1 Born at Salt Lake City; daughter of Clarissa Ross Chase and Brigham Young. 2 Married Walter J. Beatie at Salt Lake City, January 7, 1872; seven children. 3 Served as an officer in the first Young Ladies’ Department of the Ladies’ Cooperative Retrenchment Association, 1870. 4 Served on the Relief Society general board. 5 Delegate to the National Council of Women convention, 1891. 6 Served as the executive committee chair of the Utah Woman Suffrage Association, 1891. 7 Attended the executive session of the National Council of Women and reported on Relief Society work, 1904. 8 Vice-regent of the Utah State Society of Daughters of the Revolution; member of the Daughters of the Pioneers. 9 Died at Salt Lake City. 10 (See Document 3.18, 4.27)
Phebe Young Beatie
1 August 1854 — 22 August 1931
[1] Utah Department of Health, death certificates 1904–1961, series 81448, file no. 1339/300 (1931), Phebe Young Beatie; Office of Vital Records and Statistics, Salt Lake City, UT.
[2] Utah death certificate, file no. 1339/300. “Death Takes Daughter of Founder,” Salt Lake Tribune, Aug. 23, 1931, 12B. “Mrs. Beatie Given Final Rites in S.L.,” Deseret News, Aug. 24, 1931, n.p.
[3] “Ancestral File,” database, FamilySearch (http://www.familysearch.org, accessed Aug. 2014), Phoebe Louisa Young (3TR4-RP) and Walter Josiah Beatie (17WM-NC).
[4] “Resolutions Adopted by the First Young Ladies’ Department of the Ladies’ Co-operative Retrenchment Association, S. L. City, organized May 27, 1870,” Deseret Evening News, June 20, 1870, [2]. Susa Young Gates, History of the Young Ladies’ Mutual Improvement Association (Salt Lake City: General Board of YLMIA; Deseret News, 1911), 14.
[5] Gates, History of YLMIA, 14. “Mrs. Beatie Given Final Rites,” n.p. “Three Quarters of a Century,” Woman’s Exponent 31, nos. 3–4 (July 1 and 15, 1902): 13.
[6] “A Glimpse of Washington. The Woman’s National Council,” Woman’s Exponent 19, no. 17 (Mar. 1, 1891): 132–133. “Representative Women of the Convention,” Woman’s Exponent 19, no. 18 (Mar. 15, 1891): 141.
[7] “Utah W.S.A,” Woman’s Exponent 20, no. 8 (Oct. 15, 1891): 62.
[8] “Executive Session N. C. W., Indianapolis, Indiana,” Woman’s Exponent 32, no. 9 (Feb. 1, 1904): 68. “Report of the National Woman’s Relief Society to Executive Session of the National Council of Women in Indianapolis, Ind., February 3, 1904. Presented by Mrs. Phebe Young Beatie,” Woman’s Exponent 32, no. 9 (Feb. 1, 1904): 69.
[9] “State Society D. and R.,” Woman’s Exponent 27, no. 16 (Jan. 15, 1899): 93–94. “Annual Meeting D.R.,” Woman’s Exponent 33, no. 3 (Aug. 1, 1904): 18. “Daughters of the Pioneers,” Woman’s Exponent 32, no. 1 (Apr. 1, 1904): 76.
[10] Utah Department of Health, death certificates 1904–1961, series 81448, file no. 1339/300 (1931), Phebe Young Beatie; Office of Vital Records and Statistics, Salt Lake City, UT.