Probably born at Benson, Rutland County, Vermont; daughter of Prudence Carter and Aaron Wareham Gibbs. Died at Bountiful, Davis County, Utah. 1 (See Document 1.2, first mentioned here)
Sarah Waterous Gibbs Eldredge
11 June 1827 — 17 January 1903
[1] Temple Records Index Bureau of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Nauvoo Temple Endowment Register, 10 December 1845 to 8 February 1846 (Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1974), 91. Vermont, Secretary of State, “General index to vital records of Vermont, early to 1870,” Prudence Carter and Aaron Gibbs, Dec. 31, 1816; from the Office of the Secretary of State, Montpelier, VT; images, FHL microfilm 27502, FHL. 1900 U.S. census, West Precinct, Davis Co., Utah, ED 89, p. 11B, Sarah W. G. Eldredge, NARA. “Utah Death Registers, 1847–1966,” p. 113 (1903), Sarah G. Eldridge; database and images, (, accessed Dec. 2015); citing series 21866, from Utah Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics, Utah State Archives and Records Service, Salt Lake City, UT. “Pioneer Woman Dead,” Salt Lake Tribune, Jan. 18, 1903, 6. “Family Tree,” database, FamilySearch (, accessed Apr. 2016), Sarah Waterous Gibbs LZNG-KQW .