text: Ditto mark for “invetation”.

  13. [13]text: Ditto mark for “Books”.

  14. [14]text: Here and on next row, ditto marks for “Phamplets”.

  15. [15]This hymn’s text was written by Henry W. Naisbitt and published in the Latter-day Saints’ Psalmody. (Latter-day Saints’ Psalmody, no. 339; Songs of Zion: A Collection of Choice Songs [. . .] [Chicago: Northern States Mission, 1908], no. 166.)

  16. [16]See “Mormonism in Paisley” under “Newspaper Clippings” in the Miscellany section of this journal.

  17. [17]British forces occupied Pretoria on 5 June 1900. (“Pretoria,” Courier [Dundee, Scotland], 6 June 1900, 4; see note, in Chipman, Journal, 19 May 1900.)