1 Born at Liverpool, Lancashire, England; daughter of Ann Jones and John Williams. 2 Married Isaac Grace, 1843; eleven children. 3 Immigrated to the United States aboard the Ellen, 1851; migrated to the Salt Lake Valley, 1851. 4 Settled at Nephi, Juab County, Utah Territory. 5 Participated in the Nephi Ward Relief Society. 6 Died at Nephi. 7 (See Document 3.19)
Elizabeth Williams Grace
29 April 1822 — 3 February 1899
[1] “Utah Cemetery Inventory,” database, Ancestry.com (http://ancestry.com, accessed Oct. 2014), Elizabeth Williams Grace; citing Utah State Historical Society, Utah Cemetery Inventory, Salt Lake City, UT.
[2] “Utah Cemetery Inventory,” database, Elizabeth Williams Grace. “Ancestral File,” database, FamilySearch (http://www.familysearch.org, accessed Oct. 2014), Elizabeth Williams 2F6M-TJS .
[3] “Ancestral File,” database, Elizabeth Williams 2F6M-TJS and Isaac Grace 2F6M-SQV .
[4] “Mormon Migration,” database, 1840–1932, Mormon Migration (http://mormonmigration.lib.byu.edu, accessed Oct. 2014), Elizabeth Grace; extracted from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Mormon Immigration Index CD (2000). “Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel,” database, 1847–1868, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel (http://history.lds.org/overlandtravels, accessed Apr. 2014), Elizabeth Williams Grace.
[5] 1860 U.S. census, Nephi, Juab Co., Utah Territory, p. 787, Elizth. Grace; digital image, Ancestry.com (http://ancestry.com, accessed Aug. 2014); from NARA microfilm publication M653, roll 1314.
[6] See Nephi Ward Relief Society, Minutes, Aug. 10–Sept. 1, 1870, Relief Society Minutes and Records, 1868–1878, Nephi Ward, Juab Stake, CHL.
[7] “Utah Cemetery Inventory,” database, Elizabeth Williams Grace. “Family Tree,” database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org, accessed Dec. 30, 2015), Elizabeth Grace KWC2-4GQ .