The Church Historian's Press

Helen Mar Kimball Whitney

August 22, 1828–November 15, 1896

1 Born at Mendon, Monroe County, New York; daughter of Vilate Murray and Heber C. Kimball. 2 Baptized, 1836. 3 Later identified herself as a plural wife of Joseph Smith, married circa May 1843. 4 Married Horace Kimball Whitney, 1846; eleven children. 5 Migrated to the Salt Lake Valley, 1848. 6 Wrote two books on plural marriage and many articles for the Woman’s Exponent and Deseret News. 7 Died at Salt Lake City. 8 (See Document 4.28)


  1. [1] E. B. W. [Emmeline B. Wells], “Helen Mar Whitney: Her Death—A Sketch of Her Personal History,” Deseret Evening News, Nov. 16, 1896, 2.

  2. [2] “Helen Mar Whitney,” 2. “Family Tree,” database, FamilySearch (, accessed Jan. 2015), Helen Mar Kimball KWJR-BZX.

  3. [3] Helen Mar Kimball Whitney, Autobiography, [1], in Helen M. Kimball Whitney papers, 1881–1882, CHL. Todd M. Compton, In Sacred Loneliness: The Plural Wives of Joseph Smith (Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1997), 490.

  4. [4] Whitney, Autobiography, [2]. “Helen Mar Kimball,” in Heber C. Kimball Family Association, Heber C. Kimball Family History ([n.p.]: Heber C. Kimball Family Association, 1992), 5.

  5. [5] “Helen Mar Whitney,” 2. “Helen Mar Kimball,” 12. “Family Tree,” database, Helen Mar Kimball and Horace Kimball Whitney KWJ5-QKT.

  6. [6] Helen Mar Kimball Whitney,” Church History Biographical Database, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, available at, accessed Jan. 2015.

  7. [7] “Helen Mar Kimball,” 13. Helen Mar Kimball Whitney, Plural Marriage as Taught by the Prophet Joseph: A Reply to Joseph Smith, Editor of the Lamoni (Iowa) “Herald” (Salt Lake City: Juvenile Instructor Office, 1882); Helen Mar Kimball Whitney, Why We Practice Plural Marriage (Salt Lake City: Juvenile Instructor Office, 1884).

  8. [8] “Helen Mar Whitney,” 2. “Utah Death Registers, 1847–1966,” p. 1 (1896), H. Mar. Whitney; database and images, (, accessed Jan. 2015); citing series 21866, from Utah Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics, Utah State Archives and Records Service, Salt Lake City, UT.