January 1899

1 January 1899 • Sunday


The day was a beautiful one of a some what damp atmosphere, but much enjoyed. Brother [John D.] Bowers of Salt Lake City, of the Manchester Conference, come out and spent the day with us. In the evening we attended our church. Brother Bowers spoke on the authenticity of the Book of Mormon, Brother [Joseph R.] Squires bore a very encouraging testimony and words of progress which should be made by honest saints. I spoke of the many people who were on the streets of London who knew nothing of our religion and this work being among us it was our duty to spread the faith, as broad cast as possible. And also on the necessity of our resolving to do good every day and not wait for the New Year. Each time we find a fault in our character we should extirpate it, not leave it to be a necleus [nucleus] for all other evil, but drive out the old man of sin immediately and establish a desire to do good, each day of our lives, when an opportunity presents its self. [p. 46]

Brother [John R.] Hindley spoke very well on the necessity of informing ourselves on every topic of Mormonism, and endorsed all that had been said during the evening. We returned home, sang hymns, ate supper. and retired.

2 January 1899 • Monday

2nd Monday— Read and discussed the fourth chapter of St. John., Bowers Brother Bowers engaged in prayer. Sang “Come all ye sons of Zion.”

Wrote letters to M. [Amanda Chipman] and I. C. [Ida Chipman]— to A. C. [Atlantic Christensen]— and to G.A.S. [George Albert Smith]— Miss [Inez] Knight and myself met Brothers [William C.] Wright, [George W.] Palmer, and [Robert H.] Anderson, and attended the Grand Concert Messiah in the Royal Albert Hall. The music was very grand the best I ever heard. There was one thousand <chorus> voices, one hundred twenty five violinists, one soprano, one contralto, one bass, one baratone who were sol[o]ists, Madam Albanoi the soprano, Miss Butt, the bass Mr. Miller, the barotone Mr. ——. The music was very transporting and voluptious peals beat against your <our> ear drums and filled you <us> so with rapture and enthusiasm that it was quite impossible to think you <we> were still upon this earth, only for the whisky block behind us. [p. 47]

The great dome of Royal Albert Hall with a horse-drawn carriage in the foreground.

A stereographic print of London’s Royal Albert Hall, circa 1904. (Courtesy of Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, LC-DIG-stereo-1s22417.)

3 January 1899 • Tuesday

3rd Tuesday. A very beautiful day. Read the third <first> and fourth <second> chapters of Mosiah. I engaged in prayer. Brother Squires gave the first lesson assigned on the Gospel, he discussed the question, ‘what it is,’ gave scriptural passages defining it.

Brother Simons of Salt Lake City who come over when Brother Squires did,—called, took dinner with us, gave us a letter of introduction to his cousins. he left at about three o’clock.

I wrote in my diary and retired early.

4 January 1899 • Wednesday

4th. Wednesday— A stormy day. Read the third and fourth chapters from Mosiah, Brother Hindley engaged in prayer, Brother Squires gave the lesson lesson on the gospel the main question which he dwelt upon was, ‘what is the gospel’ giving a number of scriptural definitions. He dwelt on the subject about five minutes. The next lesson was given to Sister Knight. After dinner Sister Knight and myself went to the Relief Society meeting which was to [p. 48] have been held in the top room at Brother Keeleys, but on account of there being some misunderstanding we did not hold any meeting.1

5 January 1899 • Thursday

5th. Thursday.— A beautiful day, Read the fifth and sixth chapters of Mosiah. Sister Knight gave the lesson on the Gospel and the next lesson was assigned to me.

We took tea with Sister Seager. Enjoyed vocal and piano solos and a number of hymns. Returned home at nine o’clock.

6 January 1899 • Friday

6th. Friday.— Another very beautiful day. Read the seventh and eighth chapters of Mosiah. I dealt with the subject of the Gospel taking up many of the first points which had already been dealt with by the formers—S— and K— and took up two other points. In the evening we attended the social given in honor of Elders Palmer and Anderson, at the Conference house #36. A very nice program was rendered. I recited ‘Legend of Bregendz.’2 After the program we indulged in danc[p. [49]]ing. Returned at twelve. Brothers Nell Barns and Dawson were present.

7 January 1899 • Saturday

6th. [7th] Saturday.— Read the ninth and tenth chapters of Mosiah. We went over the lessons which had previously been given.

We had dinner at half-past one. Brothers [John] Seaich and Paulley [Arthur K. Paully] were present, discussed woman sufferage and the superiority of women over man. Decided that men and women are equally born and that women are a precious and abundant article. We left the dinner table feeling quite satisfied as far as the dinner went but our minds were in hot pursuit of the truth, but we did not decide upon any thing to further our argument as regards that which we held as our own truthful views. Thusly Each party left with views unchanged. Wrote an answer to Brother Mc Farlanes [Joseph C. McFarlane’s] letter.

8 January 1899 • Sunday

7th. [8th] Sunday— A very nice calm day, We attended the Gospel class for the first time in our new room considered faith—New Testiment. [p. 50]

Tast [fast] meeting at eleven. This meeting is held for testimony meeting.

One or two had bore their testimony as to the truthfullness of the Gospel when the good spirit which occupied most of the hearts was removed to make way for a sort of dissagreeable one, when Brother Keeley arose and stated that ‘there is a rumer about’ which he thought, for the benefit and proper advancement of the work and saints should be eraced as near as possible. The rumor was that the Brothers and Sisters who come from Utah were keeping very late hours and that they were are a bad set of people. Now the saints took it upon them selves to authorize us what to do, which was a severe presumption. Aall present gave their views on the matter some of which thought that we sisters (Knight and myself) aught to move in another part, in other apartments,3 and Sister Mattie Seaith Seaich arose and said that she thought that [p. 51] Sister Chipman did not practice what she preached last Sunday evening. She said that she had no time to spread tracts. To be sure I arose an answer to the acquisations [accusations]. First stating that we expected ill-treatment from the world—infering that we expected straength from the saints. And that it was for good reasons that we had not been tracting more than we had and that no person should pin their faith and center their life in another person because where that person failed so would you. and that I was willing to do any thing that the saints or Elders said if it was dictated of God. We returned home with saddened hearts, and natures sorely oppressed.

Brother Anderson come down to take dinner and visit with us, he Brothers Squires and Hindly did the speaking. Enjoyed a good meeting. ——

Let us crown the hour at the closing of each and every day with the laurel of success won by an ambitious effort to do good. L.C. [p. 52]

9 January 1899 • Monday

8th. [9th] Monday.— Read the eleventh and twelveth chapters of Mosiah. Brother Hindley gave the lesson and assigned the next to Bro. Squires, which lesson would include necessity of faith as well as the other parts which we had gone over.

We gave out one hundred and eighty tracts between us. I had four conversations.

Brothers [Jabez W.] West and [Raymond] Knight come out in the evenings. Gave us some good fatherly advice Brother Knight said that they come block teaching. They spoke freely of the Bristol Conference and as the Knights were going insisted on my going. We folded tracts and conversed on the Gospel.

10 January 1899 • Tuesday

9th. [10th] Tuesday— A divided day—<sun>shine and rain. Folded tracts after breakfast. Met for prayer, which I offered, before going tracting. We went out with our second tracts found the people more pleasant and agreeable. Only one door closed in my face. Enjoyed three good long conversations. Gave out about thirty tracts. Returned home; we read the thirtenth and fourtenth [p. 53] chapters of Mosiah, after dinner Bro. Squires gave the lesson. Sister Knight was assigned the next lesson. Brother Wright called down for a short time. Wrote to Brother T. J. and Nellie Dickenson. We read some from Longfellow. Chatted on some local topic. I engaged in prayer and we retired.

11 January 1899 • Wednesday

10th. [11th] Wednesday,— A beautiful morning but stormy afternoon. Brother Squires <Sister Knight> gave the lesson very beautifully. Read fifteenth and sixtenth chapters of Mosiah. Inez engaged in prayer.

Sister Seaichs [Martha Shave Seaich’s] daughter come from New Market. (The largest racing grounds in the world, and the most renowned for trotting and racing horses.).

We went to the Relief Society, purchased a lamp on the way for which we paid five and six. There were present Sisters Turner, Watkins, [May] Woodcock, Knight: and myself. We sewed sash-curtains and combinations for Sister Turner.

After meeting we went home with Sister Woodcock and took tea with Sister Seager. Enjoyed a [p. 54] talk on faith and works. Many interresting remarks were made on conditions and circumstances which would come to a discont[ent]ed disposition. Sister Seager stated that we could have a game of cards, but we said no that it was indeed a waste of time when there were so many good books and so many goods topics that we could read and converse on. Just as we were leaving Brother Mātem called in and rehersed all of Sunday over again.

The morning of this day was used in passing tracts. I passed one hundred.

12 January 1899 • Thursday

11th. [12th] Thursday.— Sewed on Inez waste [shirtwaist]. Studied <Read 17 & 18 chapters of Mosiah.> the Gospel lesson. In the evening Brother Hindley and myself went out to fulfil an engagement to talk on our religion. There was a meeting there twelve men and me the only one who was not a man. We listened to the sermon delivered by the gentlemen who claimed to have recieved unction and anointment from God, and a special call from [p. 55] the same; when he had finished John R. introduced Mormonism, but it seems that the gentlemen <gentleman> had met with the religion before. He was not at all pleased to meet us and cast some very bad remarks concerning the Gospel and the Mormon people. He called us pigs. Now I think this very unchristian. But J.R. presented our faith very nicely and answered all the questions which were asked him (I remained quiet) but that is more than the preacher did, he could not answer correctly so would leave the topic and talk and threw out some very mean expressions concerning polyaamy. We left at half-past nine, to the pleasure of those present and ourselves as well. All is well that ends well. This was my first invited conversation, I took J. R. and kept quiet myself.

13 January 1899 • Friday

12th. [13th] Friday— Read ninetenth and twentieth chapters of Mosiah. Brother Squires engaged in prayer. After a review of our past lessons I gave the [p. 56] lesson. Finished Sister Knights waste.

14–15 January 1899 • Saturday–Sunday

13th. [14th] Saturday— A most beautiful day—‘the sun was shining all over’— After a distirbance made at our door by Brother Seaich at about half past six, we arose we were all dressed, valice packed and all when Brother Hindley rapped at our door and asked if we had his journal in our room. When we looked about could not find it but unpacked our valise and found that Sister Knight had packed it away, that was number one, when we reached #36 met the brothers there and also Elder Kessler of the ‘New York Mission’. When we left there for the station Brother Knight took this new arrivals valise and left ours, when we had got about five minutes away we discovered the mistake. We arrived here in Bristol at half-past twelve, having enjoyed a two hours ride. The country between London and Bristol is very grand, a nice rolling country whose fields are of the freshest green verdure, and dotted here and there with old-fashioned farm-houses, with thatched-roofs all covered with moss, as iorn [iron] is covered with [p. 57] [drawing of two trees labeled “Knight”] rust. A very strange incident occured—it was nonintended ignorance on my part. When I seen some trees the tops of which had been cut off and the little branches were growing from the top in a peculiar bunched manner. I remarked that these trees had been cut off from its tops and roots and the trunk turned upside down, this remark so pleased Brother Knight, that he makes fun of me all the time.

We arrived in the ‘City of Churches’ at half past twelve. President [Herbert L.] James met us, escorted us to the conference house, (5 Ducie Rd. Barton Hill) where we met a great number of Mormon Elders. Presidents [Platte D.] Lyman and Nezbitt [Henry W. Naisbitt], Elders [Elias G.] Gardner, [Lorenzo J.] Haddock, [Joseph E.] Ward, [John] Cook, [Edwin T.] Wood, [William E.] Clark, [T.] Diamond, Humphry, Phillips, Ash, Owens, [George A.] Mills, [George] Glover, Feather, [John C.] Webb, Whithouse [Franklin Whitehouse], James, [Thomas] Nichols, Davis, [Frederick G.] Ralph, [blank line]

We also met Brother and Sister Cooper, and their family. Spent a pleasant afternoon at the Conference house, after taking dinner at our lodg[p. 58]ings (30 Seamour Rd Stapleton Rd) In the evening we called on two good old Mormons Brother and Sister Gardner. We then went back to No 5 and found the Anti-Mormon Society in front of the house, warning the citizens of Bristol to avoid the Mormons whose Elders were escaped convicts and that the government were looking for them, and that that class of people were murderous, blood-thirsty people, who claimed to be Christians, and that it was a disgrace for the Bristol citizens to allow such a people remain among them. We all went in the house and in few minutes the rocks and sand come pelting in at the windows and doors. The police moved the mob away several times but they would come right back again. We left there taking our flight and the back door through the back alleys. We were followed by about ten men but they were very peaceable, they said nothing to us. We arrived home ate a bite of supper and retired. This night was a series of night-mare and troubled dreams. The day [p. 59] Sunday, dawned and I felt as though I had been through the wars. We arrived at the Vestry Hall where conference was to be held at ten o’clock. The morning session was very nice and quiet but not many there. Took dinner at the hall, the afternoon meeting was disturbed somewhat by the opponents. My speech was short but seemed to grind on the oppressors. They stomped and applauded, asked questions and yelled here! here! as if to say that is alright, but Elder Owens soon stopped them. We took tea here in the hall Sister Knight spoke in the evening. We endured the same painful disturbance that was put forth in the afternoon. Brother Nezbitt spoke on preexistence and necessity of baptism. We returned home with Brothers Knight and [Albert P.] Ballinger through the back door and back alleys out into the thorough fare and home. Another restless night.

16 January 1899 • Monday

16th. Monday. A very stormy day. Attended the priest hood meeting. We both spoke of our experience here as missioneries and enjoyed the talk of other Elders. [p. 60] <(Better kind strangers than strange kindred.) Scotch proverb.> Returned to our lodgings had dinner, after which we wrote letters. I wrote to M. and I.—

In the evening we attended the social given by the Bristol Elders and Saints enjoyed a lively program which was rendered by the saints and elders they called me to recite, I tried and broke down and appeared a perfect dunce.

17 January 1899 • Tuesday

17th. Tuesday— A stormy day— Elders Haddock and Gardner called to inform us to meet at St Peters Church to have our pictures taken.4

After dinner we proceded to fulfill appointments. After we had sit for pictures we went to the conference house where we met Sister Doige we three then called for Sister Gardner to go with us to Mr. Davages, she would not allow us to go until we had tea with her.

The home of the Gardners is one of the most humble of any home I have yet visited. But they are whole souled good hearted people and the best kind of Latter Day Saints. They stand for their religion through thick and thin. When she speaks of our wicked oppressors [p. 61] she says,—“We wont be done by the likes o’ them.”

We arrived at the home of Mr. Davage—none of the family are mormons but very good friends. The evening was spent very pleasantly. There were present Elders Knight, Ballinger, Haddock, and Gardner, Mr. and Mrs Dabbage and their one daughter and three sons and two intended daughters-in-law,—Mr. Lawrence the music teacher who played the clown and acted monkey for the company,—Mr Keen an ardent admirer of the Miss Dabbage, a nephew of Mr. Dabbage, Miss Knight and Miss Doige.

Much vocal and instrumental music was freely given and thoroughly enjoyed; ‘Bill’ recited his piece and ‘Thisbe’ recited hers. After supper we had a friendly hand-shake and returned home at about twelve o’clock.

18 January 1899 • Wednesday

18th. Wednesday.— Brothers Ballinger and Knight and we girls went to visit the beauties in nature and of the production of man, which exist in Bristol. The population of which city is 300,000. We first visited the docks. Viewed with much in[p. 62]terrest the draw-bridges. We crossed the river Avon and climed a hill which was covered with forest and grass, climbing plants and different shrubbery, just as nature has allowed them to grow and exist. When we had reached the top we were very tired but there is nothing so refreshing, nothing that gives better satisfaction to the wearied body than to listen to the little songsters, warble forth their musical notes, in and through that wood there were <are> many of these little musicians, not the cocoō neither the whiporwill or mocking bird, but that little gray songster whose every note was music and I could imagine different tunes or airs, such as I have heard children sing. Then the view was simply grand, very beautiful homes, indeed. O how sad it is to those who are deprived of their hearing or sight, life is to them as it is to the inevitable. But it takes all sorts to compose a world.

We then viewed the city from the Bristol exansion bridge [Clifton Suspension Bridge], took a walk over the Clifton Downs, which [p. 63] was very beautiful and interresting. This is a city made up of all sorts, it is an interresting sight to see the hogs being driven to market.

Returned home very tired, but jolly, we all four giggld all the way. After dinner called at the conference house, had a chat with the saints <Coopers> and the Elders. Brother Gardner polished our shoes.

We four spent the evening with Brother and Sister Mc. Cradie, took tea,—talked of the English army and the three wars which Mr. McCradie actually took part in. Enjoyed ourselves very much.

19 January 1899 • Thursday

19th.— Thursday.— A very beautiful day— Called on a Mrs. Biven, enjoyed a quiet chat and some plumb budding [plum pudding], she invited us back for tea on the Friday. We returned home and after dinner went down to the conference house. When we arrived there we noticed a little gathering of females both large and small here in front of the house and on every corner, whose attention seemed to be centered on the house and as we come nearer we recognized Brother [p. 64] Gardner (the old man) walking about as if he might be troubled. He informed us that he was just walking about just to see what he could see, and said that the night before there were thousands of men, women, and children gathered outside the conference house yelling throwing rocks and all sorts of things. And when we went into the house these women let out a laugh and scream, as of relief and satisfaction, but we went right in and found the family and elders feeling very down hearted, we discovered that the news of the mob was really true and the windows were somewhat broken. We removed our hats and wraps and concluded to remain until meeting time. The mob on the outside seemed to increase very rapidly in size and strength. At first we noticed a little yelling then the rocks gradually increased in numbers and come pelting in at the windows and doors. As the evening come on the mob gathered thicker and thicker, men women and children. In about one hour the Cooper family had to leave the house and go to some of the family [p. 65] relatives to get away from the mob, who had broken every window in but still threw stones in through the completely broken up windows. Poor Annie the sick daughter who could scarcely walk, had to don her coat and hat and leave the home. Then Sister K— and myself were informed that we must go, so we but [put] our wraps and hats on and left with Brother Knight as a guide and protection. We felt as anxious to leave as we did to stay there, in a house with all the windows smashed in and still the rocks pelting in against the venetians (window blinds or shades.) We bid good night to all who were in the house and made a start; when we arrived at the door our eyes were greeted with the most unpleasant sight,—a crowd of men, women and children,—there looked to be hundreds. When we come before their view they greeted us with laughs, yells, and hissing. We managed to push our way through the croud, and had no idea of being followed by such a mob. But they had done their worst with the house and [p. 66] it seemed their delight to keep barking,—very like a mob of hungry wolves,—we were followed down the Old-Market Street, a fifteen minute walk and we were followed by men, women, and children, who threw mud, rocks, sticks, run up and pull and shoved us, they yelled to the tops of their voices yelling “look at the Mormons”! “look these are Mormons!” “let em’ all com, a little bit off the top!” “Every body come and see the Mormolades!” Aand all manner of things, in such a racket and din, amid such trials and persecutions, we felt very badly—my senses seemed to leave me, but we endured to the end. When we arrived within five minutes of the police-station we met Elders James and Haddock with three policemen—who walked at the back of us and protected us from the blows of the mad mob and escorted us to the police-station where we remained for about half-hour, then the chief-police took us home, so we arrived home without getting any bones broken, though we were followed by the [p. 67] mob, but they did not venture too near us as they knew we had protection.5

I must mention the one man out of the hundreds that met us and of who went running to the doors to see what was coming, out of all there was one gentlemen who walked along with us and protected us all he could. We felt very much to thank him for his gallant action toward us.

A number of the saints and Elders and one stranger come to our lodgings to learn of our arrival home, safe or otherwise.

We had an invetation out to tea the next day but we thought we had better return home the next morning to Forest Gate.

20 January 1899 • Friday

20th. Friday.— We aboarded our train at eleven forty landed at Paddington at three-ten, took an under ground to Bishops-Gate and from there to Liverpool and from there to #36 Penton, where we took dinner, and returned to Forest-Gate at fifteen after seven. [p. 68]

There was a letter for me from brother Squire and one from Rob Anderson for Sister K.—and I.

The interior of a cavernous train station.

A Victorian-era picture postcard shows the interior of Paddington Station in central London. (Courtesy of Wikipedia.)

21 January 1899 • Saturday

21st Saturday. Did some mending, read 21–22 chapters of Mosiah brother Squires engaged in prayer. Stud[i]ed the Gospel. Sang and conversed on many topics during the evening.

22 January 1899 • Sunday

22nd Sunday.— Fast day. Gospel lesson at half-past ten. Fast meeting at half past eleven. Enjoyed the meetings very much. It was a very windy day. Meeting in the evening. Brother West came down.

23 January 1899 • Monday

23rd. Monday. Read 23–24 chapters of Mosiah. Folded tracts and went tracting. Gave out twenty tracts, had four conversations.

Read first two chapters of Dickens Childs History of England. Brother Matem called in the evening.

24 January 1899 • Tuesday

24th. Tuesday. Read 25–26 chapters of Mosiah. Brother Squires engaged in prayer. Folded tracts. Gave out fifty-five. Recieved two conversations.

Reviewed the Gospel lesson. [p. 69]

Wrote to sister Mrs. Boothe [Lovinia Chipman Booth] and Bishop W.D. Robinson Studied or considered English History.

A few of the [dried flowers included in journal] flowers which were presented to Sister Knight by some of her dear friends in Bristol. While the enemies advanced the stones, friends advanced their appreciation of the company of one who come in their midst to do them good, to bring to them the truths of the glorious gospel of Christ, by presenting very beautiful bouquets.

“Let your love be without dissimulation, abhor evil, and cleave to that which is good. Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love, in honor prefering one another;” Rom. 12.910.

“Be not overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good.” Rom 12.216 [p. 70]

25 January 1899 • Wednesday

25th. Wednesday.— Gave out 50 tracts recieved two conversations. After dinner some kodac pictures were taken. Relief meeting was held here at Sister Seaichs, a good number of the ladies were present. After meeting walked out in the glorious moonlight.

We have been favored with most beautiful weather for the last three or four days but bitter cold. We can hardly sleep at night because of the extreme cold. Sister Dumper Sent as a present of a loaf of bread and the most delicious tappaoca [tapioca] pudding.

26 January 1899 • Thursday

26th. Thursday.— Read last two chapters of the Book of Mosiah the ending of the reign of the kings. Brothers Hindley and Squires went tracting, Sister K— and I remained home. In the afternoon went over the Bible—gospel lesson. Went and took tea with Sister Seager. Read 1st ch of Matt. engaged in prayer and retired.

27 January 1899 • Friday

27th. Friday— Read first two chapters of the book of Alma the beginning of the reign of Judges. Brother Hindley engaged in prayer. Rehearsed the two Gospel lessons. Spent the evening with Sister Lomax. [p. 71]

28 January 1899 • Saturday

28 Saturday.— Another beautiful day. After prayers Brothers Squires and Hindley went up into the city. I trimmed Inez hat. Went shopping, purchased a belt and buckle and an English history.

Had a conversation on phrenology.

Spent the evening studying.

29 January 1899 • Sunday

29th. Sunday. Attended Gospel and Bible classes in the usual place (Brother Keeleys.) Went immediately afterward to #36 Penton, where we (Sister K.— and myself) enjoyed the Sunday services. We both spoke in the evening.

Met two gentlemen from Turkey (the Brothers George) both by the same name but no relation, of a different tribe altogether from each other. They had belonged to the church ten years, and are on their way to Utah. They are both quite intelligent men.

Met Brother Miles who was on his way home from Germany where he had served his time as a missionary, he lives in Washington Co. Utah.

Took tea also at #36. [p. 72]

30 January 1899 • Monday

30th. Monday, Went tracting on Strone Rd. Gave out one hundred and six tracts, recieved two refusals no conversations.

Went through with our gospel lesson.

31 January 1899 • Tuesday

31st Tuesday.— Went tracting on Strone Rd. finished with first tracts. Returned and went through with the lesson as usual. [p. 73]

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January 1899, Journals of Early Sister Missionaries, accessed February 11, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/early-sister-missionaries/eliza-chipman/1899/1899-01


  1. [1]See Chipman, Journal, 8 Jan. 1899.

  2. [2]Adelaide Anne Proctor, “A Legend of Bregenz,” in Legends and Lyrics: A Book of Verses (London: George Bell & Sons, 1892), 108.

  3. [3]The elders and sisters had both lodged at 12 Dunbar Road since October. The sisters moved into separate lodgings on 5 April 1899. (Chipman, Journal, 25 and 26 Oct. 1898; 5 Apr. 1899.)

  4. [4]See “Missionaries at St. Peter’s Church, Bristol, England, 17 January 1899” on the Images tab of this site.

  5. [5]Chipman pasted an illustration of this attack from the 2 February 1899 issue of the Bristol Magpie in the opening pages of her journal. (See “Magazine Illustration, 2 February 1899” on the Images tab of this site.) Several regional newspapers reported on the attack. (“Mormons in Bristol,” Bristol [England] Mercury, 27 Jan. 1899, 7; “The Mormons in Bristol,” Western Daily Press [Bristol, England], 28 Jan. 1899, 3; “Mormons at Bristol,” Taunton Courier, Bristol and Exeter Journal, and Western Advertiser [Taunton and Bristol, England], 1 Feb. 1899, 3.) Another press account is pasted to page [107] of the first volume of the journal.

  6. [6]text: “12.21” double underlined in original.