1 Born at Alston Moor, Cumberland, England; daughter of Ann Bentley and Ralph Thompson. 2 Immigrated to the United States aboard the North America as an infant, fall 1840. 3 Lived at Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois. 4 Baptized, circa 1848. 5 Migrated to the Salt Lake Valley, 1852. 6 Married Frederick Mitchell, 1855; twelve children. 7 Served as second counselor to Rachel Ivins Grant in the Salt Lake City Thirteenth Ward Relief Society. 8 Accompanied her husband on a mission to the Sandwich Islands, 1873. 9 Settled at Logan, Cache County, Utah. 10 Died at Logan. 11 (See Document 3.7)
Margaret Thompson Mitchell
31 January 1840 — 6 April 1924
[1] “Utah Death Certificate Index, 1904–1961,” database and images, Utah State Archives (http://archives.utah.gov, accessed Nov. 2014); from Utah Department of Health, Office of Vital Records and Statistics, series 81448, file no. 68/324 (1924), Margaret Thompson Mitchell.
[2] Utah death certificate, file no. 68/324. Helene Mitchell Robertson, “History of Margaret Thompson,” photocopy of typescript, ca. 1930, p. [1], CHL.
[3] “Mormon Migration,” database, 1840–1932, Mormon Migration (http://mormonmigration.lib.byu.edu, accessed Nov. 2014), Margaret Thompson; extracted from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Mormon Immigration Index CD (2000).
[4] Robertson, “History of Margaret Thompson,” [1].
[5] Robertson, “History of Margaret Thompson,” 2. “Family Tree,” database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org, accessed Nov. 2014), Margaret Thompson KWNF-F3Y .
[6] “Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel,” database, 1847–1868, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel (http://history.lds.org/overlandtravels, accessed Nov. 2014), Margaret Thompson.
[7] Robertson, “History of Margaret Thompson,” 3–4. “Family Tree,” database, Margaret Thompson.
[8] Thirteenth Ward Relief Society minutes, Apr. 18, 1868, Relief Society minutes and records, vol. 1, 1868–1898, Thirteenth Ward, Salt Lake Stake [Ensign Stake], 1868–1906, CHL.
[9] Robertson, “History of Margaret Thompson,” 3. Adelia H. Cameron, “History of Heziakiah [ sic ] Mitchell,” photocopy of typescript, 1959, p. 20, CHL.
[10] Robertson, “History of Margaret Thompson,” 4.
[11] Utah death certificate, file no. 68/324.