Born at Bethel, Oxford County, District of Maine; daughter of Susannah Gray and Aaron Frost. Died at Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois. 1 (See Document 1.2, first mentioned here)
Olive Gray Frost Young
24 July 1816 — 6 October 1845
[1] “Olive Gray Frost,” Patriarchal Blessing Index, 1833–1971 (closed to research), CHL. Bethel (Maine), Town Clerk, “Vital records, 1801–1923,” Olive Gray Frost, July 24, 1816; from Bethel, ME; FHL microfilm 10606, FHL. Cumberland (Maine), Town Clerk, “Vital records, 1720–1891,” Aaron Frost and Susanna Bennett, Mar. 14, 1802; from the Office of Town Clerk, Cumberland, ME; FHL microfilm 10812, FHL. Todd Compton, In Sacred Loneliness: The Plural Wives of Joseph Smith (Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1997), 586–592. William Clayton, The Nauvoo Diaries of William Clayton, 1842–1846, Abridged (Salt Lake City: privately published, 2010), 108. “Family Tree,” database, FamilySearch (, accessed Mar. 2016), Olive Frost LJNB-25S .