The Church Historian's Press


October 14, 1843 • Saturday

See images of the original document at

Fourteenth Meeting

of Society

Oct 14 18431

Lodge Room

Comenced with singing with singing “Come Holy Spirit Heavenly dove”2

Prayer by Sis J [Sarah] Smith

persons receivd as members of society

Catharine Clawson

Susan Culbertson [Cuthbertson]3

Elizeabeth Carbey

Prest Emma Smith abs[e]nt Coun [Elizabeth Ann] Whitney rose said she was happy to again meet the Society but sory the Emma is not present Spoke of th[e] blessings that awated the Saints exhortd all to faithfulness and humility that we may be prepard for th[e] trials & temptations which surroung [surround] us [p. [121]]

desird the Committee to report

Sister J Smith said many of the sick which had been better were getting worse with ague and were destitute for of food said she felt deeply interested for th[e] Temple sa[i]d O that we might rouse to action and thus call down th[e] blessings of God upon us

Sister Peck said that this Society had done a great good in relieving the distressd we have not said “be ye warmd and cloathed[”] without trying to do it4

Siste[r] Pratt represented th[e] situation of Sis Jones Siste[r] Ann Jones who is in extreme want

Siste[r] M— Dougall [Margaret McDougall] offers to work for widow Nights [Martha Knight] desird pray[er]s for Sister Hormans5 who is sick has long been sick some 8 months

Siste[r] Smith mentiond Sister Langdons6 family sick and without food

P[hebe] M Wheeler proposd the the Society that a sew[i]ng Society be appointd that garments and bed coveri[n]g may be mad[e] and given to such as are suffer[i]ng cold and nakedness

Movd secon[de]d and unanimously carried that the sisters meet on Thursday afternoon of nex[t] week at 1. o clock to comfort th[e] poor

Donations omited

Meeting ajournd

P M Wheeler assistent secry

[p. [122]]

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October 14, 1843 • Saturday, The First Fifty Years of Relief Society, accessed July 27, 2024