
May 12, 1842 • Thursday

See images of the original document at josephsmithpapers.org.

Minutes of the Proceedings

of the

Seventh Meeting of the Society.

Lodge Room, May 13th. [12th]1

The meeting opened with singing, “Thy mercy my God is the theme of my song.” &c.2

Pray’r by Prest. Joseph Smith.

The following names were then presented to the Society and were unanimously receiv’d— to wit.

Eunice R. [Bagg] Shurtliff

Adoline Roundy

Phebe Woodworth

Elizabeth [Harris] Henderson

Dorotha [Duritha] Lewis

Hannah Lytle

Elizabeth Malam [Milam]

Abigail Goldsmith

Jane A. Moore

Harriet Rice

Malinda Lewis

Esther S.3 Morrill

Hannah Drolinger

Maria Haven

Caroline Tippets

Sarah Mellin

Electa Peck

Eliza Ann Mellin [Malin]

Fanny Hartshorn

Eliza Rolfe

Jane Twist

Fanny Lytz [Litz]

Elmena [Elmira] Miller

Selina [Sabina] Adams

Nancy M. Cahoon

Eunice Baldwin

Martha B. [Paine] Thomas

Eunice Holbrook

Hannah Annis

Elizabeth Gillett

Jane Olmstead

Maria Ferry

Elizabeth King

Arminta Graham

Mary King

Dorcas Dykes

Elizabeth Lee

Mary Younger

Nancy B. [Daniels] Andrews

Mary Mayberry

Lucy Foot [Lucia Foote]

Nancy Alexander

Sarah Peck

Deonicia [Dionitia] Plumb

Henrietta Rich

Polly Gaylord

Margaret Dany [Dana]

Betsey Green

[p. [43]]

Mary Kelsey

Alvira Alexander

Kezia Burk

Harriet Stratten

Lois Sherman

Abigail Jackson

Phebe Merrill

Margaretta Wilcox

Barbara Evans

Esther Franklin

Mary Ann Hyde

Olive B. Hale

Elizabeth Matthews

Julia A. Jencks

Elizabeth Balla[r]d

Elizabeth Whiteside

Mary Ann Ivings [Ivins]

Emily [Emelia] Parks

Irona H. Cowles

Christiana Winn

Betsey Ann Eldridge

Susannah Parish

Caroline Tomlinson

Aurelia Harmon

Betsey Tomlinson

Eliza Hill

Annis Roberts

Sarah Brown

Sibyl Stephens [Stevens]

Sally King

Huldah Butler

Mary B. King

Lucy McOlney

Mercy Jones

Lydia Carter

Jane Nelson

Pamela [Permelia] Drury

Mary Duke

Ruth Drury

Anna Potter

Sarah Harmon

Huldah Nickerson

Sarah Mackley

Huldah A. Barrus

Lucinda Baggs

Mary Ann Nickerson

Betsey Baggs

Louisa Pratt

Mary Clapp

Clarinda Phillips

Margaret Clapp

Nancy Gardner

Elizabeth Coolage

Loisa Leavitt

Lucinda Turner

Aurelia Curtiss [Curtis]

Loisa Hildreth

Elizabeth J. Burnes

Lois Cutler

Maria Thompson

Lomira Cutler

Elizabeth Brady

Sarah Hayle

Kezia Hendricks[on]

Dorothy Hoyt

Sarah Roberts

Caroline Weeks

Hannah Carroll

[p. [44]]

Margaret Ault

Olivia Evans

Polly Perry

Margaret Hulet

Adoline L West

Amelia C. [Caroline Amelia] Webb

Sally M. Anderson

Betsey Carrico

Nancy Johnson

Margaret Stuart [Stewart]

Abigail Hawes

Anna Harmon

Nancy Bagley

Sophronia M. Harmon

Hannah Carter

Amanda Rogers

Anna Wight

Eda Rogers

Jemima Peck

Annis Thompson

Sarah Ann Billings

Abigail Bingham

Clarissa Chase

Anna Landers

Sarah Lincoln

Betsey Clough [Cluff]

Julia Ann Hale

Rhoda Bentley

Sophia Billings

Elizabeth Owens

Selina Chase

Lucy Ann Alldred [Allred]

Alice Wal[l]work

Julia McMurtin [McMurdie]

Lucy Clemons [Clements]

Julia Ann Allred

Lucretia Marsh

Abigail Allred

Margaret Fosset [Fausett]

Deborah Blakeman [Blackman]

Catharine Hendricks

Harriet Finch

Nancy Booth

Sabra Morrison

[blank] Fordham

Olive Farr

[blank] Spencer

Sally Foster

Harriet Decker

Luena Luce

Margaret Hurr [Herr]

L. [blank] Newman

Amarellar [Avarillar] Casper

Abigail Thornd [Thorn]

Elmira Daily [Almira Daley]

Mary Southworth

Elizabeth A. Hall

Huldah Teeples

Sophia Reels [Reals]

Sabra Vooheers

The cases of the poor were then represented

Prest. J. Smith said that in his opinion, all men now considered in good standing, holding notes [p. [45]] against 〈whom〉 widows, hold notes; if they will not pay them, ought to be discountenanc’d by the Relief Society

Sister Chapman’s case was represented—

Mov’d & carried that Sister Chapman’s garden should be plowed.

Kezia Morrison said if some one would plow said garden, she would pay from the store

Sist. Matthews propos’d to send a man to plow it.

Motion’d & carried that those persons who refuse to pay poor widows what is due them, be forever discountenanc’d by this Society.

Mov’d & carried that those men who refuse to pay sister Hillman, what she holds in notes against them, be complain’d of at the Masonic Lodge.4

The following donations were then received


Amanda [Barnes] Smith—




Martha Sessions—

do [ditto]



Catharine Wilkie



Percinda Ball



Mary J. Warner


Susan McArthur


Elizabeth Rolfe


Adah Coleman


Sarah Higbee

children’s clothes


Hannah Marsh

12½ 25

Mary A. Hyde


Emeline Carlin[g]

Gold Pin

Nancy King


Annis Thompson


Caroline Tomlinson



Sabra Gribble

1 Bed Quilt



After singing by the choir & pray’r by Prest. J. Smith, the meeting adjourn’d at 6 o.clock [p. [46]]

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May 12, 1842 • Thursday, The First Fifty Years of Relief Society, accessed February 11, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/the-first-fifty-years-of-relief-society/part-1/1-2/1-2-8


  1. [1]Joseph Smith’s journal indicates that he attended a Relief Society meeting on May 12, 1842. (Joseph Smith, Journal, May 12, 1842, in JSP, J2:55–56.)

  2. [2]Hymn 271, Collection of Sacred Hymns [1841], 297.

  3. [3]text: Possibly “L.”

  4. [4]Masons who did not keep moral obligations could be censured by their lodge. For instance, John C. Bennett was disciplined for sexual immorality by both the Pickaway, Illinois, lodge and the Nauvoo lodge. (JSP, J2:65n255, 67n268.)