The Church Historian's Press

Margaret (Maggie) Curtis Shipp Roberts

December 17, 1849–March 13, 1926

1 Born at St. Louis; daughter of Margaret Morgan and Theodore Curtis. 2 Migrated to the Salt Lake Valley, 1857. 3 Married first Milford Bard Shipp as a plural wife, 1867; nine children. 4 Attended the Woman’s Medical College in Philadelphia, 1875–1883. 5 Practiced medicine in Salt Lake City, 1883–1922; taught classes in obstetrics and nursing. 6 Coeditor of and contributing writer to the Salt Lake Sanitarian, 1888–1889. 7 Divorced, 1888 or 1892. 8 Married second Brigham Henry Roberts as a plural wife, circa 1890–1894. 9 Helped establish Relief Society nursing classes and school, 1898–1916. 10 Accompanied Roberts on a mission to New York City, 1922. 11 Died at Brooklyn, Kings County, New York; buried at Salt Lake City. 12 (See Document 4.17)


  1. [1] “Family Tree,” database, FamilySearch (, accessed Jan. 2015), Margaret Curtis KWNT-TPH. “Mrs. M. C. Roberts Dies in New York,” Deseret Evening News, Mar. 13, 1926, sec. 2, p. 1. Richard C. Roberts, A History of the B. H. Roberts Family (Salt Lake City: Eborn Books, 2009), 139.

  2. [2] “Family Tree,” database, Margaret Curtis. Roberts, A History of the B. H. Roberts Family, 139.

  3. [3] Margaret Curtis,” Church History Biographical Database, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, available at, accessed Jan. 2015. Ellis Curtis Lindgren, comp., “Notes on some of the ancestors of Clarence Shipp Curtis, son of Theodore Walter Curtis and Flora Lydia Shipp Curtis, born 22 July, 1876,” Curtis family history, n.d., p. 5, CHL.

  4. [4] Roberts, A History of the B. H. Roberts Family (Salt Lake City: Eborn Books, 2009), 139–141. “Mrs. M. C. Roberts Dies in New York,” 2:1. “Family Tree,” database, Margaret Curtis and Milford Bard Shipp KWNT-TP4.

  5. [5] “Home Affairs,” Woman’s Exponent 11, no. 21 (Apr. 1, 1883): 164. Annie W. Cannon, “The Women of Utah: Women in Medicine,” Woman’s Exponent 17, no. 7 (Sept. 1, 1888): 49–50. “Mrs. M. C. Roberts Dies in New York,” 2:1. Roberts, A History of the B. H. Roberts Family, 141.

  6. [6] Cannon, “Women in Medicine,” 50. “Mrs. M. C. Roberts Dies in New York,” 2:1. Roberts, A History of the B. H. Roberts Family, 141.

  7. [7] Sherilyn Cox Bennion, Equal to the Occasion: Women Editors of the Nineteenth-Century West (Reno and Las Vegas: University of Nevada Press, 1990), 113–118.

  8. [8] Roberts, A History of the B. H. Roberts Family, 141–143.

  9. [9] Their actual marriage date is unclear, as no official records exist for what was mostly likely a post-Manifesto plural marriage; the best evidence suggests the marriage took place between 1892 and 1894. Margaret Curtis and B. H. Roberts were married in a civil ceremony in 1923, after the death of his first wife. See Roberts, A History of the B. H. Roberts Family, 142–146.

  10. [10] “First Woman Doctor in Utah Retires,” Salt Lake Tribune, Apr. 13, 1919, 7. “Mrs. M. C. Roberts Dies in New York,” 1. Roberts, A History of the B. H. Roberts Family, 141.

  11. [11] “Mrs. M. C. Roberts Dies in New York,” 1. Roberts, A History of the B. H. Roberts Family, 145.

  12. [12] “Utah Cemetery Inventory,” database, (, accessed Jan. 2015), Margaret Curtis Roberts; citing Utah State Historical Society, Utah Cemetery Inventory, Salt Lake City, UT. “Mrs. M. C. Roberts Dies in New York,” 1.